Pedro's Corner (Part 1)

Talk about an addiction.

So you think a couple candy bar wrappers is insignificant? Systemic of a messed up planet. Capitalism sucks. Bought a product 6 years ago, even the company itself doesn’t support replacement parts. Messed up waste begins with candy wrappers, single use items and you think capitalism is grand? or do you take sarcasm too far?

Fixed, Jakob, or who ever. I got an axe and a grinding wheel to make it sharp.

Yo mamma.

I don’t got no more time for you

Well if any old fool could undeestand what I wrote, I would be a shame to my profession

I went through all sorts of periples yesterday.

Today I am dangerous, but yes, this is 'ome. I guiess.

On the other hand, if you stick with homelessness long enough, the curve actually starts going up.


I drew these runes earlier without knowing why

Ansuz Otalo Laguz Geibo Ansuz Sowilo

Algas means seaweeds in Spanish.

Idin’t that sweet

why the malcontent?
You seemed so cool with life.

I will draw these runes now.

In return;

Berkano Berkano Berkano Ehwaz Berkano Berkano Berkano

Lol, I laughed out loud.

Not as sweet…







Fuck it I’m watching this shit.

Smoking pot and listening to repeating beats, can be mesmerizing.
Did he promise you that you would be the next Rap star? A Nietzschean Kanya, that could fuck a Kardashian like female?

What did he promise you?
Did he tell you that you were amazing, brilliant, unique, exceptional…and worthy of money, and bitches?
Did he tell you that you were the Venezuelan version of Che?