What is Populism?

Because your people are at the center of everything that damages and destroys my people.
Because they incrementally took over the UK and US with their fraudulent banking practices and Russia in 1917, subsequently massacring tens of millions of whites.

Winston Churchill


Because there were no homicidal gas chambers.


Because your people are at the center of the white men bad, don’t deserve countries or borders of their own narrative, and everything rotten and degenerate in our society.


Because the Israel lobby is the most powerful lobby in the US, 1 3rd of American foreign aid goes to Israel, and 90% of neocons (Zio-cons) with their Project for the New American Century i.e. Greater Israel are Jewish, and I could go on and on.

I understand where you’re coming from, but for me, populism is more concrete, rather than just what the people want, or what a politician thinks they want.
It’s that, but it’s also putting the majority first, meaning working and middle class white men and women in Canada, the US and the UK, increasing their positive and negative rights in particular, at the expense of foreigners, and the elite and minorities if needed.

Yes, Jews produced Einstein and Freud and a lot of other forms of power.
Poor dumb people, I guess.

Of course all this holocaust denial is too absurd for words. It is this dumbness and happiness to believe lies, this eagerness to blame ones weakness on some other people, that may indeed produce an American downfall, as it produced the German downfall.

Produced Epstein, Weinstein, Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke, and Janet Yellen. :sunglasses:

[A bunch of Rothschilds throughout the centuries.]

Just to name a few, I can do this all night and everyday

We can visualize society as consisting of two concentric spheres.
Outside the spheres are foreigners.
Inside the outer sphere are the overclass at the top, minorities in the middle and the underclass at the bottom.
Inside the inner sphere are middle and working class white men and women.

The people outside the spheres as a whole are of less value to us and ideally our state than the people inside the outer sphere.
The people inside the outer sphere as a whole are of less value to us and our state than the people inside the inner sphere.

Because we’re us and they’re them.
Why’re humans more valuable than nonhumans?
Why’re family and friends more valuable than strangers?
Furthermore, foreigners, the overclass and minorities have been propped up at our expense for the last several decades, they owe us.

A few more things:

The underclass as a whole are of less value to us and our state than the overclass, middle and working class minorities.

There’re are also allies, other white nationalist nations, occupying a space between outside the spheres and in.

Value should be determined both decentrally, socioeconomically, and centrally, socio-politically.

We’re comparing the value of demographics as a whole here, not the value of individuals between demographics.

Right, we’ve got our priorities backwards.
White middle and working class families first, they’re the cream of the crop, our future.
If society, government and economics doesn’t serve them, what good are they?
Their standard of living should be rising, not falling.
Whoever and whatever stands in the way of their standard of living rising, must fall.
Conversely, whoever and whatever supports them, should rise with them.
They should have the majority of wealth and power in our country, not the overclass, nor minorities and foreigners.

Civilization is broad, in some respects, we’re already part of one big global heterogenous civilization, in others there’s western civilization (North America, Europe and Australia, some include Latin America and Russia), Islamic, Vedic, Sinic and so on.
Western, Islamic, Vedic and Sinic are the big four, and they’re all heterogenous.
If you’re talking nation states, then countries like the US have been heterogenous for centuries, whereas countries like Spain and Sweden have been homogenous until recent

In a heterogenous society, populism appeals to the largest minority, or coalition of minorities.
If we continue importing the 3rd world, a non-white population group will eventually become the largest minority or nonwhites as a whole the majority, and so populism/majoritarianism will appeal to them.
Populism/majoritarianism should appeal to us, but unfortunately we’ve developed an inferiority complex, we think like we owe the 3rd world something.
We don’t owe them shit, it’s a privilege for 3rd worlders to make it here.


Or rather there’re three spheres, from least to most valuable.
Outside the spheres are foreigners.
In the outer sphere are the underclass.
In the middle sphere are working and middle class minorities and the overclass.
In the inner sphere are working and middle class whites.



