Envisioning A Yugoslavia Style Collapsed United States.

Birds of a feather…

In desperate times, when there’s threat of violence, people ban together along ethnic, racial and religious lines.
Just look at prison gangs, many prisons are rigidly divided ethnically and racially.
It doesn’t mean after the political and economic collapse just because two people are white, they’ll get along, there will be a lot of conflict, suspicion, fear, paranoia, desperation, exploitation, opportunism, competition for resources and women, it doesn’t mean whites will never ban together with blacks and browns either, but insofar as people do ban together, ethnicity, race and religion are going to play major factors for many people.

Ethnocentrism and racism are natural, cosmopolitanism may be natural for some, but this kind of hyper-cosmopolitanism we have today, that’s what’s unnatural.
That only exists in these nation states because the Jew and other wealthy internationalists dominate and he wants to see his cattle divided, they’re easier to manipulate and exploit that way, less likely to organize and resist.
And when times are good, people get confident, families break down, people venture on their own more as individuals, but when times are bad, people get fearful and untrusting, you see families pull together, and ethnicity, race and religion are extended families.

We’re tribal creatures, we’ve merely substituted our more natural, biological tribalism with mimetic tribalism, sports, subcultures, political tribes, but even still, white people tend to select white neighborhoods to live in, white churches, white partners and so on, same with blacks and browns, but when things break down, their natural instincts really kick in, and their tribalism becomes more explicitly ethnic and racial.

Those are radically controlled environments. Radically organized. CArefully separated. Carefully controlled.

I am not saying that won’t happen. I am saying we will not have the neat balkanization that Zero sum imagines. The US history is very different from the what the preYugoslavian countries had as a history. It’s an apples and bicycles situation. And you will have a racially mixed military and law enforcement, which will be trying to enforce martial law, overall, or in regions. I don’t think that an apocalype will lead to a color blind aftermath. Hardly. Racial tensions will be unleashed and people, especially in more monoculture areas will tend towards their own race.


  1. I think he underestimates what kind of chaos a societal collapse will lead to. There are not going to be neat flows of people into their ethnic areas. There will be no way to set up those areas.
  2. Major power players are not going to give a shit about race, just as they don’t right now. They are going to consolidate power, using whatever parts of the military they can use. And these elites will not give a shit who the militaries they control clamp down on, as long as those units protect them and their interests.

Right, but to me Zero sum is cosmopolitan. He thinks people are going to band together with him ethnically and they will be a group. Whereas in a total system collapse he will just be yet another person who is not particularly good at urban combat or guerilla combat. That’s it. Yes, some white farmer may be more likely to take him in then they would a black guy running from a city. But these fantasies of these ethnic areas is as if ‘his people’ will recognize him and make nice. It will be much more tribal than that.

These insanely powerful and controlling jews have really being doing a terrible job protecting their own people. And then after centuries of controlling things where they were regularly shit on, they put their nation state in the worst possible place. A place to set up the next Holocaust.

Right, we’re tribal people. Not ethnic people. A total societal collapse puts us before nation states. The Germanic tribes, which Zero sum comes from in part, warred with each other and certainly didn’t consider the Celtic tribes a unit or their friends. He seems to think a worldwide financial crash is going to land things back in the early nation states - which had white states that warred the fuck ouf of eachother anyway, shall we talk French vs. Germans, French vs. British…? - but it will knock things back before nation states. It will send us to tribes.

And there is not going to be a neat, all the whites over there, dispersion.

Tribes will form in local bundles and they are not going to trust other tribes, period.

And they will all be dealing with the real power people - former military, organized crime, law enforcement, mercenary/security companies coupled with elite resource rich people who manage to get through the transition. And while race ideas will play some role here, power will play a greater role. And apart from organized crime - which is often organized along ethnic lines - these other real power brokers don’t give much of a fuck about race.

And they will be eating their way through Zero sum and whatever German descended friends he managed to steal groceries from Costco with.

He’s in fantasy land. Anyone smiling away about a coming collapse is either radically confused or extremely powerful in terms of resources, ability to have a security force and whatever would become money, then.

