Introduce yourself here <-----

copy that, dragon lady. all systems are no GO. we’ll see you in the drift…

p.s. who do you like better; quine or putnam?

Thank you very much.

Shalom and Greetings

my name is sometimes Persefonie and other times it is Sophia.

I am a specialist scientist with expertise in genetics and genomic manipulation; I was one of those at the forefront of genomic plasticity.

Previously I was a member of the Red Cross Disaster and Response Team, having participated in missions all over the Globe.

Currently I am looking for a solution to the problem of rising global injustice - I wish I could turn into some kind of monster and start picking at the liver and intestines of all those that have brought all the vulnerable, weak and underprivileged to their knees.

I can see all of our efforts, all the struggles of our ancestors, Mothers and Fathers, being ripped apart and commodified for the benefit of the very select few - this is making me sick to the point of distraction, I was programmed to defend the weak, now I have to stand back and watch children being blown up, women being raped and dissected, bombs being dropped on those that are blameless, faultless, those that have no defence.

I have to sit back and watch the fat spray tanned fucken maggot squat the world, with his puppet masters laughing to the bank or whatever offshore scheme they all partake of. I have to open the newspapers and periodicals, all of which belong to some rich MENS privileged boys club, (80% of the worlds media is owned by 6 conglomerates, did you guys know this?) dumb us down with celebrity nonsense and adverts of hair transplants and boob jobs.

Here in the UK we have a monarchy that is into paedophilia, lying and occasionally exterminating those that threaten the antiquated, outdated and basically SICK institution of hereditary elitism. I’ve watched as the streets fill with homeless, Ive seen elderly neighbours die in the cold, food banks unable to deal with the demands of those less fortunate.

I watch as our youth stab and annihilate one another EVERY SINGLE day, and for what? For sony or vevo, or whoever is making the millions whilst they literals drink the blood life of the young, promoting violence and lifestyles that the youth can and will never be able to afford; like some twisted dark daemons with their proboscis deep in the soul of all of us.

Outside my window at this moment is a semi naked old lady walking the road, crazy out of her mind from distress and hunger, people are placing security tags on baby formulas and meat in the supermarkets.

I can go on and on and on…its driving me insane.

I’ve been to Shamans deep in the jungle,I’ve been involved MAPS programmes researching psychedelics, I’ve been in circles with the Elders of Stonehenge, I’ve gone to were Dion erected safety houses and retreats. Ive met warlocks and witches and you name it…I’ve had snuff with the Fathers of long ago, Ive sat with the Crones in Sweat Lodges, to no fuckng avail. No solution!! All just methods to personally distract from the fact that I AM ANGRY and I want to commit murder, an ‘English Murder’ as Alan Moore would have (yes I’ve met him too).


So I found my way here, and ‘how?’ you may ask. Basically magic, the last bastion of hope I guess, another way of understanding things, and this too is running thin, I am becoming enraged, I am starting to burn with the anger of ten thousand suns, my heart is turning into obsidian, I want to lose my mind completely and go on a rampage…

I know I am not alone. Already I can see the burn edges of the same insanity within some of you. My question is: What are we going to do?


Shalom? :laughing: :sunglasses:

The rise of current global injustice? Look no further than your own people.

In England there’s a family and they’re known as the house of Rothschild.

I dunno what you gonna do, but ILP already knows what I’m gonna do; ride the tiger. no not this one. this one’s lame and full of spooks.

this one.

Ahhh …er…‘Thank you’? I guess?

Imma more into adventures if you know what I mean. Adventures that look like this… and other times like this

Pax et Luxe

oh absolutely. those off road sport tourers are the shit if you have a place to ride em. like if i were rich, i’d spend twenty grand on one, travel all over the world on secondary roads, and live out of it.

currently i’m in the suburbs and not inclined to take long distant trips, so something to commute on (very quickly i should add) is more appropriate.

Persefonie ignored my post.