As a populist, the way the political spectrum is commonly conceived is deficient.
The Nolan Chart for example is a purely quantitative way of conceiving it.
Libertarian or minimal government intervention on top, centrism or moderate intervention in the middle and authoritarian or maximal intervention on bottom.

Liberal is defined as socially libertarian and economically authoritarian and conservative as socially authoritarian and economically libertarian, but in reality this’s not the case.
For example, liberals can be every bit as socially authoritarian as conservatives, anti-free speech, anti-gun, some feminists are anti-prostitution, ecological and scientific authoritarianism: anti-homeschooling, carbon taxes, forced inoculations, identity politics, ethnic, racial, religious and sexual authoritarianism: socioeconomically and politically propping foreigners, immigrants, minorities and women up at the expense of citizens, the majority and men.

Conversely conservatives can be every bit as economically authoritarian as liberals, corporate bailouts, subsidies and welfare, raising taxes to pay for the so called wars on drugs and terror (in reality they’re wars for drugs and terror).
And of course in practice there’s very little difference between liberals and conservatives.

For me, there’s a qualitative dimension to the left/right political spectrum in addition to a quantitative one, which I’ll get to in just a bit.
So quantitatively left is libertarian, quantitatively centrist is communitarian, where government locally or moderately socioeconomically intervenes and quantitatively right is authoritarian or totalitarian, where government federally or maximally socioeconomically intervenes.
Being socially libertarian and economically authoritarian or socially authoritarian and economically libertarian isn’t liberal or conservative respectively, it’s just being socially libertarian and economically authoritarian or socially authoritarian and economically libertarian.

So you see the Nolan Chart is all about how much government intervention there is, but not at all about what kind of government intervention there is.
Just as there is quantitative left, libertarianism, and a quantitative right, authoritarianism, there’s a qualitative left, and a qualitative right.
So what are they?

The qualitative right is elitism or conservatism, the notion that the upperclass ought to have more positive and negative rights than the working and middle classes, and that citizens, the majority and men ought to have more positive and negative rights than foreigners, immigrants, minorities and women.

The qualitative left is at times egalitarianism or progressivism and at others reverse elitism or reverse conservatism, the notion that the working and middle classes ought to have more positive and negative rights than the upperclass, and that foreigners, immigrants, minorities and women ought to have more positive and negative rights than citizens, the majority and men, at least until they’re socioeconomically and politically equal, if not until they’re the new elite.

So what is populism then?
Populism, which’s the antiestablishment in the west, is socially elitist, and economically egalitarian.
Conversely, unpopulism, which’s the establishment in the west, is socially egalitarian, and economically elitist.

There’s also qualitative centrism, which’s collaboration between elitism and egalitarianism, socially progressive conservative and economically social corporatist.
There’s also a difference between separatism and patriarchy, or matriarchy on the one hand, which can be seen as part of qualitative centrism, and supremacism on the other, but I’m not going to get into that just yet.

To recap, quantitative right-left: authoritarianism, quantitative conservatism, communitarianism, quantitative liberalism and libertarianism.
Qualitative right-left: elitism, populism, centrism, unpopulism and egalitarianism.
Bearing all that in mind, I’m a communitarian, and a populist, altho qualitative centrism has some appeal to me as well.

Populism is appeasing the majority to gain political clout.
Both left and right.

What I’ve learned is that “white nationalism”, although demonized, is the Status-Quo. White people aren’t supposed to talk about it, openly, but it’s there. Liberals feel guilt and shame for the thoughts; but they have the thoughts. And in times of emergency, natural disaster, war, famine, and austerity, ethnic and racial groupings immediately coalesce and exclude. In hedonistic times, of prosperity, there is more miscegenation, mixing, blurring of the lines. Liberal-Leftists want to keep the ‘Hedonism’ and pleasure going forever. They are unrealistic, turning to Socialism, as a last-vain attempt to keep the drugs flowing. Conservative-Right, though, understand economics and know the flow doesn’t last forever. There is burn-out. There is risk of the well running dry. There is risk of consolidation and monopolization, excluding the low and middle class out of Hedonism, which seems to be the next step of “progression/regression” of Western society.

