Neoliberalism explained

:laughing: :sunglasses: :evilfun: :mrgreen: Nice.


Y’all ain’t ready for the troof.

Personal favorites and highlights of mine. :sunglasses:


I took a DNA test from Ancestry, it came back 100% white, 50% Italian, 31% English and Welsh, 13% Irish and Scottish and 6% German.
I’m sure I’m not an anomaly.

That was tens if not hundreds of thousands of years ago.
We didn’t stop evolving after we left Africa.
Africans didn’t stop evolving either.
Modern Africans don’t have much, if anything more in common with paleolithic Africans than we do.

If it’s not absolutely white, it’s black right?
There’s specs of yellow, green and brown on red apples, does that make red apples not red?
You can find many genes all over the world, but some genes are much more common among the native populations of some regions of the world than others.
Some genes cooccur much more frequently with some genes than with others.

Tell that to the police officer when he asks you for the race of the man who robbed you.

The vast majority of rock doesn’t incorporate music directly from Africa or directly or indirectly from the rest of the 3rd world.
But the vast majority of modern 3rd world music incorporates 1st world music.

The basis of rock music is as much country as it is blues.

Did Africans develop blues in Africa some time in the 14th century, or was blues developed only after Africans came into contact with European instruments and compositions?

Elvis, Haley and Lewis were as influenced by country as they were by blues.

Rock began as a hybrid of black and white music, not wholly black as you maintain, but evolved into something mostly white.
There’s been few, if any black artists of note since Jimi Hendrix, and he wasn’t even black, he was part native.
Moreover, blacks aren’t even black, most blacks are mulattos, half black, half white, so really at most rock is 50% black, if not 75%, 87.5% or 93.75% white.

Greeks and Romans, again white.

Almost every artist, musician, thinker and inventor of note since the renaissance has been white.
Nearly every cultural, social, political, economic and technological revolution…

Savages had little to teach us, they inadvertently helped Rousseau and a few others to come up with some interesting thought experiments.
If observing criminals helps me better understand human nature, does that mean my insights were a product of their genius?
If observing apes helps me better understand primate nature, does that mean my insights were a product of ape genius?
No, they were a product of mine.
The savages, criminals and apes played a passive role in the philosophers’ insights, the philosophers’ played the active role.
To the philosophers belong the credit.

In any case, the vast majority of our revolutionary insights didn’t come from observing savages, they came from rediscovering European antiquity, turning inward, thinking about ourselves, our beliefs, thoughts, feelings and perceptions, our relationship with our fellow countrymen and the natural world, the civilization we lived in and imagining how it could be improved.

Did Asians invent constitutional monarchy, the republic and democracy?
Did they end serfdom and slavery?

And who’s idea was it to explore the entire globe, for that matter to explore the deep sea and outer space?
To examine all these cultures for insight, use what made sense and discard the rest?

But if anything the 3rd world, with all its barbarism and savagery, set a negative example
We learned how not to do things.
So much of European society came out of who we were, and what we dreamt of becoming, not aping Africans, native Americans or Asians.
The founding fathers of Canada, the US and Australia looked primarily to Athens, Rome and the UK for inspiration, not to Africa, the Americas or Asia.

thank you. So often one gets myth instead of reality that when reality is acknowledged it’s such a breath of fresh air.

For me, with the exception of healthcare, Obama was far right on economic, and foreign policy, and with the exception of the war-on-drugs, which he continued, far left on social policy.
Under Obama, the working and middle classes continued to get poorer, and foreigners, minorities and women continued to be propped up at the expense of citizens, the majority and men.
Republicrats aren’t right or left, they’re anti-populist and misandrist, the real opposition is populism and meninism.

