Listening To Music With Zero_Sum




Hey Snappy, me and Greeny’ll come along, but only if we can bring a friend. His name is Harold.



(One of) my nephew(s) passed by last week while I was playing this tune, on repeat, and looked up from his dream-world that he’s always in, and said it’s a sick beat… he looked surprised that I listen to such music, but that’s merely a failing on his part. :slight_smile:


he used to be a pimp but now he’s hoinfodaman…



Wow yes, most good. Very Brittish. In the greatest sense.

If ou can rock a party in England you’ve made it. Everything else is a hobby.



Ha, yeah… UK Grime (I think the moniker has now overtook the use of UK Hip Hop, so now making that usage defunct) is my favourite genre of them all… its a very British sound, sung in a very British accent, about very British things… though that tune is more Dub Step.

Does a party-for-one count? my parties for one are legendary. :smiley: fam gatherings are also ledge… as long as they don’t end in fight or argument. :neutral_face:





when i grow up i wanna be just like les claypool.


