Misconceptions about the far-right.

beware of the ‘red bourgeoisie’, joker.

bon jovi said it best: ‘shot through the heart, and you’re to blame. you give communism… a bad name’.


I hate cuckservatives [neoconservatives] for multiple reasons.

  1. They complain about illegal immigration and changing racial demographics now but it was the same neo conservative assholes working with the democrats in 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, and so on in the first place.

I don’t want to cut my own grass or have to pay expensive wages in labor where it’s just easier to pay Jose to do it. Fucking assholes.

  1. Their ideal of cutthroat Darwinian capitalism I am completely against because society cannot function or work if only a minority of people are successful while a majority of people live in economic penury. Neo-conservatives are going to learn that lesson the hard way in the coming years.

  2. They kiss the ass of Jews, zionists, and Israel every chance they get. A majority of them are disgusting Christian zionists religiously believing in their apocalyptic or rapture fantasies. Donald Trump is the biggest zionist of them all.

  3. Neo-conservatives complain about leftist feminism a lot but if anybody has lived in a rural republican area will know they have their own version of feminism with a neo-conservative twist attached to it. I despise feminism of both branches. Neo-conservatives are no better regarding that. Neo-conservative men basically believe in chivalry where they worship women being lead on a leash with their tails tucked between their legs like the little bitches that they are. They spoil the hell out of their daughters which in turn grow up to be overly entitled princess bitches that want it all.

  4. Neo-conservatives treat the poor like shit and I absolutely hate that. The democrats treat the poor like shit also but at least they pretend to care about them, neo-conservatives don’t even bother pretending. They’re a bunch of elitist snobs.

  5. Neo-conservative idea of nationalism is a joke. It’s basically a cosmopolitan civic nationalism lead by neoconservative ideology. As far as I’m concerned if you’re not a racial or ethnic nationalist you’re a fake.

  6. Neo-conservatives are basically a party that kisses the ass of the wealthy and powerful where as things get progressively worse overtime they then run around like a bunch of imbeciles wondering why nothing is changing.

  7. Neo-conservatives are just as obsessed with political correctness just as their democratic Marxist counterparts. A little bit less of course but they’re still obsessed with it all the same.

  8. Boomer generation of neo-conservatives are the fucking absolute scum of the planet.

They destroyed the United States economy overtime and then have the audacity to lecture or criticize the younger generations as being a bunch of lazy bums.

They complain that young people aren’t having enough children or reproducing even though it was their failed economic policies which created that circumstance to begin with.

They treat younger generations of men like crap after they’ve completely once again have destroyed the national economy with their absolute worship or idolizing of Wallstreet and the very wealthy.

  1. Neo-conservatives can’t see the forest for the trees, they delusionally think they can rebuild the nation where they don’t see the oncoming giant train that is about to derail everywhere.I

  2. Neo-conservatives are basically the pro war and military segment of endless wars abroad, democrats of course are not much better.

Exactly, my primary concern is the continuity and protection of the white working class. If there is evidence of anything it is that neither democrats or republicans care about the white working class. Me being white and working class only makes sense as to why I care about the white working class.

I’m a nationalist not an internationalist or globalist. I’m an isolationist as well, I have no problems with trading with foreign nations so long as it is mutually equitable.

I’ve read Marxism and communist philosophy to great extents in the past where I just can’t support either for more obvious reasons. While I describe myself as a economic socialist I don’t believe any kind of foreseeable social economic utopia is possible, I’m all about creating the best possible world. Inequality will always exist, I’m just about lessening it as best as possible in the name of greater social and racial cohesion. Trotsky was an internationalist [Jew], so no that won’t work for me.

Well having read some communist philosophers I think they’ve said communism failed because of the bourgeoisie.

The only way to handle the bourgeoisie that seem to always flow to the direction of crony capitalism given their way is to viciously and savagely restrain them within laws of course under a fascist government. :slight_smile:

Under monarchy the bourgeoisie were nobles, lords, and aristocrats where even kings had problems putting down their constant rebellions or uprisings.