K: if you ask that question, you still don’t get my point…

there is no such thing as “black” culture as there is no such thing
as “white” culture and no such thing as “Asian” culture…for two

one there is no such thing as pure “white” or pure “black”
or pure say, “Chinese” for example… all human beings are genetically
within a 2% of each other… so what that means is genetically, we are
closer related to each other then the average Orangutan tribe in
Borneo… there is no white or black or Asian… there is only human
beings…in my family for example, I am the tallest one (and believe me,
I am not that tall) but everyone else is pretty short… does that difference
mean I am not related to my family… of course not…we have differences,
but the differences are minor, superficial… my wife and her sister are quite
different in the color of their skins… her sister is quite dark and my wife is
pretty white…if you look at them superficially, you might not realize that
they are sisters…but they are…which leads us to the second point…

which is you see the minor, superficial difference between people and
think that they are profound, deep differences between human beings…
and there is not profound, deep differences between human beings, either
physically or in their needs…you think there is some huge gulf between
people, be it in their superficial skin color to that imaginary line which
defines Americans from Mexicans…and there isn’t any deep divide between

we are not black or white or Asian or American’s or British or French or
of some white culture or of a black culture… we are first and foremost,
human beings…I see that which unites people, you see that which divides
people…one might say, I am an American but the reality is that
the idea of being American is artificial… it is simply a line in the sand
which can and has changed in the past…the concept of nationality is
an artificial one… it really means nothing… be born on one side of
an artificial line and you are an American and be born on the other side and
you are Mexican…or be born on one side of this artificial line and you are born
French and on the other side, you are German…an artificial line that
you can’t see or hear or touch or taste or smell…nationalism is a made
up, artificial thing that doesn’t exists…a lie or a myth we tell our children…

it really is an identification thing… my family came from here…people like
to know those sort of things… but it doesn’t define who we are nor does
it tell us who we are…it is just a place my family came from…
and it is nothing more…

we human beings focus on the things that divide us instead of
focusing on the things that unite us, which quite frankly is far
more then what divides us…

you focus on this mythical thing call culture and think that
there is a white culture and a black culture and I say this,
there is only a human culture… black, white, Asian, they are
unimportant signs of where we came from instead of the important
matter of who we are and who we might be………culture is not
an isolated, independent thing… it is us… culture is about us,
not as an minor thing as being Americans or being white, but
culture is about what it means to be a human being…

and culture draws it inspiration from all kinds of sources,
sources that are independent of race, color, nationality…

the works of Mozart aren’t just White European music, it
is human music… written by a human being who happened
to be white and European…I can listen to music from India
and music from Africa and music from South America and enjoy it
not because I am white or an American but because I am a human being…
and culture is about what makes us human beings, not white or American
or European…

revel in what divides us, but you are alienated from what unites us…

and what unites us is far greater then what divides us……


So you’re a naive idealist and humanist then.

Whether you like it or not a majority of other people around the world view things like historical culture and race as being real things. You sitting here saying it isn’t real or doesn’t exist accomplishes nothing.

Every time some asshole claims blacks invented rock’n’roll I calmly point out who invented the mandolin.

Truthfully Roman civilization collapsed because of the importation of slaves where there were more slaves than actual Roman aristocrats and Roman citizens themselves which caused civil unrest along with bankrupting the entire empire trying to conquer the rest of the known world at the time.

In some ways it’s much like the United States today where the American working class has become the new slaves but because today’s modern culture is all about illusion, false appearances, facades, and denial the political establishment bypasses modern slavery saying everybody is ‘free’ even though for many people freedom means nothing at all. If only the Romans back then could master political propaganda like the extent we have today when they went around enslaving others gleefully looking down upon them and saying, “You’re not slaves, you are free people!” :sunglasses:

The United States today would make the ancient Roman blush if they could see how things are done now, we go around bombing other countries, organizing political coups, and overthrowing governments around the world. When their nations or societies collapse we tell them how great Americanism, democracy, and freedom is getting them to immigrate to the United States in mass right after we’ve destroyed their nation of origin so they can work at Wal-Mart for $8.25 an hour upon arrival through a local temp agency. That’s how Americanism, American freedom, and American democracy really works. :sunglasses:

The Roman empire existed purely on utilizing slaves through foreign immigration along with enslaving its own domestic citizens through military imperialism or expansion and the modern United States is practically the same.

I will always remember Obama as the president that financially bailed out banks or corporations on Wallstreet at everybody’s expense and a president who claimed to have created a post-racial United States where only instead it backfired causing everyone to become even more racist especially since the radical left went around savagely attacking white people every chance they could get. [Especially white men.]

