Sedition and Moving Far Right

Go back to sticking your head in the sand, you would sound less foolish. … 421776001/ … up-sports/ … ens-sport/ … te-fairly/ … _in_sports … iolations/ … rts-2019-4 … 1573602744 … stroom-faq … ms-schools … ted_States … -restroom/ … … t-65160200 … omfortable … 51130.aspx … government … sexuality/ … sexuality/ … gbt-issues … 4cfc8f0303 … story.html … bt-history … hild-about

How many examples did you want?

100 more or 1000? … 03466.html

Not looking good for you and yours, PK.

Ready to throw in the towel? Or want to keep pushing?

The Liberal-Loony-Left, prepared for a backlash yet???

K: I looked at each and every single link you listed and I have been laughing
ever since… did you even read any of these? 4 or 5 of them is directly
refuted your talking points, the 13 and 15 link for example…

the first dozen or so link talk about women and sports… and I fail
to see from these links the connection between your “points”
and the links… gotta ask, is there even a vague connection between
your talking points and women in sports?

because I can’t see it…… somehow by allowing transgenders to play
in sports, we are causing fascism…and in some fashion as yet not
pointed out……

you haven’t made a point, you have simply listed random articles
about things that seem to irk you and as yet, you haven’t made
a connection between those things that irk you and these random links…

how does a bathroom bill create fascism? how does transgender people
engaging in sports make the “liberals looney” ?

for the love of god, make some connections between your private opinions
which seem to be very conservative and how does a transgender bill or a
bathroom bill make for fascism?

as of right now, you have many random links, of which at least 4 don’t even support
your position and some very random opinions against transgender people
and somehow connected with “looney liberals”… make some connections
between your random links and your post…


The fact that you “don’t see anything wrong” with Transgender, mentally ill males, engaging in sports against women, admits to your insanity.

The fact that you “don’t see anything wrong” with teaching children about sexual deviancy, or teaching them of its “normalcy”, admits to your insanity.

K: and once again, make a linkage… what is “Insane” about being ok with Transgenders or
being open about sexual orientation… you have to make some linkage to what you
claim is insane and the facts you report… why does being ok with transgenders make
one “insane”?

I would argue that your fixation on sexuality and transgender suggest that
you are personally hung up on the issue because you have some personal
issues with being transgender or other sexual issues that you are unable to resolve…

it is your personal issues that are driving this discussion, not being transgender itself
or having a sexual identity…those who show a great deal of fear about an issue
have some serious issues about that issue… so what is your issue with sexual identity?

do you think you are some other gender then the one you were born with?

are you transgender yourself and are afraid someone will find out?

to be honest, I really don’t give a shit about your sexual identity or your
sexual problems…I live in California where every other person has some
gender or sexual issues… it doesn’t really matter to me…

so tells us? why are so you so gender phobic?


Ah yes, “Transphobic”, this is your defense of your insanity.

There’s no more reasoning or logic against your kind.

Take your perversions and shove em.

An appeal to anybody who doesn’t want to expose their children, the sons in USA, to these sexual perversions that it’s “normal” or “okay” to dress boys as girls, or that their “gender is fluid”, that self-castration is “a choice”, and that PK, his handlers, the LLL establishment, want to push this onto society as a whole. Then, they like PK, have the audacity to try to turn it around and call you “Transphobic”. These fucking loonies are out-of-line. The time for “reasoning” with them, or logic, is finished. It’s a waste of time. They have no rationality, otherwise things never would have degenerated so far.

It’s time for the People’s Veto.

They are child murderers, PK is a lawyer for the worst savages in history.

Ive realized you cant reason with the lawyers of evil, as you cant reason with any lawyers - their entire brain is arranged to only respond to what advances their entitlement. Reason as you and I know it is not in their capacity, they literally don’t know how evil they seem to us. They have never had an honest thought in their whole existence.

I see that now. So I wont waste more time in trying to reason with them.

K: you say: “their is no more reasoning or logic against
your kind” but the problem is you haven’t used any sort of reason or
logic in your arguments… you have simply huffed and puffed your way though
some not connected arguments… you haven’t linked your arguments into
a coherent whole…you say I am insane and yet fail to provide evidence for
such a claim… you seem to think I somehow support pedophiles… and yet,
I haven’t made any such claim… I lightly defended Clinton from circumstantial
evidence…and that somehow connects me to defending pedophiles…

linkage… please somehow link your distinct and separate arguments…

it would make it easier to discern…


Being soft and moderate about such deeply traumatic issues as abortion and sex change is in itself evil.
To be aggressively pushing these traumatic practices is a greater power of evil.
And to be attacking those who resist that push is totalitarian evil.