So, yes, the white-middle-class will look to other white societies/cultures (Europe) if and when they get lost, need guidance, or be righted back on track.

However, within the ‘White’ category, there are many internally competing factions/ethnic groupings: English, Scottish, Irish, French, Italian, German, Swedish, Polish, Russian, Greek, Romanian, Albanian, etc. The “American mutt”, a cross-breed of tradition ethnic groupings, doesn’t have a ‘place’ yet, except in the “Western” sphere and society. So USA is fundamentally different than Europe.

I agree, but that’s the Modern division between Left-Democrats (Minorities) and Right-Conservatives (Whites). It’s becoming 50-50 power-sharing. So the non-whites are close to usurping resources (Socialism) through voting and social-movements. The radicalization of ideologues is the consequence. You’re a “racist” if you want the (white) middle-class to prevail, rise, or even mention it publicly, to safeguard it. You’re a “sexist”, if you want to protect your (white) women.

History shows that some locations, demographics, countries, and nations will be infiltrated and overthrown, pushed the boundaries until something breaks. European nations are being infiltrated and overrun by Moslem, Islam, and ethnic-minorities. Europeans fear “Nazi” and "Hitler’ more than Americans, where in America, it’s a cliche to be associated as “Neo-Nazi”, as-if that were a threatening label, when it’s not. So American “racism” (white in-group) is stronger than the European version. The force being fought against, is the desire to “protect your own”, if you’re a white-male, is automatically “Evil”, according to the Left. This has to be addressed, and confronted.

That’s the struggle. As Populism turns to and appeals to the “New 51%”, the non-white majority, it risks destabilizing the entire system. This is why I believe Left-Right and radicalization is occurring. Whites will self-segregate though, as usual, “white flight” from areas where minorities take over. Then these places collapse (Detroit). So minorities will keep following Whites emigration around, until there is nowhere left to run, and Whites must become radicalized and fight back.

You’re right. Whites don’t “owe” minorities or foreigners or outsiders. It’s the other way around. But that will label you as “Far-Right” or “Alt-Right”, whether you want labels or not. Fighting back is becoming a “crime”.

To repeat, the threat and destablization of Western Society is the rising minority, non-white population that is approaching 50-50 or 51-49. What does Democracy then imply? If minorities and non-whites comprise the majority, then they can start voting-out and overthrowing people from within. This is evident, daily, within the Democratic Party, where they more and more, everyday, appeal to “Racist”-“Sexist”-“Homophobic” identity politics. As you mentioned, the Liberal-Left-DNC, believe that whites owe minorities rather than the other way around, minorities owe whites. The Conservative-Right-Republican party appeals to the latter. Minorities owe Whites, not the other way around. And what is the point of a ‘tolerant’ society, if there is no class-division, upper-middle-low? Whites still hold the wealth; this frustrates the minority, non-white, and foreigner.

So institutions of wealth are also holding power, which isn’t necessarily political power, but economic power. This is represented by Mass-Media siding with and protecting the Democratic party, because they are the potential “New Populism” by which they can aim commercials, products, and seek to drain wealth and profit off their potential audience (minorities and non-whites, queers, etc).

I’m going to change things up a little, keep the Nolan Chart definitions of liberalism and conservatism and replace communitarianism with quantitative centrism.
With that in mind, quantitatively right-left: authoritarianism, conservatism, centrism, liberalism and libertarianism.
Qualitatively right-left: elitism, populism, centrism, unpopulism and egalitarianism.
Qualitative centrism is class, racial, religious and sexual collaboration, as opposed to the class, racial, religious and sexual competition of elitism, populism, unpopulism and egalitarianism.

Additionally there’s separatism, which’s when different classes, races, religions and sexes share different subgovernments within the same government.
Elitism or supremacism is when the bourgeois, the majority and men have more positive and negative rights than the proletariat, minorities and women, but patriarchy is when the bourgeois, the majority and men have more negative rights, but less positive rights than the proletariat, minorities and women.

