As The Worm Turns- For those with eyes who can see.


American exceptionalism on full display, we’re number one baby! :laughing: :sunglasses: :stuck_out_tongue:


For me, this was the most interesting graph.
There’s no way we can keep going like this, something’s gotta give.

Blood in the streets my man. :sunglasses:

Yup, the rise of chaos and violence on the one hand, and strongmen on the other.
We could see something like a repeat of the Napoleonic, civil and/or world wars, but with 21st century technology, the Hispanic and Muslim migrant crises to contend with in the US and the EU respectively.
Pax Americana, the era after WW2, is coming to a close, just as Pax Britannia did.
The only question for me is, who, if anyone, will emerge victorious?

That’s the greatest mystery and question of our entire generation or era.

Should be interesting how Christmas sales or domestic market consumption goes this year with a majority of Americans being financially broke.[Many unemployed or underemployed] A quick reminder, this same time last year the stock market dropped anywhere between 8000-9000 points. I wonder what kind of drops we can expect at the end of this year. :sunglasses:

I’m seeing a lot of coal in Christmas stockings this year. :laughing:

If domestic market consumption is even worse at the end of this year which I suspect it will be most definitely there will be no hiding the recession/depression anymore. It will officially be game over, or at the very least the beginning of the end. You can only paper over an avalanche of economic or consumer collapse with statistical revisions for so long before it sings very loudly to which everybody can then hear. Merry fucking Christmas! It’s going to be one hell of a new year! :evilfun:





It’s not just the economy that’s in trouble.
Not only has the white and east Asian birthrate plummeted, but with the exception of Africa, the world birthrate is plummeting.

Neurological illnesses like Autism, are soaring.

Emotional illnesses like anxiety and depression, are skyrocketing.

Physical illnesses like cancer, diabetes and obesity, are catapulting.

I mean how fat and sickly can we get, before we’re too fat and sick for our economy and medical system to cope?
What has our medical system become but the overuse, misuse and abuse of antibiotics, drugs and vaccines?
We stopped curing disease ages ago, our only interest now is in profit and enablement.
The notion we can cure many or most diseases by making meaningful changes to our diet and lifestyle is regarded by corporate science as a dangerous and subversive superstition.
Even life expectancy is beginning to take a dive after decades if not centuries of continuous and unfettered advancement.

Families and communities are breaking down.
White collar crime is arguably at an all time high.
Mass murder and terrorism arguably are.

While this may be just my imagination, I don’t believe we’re as meaningfully inventive now as we were in the early 20th century.
Really, in the last several decades, other than computers, phones and the internet, how many inventions have revolutionized our lives?
And is the computer all that it’s cracked up to be?
It’s probably contributing to some of the aforementioned illnesses, not to mention electromagnetic pollution, which’s being covered up by corporate science, and the coming of 5G.

Even Hollywood and the music industry is running out of ideas.
I mean how many superhero movies and how much (c)rap can people endure?

We’re going to collapse, my only question is, how deep and steep will it be?
If we’re wise then at best, we’ll be able to mitigate some of the fallout.

Civilization is cyclical, it waxes and wanes.
My theory is, if the west lead the last wax, it’s going to lead the next wane.
Athens, Sparta, Macedon and Rome reached the brightest peaks in antiquity, only for Europe to reach the darkest valleys in the middle ages.

@Gloominary: food, meds, jabs… they’re all the cause. Best to live in a glass bubble and off of a drip.

Sounds almost like chemical castration…


It’s as if a small international segment of humanity is robbing, raping, pillaging, and suffocating 90℅ of the entire globe or something like that. :-k




Soon the national uprising, insurrection, and revolution will begin. :sunglasses:

Below as an artistic metaphor in past historical form but similar to the modern times we live in. The message is the same nonetheless. :evilfun:

Soon… :sunglasses:


