God is an Impossibility

How do you know? Absolute perfection is impossible to grasp from my finite perspective. So like “justice” or “unconditional love” it’s a symbol for which I have analogies but I recognize that none of the analogies are exact.

In reality Everything is illusion except pain, wisdom and few other things.

What is or isn’t real isn’t for us to decide, for one period in time, we too were not “real”. All is past or future if something isn’t in the present it doesn’t mean it isn’t real, it means it isn’t observable to our being immediate, it’s a string. All that we may comprehend, I feel is real. For the dreamer can still die in a dream.
The Plane wasn’t real either at one time, then we invent it through wisdom, aka understanding of knowledge, this is the god in which is sought, which science is a tool of such god as well.

Wisdom isn’t assigned to a God, wisdom comes from it. It’s the path of good, the knowledge of both “good and evil” wisdom is real, wisdom is it. It isn’t assigned to it… it is it. Wisdom is the understanding of knowledge and the application of such justly.

I have not stated there is a contradiction in the above.

When one relies on faith [belief without proofs nor justified reasons], one claim for whatever based on one’s thoughts because there is no need for proofs nor justified reasons.
Thus a person can rely on faith to believe ‘a being possessing all the Omni’s exists.’
A person can also believe a ‘square-circle’ exists based on faith.

In the case of reliance on faith, one can claim whatever proposition without limitations.
I thought this point is so obvious that I did not catch the point in your above statement.

This is not about knowledge from experience.
My point is inferred from logical deduction.

Sure, analogies can be different.

If one claim there is “perfect justice” of “perfect unconditional love” these are impossible to exist as real.

When a person declares “unconditional love” for something, that is not totally unconditional or absolute. Such "unconditional love’ is conditioned to the person’s feelings which is fundamentally subjective, thus not absolutely unconditional.

Note your point;
Wisdom isn’t assigned to a God, wisdom comes from it [God].

In the above you merely assume God exists but provide no proof for it’s existence.

It is only in one sense, everything is an illusion.
Note the concept of Maya in Hinduism.
In this case, God as the representation of everything is also an illusion, thus an impossibility to be real.

In other sense, everything is real.
But to be real, it need to be justified to be true.
What is real is fundamentally empirical which is verifiable via Science, plus what is real need to be reinforced with philosophical critical thinking.

God cannot be real, thus impossible to be real because God cannot be verified and justified by Science nor philosophical thinking.

Strings are not real per-se. Strings are merely a scientific speculation at present.
Even if strings are proven to be real, they have nothing to do with God which is not real.


If there is no contradiction, why do you compare belief in such a being to believing in a square circle, which is a contradiction? I think that things that are impossible are usually contradictory.

I think that people will have justifications for their faith, such as scriptures, other texts or their experiences and observations. You may not agree that they are justifications, but they are for the people who have faith. They may not be right, but for them and others who share their beliefs, their beliefs are justified. That’s one of the reasons why religions work as they do.

I’m not sure you mean by “rely on faith”?

Why would anyone believe that a square circle exists by faith? Religion/God and a square circle are different conceptually. Which may be why some people believe in God, but no one believes in square circles.

I think that people with faith, like theists, believe in specific things like God, and because it is claimed that God is perfect and can do anything, they believe that, based upon a framework (the religion). But outside of what their religion purports, I am quite sure they recognise that there are limitations, and do not propose that things like square circles exist.

I stated there is no contradiction in a theists relying on faith to believe in an omni-being.

It is only when theists claimed God an illusion is really real , that is a contradiction.
What is an illusion cannot be real - that is obvious.

Yes, people can have their own personal justifications for their faith, but it is not justified true beliefs as in Science and polished by philosophy-proper.

Theists rely on faith to believe God exists as real, but where is the God that is real available for verification and justification that it is really real?

Even since humans conjured up God [transcendental illusion] as a security blanket, no theists has ever produced the necessary direct evidences to verify and justify God is real empirically and philosophically.

“rely” is to depend confidently; put trust in (usually followed by on or upon):
Seems obvious to me, wonder why you query?

I am using square-circle as an analogy.
As explained above, square-circle and the idea of God, if they are claimed to be real, are both contradictions.

It is not likely the average person will ever insist square-circles can exist as real. Like I said, I am highlighting it as an analogy to the belief God [an illusion] exists as real being a contradiction.

Most theists on average will never consider any other alternatives outside the framework of their religion unless they are beginning to have doubts on the way to be agnostic [like you] or non-theistic. The latter are a very low minority, say 5% of 5 billion?
This is why I insisted those who think their god are less than perfect or not absolute are not critical to this thread.


Thanks for your participation. I’m going to leave our discussion here. It has been both interesting and challenging.

What happens to your thought when the concept “perfect” is replaced with the concept “infinite”?

Would you claim;

PI. Infinity is an impossibility
P2. God imperatively must be infinite
C… Therefore God is an impossibility.

Infinity is not an impossibility because energy, wisdom, pain and consciousness have not ended and never will.
If god is wisdom like I have stated as such, then god is both absolute and infinite at the same time, it’s simultaneous.

Cause and effect are the string that is very real. You take things too literal. I don’t assume god exists when god is wisdom, it isn’t an entity, the word god is only what it is to describe what is difficult to depict. Wisdom is both infinite and absolute, which is this “god”. We evolve based off of the consciousness of knowledge, which is wisdom, we exist due to wisdom and our evolution of consciousness, aka god and our. If no consciousness and no ability to be aware, would we exist? We’d never know.

Cause and Effect, i.e. causality is real but not absolutely real.
Hume argued ‘cause and effect’ is not an absolute principle but one that emerged from human psychology and experiences from constant conjunction, customs and habits.

It is not the question of ‘would we exist?’
The fact is we exists.
As such we should start from facts [i.e. humans exists] and not from speculations.

If we start from speculations we don’t have grounds, thus the possibility of ending with nothing to speak off. If we NEVER ever know, then we never ever ‘speak’ [feasibility of being real] of it.

Note Wittgenstein’s,
“Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.” (Tractatus 7)

It one cannot speak or difficult to depict, one should just shut up and don’t speak of it at all.

Note the theory of evolution, the big bang, dark matters, are very complex theories but we have no difficulty in proving these theories with the necessary limitations. These are not difficult to depict speculatively and admitted as a speculation.

You can speculate whatever you want, but why use a controversial term like “God” which is an illusion and an impossibility to be real.

I don’t think the idea of infinity is dependent on any particular. In the more or less of possible finite things I never reach either the largest or the smallest. Beyond every smallest there is a smaller and beyond every largest a larger. No matter how far we measure, there’s always a new limit. I see no way of passing from the domain of limits to the unlimited, i.e., from the domain of the finite to Infinity. Therefore, it seems to me, we can have knowledge only of finite things not of the infinite. We can’t reach the infinite no matter how far we progress in the finite . All relations remain within the finite. There’s an unbridgeable gap between the finite and the infinite. Yet the possibility of infinity beyond the ever-expanding known finite cannot be denied.

It’s not really only/merely speculative to understand that humanity at one point in time did not exist. You can arrive at such a conclusion via a priori, humanity did not exist when the universe was forming, the conditions were not stable enough to grow complex as we needed in order to be human and exist as such. The causal chain isn’t based on psychology it is merely observable with and in it. The cause and effect happened before man and that is how man came to be.

Something to observe existed before the observer and the observer is directly resulted from that something which is able to be observed. Science proves it by the age of the universe and it’s unlivable conditions previous to our observing it now.

It’s not the term of “god” that is not real or is illusion but merely the wrong idea behind the word that has been associated with the word wrongly. The idea of god you use and defend against is not the idea of god that was meant to be interpreted psychologically, so how can one find proof of such or if not even looking for the right thing? I am not trying to tell you you’re wrong in the idea of god you argue against, I am telling you the idea of god that you entertain as a whole is wrong and you waste your time in attempt at disproving it since that idea is not even there to begin with. Don’t listen only to the past men and how they interpreted it when you’re in the future in comparison to them and exposed to more information.
Take what is useful, discard what is poison.
Truth is consistent, always even from different perspective.

I cannot find proof of apples or properly disprove such, if the idea I place behind the word apples, are oranges.

We place the idea of an entity behind the word god by a psychological mistake of mixing ourselves with the idea of it, instead of the idea that was meant to be put behind it, which was wisdom, not an entity but a force constant in its evolution and changing.

The causal chain is as follows

unconscious > subconscious > consciousness
This is psychology of it, the chain itself however is as follows.

Physics > biology > psychology.

The physics of unconscious energy and matter lead to the subconscious single cell and animalistic biological organisms, the biological organisms then lead to a complexity of such magnitude that consciousness spawned and psychology, a balance of sorts. This psychology we use to view the past chain, biology and physics as well as our own psychology. Cause and effect evolved into conscious choice as well, it appears as not absolutely real because since psychology spawned out of biology and physics, free will spawned out of the deterministic methods that physics and biology used previous.

We live in that gap between finite and infinite. This present mortal body is finite and as I function with and in such I may only gather finitely but can see the infinite of which I may never comprehend fully in this singular form of life but am directly part of. For every answer, 6 questions arise back out of it, who, why, when, where, what, how, which is the constant continuity that creates such infinity. Impossible for one to understand all questions and answers but collectively we may move further into it and be aware that there is such and near all if not all is possible.

The pursuit of deification of ourself collectively, is this “god” we envision and it is only done through our collective effort of understanding knowledge equating to wisdom. And since the law of thermodynamics states energy only changes but never ceases, we have forever to deify ourselves, even if humanity goes extinct, consciousness will resurface into other entities to continue its pursuit of understanding. Evolution and this system is powerful and anything but imperfect, it’s a work of true genius on scales not fathomable to one alone. The growth of consciousness is our growth of wisdom and our growth of wisdom is the exploration and becoming of this god collectively. Make any sense?

There is no need to rely on the a priori.
It is a scientific fact, in terms of space and time, there were things [planets, solar systems, galaxies, etc.] that existed prior to the emergence of human beings.
But a scientific fact is merely a polished conjecture [hypothesis] - Popper.
Scientific facts are derived from Scientific Framework and Methods which is created by human beings.
In this case, it is the human beings that is the critical factor in determining what is fact.
Facts do not exist absolutely independent of human beings.
Facts are interdependent with human beings, thus psychology.

It is a scientific fact, the moon pre-existed humans, but that fact is man-made it is not absolutely independent of man.
But such a point is not an issue whether man pre-existed humans or the fact is man-made.
In this case, there is no issue with the ‘moon’ or any empirical thing which can be empirically verified as real.

But if anyone were to claim a God pre-existed and created the Universe or whatever ‘that’ [non-empirical] is, then it become an issue because there is no way one can verify the thing [God, etc.] that is claimed.

My sole purpose of the thread is to squash the claim of a God as defined by theists. The term God is not defined by me.
These are the theists’ definition.

If your claim is not within the above definition of God, that is off topic.

If you claim is not God as defined above, then you need to open a new thread, like,
X exists as real
and provide your argument and proof without using the term God as all.

I disagree.
In the ultimate perspective it is;

psychology (subject of Physics > biology > psychology> etc.)

Note Psychology [not as a subject] is related to mental aspect of human behavior.
Psychology is the science of behavior and mind. Psychology includes the study of conscious and unconscious phenomena, as well as feeling and thought.

If you are referring to “The physics of Unconscious Energy” then it should be done with Physics and not Religion, Spirituality and Theology.