I do hate the way things are, and I do want things to radically shift. But these pie in the sky fantasies are disconnected. And basing them on the very different balkan region, which had ethnic cleansing which Zero Sum himself has no reason to think he would be especially good at avoiding, is basing his plans on a completely different situation and one that required international intervention to keep from total degeneration. In the event of a total system collapse there will be no outside intervention, each country just trying to maintain its own infrastructure. There will be an enormous die off of humans in this situation.

Which oddly is precisely what the elites are often hoping for. In his own weird way he is aligned with and looking forward to the same thing his enemies are.

and sometimes they all unite against a common enemy; the POleece.

example: in B block two opposing gangs were fighting over the right to hold ‘shop’ in the block. holding shop is when you buy a surplus of canteen and hold it in your locker… which you then sell to inmates who don’t have the money to buy from the canteen. i give you one honey bunn now, and when your baby momma send you some money, you buy two from canteen and give them to me. called the ‘two for one’ deal. if you don’t pay me back, imma find you on the yard and distribute justice.

but wait, what might be a reason for this conflict? could it be that the prison meals were so sucking small, a nigga walks around hungry all day? (incidentally this worked out great for canteen vendors; a bag of oodles and noodles sold for $1.50 because niggas was so hungry, they’d spend that. in the grocery store, oodles and noodles is like 19 cents. the prison and the vendors are in cahoots here, see, unleashing another capitalist plot.)

now what would happen if these niggas weren’t so desperately hungry? the incentive to run a ‘shop’ wouldn’t be there. ergo, no gang wars over who got to run it.

a perfect analogy to describe what i’ve called the enemy that transcends the arbitrary interests of nations and cultures warring with each other trivial shit. they all have a common enemy, an enemy that is largely at fault for producing the very things these idiots think they’re at war over.

and what is that enemy? i’ll give you a hint: it begins with a C and ends with a S.

to difficult? okay i’ll answer. catharsis.

There is a common enemy going against the majority of the population but nobody can seem to agree upon how to go against them. This I do know however, once things get bad enough where they’re forced to declare martial law everybody is going to be taking shots at law enforcement and the military.

We might all very well hate and despise each other but one thing all groups of people can agree upon that is unifying is the hatred of the United States government. Doesn’t matter if you’re a national socialist, neo-liberal, libertarian, communist, anarchist, black nationalist, or neo-conservative, everybody hates the United States federal government. That might be the only unifying principle or value left in this nation that everybody can agree upon. :laughing: :sunglasses:

No, I don’t think all white people will be unified Karpel. The only unifying group of white people will be the poor white working class as our group has been shitted on, oppressed, and ignored for several decades. That’s why I am national socialist because the white working class is dear to my heart of which I’ve been a member of my whole entire life.

The materialistic upper middle class and wealthy whites on the other hand will more than likely bunker down in their houses or neighborhoods since money along with profit is all they care about. It’s the only thing they’re loyal to, money, power, and economic class.

There will be racial infighting in all American ethnicities and races which I have no doubt will be the case, white people included.

If upper middle class and wealthy whites however think the lower ranking poor white working class is going to sit on their hands starving to death while they horde all the resources when this nation reaches a point of national crisis they’re in store for a rude awakening.

The upper middle class and wealthy whites will be given an ultimatum, join the national socialist white working class popular revolt or die being considered an enemy combatant. Know this, there are more poor working class whites than there are upper middle class or wealthy whites. There’s going to be redistribution for the white working class one way or another as we’ve been bullied and bludgeoned to death the last several decades by wealthy whites for a long time defamed within humiliation without the slightest human dignity in every possible manner.

Upper middle class and wealthy whites better not underestimate their poor redneck brethren of the lower white working class either because once we’re unleashed we will burn the entire countryside into flames organized.

We will make the lives of the upper middle class and wealthy whites extremely uncomfortable as this national crisis of a failed state develops.

“Jebediah, go get the guns, it’s hunting time! Hee-haw!”

speaking of hating the federal government, check this out. back in august i think it was, there was this. just a few weeks ago i received a letter from the state stating that i too am eligible for a similar hearing. now look at this:

  1. grady’s crimes were far more severe than mine, and he was also a recidivist. this should mean that there is no question that this thing should come off my leg. and yet, that decision might not be made by another judge… in which case we have conflicting opinions… in which case we have no objective law. the law amounts to an opinion of one guy or another on one day or another.