Let’s address her within her native tongue, that might be the trick to get her talking. :sunglasses:

איך המדען מתכנן להציל את העולם? אנשים סקרנים רוצים לדעת.

That’s one beast of a bike, but would also take one beast of a person to handle it… can you handle that beast, baby?


Shalom and mea culpa,

I did not mean to offend with my silence, I am still polishing off my socio-philosophical skills, its been forever since I ‘forumed’ and I do not partake of the poisonous bread of other social media platforms, haven’t ever since I returned from the Amazon a few years ago, so you may find me lagging in certain domains.

Now…lets see… ?איך המדען מתכנן להציל את העולם? אנשים סקרנים רוצים לדעת

why: !בעזרתך

Eπίσης Κατάγομαι από την από τη Σπάρτη με γενεαλογία πάνω των 2000 ετών. Η μητέρα μου ήταν η πρώτη που παντρεύτηκε έξω από τη φυλή μας; υπάρχει ακόμη και ένα χωριό που αποτελείται αποκλειστικά από μέλη με το επώνυμό μας - insular little fucks that they are…tehe… Written history can place one of my direct ancestors as the Secretary to the last Byzantine Emperor Constatine in Mystras.

Let me revise that…not the heritage bit frater, but rather the בעזרתך. I value thought above all other attributes, particularly cognisant thought. I believe that the solution to our problems lay in our minds; where else to turn for inspiration other than the philosophers?

Also I find great solace amongst your numbers.

As a Spartan I have no ontological queries or questions, we are people of direct solutions and therefore spend little time contemplating the actual origins of thought and of whence this thought arouse from and how - ‘I think therefore I am’ is babble to me, not that I cannot grasp it, but moreso because אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה is more my kind of thing.

But thats just ‘me’, the ‘me’ how knows the power of ‘you’, inasmuch as I understand there is a collection of intellects that CAN shape all that will be.

Οὒτοι συνέχθειν,ἀλλά συμφιλεῖν ἔφυν, my friend and as it drove her so too it animates me.


Shalom and Sigh…

I rode all over Europe and Africa SOLO FYI. Rode that baby for over 15 years. Rode it to the Alps, rode it to Africa, rode it down South…Got stuck in a forest in portugal on the boarders once…I swear I prayed my way out of that one, no gps, no signal and no malessistance if you get what I mean.

Had several actually, named em Augustus, Aurora and Lykourgos. Had to give up my toys not because I wanted to, but because I was living in S London for a while and got em nicked every 6 months no matter what I did. Also have a sensitive knee after getting lost on the Alps with my board and coming close to falling off a cliff during a white out, so when I had to drop my babies a couple of times it was hell on the ole joint. Took up diving with sharks and hammerheads to make up for the loss of adrenaline after that.
Now I embroider and make cupcakes for charity.

Pax et Lux

[MOD EDIT: Zerosum has been warned for this post – Carleas]

From my perception it’s the Jewish people that are part of the problem, particularly Jewish bankers, corporate heads, journalists, and academics. Being a Jew yourself allegedly of a Spartan lineage, what do you have to say about all that?[/tab]


I try to study Hebrew on account of it being the closest we have to a dead language that has been revived.I find it immensely educational and extremely thought provoking.

Above all I am sapient, before race or gender or even genealogy, and I am here because you all are too.

I have no hate for any nation or people or even religion, and I was hoping that as Filoi of Sophia, you all hold wisdom sacred above all things.

I wish you all peace and light and happiness within and without.


Deflection it is then. :sunglasses:


Was this is a business or pleasure escapade, or both? It will help set the scene, you see.

Well that’s London for ya, but some parts are safer/securer than others. Don’t such bikes have some sort of built-in anti-theft measures, like what Samsungs and iPhones et al, have?

(Snow)board? Where in the Alps? I love the Alps… my favourite place to board, but looking to Mont Blanc and those sides for further boarding novelty. I’ve (unknowingly) boarded on a very-narrow cliff ridge… petrified the shit out of me… never again… I’ll never put myself in that position/in the hands of (so-called) friends.

