Do you ever look at your own personal individual evolution?

Libertarianism considers the government to be necessary but at the same time as the greatest threat
to that which it guarantees: certain protections from anarchy.

But is more easily burned to the ground.

Well it had at least five centuries of political tradition behind it by the time Caesar was granted his 10 year dictatorship. The time for US emperors is not yet at hand.

People are nothing without the state.

Hence the axe in the figure above ready to strike down anybody that threatens the general well being of the nation state.

The period of total social upheaval and revolution has just begun where a strong figure will emerge from the ruins of the former nation challenging the impotency or ineffectiveness of democracy. This will become repeated all throughout the west.

This Ive always known, I never saw people as being much able to live without authority anyway.
So if you have a state, what is the least intrusive one?
What is the state which leaves everyone in peace and also grants people rights with respect to each other and it, which it will protect?

smalls states are cheap.
I don’t believe in taxes, I believe in altruism by great fortunes, philanthropy for providing bed and breakfast to any soul on the street including stray cats and dogs. But no mice. There are limits.

I don’t believe in taxes on privates. To exist should be free as well as to exert ones own labour.
That we have to pay to the state to be working at all is not good.
But I can see the usefulness of money in the bank so I don’t mind taxing corporations, businesses with a revenue of some certain level, like 20 million a year. So anything producing expensive consumer and industrial items like cars or computers will be forced to remain in the tax paying category, whereas less massive businesses can go about their business in complete prosperity without worrying about the looming shadow of the state.

Limited government is weak, ineffective, and easily corruptible. That’s why I am totalitarian and a centralist.

The moment corruption or decadence shows its face in society it must be eradicated at its root.

Civilization can’t exist without taxation, those that argue against taxation just want to cheat the system for their own self enrichment. They’re no better than anarchists.

There is no such thing as peace, there is only social order of disorder. The later must always be removed from society.

You’re just another looking for tax loopholes.

Government exists because humans aren’t considered competent enough by themselves to govern themselves autonomously adjacent to one another.

it doesn’t matter if we think this is because of excessive power to be violent or excessive weakness in proportionate behaviour, it is not because we are very wise.

Now collectivism goes to the assumption that we are entirely unwise, that only a statistical weighing of voices can bring about wisdom.
But if I see a tennis match I don’t want to know what the average was of the scores of both teams. I want to know the individual stats, I want to be able to deduce the winner.
So Capitalism is more psychologically utilitarian than fascism because it allows for winners and losers within a social fabric and doesn’t consider all winners inside the social fabric and all losers outside of it, which is what fascism is and what women want.

I know you’re not the guy to think something administrative through but give it a try. Think about only taxes for non-human agents, only tax those who don’t enjoy the money or suffer some scarcity in it.

A majority of human beings are irresponsible, unwise, and self destructive, only an iron rod can correct them into something productive. The dumb self destructive herd of animals need to be managed for their own good.

Today’s capitalism is all about the socialism of the very rich and wealthy with fucking over everybody else.

The only cure is nooses around their necks swinging from lampposts or death by firing squad.

More rich and wealthy people shouldn’t have to pay taxes nonsense.

I was an Injen synchretist until about 8, briefly a Romanist when I fell in love with my father, and an Anarchist the moment pubert hit. Haven’t looked back since. I consider anyone who prefers government to non government weak and pathetic. They want a cock in their mouths as far as I’m concerned.

If you follow an anarchist logic through, you end up a Kissingerian Trump supporter and big fan of Limbaugh

The United States is all but an anarchist state. Freedom. What is freedom but?

The master has spoken

ZS I now consider Pedro I Rengels since recently the political master where it concerns American politics, where that means the politics of the whole continent with respect to the rest of the world. And you need power to live comfortable lives as being just a guy in the masses.

This is why Rome worked so well, because it had a lot of plunder. You could keep people happy. But collectivism is no business model, there is no plunder, no bounty, no nothing. The gulag is always directly around the corner.

Yes for you it is about revenge, for me it is about solvency.

Worth noting that the Republican case is and always was an anarchist one: be great and powerful to keep the would be governers down. No matter how restrictive the US may seem at times, trust us, it’s peanuts.

Really? Or as a gudiance to others?

Is the difference worth a public airing, or will that really make that much of a difference? We tend to undervalue that small point of departure , whereas greatly concerned about the price of arrival to that point of view.( present company included)

Is It worth it? What are the short term versus the long term of objectives?
Are they realistic or constructed with other Motives ? That is the acid test?
Or, is it merely concerns with the game of probability with opinion?

Who knows, but lets remind of Trump’s regard for gambling and the failed enterprises of Atlantic City.

All other rationalizations are reduced to sour grapes for inexorbitant losses

At any rate the Bidan son’s irregular.behavior , as against the irregular behavior of those in Trump’s son, behooves an equally identifiable breach of competency, serving a second tier rationalization.

Personally, referring to second tier rationalization as a way out, is an act of cowardice

How much does a secondary tier reflect primary conditional reflections?

That is a copout, and such is a derivitive that reflects some of the ignorance of procedural deflection from material to immaterial denigration of the material to the immaterial dialectic mirrored in absence of a viable transition.

It is noteable that the Budapest conference, as is the Trump-Oban meeting , germinate such an approach

Financial economic solvency regarding the United States? Give me a few seconds to recover from pissing myself laughing! :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue:

The United States is economically and financially bankrupted where very soon this propped up shitshow of a national domestic market is going to collapse taking down the dollar globally with it where once that happens everybody can kiss their asses goodbye. We’re beyond economic and financial solvency now where all that is left is revenge or retribution against those who have pillaged our nation along with those that have aided them all these several years. Solvency? Thanks for the laugh bud.