Conversely egalitarianism or reverse elitism is when the proletariat, minorities and women have more positive and negative rights than the bourgeois, the majority and men at least until they’re socioeconomically and politically equal if not permanently, but matriarchy is when the proletariat, minorities and women have more negative rights, but less positive rights than the bourgeois, the majority and men.
Communitarianism is federally libertarian and locally authoritarian.

Libertarianism fits with anarchism, quantitative centrism with democracy and authoritarianism with dictatorship.
Elitism fits with majoritarian plutocracy, populism with majoritarian democracy, qualitative centrism with supermajority timocracy, unpopulism with minoritarian plutocracy and egalitarianism with minoritarian democracy.

The “Populism” in Mass Media has obviously shifted:


"American “racism” (white in-group) is stronger than the European version. "

Am I correct in presuming you’ve never visited a European city, like Paris?

There is virtually zero integration.

America had a black president, all kinds of famous black well respected high society people, famous writers, directors, big business owners, public speakers, mayors, governors, –
none of that exists in mainland Europe.

If you are seriously under the impression that Poland or Serbia, or Austria and Italy or even France and the Netherlands are less racist than the US - well it just speaks to the perfect ignorance of Americans about the world outside their borders.

You are the least racist country on Earth by an enormous distance.

That’s not enough and “never enough” for Modern-Post-Moderns, Neo-Liberals, and Cultural Marxist.

It’s “never black enough” for them. You need to understand and accept that some people want “White”, and all its identifies, to die, to cease to exist.

Right, racism is natural and healthy in moderation.

What does conservatism mean in general and in this context?

In general does conservatism mean authoritarianism?
Economically libertarian and socially authoritarian?
Does it mean to try to preserve what is, socially, politically and economically?
Does it mean to try to restore what we suppose was, decades, centuries or even millennia ago?
Is it traditional (Greco-Roman, Judeo-Christian and/or Anglo-Saxon) values?
Is it traditional institutions, family, church and nation state?
All of the above?

In this context are conservatives less hedonistic than liberals?
While they seem less sexually hedonistic, they seem more gluttonous and materialistic.
Some liberals are always going on about eating greener, more vegetarian, vegan and whole foods for the sake of the planet and our own health, altho some omnivorous and carnivorous conservatives are also into eating greener and more whole foods e.g. paleos.
Some liberals are always going on about downsizing and localizing the economy and/or redistributing the wealth from the greedy to the needy for the same reasons.
Sometimes you’ll hear liberals say, buy local, think global (conversely do conservatives buy global, think local?).
Do liberals want to keep their party going, by undeservedly redistributing the wealth downward, or do conservatives want to keep their party going, by undeservedly redistributing it upward?

Are conservatives more antiimmigration than liberals?
Lately yea, but they’re not necessarily more anti-globalization than liberals.
Conservatives tend to want a more economic globalization, whereas liberals a more sociopolitical globalization.

The words conservatism and liberalism themselves never change, but their meaning does, depending on the time, place, speaker and listener.
Perhaps their meaning should be refined, or they should be discarded altogether.
Labels can oversimplify things.

Discarding the labels for now and getting back to hedonism and immigration themselves, I think hedonism is inherently good, and immigration can be good.
But of course too much or the wrong kinds of hedonism can be extrinsically bad.
If housing, jobs, wealth and resources are plentiful, if there’s lots of room for economic and population growth, then legal, moderate, predominantly white collar immigration from friendly nations with similar, or at least compatible biology and culture can work.
But of course that’s not what’s occurring, arguably we don’t need any more immigration, and we’re getting a lot of illegal, mass, predominantly blue or no collar immigration and refugees from biologically and culturally incompatible and hostile nations.

Young/poor, weak nations tend to suffer from scarcity, old/rich, powerful ones from abundance.
When a nation goes from scarcity to abundance, especially if the transition is rapid, it often loses sight of moderation, it only regains it near the end, but by then it’s often too little, too late, and we’re a very, very immoderate civilization, in all sorts of ways, perhaps the most there ever was.
After decline and collapse, it’s moderation, or minimalism and asceticism by default.
Only the upperclass may be able to indulge/have to keep moderation in mind.
I mean we all have to keep it in mind, even a peasant can get drunk off homemade moonshine, it’s just especially true of the rich and rich societies.

