Misconceptions about the far-right.

Itā€™s reverse colonialism with international crony capitalist zionists running the west now that openly call for killing, destroying, and abolishing European whiteness. Youā€™re a racist if you acknowledge this openly or publicly.

Yes, there were plenty of mistakes made in the past. I wonā€™t argue against that but let us not pretend genocide is purely a white thing either historically.

Jordan Peterstein and zionist Shapiro? :laughing:

Tommy Robinson, just another zionist lackey a part of the controlled opposition matrix.

What exactly do you think is going to happen when the native British, Welsh, and Scots die off in Britain?

You live in London, donā€™t tell me you havenā€™t seen the negative impacts of foreign immigration there going on the last thirty years.

Donald Trump is just another New World Order pawn placed there to oversee the national financial bankruptcy of the United States. I assure you that the United States is beyond saving now where its collapse is all but guaranteed.

When the United States collapses it will radically change the west forever and there will be chaos everywhere. There might even be a world war if people in positions of power become crazy enough to do so which is a distinct real possibility.



Donald Trump is in all likelihood a complete and total fraud, but I doubt every civic national libertarian politician and popular social media personality is a complete fraud.
Iā€™m a white nationalist, but not every politician and social media personality who isnā€™t a white nationalist is a total fraud.

I think of myself as a populist, rather than far, alt or center right or left.
Populism can be contrasted with pluralism (diversity, multiculturalism and multiracialism) on the one hand, and elitism on the other.
Itā€™s about emancipating, empowering and putting the interests of the majority first (which means the white working and middle classes), as opposed to minorities, or elites first.

For me, populism is something concrete.
Basically Itā€™s center-right on social issues, democratic and center-left on economic issues.
Itā€™s not far right or left, because both collectivism, and individualism are compatible with populism.
The people express their will with their dollar and freedom of choice, with their guns and at the ballot box.
If thereā€™s an excess of monetary and voter fraud, the people have the right to radically reform, or overthrow their government.
Insofar as government intervenes, it should be primarily to further the interests of the majority.

Rather than think of things in terms of right and left, Iā€™d rather think of them in terms of inner and outer, or center/core and periphery.
Populism is the blood and guts of a society, elites and minorities are the extremities, or else, not a part of it at all, alien.
Elites and minorities become parasitical when they try to make themselves equal to the center, or put themselves at the center.
They must be made to recognize they are of lesser importance.
I have no desire to oppress anyone.
However, they should be accommodating us.

Populism is not scientific or religious elitism either.
Science and religion are of 2ndary importance.
What the people think, as individuals, communities and a collective, is primary.

I voted for Maxime Bernier.

While Iā€™m sure Donald Trump is full of it, Iā€™m not sure about the others, some I havenā€™t done enough research on, others havenā€™t really had a chance to prove themselves yet by being elected.

Democracy is perfectly compatible with white nationalism.
Up until about 1965, Canada, the US and the UK were white national democracies.
Our immigration policies were designed to keep us majority white.
Israel, South Korea and Japan are ethno-states, and democracies.
And the soviet union was, and Russia under Vladimir Putin is, a civic nationalist autocracy at best.

While civic nationalism is inadequate for me, but itā€™s a step in the right direction.
Is it too little, too late?
Weā€™ll see.
Even still, all else being equal, Iā€™d rather support a group of white nationlist revolutionaries whoā€™re in favor of some democracy than another group of white nationalist revolutionaries who arenā€™t.

I agree with you in that civic nationalism is not far-right, if anything itā€™s center or center-left, far right would be would be mass-deportation of nonwhites.

That enforced-influx of large immigration numbers is the weirdest phenomenon, that has been forced upon the Western Hemisphereā€¦ I doubt things can get any worse, and I really donā€™t want to be proven wrong on that one.

Sorry, I meant self-genocide, as in not reproducingā€¦ so, what and whom is stopping the white populations from procreating, making babies, and populating the planet too with little thems?

Iā€™ve spoken on the subject here before, but just to reiterateā€¦ since Brexit was announced, immigration numbers drastically fell, as immigrants started leaving the UK soon after, and the numbers are still declining to an all-time low.

So where London was over-run with an excess of people and workers, the streets are now accessible, and anxiety levels lowerā€¦ due to there being much-less people to navigate through on a daily basis. I think the UK cities, and Public, were at breaking point.

