Socialism is nice within Capitalism

Welcome to 1930’s Europe Zero_Sum. What’s your next move?

Some options here others went for:

Social democrat.

Christian democrat.

National socialist.


Military dictatorship (sans the romanticism).




How’s your Somalian love child in Canada Fixed? I was starting to worry that you might have a mid-life crisis or something and convert to Islam.

[Or, did you have her abort it instead?] If so, I bet that was an unforgettable cultural exchange between the both of you.

Next move? Well, there certainly would be a similar political, social, and economic atmosphere but with a more modern twist concerning my dream world.

Really though there is nothing to do yet other than wait for the entire political, social, and economic collapse of the West along with all the chaos, violence, insurrection, rioting, disobedience, and civil war that will consist with that.

I’m looking forward to that future destination with much anticipation and excitement.

Nothing really excites my almonds like the complete utter destruction of the current world order. Been talking about it and looking forward to it for decades now.

Sweden is what happens when you have neo-liberal globalists and communist Jews take over your nation along with radical feminism where women stop having children or families altogether in the name of professional careerism.

There’s also communist non-jews, you know…

Anyway, they did find a halfway between captlism and socelism.

"Really though there is nothing to do yet other than wait for the entire political, social, and economic collapse of the West along with all the chaos, violence, insurrection, rioting, disobedience, and civil war that will consist with that. "

Hey, I can rock with that.

Moroccan, you doofus. Doing well. Say hello to your wife for me.

My bad, how’s your Moroccan love child doing? Are you converting to Islam yet?

I don’t have a wife and I’m unmarried.

Yes there is, but those communists don’t have the bank or financial capital like the Jews have.

A balance between both socialism and capitalism is necessary, the polar extremes of both economic ideologies is destructive on society by themselves.

That’s basically my strategy now, waiting for the inevitable collapse of the west readying insurrection and entertaining myself on the internet with shit-posting in the meantime.

Not much changed since you last asked today.
But thank you for your relentless interest in my family’s well being.



It’s great to see you enriching western civilization that you supposedly embrace and are an admirer of.



Did you and your Moroccan wife vote in the latest Canadian elections by chance?

Well your interest in her hasn’t exactly waned…

Ill give her your best wishes. Maybe then you can continue fantasizing about her in private.

No, I’m just curious about the resident western philosopher and his exotic Moroccan wife wondering what that must be like. If you don’t want to say anything more on the subject that is fine.

We have our tensions. I was drawing runes on her neck one afternoon as she was half asleep and now Im branded “a radical”.

But yeah Id appreciate if we can move on to another subject.

Fair enough. Did you vote for Justin Trudeau? :slight_smile:

Not a very popular dude in my circles.


Well, at least you didn’t vote for Justin Trudeau where you got that going for you.