  2. i am expected to pay a public defender to bring my case before a judge. this means; i must pay for the state to restore for me one of my constitutional rights which it took away from me. add to this nonsense the fact that i wasn’t guilty of the crimes which got this thing on my leg in the first place, you have a glorious display of institutional corruption and incompetence.

  3. i will not receive any compensation for the ten years my constitutional rights have been violated and the inconveniences i’ve experienced as a result (socially and economically). state merely says ‘oh i’m sorry… here, let me take it off. have a nice day.’

when you get to have a piece of the action at levels such as this, you earn the entitlement, nay, the power, to criticize the state, and you’re anarchism/leftism becomes something more than just wearing the t-shirt or debating politics at the coffee shop.

but i shouldn’t say ‘my hatred’, because that’s too severe a word. one doesn’t hate a cockroach or an ugly piece of art. disgust, but not moral outrage.

interpretational discrepancies, i mean. the constitution is only as good as what guy X believes it means. i’m cool with that though because it means i get to have my own constitution. amendment six in mine is as follows: all officials participating in the practice of the criminal justice system will go fuck themselves.

Same thing. :sunglasses:

It’s a pipe dream. Most of the rich and the non-military workclass and poor will not be major players. Some may survive, sure. And hunters and survivalists and people close to the land with networks of other skilled people will have advantages. But no national socialist utopias with the working poor whites are going to arise in any significant way.

And you say this about the white working class, why exactly? I’m not a utopian, I’m a pragmatic and utilitarian authoritarian.

The level of joy and gratification displayed by the author of this OP exposes a motive.
A certainty underlies this joy, As though he is convinced that if America collapsed he would be a beneficiary.
I’ve gone though some of his other posts, and I’m left to wonder why he is going to college if the world will end, soon?
But to be serious, it is true that civilizations, like men, are born, rise and then decline towards death.
Spengler made the connection.
It is also true that this process is not instantaneous nor always dramatic. It can be, just as a man can fall to his death, ro be hit by a car and meet a sudden and untimely end, but this is more an exception than a rule, and it is always unforeseeable. The same can be said about empires and civilizations and cultures.
But there is a formula one can use to make an educated guess, because nothing is for certain, predicting the general time a man will die or an empire may collapse, if nothing unforeseeable occurs or some other external actor does not act as a mitigating force extending tis lifespan.

Hey there Satyr, I was wondering if you were going to take notice of me. Suspicions confirmed. :sunglasses:

Of course I have motives, everybody does. We all have our own individual psychological motives, don’t you agree?

Convinced that I would be a beneficiary of it? Of course I am, anything would be better than my current lot in life. That’s the marvel of having nothing left to lose and where even the thought of dying no longer concerns oneself upon fear. When you’re at the complete bottom of society there is only going up and if one should die in the process it becomes merely a release of torment.

I’m going to college like any gambling or hedging man, having something to fall back on no matter which way the wind blows. I believe that is called life diversification.

Of course it’s not instantaneous, the United States has been slowly falling or collapsing since the late 1970s where now in this epoch of time we’re in the final stages where afterwards comes the instantaneous spontaneous crushing event.

Civilizations slowly decline or collapse at first where overtime things speed up until the final instantaneous collapse comes under a series of events which then signals the death cross. In the technological era the collapse of whole entire societies is sped up even faster compounded by global communications. Ancient Rome didn’t have the internet, global communications, or the interconnectedness of economic globalization to contend with.

For me a nation’s or civilization’s health is purely economic and it is within economics I make my estimated guess as to when the event will transpire. I think this is very logical in developing objective calculations or valuations, don’t you? :sunglasses: Please share your thoughts.

Can you tell me of one empire that collapsed overnight or in a generation?

Your glee hides an resentment that is self-destructive.
how would you fair well if all collapsed and all became a free for all Mad Max world?
what talents do you possess that makes you so confident, and are you learning them in college?
Sucking cock doesn’t count.