That’s where the line was crossed with me. They attack the ones who are “offended” or have suspicion about all this, and viciously too. I can’t believe the audacity of how degenerated things have become. I’m in it to win it now.


I must admit I find both fix and urwrong righteous indignation to
be rather……. silly…

I am finding both of their indignation to be so over the top as to lead me
to wonder why, why they are so over the top with these specious claims…

does it have to do with the fact you live with absolute moralities that define
acts as being right and wrong, absolutely? there is no such thing as absolute
right or wrong… morality doesn’t work that way… Morality is a sliding scale
where what seems to be right or wrong on any given day, changes and becomes
less so as time goes on… an example of this is Homosexual marriage… it was
considered as an egregious crime as being a pedophile and yet, here we are
with homosexual marriage being the law of the land in the U.S…

does that mean I support pedophiles? No, it doesn’t… I have a basic
rule which is this… relationships must be 18 and consensual…
that is kinda my rule… that is my basic rule… for any relationship…
any sexual activity…18 and consensual…for an adult to engage in
a relationship with anyone under 18 is wrong and inappropriate

this is basic stuff…… does this kind of relationship signify the end of
the world? ah, no… does it mean the end of western civilization as we know it,
ah, no… but a relationship by an adult with an minor is wrong and inappropriate…

I would think that would end your little tirade but you clearly have
some issues which you really should deal with…so, I would hope
you will end here…but probably because you are incapable of being
honest about your sexual issues, you won’t …

the truth shall set you free my friend… the truth shall set you free…


For the last 30 years, most of my life, and probably beyond, the Liberal-Left and “Secularists” throughout the US have attacked, destabilized, and attempted to overthrow society on bases of cultural injustices. These attacks have been made against “Homophobia, Transphobia, Anti-Semitism,” and the like. Thus, if you don’t support Abortion, Homosexuality, Transexuality, and Zionist policies, then you are liable and open to be attacked. The expected attacks are: “Racist, Sexist, Misogynist, Anti-Semitic, Nazi”.

Now, the thing is, there has been an invisible boogey-man and fear of “Neo-Nazi-Hitler-Fascism” rising in the US. This has been completely false and delusional, insuchthat the atmosphere, people, climate, and history of USA and the Western Hemisphere, has almost no likeness to Germany or Central Europe of the past two centuries. If there is any “Fascist” likeness, then it might be, maybe the forced removal and relocation of Native American Indians by the original British Colonialists and Settlers. This is a stretch of debate, though. So, to the point, there is no real ‘Fascist’ threat in US history, never has been, not is now, and probably not will be.

The Liberal-Left like to believe they are on the ‘Right’ side of history (ironically), and their foe is a Neo-Nazi skinhead “racist”. However, this has been a phantom for the most part, with exception to some Civil Rights Strife, long ago, and before this (Millennial) generation. Simply put, there is no boogey-man. There is no manifestation. The Secularist, Democrat, Liberal, Leftist establishment has been fighting demons. And most of US and American society, didn’t really care nor take notice. But it is until recently, where these “demons” are quickly being conjured into reality.

Why are the radical-left so incessant in their need to “Summon the Devil himself”? Here is my reasoning: When your entire mentality revolves around Victimhood, and being a Victim, yet you can find no Oppressor in sight, cannot conjure an Oppressor, then it becomes even more deeply troubling and unsettling for those who have been dependent on this ideology. The “Victims” become exasperated and desperate. They Need an Oppressor, even if “He” doesn’t exist, and especially if “He” doesn’t exist. So the ideology is pushed further and further to the extreme, until now, where the “Center”, the “Moderate”, the reasonable and average majority, become “The Enemy”.

If you have no oppressor, but you desperately want to cling to the Victim-status, then you must Create your Oppressor. You must make, out of the moderate and center, a New Nazi, a New Hitler.

You must bring your own demons, into reality. You must make them, where they would not exist otherwise, without your own making.

Because unless this demon is Created, Conjured, then there is never recourse or release of those who are “Eternally Victims”. There is no justification, peace, or rest, until the Victim can make his/her Oppressor. So even though there is no ‘Real’ oppression, no ‘Real’ challenge, there will be one made. Furthermore, this becomes an injustice to actual Victims of history, who have legitimate and reasonable grievances. So this attack, on the ‘Center’ of USA and American culture, will produce two injustices. First it will harm actual victims of history, who are rare, and who deserve justice. Second it will make of those who essentially have been moderate, peaceable, tolerant, into the “Satanic Oppressor”, who then has no choice but to fight in what “used to be normal”. It is an attack on normalcy, and so, an attack on almost all core-values shared by almost all people. It is from the radicalization, of the radicals.

