Absolute Randomness

Slept like a baby overnight.

They’ve cut my hours at work in the month of fucking X-Mas! They’ve gone too far this time! :imp:

I’m now going to have to find a new job, this fucking sucks! A bunch of fucking X-Mas Grinches and Scrooges! :imp:

Fucking unbelievable!

I’m a part time college student that makes less than $12,000.00 yearly! FUUUUCCCKKKKK!!! :imp: :exclamation:

I swear to fucking Satan himself, if I get fucked over one more time by this bullshit nation I’m going to go completely off the fucking radar or reservation living off the grid until this miserable piece of shit nation finally collapses sometime between 2025-2030! [By my estimates.] :imp: You can strip me of everything and every goddamn penny I own, I don’t give a shit! I will out-last and out-survive you miserable fucking pricks! Even if you strip me of everything you will never strip me of my dignity, self respect, or mind, I will survive on pure hatred, rage, and revenge to sustain me where if I have to live in a fucking wilderness for ten years straight idly waiting to enact my vengeance until this miserable piece of shit nation finally collapses, I will do just that! Don’t test me motherfuckers, you do not understand the extent of my resolve, rage, or hatred over the many seemingly endless years! One way or another I will extract my pound of flesh from this world!

You do not want to seriously fucking piss me off and push me over to the deep end right now! I will become your worst fucking living nightmare or terror! I will make you seriously regret ever double crossing or walking all over me! :evilfun: :sunglasses:

This is my promise to the world as of today, I make good on my promises or vows too! :sunglasses:

This time, I am not joking around. :evilfun: :sunglasses:



I swear if I end out on my ass just one more time I am just going to stop working, fuck it, I’m done. From there on out I will refuse to participate in this nation any longer where I’ll just wait out the inevitable conclusion of this existential train wreck of a nation. I’ve gone as far as I can go, been pushed around as far as I can withstand. I’m at my fucking limit right now, this is my line drawn in the sand as I turn 33 next year. I’m also very tired of dealing with dumb fucking imbeciles where the only reason they’re more successful than me is because they come from families with a lot of money or because they’re friends with the right people having all the right social connections.

At a certain point even for the most poor, destitute, or low income in this society there is no reason to labor for others if you get no long lasting definitive benefit out of it. At a certain point working isn’t even worth it anymore if all that happens is that you’re pushed out or screwed over by others. I’ve tried very hard the last five years trying to be patient, law abiding, and productive within society where I don’t have a damn thing to show for it currently.

This nation is going to collapse in ten years or less anyways, starve the fucking beast out!

I’m tired of working at their wage slave farms for pennies and nickels on the dollar.

I have a feeling in the coming years I won’t be the only one thinking like this either, I definitely won’t be alone in those regards. More and more people in this nation will be thinking the same way.

If a majority of the population feel like the energy they’re putting into contributing towards society isn’t benefiting them at all more and more people are just going to opt out completely if they can or if the opportunity and environment presents itself to do so. That is how societies collapse historically by the way, when a majority of people no longer feel contributing to society benefits them at all.

These fucking gated community upper middle class and wealthy are in for such a rude awakening in the next couple of years, it’s going to epic to watch this whole nation blow up in their faces especially those dual citizen fuckers on Wallstreet.

the secret cornerstone of conservatism, aristocracy, ruling-class privilege and capitalism, carefully hidden from the masses for centuries. if ya’ll niggas stop working, they’d be instantly paralyzed.

you have the power, you damned blue collar tweeker… cut the life-blood from the parasites and feed them no longer!

When the costs of living or taxes really begin to exceed over stagnating wages and when the workers get tired of being shit on by the managerial class these rich wealthy people better fucking run for the hills. [Also add in the devaluing of the dollar in nominal terms of actual value where you can’t even buy or purchase hardly anything in what you’re being paid, it’s like being paid in peanuts and not being paid at all.Your labor almost becomes free at
that point because what you’re being paid in is essentially worthless. Who wants to essentially work for free and not get any benefit out of their labor? The correct answer is nobody at all.]

I don’t care about how many guns or bullets they think that they have, somebody is going to take those guns and pistol whip their asses along with appropriating all their stuff. They’re completely delusional if they think the working class in this country are going to keep taking it up the ass, the working class has been bent over since 2007 where now almost twelve to thirteen years its patience like my own is running out. When amongst the working classes you hear other workers saying they hope this country economically collapses calling for a violent economic reset you really know that the patience of the working class is razor thin, and believe me when I say it, others are starting to say the same things that I am saying. All it is going to take in this country is just one spark of national crisis to burn this entire nation to the ground. The current ruling class of the United States deserves every bit of it too, they deserve to hang on lampposts in mass. They’re playing a very dangerous game whether they know about it or not.