Overall, I don’t think liberals are any more to blame for immoderation than conservatives.
I think conservationism rather than conservatism is the antidote, but not just environmental conservationism, like the word has come to mean, but racial, national and cultural conservationism, social, political and economic conservationism.

Most whites in Canada and the US are (nearly) 100% white, whereas most so called African Americans (mulattos), Hispanics and Native Americans (mestizos) are half black or brown and half white.
As I’ve said elsewhere, before 1965 Canada and the US had an immigration policy designed to keep us majority white, not majority Anglo-Saxon.
However, barring collapse and balkanization similar to the soviet union, it’s doubtful we’ll be able to restore white nationalism to North America soon if ever.

Right, they’re doing it through racial socialism, strictly economic socialism is next to nonexistent in North America and the UK, unless you’re a megacorp, it’s more about race than class now, and to a lesser extent sex.
It’s a war, we’re being gutted by the elite on the one hand, and minorities on the other.
Diversity = division, diversity is killing us.

Right, it’s survival, we defend ourselves and our own, whatever doesn’t will be consumed by those who do.
I wouldn’t underestimate European racism however, they’re far more racist than us.
The American media likes to pretend America is more conservative and racist than it is, it makes it look like we’re already far right and we need to take a left turn.
Americans aren’t native so they feel less entitled to the land, more guilt-ridden, and they’ve been diversifying for centuries so they’re more accustomed to racial globalism. Australians and Canadians are probably the least racist people on earth, followed closely by Americans.

Agreed, that looks like where we’re headed.

I would say three factors concerning Resources:

  1. How Resources are acquired
  2. Who owns those Resources
  3. How to spend/consume the Excess

I’ll split this by Liberal-Left versus Conservative-Right, the x-axis. Liberals, today, believe in high taxes and socialism as means to acquire Resources. So Resources are acquired slowly. Liberals believe that everybody “owns” those Resources. They are owned by Society, not the Individual. Thirdly, Liberals believe to spend the Excess frivolously and “live it up”, leaving little, nothing, or worse, debt to the next generation. Conservatives believe in low taxes and capitalism as means to acquire Resources. Thus they are acquired quickly. Conservatives believe that individuals, small groups, or corporations “own” those Resources. They are owned by Individuals, not the Society. Lastly, Conservatives believe to spend the Excess carefully, sparsely, or not at all, thus comprising a Monopoly or Control of flow of Hedonism. Conservatives have restrictive access to wealth and excess, allowing who they deem ‘worthy’, into the trough. Liberals are against these Restrictions, and want to give everybody access to wealth or High Class.

No, not necessarily, although it can.

I’ve been thinking about your classification system. Here’s my interpretation:

X-axis (left-right) = Liberalism (left) vs Conservatism (right)
y-axis (top-down) = Authoritarian (top) vs Populism (down)
z-axis (forward-back) = Progressivism (forward) vs Regressivism (back)

Most people are simple-minded, common, average, etc. and think that Politics is one or two dimensional (Liberal-Left vs Conservative-Right) when it is 3 or more dimensions. More intelligent minds can have more means of measure and understanding the axis, and peoples’ positions. A society can be Liberal-Populist-Regressive (“Socialist”). Another society can be Conservative-Populist-Progressive (“Secularist”).

Liberal-Authoritarian-Progressive (“Libertarianist”)

I think the three-axis (or more) demonstrate these nuances.

Liberal sexual hedonism would be sex outside marriage, multiple partners, polyamory, bisexuality.
Conservative sexual hedonism is adultery, serial-monogamy, children out of wedlock, maybe homosexuality.
Like you say, either group has their form of Righteousness. Liberals consider themselves Morally-Superior, Haughty, eating “green” and paleo.
While Conservatives consider themselves superior by High Class, High Dining, Cultural Sophistication, etc.
Liberal and Conservative elitists attack each other with “my Morality is better to/superior than yours”.