How did that go? I can’t be around sharks or lions or tigers etc. due to the most irregular cycle ever… they’d sniff me out and have me for dinner in minutes. :laughing: Don’t know why I’m laughing though as that shit ain’t even funny, as it’s the stuff that nightmares are made of. :neutral_face:

I was recently invited to a Kenyan expedition for next year, and I couldn’t tell the invitees the real reason I couldn’t go… apart from the fear of snakes and all other poisonous and dangerous animals, but if they insist I will blurt it out, and then there will probably be silence.

Ain’t nuthin wrong with dat! Charity’s good, and who doesn’t love cupcakes… though I’m not sure where the embroidery plays a hand in raising funds? Quilts?

Hi Persefonie, so youve found your way to this jungle - forgive our ignorant nazihipster here, hating on his own roots to blame a stranger for the apocalypse which he welcomes, like the Christians blame the Jews for causing their religion. It is a convoluted dumbness, the lower orders of human culture are spasmodic, and the fate of our planet depends entirely on whether these spasms can be brought under control.

Certainly the magical language of Hebrew seems to have an organizing effect upon very great movements, and I don’t know if it was you who said this somewhere, that the only thing left now for us is magic.


Brought under control you say? You should make a thread on that as it would simply be amazing and delightful. I’ll even chime in Fixed. We can have a nice civil debate you and I.

Hipster? Not even close. Disenfranchised angry white American underclass more truthful in describing me.

Let’s not go into outlandish exaggerations Fixy.

Maybe you will find out what “disenfranchisement” truly means. But it is not likely. You are more likely to continue being a spoiled brat.

suppose for the sake of argument we stipulated that zero sum was, indeed, a bona fide loser. that he was lazy, that he made no effort to learn marketable skills, that he maintained an unhealthy diet and as a result, suffered health problems. does this mean that he isn’t warranted in objecting to western capitalism on purely rational grounds? that is to ask, despite the fact that due to what choices he has made in life - and experienced ‘ground-zero’ of the lower class struggle because of it - must he have not been a loser, first, to have the privilege of objecting?

now i, for one, would never call the dude a ‘spoiled brat’, because i wouldn’t know enough about his life to have an informed opinion about such matters. but neither would i need to know enough about his life to permit him to have his objections, because they stand on their own merits… irrespective of whether or not he, as an individual, is a loser by his own making.

and i like to point this little gem out too. everyone, excepting a full blown retard, is capable of being a productive asset to society in some way, provided they are developed properly. but in the case of them not be developed, who and what exactly is to blame? more to the point; how does a system which doesn’t interfere with such character development, have the audacity to complain about an underdeveloped character when one happens? and even more to the point; how does the system have the nerve to complain when that underdeveloped character disregards that system’s laws and rules and becomes criminal, dissident and/or subversive merely to survive?

“capitalist society deserves its crime” - lenin

moral of the story: either the state involves itself in the development of its citizens completely, or it forfeits its right to call ‘ethical foul!’ when a citizen becomes subversive.

this is a matter of both strength and competence of the state, which hitherto has been only a comical caricature of such.

there is no ‘state’ in any real sense in western capitalistic societies. two states, rather; bourgeois and proletarian, and they are in direct opposition. there are ‘laws’, of course, but these exist only coercively and are forced on to those who do not benefit from its property laws in the same way the capitalist does, when the lower classes’ become subversive as a consequence of lacking access to property (housing, healthcare, training, job security, etc.). all these structures of the state proceed from property laws.

any conservative right-winger today who so much as opens his mouth even half way to complain about the state of the lower classes, in this country, is the very embodiment of the deepest contradiction ever produced at the very heart of the philosophy of the civil contract. what you see today is not a ‘state’, much less an equal obligation of all citizens to follow the law.

(i gotchu, zero sum. imma hold it down for you, son. just stand back and let me work)

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