Finally, I’ll remember the Obama administration for the nine years straight I was homeless off and on. [More homeless than not.]

Peter and many neo-liberals will say race, ethnicity, or culture isn’t real yet every chance they get through their various demagogues will have no problem attacking white people along with white identity.

Race, culture, ethnicity, and identity isn’t real so much so that they have to attack or single out an entire group [race] of people every chance they can get.

They’ll say everybody is equal and yet through affirmative action laws have no problem discriminating against white people in terms of jobs, careers, and schooling. Well, which is it Peter, is race real or not real?

You can’t have it both ways. In short, neo-liberals make up some of the most asinine political hypocrites that have ever existed.

So I’m a socialist, more specifically a national socialist.

People will ask me, what do I have against Marxism or communism?

That’s an easy question to reply.

“Modern Marxists and communists everywhere: White proletarians bad, non-white proletarians good.”

Really though, national socialism is very easy to understand. When both the right and the left have abandoned white people or white Europeans national socialism is the next step of political social evolution for an entire disenfranchised people who have become modern denizens in their own nations.

The neo liberal position that whites are responsible for the crimes of their ancestors is wrong on so many levels
Firstly you cannot be responsible for things that happened before you were born as that is simply illogical
Secondly you cannot apply the moral standards of today to those of the past for that is equally as illogical

Identity politics means that you must identify with your particular tribe and not think individually
You can be gay or black or female but you cannot be a conservative as well as that is not allowed

Accepting that freedom of speech is a universal human right can ironically get you labelled a fascist by so called anti fascists
The standard must be that all views must be tolerated because when they are not that is definitely not freedom for any one

The notion that there is no such thing as culture is entirely ridiculous simply because it has existed for as long as civilisation has - indeed culture IS civilisation
It is literally the history of the human race in all of its various manifestations - political / social / religious / sporting / musical - and absolutely everything else

You can still claim that we are all human [ who is going to deny that ] but you can equally identify with demographics specific to your particular background
So we are all collectively members of the human race but are individuals also and these two positions are not mutually incompatible neither should they be


that’s just tactical propaganda, dude. genuine marxists don’t discriminate between, or put the interests of one race of working class over another. it just so happens that in order for the left to gain momentum, they have to pull the heart strings of people and get them on board. this is purely strategic. the logical thing to do, then, would be to take all the examples that the right rallies against (gays, foreigners, feminists, etc) and present them as victims of conservatism to draw voter sympathy.

now the wonderful irony here is that western capitalism has created these freaks (you might check out ‘capitalism and schizophrenia’ by deleuze and guattari), and that they are ‘desiring machines’ manufactured by a series of social and market machinations that have divided class and culture so much, muthafuckers are going bananas trying to keep their orientations intact under this maelstrom of forces. when you have so many competing cultures, sub-cultures evolve as alternatives, and produce even more social disarray.

so the absolute disaster that capitalism creates in social discourse is responsible for the freaks that will be later used in an advance against it by the left. foreigners crossing boarders because the countries they are from are so underdeveloped. capitalism. alienated dudes turning gay because they can’t get no play from the ladies. capitalism. bitches becoming militant feminists because they can’t get equal pay. capitalism.

so look, if the leftist platform was only about the ‘white working classes’, they wouldn’t get as much support. but they are ultimately for the white working class… every working class for that matter. this is a very dirty war, mang, and a lot of bullshit is gonna go down… because that’s what the left has to work with; bullshit created by capitalism.


So you’re a naive idealist and humanist then
Whether you like it or not a majority of other people around the world view things like historical culture and race as being real things. You sitting here saying it isn’t real or doesn’t exist accomplishes nothing.
K: nice… so what am I, am I “white, self hating anti-white reject” or am I
a “naïve idealist” or perhaps I am a “humanist”. It is very hard to keep track of
insults and what they mean to me? let us start with the last set of insults…
A Naïve idealist… um, idealist ok, I can live with that but Naïve, explain to
us exactly what I am naïve about? or is insults the best you can do?
and the second part is “humanist” so put these two together, we have
you playing the opposite role of a “naïve idealist” and the opposite of a
“humanist”…you believe yourself to be a pragmatist, a realist… the second part
is you consider yourself anti-humanist"… that means you are anti-human…
to be a humanist means to stand with humans, to stand with humanity…
and you consider yourself the opposite, so you consider yourself to
be anti-human…a pragmatic anti-humanist…sounds about right…