Skip to 45:45 mark, about Immigration, Environmentalism, and selling-out.
(I was rewatching this video earlier tonight and it’s very relevant.)


I think “Liberalism vs Conservatism” is best founded upon, as I mentioned above,
Resource Acquisition
Resource Ownership
Resource Excess

I’d clarify to say “Rewards and Excess” is always good, but not Hedonism. Hedonism is explicitly bad in a severe/austere/scarce environment.

It’s interesting how poor, disparate, displaced, and anti-American groups within the US, are introduced to Hedonism. Nobody really talks about this. But is American wealth ‘owed’ to fresh immigrants, who have not lived here or been patriated? Are African immigrants, beyond 2000, still “black-American”, although they technically have not been slaves? Are Reparations owed to them, based on race-alone? How about Moslems, what do they think of American Hedonism, except repulsion, disgust, and leads to more animosity? Or how about welfare-dependents, are they owed Excess? Should poor people be able to buy beer, cigarettes, and junk food with food-stamps? Etc.

Agreed, going down-up in Wealth is dangerous as is going up-down, back to poor, is dangerous.

Ideally, people should be ‘hedonistic’ with Excess and Wealth, ‘stoic’ with Austerity and Scarcity.

I believe that “Liberal”, by definition, is going to “spend it all away” more or faster than Conservatives. But, yes, both will spend it away, or lose it eventually.

The relevant shift now is from a Capitalist/Meritocracy, to Socialist/Aristocracy, where Resources become further entrenched through Inheritance. This leads to strict Class rigidity and severe restriction of class-mobility.

I don’t think there’s necessarily a “correct” way to act with Excess, Abundance, and Wealth. I personally prefer stoicism, and so see myself as Conservative/Conservationist in that regard. But I also understand the importance of “letting yourself go” and indulging. Sometimes people should reward themselves and relax, especially when they deserve it. America is still lingering with Hedonism from the Post-World War Victories. But that Excess is running out. You can’t stay High forever. You need to win the next wars too.

US is becoming polarized. I look to “white-flight”, out of racial minority areas, leading to Fragmentation. There comes a point when non-whites create simply undesirable areas where nobody, not even themselves, want to live. These quagmires are bad-bad, all around. Lose-lose. So “racism” would be good, to solve that dilemma, but it’s a blind-spot to Liberals and Liberalism. They can’t imagine a means of solving it, and so simply give-up and themselves flee.

That’s part of the struggle of the overclass versus underclass. Liberals want to say Excess/Wealth should be spent this way, Conservatives say it should be spent that way or not at all.

Yes, and then when there is a consolidation of “White-America”, it’s labeled as a threat, white-nationalism, “racist”, etc. I think the “Racist” label is being played-out. The more Liberal-Left scream, emotional hysteria, and fearmonger, the middle or Center develops resistance or immunity. At this point, fine, I’m a white-nationlist, so what? What are you going to do about it? I care about my family more than yours. Don’t you? And yes, it turns out, Liberals care about their families more than other peoples’. They’re no better, and especially no moral authority. Furthermore, if you want to attack my family, or simply, teach American youth that “gender is fluid”, then maybe some fighting needs to happen to prevent this, to protect the sexual perversion of children. If the opposition is so low, so immoral, then fuck them, they will lose sooner or later.

Europeans would hurt a neighboring country rather than deal with a problem themselves though. In fact this is how and why European countries are literally selling their foreign immigrants to neighbors, or paying Turkey to stop immigrants from Africa. They are putting a dollar $ symbol to the problem. Europeans don’t work as a ‘whole’, as a nationality, except in last-ditch efforts of all-out warfare. Europeans are only unified during severe wars or existential threats (like the Ottoman invasion attempt, Mongolians or Huns long ago, etc).

