Neoliberalism explained

For you Promethean. :sunglasses:

Don’t be daft, dieter.

Okay, you got me there. :sunglasses: :laughing:

I need to post it so others can see this.


A reasonable argument and stance, thank you. =D>

All that has achieved is alienating white Europeans away from Marxism and communism just as neo-liberalism has as well. No sane rational white man or woman other than the degenerate idiots is going to flock to a political ideology that tells them they’re the boogie man and that they’re the root of evil in this world. No sane white man or woman is going to join a political movement that insists that they have no culture, history, or identity that is theirs.

Moreover, modern communism or neo-liberalism has essentially been take over by non-whites and a whole host of ‘victim’ groups that it has essentially purged all of its white members already. I agree that half this shit that is tolerated by the radical left today in the west wouldn’t be accepted in Stalin’s Soviet Russia. Gays or homosexuality for instance was not tolerated in Soviet Russia just as it isn’t tolerated in North Korea and China, all of those being communist nations.

It should however be noted that modern western Marxism or communism is very different from traditional variations as it is very unorthodox especially concerning its anti-whiteness agenda of which the neo-liberals similarly have adopted. They’re for the white working class, really? Within the last twenty five years it is clear that nobody gives a shit about the white working class, in fact no politician ever dares to mention the white working class by name publicly.

Of course the more both the political right and left ignores the plight of white European people the more white European people are going to look inward into themselves for solutions to their own collective plight which is why right now there is a national socialist revival that is growing in ranks yearly which is of course fine by me. :sunglasses:

I will agree with you however that crony capitalism has created many social problems in society, I’ll give you that.

One may see this and its partner neo-conservatism in light of some of Adam Curtis’ documentaries, like The Century of the Self, The Power of Nightmares, and HyperNormalisation.

You’ve peaked my interest, tell us more. :sunglasses:

I don’t hate human beings at all. [Well, maybe I hate Jews as an exception to the rule. Those are probably the only people I genuinely hate.]

I do hate what has become of this world or what has become of a majority of people, I find it sad and a tragedy actually.

I’m actually more of a humanist than you are in that I would want a world where every race, ethnicity, and culture is preserved instead of your world where everybody is mixed up being bred out of existence because that’s exactly where your ideology leads to. So yes, you’re the naive humanist whereas I’m the human realist. :sunglasses:

You hit the nail on the head.
It’s funny how all whites get blamed for slavery, but only a tiny minority of whites actually owned slaves, almost all of them upperclass.
The cheap labor slaves provided their white, upperclass masters with hurt working class whites almost as much as it hurt blacks.

The slavery of blacks for instance in Europe and the Americas only lasted a few hundred years compared to the thousands of years whites enslaved each other. For all the idiots watching this thread I don’t condone the slavery of blacks historically, I’m against slavery of any kind whoever it involves.

Really though, they outlawed slavery in name only throughout the west. Who looks at the extremely poor, low income, and destitute these days thinking they’re not slaves? What charlatan would dare call them free, independent, autonomous, or sovereign? They’re just as much slaves compared to those of past historical eras. The only difference is that they have I-phones which the NSA can monitor them with and that they pay for their own slavery concerning the financial expenses involved from their meager wages. The so called abolition of black slavery in the 18th century was merely a mandate that everybody of every race could be enslaved equally thereafter, slavery has never went away, it merely evolved into something much more sinister.

Also, don’t forget all those slave shipping naval fleets or vessels owned by a variety of Jewish nationalities. Few black historians talk about this anymore which is a shame, I wish black Americans would have that talked about more in public discourse. :sunglasses:

It’s interesting Peter being the neo-liberal here is so dismissive of another’s hardships, struggles, or suffering, then again neo-liberals are infamous for supposedly caring about the poor while ignoring them at the same time.

Neo-liberal California for instance having one of the highest homeless populations in the entire United States.

What great upstanding humanitarians neo-liberals are… :sunglasses:

Most whites want universal healthcare, education and wage increases, including most working and lower middle class whites living in the South and Midwest, most of them just aren’t willing to pay carbon taxers, higher taxes in general or trade in their borders, free speech, guns, national sovereignty and so on to get them, whereas most nonwhites will.
They won’t go for racial, religious and sexual discrimination against whites, Christians and men the way nonwhites or middle class whites living in California or New York will.

Non-Hispanic whites are still the majority, they make up about 60% of the population and probably something like 80% of the people who vote.
The white vote is still the most important vote, it should be top priority for both parties.

If they softened their stance on the aforementioned issues, if they promised to deliver universal healthcare and education while lowering or at least not raising taxes for working and lower middle class Americans, and then began delivering on those promises, democrats could win far more often than they do, but they won’t, because the economy is no longer their top priority, instead war, cheap labor, the subjugation and extermination of whites and their culture is the top priority for both parties.

While not all socialists are anti-white, Marxists overwhelmingly are.
The socialist movement was founded by whites, but it’s been hijacked by Jews and other antiwhites.
Identity politics has taken center stage with these people.

Promethean is a lone wolf Marxist, given that he’s mostly white with some minor Mediterranean Lebanese in him it would be interesting if he joined the American Communist Party only to find out that they’ll tell his cracka ass to check his white male privilege where he doesn’t deserve a voice on anything for being an ‘oppressor’.

Promethean, if you’re looking at this I double dare you to do that and film it on video to post on the forum so me along with Gloominary can laugh at the results. Afterwards I will try to convert you to fascism and national socialism in philosophical rehabilitation, we can do this together man. I know that I can exorcise the Marxism out of you eventually with time. :sunglasses:

Yup, republicrats don’t care about the poor, like you said, as long you’re at war, as long as the border stays open, as long as wall street gets a bail out, as long as the anti-white male agenda is in full swing, that’s what matters.

Yup, increasing the supply of cheap worker drones, that’s always what it’s been about.

Here are my conditions, zero. If you can sing Sofa No. 2 in perfect key, I’ll become a national socialist.

Socialism began as a pro or at least not anti-white movement, but it was taken over by Marxist Jews who were covertly anti-white.
Of course Mussolini and Hitler tried to put a stop to that, but failed.
Social democracy increasingly became less about workers rights and more about overtly hating white males over time.

People don’t understand what the left has become.
The left used to be economically socialist and socially conservative or libertarian, now it’s economically crony capitalist and socially anticonservative, not just not conservative, but anticonservative, where the freaks are given a platform and propped up at the expense of normies who’re de-platformed, it’s bizarre.
People are sick of it but unfortunately the right is pretty much the same thing.

Well that doesn’t seem fair at all.

Until the entire nation collapses as a result. :sunglasses:

There’s a difference between historically classical socialism and communism, the later is a perversion of socialism.

Original historical socialism cared about the well being of an individual nation state whereas communism extended out of that regarding internationalism. Any time you try to internationalize something you’re going to corrupt it in my opinion, it becomes more about international power or dominance rather than the welfare of people.

The original welfare of people becomes lost overtime in the aims of creating an international body.

It’s time we get rid of the left and right paradigm altogether where in synthesis of the two we create an entirely new body politic or economic system.