Infinite mean there is always something larger or smaller within a series, e.g. ‘turtle all the way’ without end.
In this case, God is not perfect nor absolute.
God is claimed [by theists] to be without a beginning and an end.

You use the term ‘infinite’ where we do not know its beginning nor ending.
As defined by theists, God is without beginning nor ending.

You are beating around the bush and is unable to nail what you are trying to present as ‘god’.
This inability is due to psychology.
You are trying to reify the impossible thing to be something real and that is driven by psychology.

It is easier to explain why theists are theistic basing on their inherent psychology than trying to prove God exists as real. It is impossible to prove God exists as real because God is an impossibility to be real in the first place.

Define beginning and ending, there is no ending or beginning, it always has been and always will be. If there is energy, there is wisdom to be sought, just no observer to seek it, we are the god collectively becoming aware of itself through our reintegration with wisdom by consciousness. The expansion happens by energy taking form of diverse things, so there must be other variables coexisting with energy as well, inside of space. God is not a single entity in the sky… what is impossible is or possible is dependent on our pursuit or lack of in what we deem such. Our own minds convince us of shortcuts, shortcuts lack quality. I made a thread on this topic before, on why something such as “impossibility” seems to be as such.

I don’t go off of what others describe god as that is rhetorical, that’s where you make your mistake. You’re arguing against a way outdated concept of what god is.

Then you aren’t doing philosophy here if you can’t entertain the diverse ideas of what god is when the idea I am speaking of is based off of logic and reason and not out dated concepts that no longer serve us but are ignorant, but then only stick with a one definition, it is insanity to repeat the same thing and expect different results.

You tell me god doesn’t exist, I make the argument that your view of god is skewed and explain why then your response is telling me I’m off topic because the objectively observable god I explain and depict is not aligning with your illusion of one, which that concept of god is far out dated and not up to date with today’s information.

Facts exist always, independent of the observer, aka, humans/consciousness. If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear or see it, it still falls and it waits until one is conscious of it, change never ceases and does NOT rely on human perception. If it did then one in a coma should stop aging by that logic.

You should change the name of your thread to theistic idea of god being an entity in the sky, is an impossibility, not just “god is an impossibility” because I have given perfect explanation and examples here to depict that god is very real and apart of us and our search for it (wisdom) being the reintegration and collective forming of it.

I had stated very clearly, the thread is against the theists’ definition, not mine.
Here are the listing of the theistic definition of God.

I don’t have to offer my own definition of God since to me, God is an impossibility to be real.

I don’t have to change my title because I have already stated what type of God I am arguing against in the OP.

If your ‘god’ or whatever, do not fit into any of the above, then you are off topic.

Artimas; “the objectively observable god”
If your god is “the objectively observable god” that would be an empirical God, in that case, you’ll need to bring the evidence to verify that God empirically.
Btw, an empirical God even if proven is at best a polished conjecture.

I would suggest you start a new OP with the title “An Objectively Observable God Exists” and I don’t think you can go far with it.

Note the above is a very contentious point within the philosophy community.
This was raised hundreds of years ago and philosophers are still arguing on it.
This is the Philosophical Realists versus the Philosophical Anti-Realists.

An independent reality external to the observer is very obvious in the common sense, science, etc. but not so clear-cut with philosophy.

My view is that of the Philosophical Anti-Realists’ who take the view, reality is interdependent with the observer or rather the co-creator.

I would say, God as an human-liked entity [bearded man] in the sky is empirically possible.
To prove, just bring the empirical evidence which intuitively is not probable.

The ultimate God listed in the definition of God in the wiki article is the Ontological God, i.e. God is a entity [Being] than which no greater can exists, i.e. perfect and absolute.
Such a definition of God definition introduced by St. Anselm, Descartes and others.
Any other definition than the above is an inferior God which no typical theists would accept.