Again, I tell you, I can’t even watch television commercials or programs anymore. The propaganda is so bad, mixed-race here, miscegenation, all these subliminal messages, it’s overload. It’s grotesque what US “Mass Media” has become. The message is black-and-white now, obvious. I think lots of people are become repulsed and revile over how far US Culture has receded and degraded.

Right, it’s a war.

If we could have racial, religious and sexual libertarianism, where government protected and provided for all of us equally, that wouldn’t be so bad, but instead we went from white separatism and patriarchy in the 19th century, to non-white and female supremacism in the 21st, with the 20th being a transitional period between the two.

Anglo-Saxons can live together with other whites, but we can’t live with nonwhites, and like you say, as we’re transitioning from a white majority to a non-white majority by the mid-late 21st century, it’s becoming more apparent, their hatred for us is growing or rather revealing itself as our numbers decline and theirs incline.

We’re already 2nd class citizens, if we don’t put a stop to this shit then by the mid-late 21st century we could be hunted like dogs and rounded up like cattle, like South African whites.

Only the west has adopted multicultural and multiracial policies while the rest of the world mobilize for economic, cold and hot war.

At the very, very least we need to hold onto our white majority by ending non-white immigration and deporting all illegals, refugees and non-contributing non-white immigrants, if not all non-whites, and at the very least we need sexual libertarianism, if not patriarchy.

Multiracialism and multiculturalism, where we all join hands and sing kumbaya, was an absolute fantasy and disaster.

Racism is natural and normal, the question is not if racism, but what kind of racism are you going to have, one that protect you and yours, or subjugates and exterminates them?

I don’t believe it would come to that, but, “you never know.”

The DNC and Liberal-Left are becoming so radicalized that they will do anything for more votes, including illegal patriation of illegal immigrants to boost their numbers. However, in the Coulter-McInnes video, the non-white, minority, and radical liberal-left are not as ‘solid’ as they portray through the Mass Media. There is very little, or nothing, that they have in common, at this point, except blind-hatred of the conservative-right. And hatred only goes so far, only offers so much power, before it is easily rebuked and exposed by a modicrum of Reason and Intelligence.

What I expect this Century is a mass “White-Flight” as both bourgeois liberals and conservatives run here & there looking for new White-majority communities. This will cause further fragmentation and polarization throughout the US, especially in politics. I also expect a massive upturn in Conservative religions, expansion of Mormon power in the Western US, expansion of Evangelical power in the Eastern US. If State/Government fail, then people turn to Religion for the next safe-space or avenue to power. There are signs of more Theocratic power coming.

Wow! You folks really don’t get it. The RIGHT is a control group. They don’t care about ethics, just about votes. Like a control group from a psychology experiment. The right has no INHERENT VALUES!! No inherent ETHICS!! We are a fundamentalist christian nation. The right panders to this. Understand this: The majority of people are pro choice. They don’t vote. The fucking fanatics vote, and the think abortion is a sin. I’ll tell you this: I mean it honestly, the BIGGEST issue in US politics is abortion. Trump doesn’t give a shit, but he knows that if he says that he had a “revelation” that abortion is wrong, that he’ll win. All the conservatives care about is power, not truth to power. He’s appealing to the fanatics
 The man has ZERO ethics. By appealing to the rich for tax cuts and loopholes and environmental rollbacks, he gets MASSIVE money for his campaign, the money and the fact that only 6 corporations own 80% of the media, means the Trump will win.

Integrity? Zero percent.

You know what’s fucked up? The dems have figured out that they can’t win without the ultra rich, so they have sold out on every issue except abortion. And that’s why they keep losing. Because we’re a “christian” nation. This only means that the dens have SOME integrity (not much but SOME) republicans don’t give a SHIT.

I hate both parties, but I’ll objectively state that at least democrats have at least ONE FUCKING PLATFORM OF INTEGRITY!!



What you posters still don’t understand, is that all of these DRAMAS!!! are meant to distract you from the core problems, the rich fucking us all. Donald Trump is totally on board with this shit, so was obama, clinton, the bushes etc

Honestly folks!!!