Age defeats idealism in the end. Zoot and Joker, you two are still fundamentally Idealists even today. I’m not saying it’s bad, but I would have thought a steady dose of Reality would have taken by now. All or Nothing, I hope you’re kidding! Why, in the Hell, would an Army or Military want to protect the workers of a foreign nation? Are you remotely aware of how silly your Communism sounds?

That there would or could or should ever be an institution that serves “All Workers Unite!” of the world? If you want to impose Totalitarian measures, then hands-down, you have to be Fascist and rule the world. Otherwise, if you don’t like that Workers are disenfranchised, or the poor are disenfranchised, or that the downtrodden will be run-over, then you have to pick-and-choose your Allegiance. And both of you should know by now, that if you don’t have the strongest army, then “what you want” be damned.

But that’s the real-thing. Who has the Passion and will, to rule the world? It is your desire and ‘idea’ in competition with the heavy-handed Capitalists with a Billion-dollar bank account. Are they going to give it up? No. Are you going to take it from them? No. And if you did take it from them, wouldn’t you-yourself become as-corrupt, as selfish, as self-serving, as “evil” as they are? No?! Power corrupts, and Absolute power corrupts Absolute?!? It should be wisdom enough.

Actually Urwrong, Zoot went from being an autocratic communist overtime to an anarcho nihilist and I went from being an anarcho nihilist into a full blown autocratic fascist. I gotta say it makes me laugh sometimes just thinking about it between us two over the years. :laughing:

We’re talking about communism but I don’t think neither one of us are actually communist.

It’s progress of some kind, lol

You’re a republican, right? I seem to recall that in memory.

I’m anti-Democratic and don’t believe in Democrats or Republicans.

If I were put in charge of the US government, I would double taxes and cut spending in half immediately.

Sounding pretty fascist like me then. :sunglasses:

So the only difference between you and the far left is that you are a nationalist and they are globalists?

Or do you also differ in which races you hate (white verses non-white)?

My understanding is that “right” means ridged (usually extremely lawful to a heartless fault) and “left” means loose (usually lawless, immoral, hypocritical, and only feigning compassion).

In the US today, a “far-right” proponent is merely a strong conserving constitutionalist and basically a libertarian because the US Constitution is all about civil liberties (not loose leftist nihilation and socialism nor self-righteous dictatorships).

I suspect that you mean to say that you are fascist (promoting hatred and violence) which in desperation is adopted by both extremes.

I can easily agree with that complaint.

“All one needs to do to start a war is to over simplify important categories in the language”. - I remember who said it but can’t yet remember where.

I’m a nationalist, economic socialist, and a cultural social conservative. National socialists consists of beliefs from both spectrums. We’re economically socialist but on the other hand we’re culturally conservative on sex, race, culture, and immigration. We’re almost no different than neo-conservatives except for the fact that we’re economically socialist and don’t support the kind of crony-capitalism that neo-conservatives do. We’re definitely not libertarian capitalists at all. We support things like labor unions, social programs, and public community welfare.

I also support things like universal healthcare and readily accessible education or work apprenticeships for the general public.

We’re also not fond of Jews or zionism whereas the entire neo-conservative political movement is filled with Jews and zionists.

I don’t hate other races of people, I just don’t believe racial integration is possible or desirable. I believe racial separatism is necessary for world peace along with creating a sort of racial natural equilibrium. It seems the more you try to force people to live together the more conflict it creates.

Depending on the national socialist you ask, some believe in a minimal form of democratic voting or national elections but as for me I’m all about an autocracy which is my own personal contribution to the political stance.

I believe democratic voting is a sham and a giant con. Democracy might as well be synonymous with the word oligarchy.

I’m a critic of classical liberalism and believe the word conservative was hijacked after its introduction. In order to understand my position of conservatism one would have to view traditional conservatism before classical liberalism even existed historically.