you consider me to be a “hating white reject” and yet you clearly hate
human beings… and I clearly don’t hate whites, why I married one :sunglasses:
why some of my best friends are white…why even my family is “gasp”
white… (mental note, will my sarcasm be noted or simply lost on
another way too serious very young person… only time will tell)

anyway, as far as I am concerned if you hate human beings, you have
far, far more problems then you know what to do with…

hate to break it to you sparky, but hating human beings is a bad mental
place to be…

whereas I am alright with the world… and why? because I don’t hate unlike
you…have a nice day…despite your cynical anti-human hatred…


K: ah, we reach the part where we discover why Zero hates everyone… he was homeless
and blames everyone for his being homeless… especially those terrible liberals who despite
their rhetoric, left poor old Zero homeless… I think a group cry will make you feel better
Zero… but to be fair, I was homeless for a stretch myself and I didn’t wind up
hating the human race or the liberals or anyone else for that matter…we all have
stories, I was born handicap with a severe hearing loss… and I could easily blame
everyone I ever met for being handicap… but I don’t… sorry, in the end, we
can only blame ourselves and we are the only ones who can pick ourselves up…

hate takes way too much energy to hold and maintain… so I shall stay
being a naïve idealist and a humanist… for I see what is possible and
you see what is impossible…


For some perspective, apparently we share about 60% of our DNA with flies, bananas unbelievably and chickens.
We share 96% of our DNA with chimps, so that 2% or whatever probably means a hell of a lot more than it seems.

But individuals within a family have meaningful differences, different personalities, different strengths and weaknesses, just as different families within a race have meaningful differences, and different races within a species have meaningful differences.

Australian Aborigines have an average iQ of 65, the lowest among the races of the world.
Before you say their low iQ is a product of racism or iQ doesn’t matter, consider this, Polynesians have an iQ of about 90 and Ashkenazis about 110, and the differences in academic achievement, incarcerations rates, life expectancy and so on between these three races is staggering.
Jews of course excel, Polynesians do alright, and Australian Aborigines…well, I urge everyone to look up some statistics on these three groups.

Or are we individuals first, then families, then communities, then races and then human beings?
Are we animals before human beings?
Should we let wild animals run amok and wreak havoc in our homes and on our streets?

No I am capable of seeing both, of nuance, you only want to see what unites us.

If that’s the case; there’re no meaningful differences on the other side of the artificial line, then why do so many of them risk life and limb trying to cross the line?
For you, it’s simply because we’re wealthier and more powerful, for we got lucky.
For you, civility is just a product of luck, like resource advantages, but in reality it can be a product of many things, usually genes and memes are the key things.

The apple seldom falls far from the tree.

That’s not the case in the west anymore.
It was when you were growing up in the 60s, but now everyone thinks like you do.
The left won the culture war and the right the economic war, altho the pendulum might be starting to swing the other way.

Culture is not an amorphous blob either.
Individuals from the same nation tend to have more in common with each other genetically and mimetically than they do with individuals from other nations.
It’s not an all or nothing, it’s averages, inclinations, tendencies…

Most people aren’t like you, altho they won’t admit it.
African Americans, blacks, or mulattos rather, identify with mulatto culture.
They listen to hip hop, they tend to date other mulattos and so on.
They’re more comfortable in mulatto churches, even when living in a cosmopolitan city like LA or San Fran.

I don’t, revel in it.
There’re things I like about others, there’re things I find interesting about others, but I tend to prefer my kin.
I don’t mind having a few others around, but I don’t want to be swarmed by them.
Most of the world thinks this way, every country besides white countries is an ethnostate. It’s so natural and normal to them, they don’t even question it.
They’re not even conscious of it.
They don’t even have to declare we’re an ethnostate, they just are, it’s taken for granted

For you Promethean. :sunglasses: