It's a wonderful time period in the United States 2020

He has a magical protection cloak which prevents socialists from even understanding what he is, much less what he does. Makes things simpler.

He’s a dumbass boomer without a clue stuck in the 1980’s and a filthy zionist to boot.

He’s also a crony capitalist, fuck him.

I like socialism, national socialism that is.

Magical protection cloak? :laughing:

You Marxist-lite democrats or full blow communists are in store for such a huge rude awakening. :laughing:

Also, every successful revolution is started by a minority of people.

Political moderates are going to be devoured in this current time period, this is the era of political extremism or radicalism and I love it. :sunglasses:

They ain’t waiting for no collapse.

Seven other companies had been named as Libra Association members in the initial June 2019 announcement, but left before the first Libra meeting on 14 October 2019: Booking Holdings, eBay, Mastercard, Mercado Pago, PayPal, Stripe and Visa Inc. Visa chairman and CEO Alfred F. Kelly clarified in July that Visa had not joined, but had signed a nonbinding letter of intent; and that “no one has yet officially joined.” He said that factors determining whether Visa would, in fact, join included “the ability of the association to satisfy all the requisite regulatory requirements.”[27]

Press coverage around the initial Libra announcement noted the absence of Apple Pay, Google Pay, Amazon and of any banks.[28][29][30] Banking executives had been reluctant to join due to uncertainties surrounding regulation and feasibility of the scheme.[31]

The association hopes to grow to 100 members with an equal vote, while Facebook expects to “maintain a leadership role through 2019”.[32]

Bigger banks are also involved, but for some unimaginable reason they have since made sure their names don’t appear associated with it too much. JP Morgan and such.

People will blame the banks, obviously. Unimaginative lazy bastards looking for a hand out. But the truth is, if the government is offering free money or access to privileged trading protected by governments, aka police and military, lawyers, agencies, the State, anybody that can take that money and doesn’t will go broke. Simple as that.

They’re too smart though. They won’t replace national currencies. That would eliminate the privilege.

The U.S. is vested too deep to allow any major moves on it’s currency. The US is really the USNWO. After all skirmishes like the late great recession may have been like blasting minor fissures of earthquake prone terrain, so that the Big One can be averted.
The G7 is not all that transparent, and among all the hubbub of the international banking community, there is veritable hubs of international policy making, to which capital has to subscribe to.
Policy reigns supreme among the high players of international finance, and the public marketplace of the local media is not only allowed, but encouraged to take up the slack.
Total international coup is inconceivable, as a natural byproduct.

Libra was already shot down by regulators.

It’s going to be Bitcoin or bust, and even if they try to implement Bitcoin that will fail also.

Digital fiat is still fiat nonetheless in terms of currency.

Facebook? :laughing:

No sorry, that’s never going to happen man.

Be interesting if Europe cozies up with Russia. Italy has already signed a bunch of trade deals with China for better or worse.

One by one many nations are turning against the circus nation known as the United States. Cannot say that I blame them. This nation is existentially screwed on so many fronts.

zero: You Marxist-lite democrats or full blow communists are in store for such a huge rude awakening. :laughing:

K: actually, I am not a communist… given a choice, I would prefer anarchism…

Z: Also, every successful revolution is started by a minority of people.

K: if you actually have read history, you would know that the minority of people
you refer to are really either middle class or Aristocrats…every single major
rebellion or revolution has been lead by someone/somebodies from the middle
or wealthy class… see the French Revolution or the Russian Revolution or
even see the minor revolution in the U.S during the 1930’s which was lead by an aristocrat
named… Franklin D. Roosevelt…

that is why the current situation hasn’t resolved itself… we don’t have the leaders
from the upper or middle class who have stepped up and begun the revolution…

a bill gates or a Mark Cuban would actually give you some idea of what
the revolution is waiting for…

Z: Political moderates are going to be devoured in this current time period, this is the era of political extremism or radicalism and I love it. :sunglasses:
K: there is no historical backing for you statement… the moderates may go underground, but
they will survive and be the leaders of the next generation…that is what history has shown us…

if you understand that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, then
you will have a far better understanding of both history and politics, then dozens
of history or political classes you might take in school…

see this idea from the French revolution, the Thermidorian reaction… that is far more
likely then any moderate bloodbath…


So, there has never been a working class or peasant revolution ever in history? I think you’re wrong on that but I will agree a majority is devised by middle and upper classes. [Usually when they want somebody else’s power for themselves.]

An anarchist? You’re in worse shape than the communists then.

Better hope the moderates can go into hiding a few hundred years because that’s what we’re looking at concerning the new global dark ages. [It will only stop being the dark ages when one contender comes out of the chaos as the dominant ideology that fixes things. Could be an extremely long time before that happens.]

No, in my opinion it is happening as we speak.

I can almost hear You saying ’ who asked you?’

Can you be more specific?

An Oracle from Delphi

“Can you be more specific?”

K: having studied history for over 40 years, it is rare that things ever turn so bleak
as to exist for a “few hundred years”…the historical period known as the “Enlightenment”
which still drives much of what is happening today, lasted less then 80 years and the
Renaissance lasted, depending on the country, lasted roughly 300 years… in theory,
in practice, it really lasted maybe 200 years at most…

read history and see that history is driven by cycles… what is up today is down tomorrow
and what is down is up…liberalism is followed by conservatism and then liberalism comes
back… cycles of history is really the best way to understand history…

wait long enough and everything will return… this is true socially and this
is true politically…the true course of history is cycles within cycles…

one can see after a long time of conservativism in America, we can see
the rise of liberalism… and after a long time of liberalism, we will see
the rise of conservatism once again…that is how it works……cycles…

I suspect, don’t know, but suspect, that the coming cycle of liberalism will
last a couple of decades, then conservatism will come back…so with luck,
I will be dead when conservatism makes its return…


As soon as the Oracle is answered


Cryptic much? :laughing:

There was the Dark Ages of Europe. Sometimes past history isn’t much of a guide as everything is unprecedented now. Neo-liberalism making a comeback? I doubt it.

It really doesn’t matter who’s elected next year or what mainstream political party ascends into power, the United States economy is still on the verge of collapse where it isn’t going to care all that much who is in office.

I almost want the democrats to win next year to speed up the process of chaos, destruction, and economic collapse but being the man of principles that I am I just can’t vote for anybody at all next year. I just can’t participate in the joke of these national elections being that I’m strongly against it all.