Okay so you are anti-capitalist and nationalist.

Realize that economic socialism removes civil voting rights entirely except as a show for the young and naive (as the USSR demonstrated). So how do you expect socialism, national or otherwise, to avoid becoming extremely corrupt and devastating to the nation, as it always has before?

That seems a bit contradictory but can I ask what your concern is with the Jews and Zionists (since they are already very largely integrated (approximately 30% of your Congress)

I have no problem removing voting rights, I’m an autocrat after all.

I wouldn’t say I’m entirely anti capitalist but the way that capitalism is practiced today I’m entirely against, but yes I’m very much an economic socialist. A socialist I am but a Marxist I am not, that should be distinguished here.

It’s not contradictory at all. If you think it is contradictory I would ask you why.

Jews are primarily anti-white and when it concerns banking or the general corruption of crony capitalism Jews are prominent everywhere. Culturally and racially I believe in a societal white European revival.

What you will note as well is that we national socialists are big on protecting the integrity of the white working class. We’re the only people that explicitly call for strengthening the white working class where nobody else will.

So you favor corruption else you have some magic that no one else has demonstrated. Do you favor slavery (of anyone)?

So again as to not start a war through over simplification, can you explain the difference that you see between the Marxist that you are not and the national socialist that you are?

And it seems to me that if you are an economic socialist you must be entirely anti-capitalist because they are opposites. Do you actually favr a compromise (similar to well-fare programs within a capitalist economy)?

I merely meant that you first say that you dislike the Jews and then next say that you don’t hate other races. I think that I know what you meant. I was just noting the discontinuity there.

So you are guilty of committing the unforgivable sin of being white and loving your own race? For shame.

You say that Jews hate whites (“anti-white”). Have you some kind of reference or evidence that isn’t very probably just propaganda? Many have stated that in reality the Jews ARE the whites (in effect, I assume). It seems to me that modern day Catholics hate whites as much as Jews (although not nearly as much as Muslims and Secularists).

I’m against slavery of any kind. I just don’t believe voting or democracy is necessary in government. Plenty of governments have existed where neither democracy or voting was prevalent.

Marxist socialism seems to revolve around a future utopian state where there is no inequality and everybody is equal. For me that is an impossibility.

My conception of socialism is to not create a utopia or get rid of economic inequality altogether, instead it is about lessening inequality as much as possible in order to maintain greater social order and collective cohesion. My socialism is more about getting rid of social disruptions or dissension within society by unifying people from all economic class backgrounds. I don’t seek to disband economic class, I seek to unite the economic classes into a higher purpose that all individuals can benefit from.

I believe in the socializing of capitalism, sometimes I like referring to it as a kind of social capitalism. Basically I believe in taking the best of socialism and capitalism combining them together.

Jews might be the only exception to the rule, beyond Jews I don’t hate other races of people. I severely dislike Jews for a variety of bad acting that they’re behind.

Sure, some Jews are white in so much having to do with intermarriage and past religious conversions of Europeans. White Jews it seems are some of the biggest anti-white promoters there are.

Jews however don’t identify by race at least not like most other people do and are loyal to their religious identity first above all else. It’s not propaganda as I’ve researched these things for many years now but I can see why outside observers might think as much having no experience with the subject.

Yes, I’m unapologetically pro white ethnically and racially.

Certainly there can be government without democracy. Those have existed for thousands of years. The problem is that every one of them that lasted any more than a couple of generations have involved slavery. And I am pretty certain it is nearly impossible to prevent it. So I would need very substaintial evidence to support your governing theory.

I have to agree with both of those statements.

Now you have proposed a serious conundrum. Socialism is entirely a 2 class system (every kind of socialism being proposed). Socialism is distinguished from communism only in the regard that Communism pretends to have no class distinction. So actually perhaps you envision some kind of balance between socialism and communism where there is a little difference between the distinct classes but not much?