K: and you call me delusional! oh the irony of it all…


Yes, KP, you murderers have nothing to say in your own defence except that it is “silly” to oppose your heinous practices. That is precisely why you are considered to be heartless, rotten.


Yes, I am “delusional” for wanting to bring back gender-norms, boys are boys, girls are girls, marriage is between man and woman, transexual mentally-ill people should not self-castrate and then try to compete in female sports.

Great argument PK! Anything else? I am the delusional one. What does that make you? Boys are girls and girls are boys??

Good video.
Of course the democratic and republican parties were always corrupt, but they’ve gotten worse over time, perhaps the democrats a little more so.
They got worse for the people got soft and let themselves be taken advantage of by parasites.
These things wax and wane.
They also got worse for America became more diverse and divided over time, and its institutions were infiltrated and subverted by Jews, other minorities and traitorous whites.

A little immigration and diversity can be a good thing, especially if a nation needs to grow.
Moderate immigration of whites and the odd non-white here and there was fine, which’s how it was up until 1965, but mass immigration of nonwhites, illegal immigration and refugees wasn’t, at least not for the white working and middle classes who’d be most adversely affected by it, while the upperclass live in their gated communities and grew richer off the cheap labor, which’s how its been since.

Interestingly the democratic party wasn’t always economically socialist and socially progressive, it became that way over time.
Before the 20th century it was capitalist and socially conservative and libertarian.
In the early-mid 20th century it became more socialist, but remained socially conservative and libertarian.
There was a shift in the mid-late 20th century where it became socially progressive.
At first it was just anti-xenophobia, but by the early 21st century it became xenophilic and misandrist.

At any rate, the republicrats are liberal fascists now.
Their objective is to transfer wealth and power from the white working and middle classes to the elite on the one hand, and minorities on the other.
Either way the Jew wins, because he’s both the elite, and a minority.
The Jew pretends to be socialist, but he’s its antithesis, he’s the least proletariat/most bourgeois race.
He and his allies infiltrated and subverted populist movements, converting them into liberal fascist entities.

It’s very ironic to me that the “Democratic Party” are the ones trying to impeach the democratically elected President on …trumped-up charges.

It’s a contradiction. Either you are Pro-Democracy or you’re not. Democrats are not acting Democratically. If the majority of USA were to want a child for president, psycho for president, or transgender-thing for president, then Democracy dictates and justifies the majority. Democracy is essentially “mob-rule”. And USA is seeing the limits. It’s become a problem.

Traditionally and historically, USA has been dominated by mostly a Protestant-Christian White-Male mindset and ethics. And this has been fine, up to now, when minorities and females, radicalized by subversion, want to “overthrow the system” with Socialism and/or Anarchic types of sedition.

Moderns don’t get it. You can’t have it both ways. Republicans are the new Democrats and Democrats are the new Republicans.

The more things become radicalized, the more inevitable and closer a breaking-point comes. When reason and rationality break-down, and conversation and debate cannot be had, then violence begins. Signs of this are already occurring. The Liberal-Left are unwilling to have conversations and debates (because they lose), and so want to push their perversions and hedonism through violent protests. They claim to fight tyranny; but they are being led by tyranny themselves.

I am observing quite the opposite.

You are perhaps “wondering” because you misdesignated them as “specious”.

I think that you would find it a hard case to defend that claim.

The truth will bind you to the facts and free you from false accusations. So let’s look at an accusation and some fact.

The accusation seems to be that UrWrong has made claims concerning LLLs that he cannot substantiate (link evidence of).

Case 1:
One of his claims was that the LLL has pressed the issue of sexuality being merely an emotional choice rather than a biological fact.

In response UrWrong posted the following (in part):

If we examine the first evidentiary link, we can see that it is exculpatory.

The article is substantially about how women have become disadvantaged in sports due to argumentation and US federal laws supporting arbitrary definitions of the word “sex”. This problem arose only because of the recent demand from the LLL concerning sexual identity being, not a fact of physiology, but instead merely the choice of a person, “Ze’s sex is female if ze claims ze is female.”

The link does, in truth, support UrWrong’s claim. Already the facts have freed UrWrong from the false accusation that he could not link “even one” evidentiary support for his accusation.

Unlike PKs claim, I didn’t bother to read the entire list of what seems to be similar links because the truth has already freed the accused.

PK has lost his bet and whatever credit was associated with it.