Keep your bandana in your pocket and stay locked and loaded, comrade. Cuz when it happens, it takes everyone by surprise.

anti-dialectics.co.uk/AAA_revolu … lanned.htm

I’m not a communist, I’m a national socialist but it doesn’t take a Marxist or even a communist to see how fucked this nation is economically. Even some of the most centrist neoconservative libertarians are saying the same exact things. You know shit is getting real when communists, national socialists, neo-liberals, and libertarians are all in agreement that the economy is shit discussing about how unsustainable it is, the only people who can’t see that are those in Washington D.C. along with all the gated community assholes across the nation.

When you have separate social political factions that hate and despise each other on everything else yet completely agree on the current economic state of affairs it really makes you stop to think. That seems to be the only unifying thing in this nation that a majority of people can agree upon, the agreement on the current dismal national domestic economy.

The only people that don’t want to acknowledge what is happening are those whose livelihood depends on the current status quo remaining the same. Those fuckers deserve the death squads and juntas coming their way in the near future, kill or slaughter every fucking single one of them is what I have to say on that. They deserve nothing but death. I would shed no tears upon their executions.

my goodness those are some harsh words! so full of vile hatred and resentment. why, are you still under the impression that man is not an inherently dispicable creature who acts of his own self interests? that he has freewill? that he does not always do what he believes to the best of his ability is ‘right’? well then, no wonder you feel this way… you’re still a moralist, still a serious philosopher. when will you have eyes to see the comedy in all this; that the whole history of western philosophy has been one long drawn-out elaborate excuse invented by fat men who don’t want to work? you think there is any more substance to it than that, or that you can blame them for it? jesus christ no wonder you’re so angry.

you need a whole change of attitude, son. it’s because your expectations for man have been set so impossibly high that you feel so surprised and disappointed, see. you gotta set the bar much lower; man is a very clever, very lazy piece of shit. and once you are able to clear your head of all this philosophical nonsense he’s cooked up to excuse himself, you can begin to do real work on man and make something of him. until then, you’re expecting homo insectus-erectus to be something he’s not.

patience, love, understanding and tolerance. that’s what you must have. all men are ‘good’ and do the best they can within their capacity. some are just slower than others. shirley you cannot be angry at them for that.

You misunderstand my new political philosophy entirely then, I know all of humanity is shit and amoral that is why I believe only a Jack boot can stomp some civility back into it by very extremely prejudice means. :sunglasses:

I gave up on being an anarchist because it’s nothing but disorganization, with fascism you have efficient organization along with the manpower, soldiers, and military to accomplish things. :sunglasses:

Does this make things more clearer?

speaking of boots, i need a mailing address because i’m sending you a new pair (size 11, steel toe, water proof, full leather shank) and i won’t take ‘no thank you’ for an answer. a national socialist’s boots are the most important part of his uniform, and a man needs to keep his feet warm and dry… especially when he’s up against the red army on the eastern front, where shit gets real.

and while we might disagree in many respects, an enemy of my enemy is always a friend of mine…

send me the address in a PM.


music: ‘theme from run home slow’ (FZ)


You have two new private messages.

Speaking of an enemy of my greater enemy is my friend, I’m thinking about creating a thread about how to divide the United States into multiple territories after its Yugoslavia style collapse takes place.

I have a kinda envisionment that I think would make everybody happy.

Yeah it’s not awkward or creepy because I know you. And it tis the season afterall.

I bought two pair from some black dude in the hood. He wuz sellin boots and shoes outta his trunk. I didn’t ax no questions, just put the dough up.

Mines better than yours, though. You think imma give you the better of the two?

I tried to sell em to the machismos at work but they feet is too small. You could put two of those guys into one pair.


A radical solution to the problems of the United States. Yugoslavia style collapse.

Introducing The Beard to the old lady. She’s gotta get her knowledge up so she can handle the right-wingers in her Facebook battles between Candy Crush games.


She’s right, there isn’t much of a middle class anymore. There’s only the very wealthy and the very poor with an extremely small middle class in between. The poor anymore in the United States makes up the biggest class of the three.

Everybody will be incentivized to revolt when the entire nation economically collapses. It will be enough to get people off their couches especially when they can no longer afford internet or television to keep them sedated. :sunglasses:

Also this, “Bakunin: Marx is a degenerate Jew and pawn of the Rothschild banking empire.”

i like bakunin, but he was a naive anarchist who ultimately got pwned by marx. so of course he’s going to call marx’s insistence on the centralized state and proletarian dictatorship to prevent the re-establishment of the old capitalist order directly after it’s dissolution, ‘just another form of oppression’, and even a… gasp… conspiracy. most anarchists believe in some silly notion of a spontaneous order materializing out of a revolution. no way, bro. never happen. you gotta have appointed ranks and a highly structured governing body in place for it to work. only much later might this centralized governing body be unnecessary, but i doubt it. the ‘withering away of the state’ is a bit overly optimistic. remember, man is an inherently despicable creature who will not hesitate to figure out a way to get another guy to mow his lawn for free.