:laughing: :sunglasses:

I would have a serious debate or conversation with you if you weren’t such an asshole whether you’re Lyssa or Turd Ferguson.

[That whole Trump is God comment in the other thread would make me believe you’re Turd because Satyr would never say such a thing as I know he hates Trump and neoconservatives as much as I do.]

You’re either Turd Ferguson trying to have a good laugh at everybody or you’re Lyssa that’s losing her shit mentally as she enters menopause.

I love watching you try to think.

Confirmed identity: That’s something Turd Ferguson would say.

Having a mid-life crisis because the God emperor isn’t coming through Turd? Sounds like you need to chill out and have an intervention. We’re here for you buddy if you can stop crying like a girl weeping like you’re on your monthly period.

Can’t get anything by that mind trap of yours.
I’m some kind of turd…for sure.

Yes you are Mr. Ferguson, yes you are. :sunglasses:

Prison is hyper-controlled in many ways, but hyper-chaotic in others, like being caged with wild animals.
Prisoners are under constant threat of violence, and scarcity, like if a fellow inmate is stealing your or extorting you for food, or if most of the readily available food is calorically and nutritionally deficient, meagre, nasty and toxic, and you have to barter, buy, extort or steal to get a decent meal.
A lot of them are hooked on drugs, coffee and cigs, again more scarcity, further stoking tensions.
The institution itself isn’t forcing them to racially segregate, it’s something they’re spontaneously doing, arguably in part as a reaction to violence and scarcity.

Of course gangs form outside of prison too and much or most of the time they’re race based.
Today our society is partly race based.
We kind of, sort of had a post-racial society briefly in the late 20th century, but that’s since been dissolved.
Racism hasn’t gone away, merely mutated.
In the early 21st century it’s socially acceptable for minorities to self-segregate, hold anti-white views and for the state to discriminate against whites, but as we’re seeing there’s a backlash brewing in the underground.
It’ll be interesting to see where race relations wind up in the mid 21st century.

Whatever societies are able to form in the aftermath of financial and political meltdown, should one occur, one way or another many, most or all of them in all likelihood will be race based.

If the federal government collapses, but many local governments don’t, which’s what I believe occurred in the soviet union, then we will have neat balkanization.
Today some states or regions are nearly totally white, some totally native, some mostly mestizo or mulatto, and some mixed.
In areas that’re near totally or predominantly homogeneous, where the local governments too are near totally homogenous, it’ll be natural for them to become race based.

The racially heterogenous federal government might lose control of many, most or all racially homogenous regions, or it might completely dissolve while some local governments remain intact, or are able to reform.

There’re degrees of collapse, it’s not necessarily all or nothing.

They do give a shit about race, just not in the usual, overt ways.
Jews have at least much if not most of the power in finance, government and media, at the upper echelons they’re highly organized and dedicated to promoting their national and racial interests.
They have the right under their control with Christian Zionism, and the left with white-guilt, which they use to prop themselves, and other minorities up at our expense.
Elites do care about race, whether it’s just a means of social control, or just because the plebs care about it, or because they actually care about it, and as things breakdown humanity will become even more tribalized, further compounding racial matters.

Well that’s where their holy book told them to build it, otherwise maybe they’d’ve built it some place less hostile, but then every piece of land on earth is occupied, so you’re going to have to kick someone out, and they’re not going to be too pleased with you afterward.

Jews are doing great.
They have all these social and political protections whites don’t in our own countries.
Their standard of living is highest among any demographic in the US.
The US has the highest opinion of Jews among any country in the world.
They have much or most of the control over our higher institutions.

Things are different these days, for the better when it comes to white nationalism because whites in the US are more racially unified than they were in Europe.
The average white American has multiple white sub-races within them, Irish, Italian, French, German, Polish, but little-no black or brown.
White Americans see themselves as white first, and whatever else second, unlike their European counterparts, who see themselves as Greek first, or Slovak first and so on.

I don’t know, there may be, I’m not sure why you think it’s unlikely.

Yugoslavia is a bad example. It was an artificial ethnos, made up of many tribes, held together by authoritarian Marxism.
the US is something different.
A culture of no culture. A multiracial, multi-cultural market.
A collection of the lost and hapless.