

White person disease.

To be clear, I don’t ascribe the new ecostupid to you, p. In that movie, you would be the priest. I also didn’t watch the movie the whole way through, as I have a low tolerance for propaganda these days. But that is what you have attached yourself to. And the disease is the same.

I had another point I think, but this whole ecotard shit makes my brain drowsy.

This is why the world hates white people: (instinctively, even if they can’t put it into words, the words have been lashed out of them)

Glaciers are melting. Ok, Half the world must be starved. for the glaciers.

fucking white people.


She’s wrong though, King Miguel wasn’t brought in from Africa. He was born in America.

It’s also not true that he “died” some time after and his “followers” went on fucking with the Spanish. They were all cornered into a cliff and slaughtered.

They probably got mixed up with an Indian rebel that made some alliances with other Indians and died in more or less the way she describes. That alliance was ultimately defeated, but in the case of the Indians their followers did maintain a campaign of fucking with the Spanish that pretty much goes on to this day.

So Pedro, Interesting your reaction to Prom’s remark, but what of the question of curious? Where are we on those grounds?

Like the OP?

I unno…

Like can the left-right dichotomy be overcome? Is that what you’re asking? Like how do western political schools of thought compare to Arabian ones? Is that the question?

You asking me to address a Muslim’s contempt for European culture? Is that it? do you think that can be answered in terms of left and right? Is Arabia just a equal but different iteration of our own society? Of a kind of Platonic society of which we are both different manifestations?

Nigga you gotta getcho shit straight.

It was an open question whitey. Use your imagination to fill in the blanks. No expectations other then your point of view being where you are and what you think. It’s ain’t like I’m handing out a test or anything. Roll with your thinking not yer bitchin. A bitch has gotta bitch and a thinker has to think. I can respect a little of both, if you’d give me a little credit for being white. That shit ain’t never going to get straight. So what? You think it’s a question that refers to east and west or right and left or up and down or Greta and Iphones. I think you missed the mark. It isn’t any one of these things but all of them. You can pick your fav. But what about brainwashed? It’s like pulling fuckin teeth.


Fucking virgos.

I’ll put it this way.

Good men like you wallowing in general musings of ambiguity and reveling in the enticing feeling of lostness from a well funded perch are what is bringing us all down. The Gretas, the real crazies are a minority. It is your allowance aligned with the stringent morality which you conveniently never question that gives them power. Greta just speaks at the UN, you all made it. You all still run it. In the sense that you fund it, really. Y’all still the ones mostly moving the money around. Fucking windmills.

A little philosophy. Ain’t gonna hurt ya. You’re in the right. Start from there.

The last time I checked on the world stage of income I fell just over the 23 percentile. That is some comfort beyond starving I agree. But fairly far from moving much money around. I’m tryin to be a good man. My wife and I live in a 100+ year old home that’s 1500 square feet. 750 square feet per person. That’s some where between France and Denmark as an average. Shit our garden is bigger then that. You suggesting despite my rank I might have a chance of meeting your expectation?

Fucking virgos is right. And 59 wasn’t a great year for philosophy.

You misunderstand me completely.

You know that authority you feel when you chastise someone because you felt they were disrespectful or something? The one that conveniently turns into: “I’m just a simple man with a straw bed and a straw hat” whenever it is addressed? That is true wealth. Let’s imagine the old saying is true and money is not the most important thing.

And no, I can’t just let it go.

23%? How many thousand square feet?

Top men in certain societies would kill other top men for what you have. I understand not whipping yourself over what you have, but you could at least not be blazé about it.

Must be your accent, could you try typing slower, maybe that would help

thanks for trying

Yeah, that one!

That’s the one I meant.

Not so much.

Well, don’t say later I didn’t told ya so.

My best to the wife.

Maybe it’s your accent, could you try it in a different language? One that ain’t so fuckin intentionally obscure?

I’ll be sure to pass your best on, when I can put a finger on it.

Still trying to narrow it down, she’s not fond of bitching.

But you’re a ‘constructive’ critic.