That would be pure communism and had been proven to fail almost instantly (again unless you have some magic spell that others have not revealed). And seems odd to be coming from a “far-right”.

The reason that communism (as well as socialism) does not work in reality is that they are both entirely imaginary realities wherein people work happily even though they have no inspiration to do so. They exactly reflect the wet dream of some loser guy who images women obeying his every command even though they have been given no actual reason to do so. They are fantasies of weak minded users of other people (often found among the Jews, hence Karl Marx and “usury”).

Well okay, nice dream but if you just get your socialism before you nail down exactly how to prevent the inherent corruption that comes with classism, guess what?

Exactly and precisely what rules are going to establish your version of governing and prevent it from being real socialism or communism? Your governing method must include the issue of what incentives give inspiration to workers of whatever class to keep them vibrant and fruitful. So far socialism and communism do just the opposite. That is why capitalism, which provides at least a little hope and inspiration has such an extreme economic advantage over the others.

Okay so it is some kind of compromise.
Now we need merely to know exactly which changes you prefer. And again note that once you go too far into social control of the economy, you no longer have any way to make corrections. Once voting is lost, it is lost forever. And you can forget about rebellion, which you seem to want to eliminate anyway (careful of what you wish for).

Seems to me that Muslims are much, much worse.

Do you attribute the global terrorism rage lately to Jews, Muslims, Secularists, or who?

I thought that they very strongly identify by race, more so than most others. Blacks in the US, Chinese in China, Arabs in Iran, Irishmen and others give the Jews some competition in that vein.

I agree that Jews, as well as all deeply religious people, place their religion above their citizenship. But I see that as only a problem when their religion contradicts the government. Sharia law, for example, very much contradicts the US Constitution. You cannot be devoted to both. I am not aware of any Jewish or Christian conundrum of any significance, although conflicts could arise. Omar is certainly making every effort to create such.

So now I have to assume that you are not merely a national pseudo-socialist, but actually a white Christian national pseudo-socialist.

Although by your description I would classify you as a “capitalist humanitarian constitutionalist”.

The idea that socialists have anything to do with humanitarianism is pure 100% propaganda and lie. Socialists are extreme hypocrites that CAUSE the extreme economic imbalance that you are noticing. They use capitalism in socialist ways so as to create monopolies that give them power (just look are your cities of San Fransisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, and New York - all socialist run). Does that describe you?

I suppose. I simply have no faith in the masses or mob-mentality “ruling” things. Politics is dominated by emotions and fear-mongering, and that is one of the worst possible ways to Govern/Lead a society.

That seems confusing. You say that fear mongering (fascism) dominates politics and is the worst way, but you claim to be a fascist at the same time?

I think Modern USA and Western Civilization have skewed so far “Left”, that simply wanting to be among your own kin(d), your own ethnicity, your own race, is “Alt-Right” or “Far-Right”, when it should be common sense and “Centrist”. I don’t mind ‘tolerance’ of ethnic and racial otherness, but what occurs today, as of 2019 is ludicrous, ridiculous, and simply unbelievable.

In almost every commercial/sitcom/move nowadays there is an underlying message that homosexuals are good, women are strong heroes, and race-mixing is good. The Media is too powerful, and too fake. Liberalism is tolerable in small doses, but not when it saturates 99% of the market.

USA is divided down the middle. 50% of the Country (conservative-right) want to return to the White-Anglo-Saxon-Protestant establishment and colonial era. The other 50% of the Country (liberal-left) want to push the extremes further and further, normalizing sexual debauchery, gay sex, transexuality, race-mixing, and everything else that “upsets” the other side. To me, that reeks of Resentiment, when your pleasure comes from displeasing others. Furthermore, inserting such ideas and debauchery into schools and children at younger and younger ages, is going to lead to a disaster, and some claim, that disaster is already occurring.

USA is at a cross-road, it can rear-back now, or things may quickly become violent. I’m not sure yet where the mass will go. It’s the “choice” of 300 million individuals.