Right, in addition to the schools of thought we already mentioned, *civic national libertarians and white national socialists, thereā€™s cultural national socialists (fascists).

Couldnā€™t agree more, Zion is leading the revenge against the west, as it always has, since ancient times.


Libertarians are on their own, fuck them! I always joke that there might have to be two white ethnic homelands or ethnostates, one for socialists and the other for libertarians. I totally hate and despise their crony capitalist mindsets. Once shit hits the fan these white upper middle class and wealthy people are going to find out real quick nobody is going to labor or toil for them concerning their shitty economic ideological beliefs. Theyā€™re going to be forced to cut their own damn grass and work for themselves laboring. Donā€™t want to adequately compensate people for their labor and treat them like actual human beings? Fine, go fuck off, and do it on your own! Weā€™re not going to be your disposable work mules any longer. Fuck off, and take your rugged radical individualism with you! The white working class is tired of being fucked over by the white upper middle class and wealthy where weā€™re going to go our own separate ways when the shit hits the fan. I give it a few years before LOLibertarian-fuckistan internally implodes where the white libertarians will be practically begging to join us white working class socialists afterwards. I care for white libertarians because theyā€™re our racial genetic brothers or cousins but they need to fucking drop their bullshit economic and social ideologies that have cost us dearly for the last hundred years.

They need to learn some humility for once in their damn lives. Will they learn it with western nations totally collapsing? We shall see, some of them will but most probably wonā€™t. All I know is that if they think that the current status quo of having the white working class as their foot stools is going to still exist in the collapse of whole entire societies theyā€™re in store for some very amusing disappointments. Not going to happen! Also, these smug spoiled upper middle class or wealthy white women are in store for a real treat when entire western nations and societies collapse, but Iā€™ll save that for another time. :sunglasses:

Suffice it to say, us white working class men have been kicked to the curb far too many times like disposable garbage and weā€™re not going to be putting up with any entitled princesses any longer when all of this goes down. That female entitled privileged [feminist] nonsense is going to go by the wayside real quick and white women better smart the fuck up within the new environment of things. :laughing: :sunglasses: :stuck_out_tongue:

Agreed, libertarianism is woefully inadequate.

I blame them and crony-capitalism for the decline or fall of the west, I really do.

Stubborn, stupid, and selfish short sightedness. They had it all and still managed to fuck up everything under three generations.

Well the Jew thrives in capitalism if heā€™s permitted to practice usury and fractional reserve banking.
Then they use some of their ill-gotten gains to takeover and subvert the socialist opposition to them.
Itā€™s an old playbook.

Jews thrive under every environment because during the diaspora they basically inhabited the four corners of the world in every nation. They know how to blend in within every nation, people, or culture.

Shapeshifters and chameleons my man.

In communism they makeup a majority of the inner party and political vanguard where in capitalism they make up the majority of bankers, brokers, stock owners, corporate lobbyists, or corporate CEOS.

Their inherent religious and cultural nature is that of subversion or exploitation scheming against others in the name of their own group survival. Theyā€™re ruthless and very crafty with propaganda political campaigns or waging silent hidden wars behind the scenes of things outside of the public purview. In some ways I admire their ruthlessness and devotion to their collective self group interests but I still hate them all the same. There certainly is much to learn from them like you would with any other enemy or adversary.

They redirect the socialist opposition away from real issues like wages, healthcare, education and upholding white working class values towards subversive things, like carbon taxes, raising taxes for the working class, corporate welfare, black lives matter, feminism, gay marriage, transsexualism, gun control, open borders, utopian anarchism and communism, drugs, Hollyweird, MTV and porn, which alienates the white working class, who end up voting for the same capitalists and cronyists who fucked them over to begin with, who do nothing to oppose the usury, fractional reserve banking and corporatism, who just cut taxes for the rich, cut spending on the poor and take us to war.

Itā€™s not enough to simply remove the usury, fractional reserve banking and corporatism in place, the richest 1%-0.1% have been getting richer off it for over a century now, they owe us trillions of dollars in reparations.

But thereā€™s no reason we canā€™t have our cake and eat it too, why we canā€™t have socialism without all the bullshit.

Of course itā€™s not just the Jews whoā€™re responsible, but theyā€™re overrepresented in it, many times over.