Do you ever look at your own personal individual evolution?

Well you atsed my opinion.

For just restarting, I would say: forget strategy. Focus on tactics. Develop and protect your peices asap, keep as neat a pawn formation as possible, and try to assert as much control of the center 4 squares as possible.

I remember my pawns being took, which obviously ended badly, for me… but I learned even from that.


You want to make a million bucks?!?

I want a cut! 10% ?

Start a series of children’s pop-up books of economic and social collapse, with cartoon images and simple easy-to-read sentences!

I will pledge $500 to this enterprise.


Give me your money anyways and I’ll sell you a bridge in New Jersey.

I will pledge also $500 for a bridge in New Jersey, but am slightly more skeptical of the eventual fulfillment of that pledge.

It’s a great deal, the bridge is made out of wood and very sturdy. It’s perfectly legit. :sunglasses: :laughing:

Keep me posted.

This has to be one of the most insane, pompous, self-deluding, self-flattering, narcissistic post I have ever had the misfortune to come across.

I had to bring it up.
This douche must be on drugs, because if this is an honest post, then it is simply insane…and comedic, at the same time.
I’ve come across morons and arrogant imbeciles in my long trek through life, but nothing approaching this level of delusion and self-importance.
The belief that the Chinese, American and Russian intelligentsia would be reading ILP and forming their judgments on VO, is simply incredible…I am at a loss for words.
Wasn’t Peterson also affected by VO?

There is something wrong here, and it ain’t with the world.
This is not simply insanity, this is something more. messianism does not even begin to cover this level of psychosis.
A nobody, a nothing, in the middle of nowhere has convinced himself that his ridiculous ontological posts are worthy of more than a passing glance and a snicker.
I’m Outis so I know.
His very ontology is a word-game, pretending to be deep and insightful because it does not make any sense. It’s Abrahamic ‘magic’ - linguistics prose, poetics, romantic idealism - but dumber…simpler.
There will always be feeble desperate minds that will buy into this shit…as there have been throughout time…but this is so transparent that I wonder at the psychological issues of those who have bought into it.
More than this, I am afraid, about the implication. Because these individuals vote.

I agree with the overall assessment of this post as I don’t like Fixed Cross, but come on Satyr that’s totally you man!

With every post layers of your disguise is slipping off. :laughing: :sunglasses:

Say it with me, “Hi, I’m Satyr and Zero_Sum uncovered my disguise.”

Don’t be shy or bashful now! :sunglasses:

I admit this Satyr is known to me…but it is not me.
That you need me to be him…is somewhat flattening to him.
He was smart…but not that smart.
More pragmatic and common sense kind of guy. Above average but not exceptional.
Your obsession makes me want to reconsider.
I came upon ILP from one of his posts on Facebook. He has more than one forum, I presume.
I came, I saw…I will conquer. Nothing to be overly proud of, given the level of intellects present.
Bunch of morons is all I see. Morons and troubled psychologies.
He and I have something in common. He despise hypocrites - particularly those who pretend to be geniuses. This brought us together, and brought me here.

For fucks sake man, stop the pretense! :laughing:

your ego is clouding your judgment.
Am I imitating him?
Am I him, her, it?
What does it matter?
Why does it matter to you?

Now you’re just playing word games with question marks, I’m neither amused or impressed.

I have no clue what you are saying.

My 80 IQ is limiting.

You must be very bored to come over here and hang around with us little people. You must be dull out of your mind, I can only imagine. :sunglasses:

I am bored…it’s the end of the year. I make these yearly intrusions.
It’s a tradition.
He told me about you. you aren’t complicated, so he was right. I am a master of complexity.
What happened to ‘you know who’'? I’m suspecting your vitriolic end of the world glee is a product of a loss.

Vague ambiguities, try being a bit more clearer.

Just how uncomplicated am I? Go on, don’t stop there.

Why would I want to deny myself the pleasure of watching you perform?

One crazy among so may insane, dope-up, crazies. It’s fabulous.