Deliberate Consent Violation

I don’t think she understands that I tried to destroy my souls forever. That’s when things got really nasty in my life. So then I tried to destroy existence forever, and it got even nastier.

Through that process however, I can certainly come back to you and say this:

It’s impossible

These are the sorts of contradictions you’ve stated. “We do live forever” and “everyone I knew is in eternal death now. and …before I leave again into my eternal rest.”

Before “I” was born, there was a conception, before that there was some planning for, and before that I just wasn’t. After the conception developed, but not enough, there was a premature birth, and getting stuck in an incubator, where there was a further development of an ability to breath and digest food. The process of that life turning into a Me took some time after that. In those nows I’ve spent 60 years on this rock and here we are in this present. I don’t know when I will perish, but death is inevitable, and after that I will exist for a time as a memory in someone else’s mind, and then disappear. End of story, no future after that. I won’t be in eternal rest, that would imply some I that is resting. I just won’t be. An “I” developed into, had some good times and some bad times, and I will dim out. The body will be cremated, and the ashes will be spread into the wind. What ever celebration of life that takes place will not be for me, for I won’t be. It will be for the sake of a memory of what I was.

And I’m cool with that. That is the appearance of it and the guess I am living by. If by some chance I’ve gotten it wrong, well then, based on the new information… I’ll likely have to guess again.

You’ll have to guess again.

But that’s not really the point. The point is my inconsistencies.

The spirit world has taken me through many dimensions of space and time over the years, and depending on where I’ve travelled, I have a theory.

I’ve found the spirit world very vindictive …
Like I try to destroy my souls forever, and I’m sent to a place where nobody knows you anymore…

My life has for a while now, been like the John Lennon song “instant karma”

Basically, I’m being trained. I don’t know why.

I actually think I was murdered on 'this timeline, about 11 years ago. One of my theories is that this has all been my afterlife since then and that none of you are real. I just pretend like you are.

Some of the things I’ve had to wrap my mind around would give almost any being a headache…

I have about 5 theories for what happened 11 years ago.

That’s when THE CHANGE happened!!

What I do to hold reality. Orientation is to meditate on universal truths “nobody wants their consent violated”. “Zero sum realities are consent violating by nature”

Things like this.

Is what I do to keep myself centered after so much chaos for so long.

To be fair. My mind is never concluded in a thought. I talk to my self sometimes, as if it were a conversation with someone else. And the strange part is all though the “voice” that answers sounds like my own, it often disagrees with my assessment of things. Convincingly some times. IT is a mystery which I do not wish to objectify or personify. I respect IT for what it is, insight and intuition.

If I have to guess again, well, I’m use to that, by now. That’s what happens when the idea of ‘knowing’ ‘absolutely’ anything seems absurd, and face each moment as it comes. I guess I really don’t agree with your notion of universal law. The rules are in flux.

Ecmandu, are you schizophrenic? I ask sincerely and without judgement.

I’m diagnosed schizo-obsessive.

What credence do you give that diagnosis? Does the diagnosis affect the way you evaluate your ideas/thoughts/experiences, or those of other people?

I actually think schizophrenia is a very dangerous diagnosis. I understand to one dimension that it’s about compassion, but the flip side is, anything not deemed rational by the state is considered ‘psychosis’

Drugs don’t do very much.

I think it’s really important instead of using the term “psychosis”, if you just ask someone, “are your symptoms violating your consent?”.

Most would say “yes”

Then it’s a disorder.

But I would investigate further…

“Is it your disorder or the disorder of others that is facilitating this?”

That’s the really hard question for the diagnosed and the clinicians alike!

That’s where we have subtler conversations about species wide psychosis and a rational response to it.

Indeed, it seems intractable.

Shouldn’t that make us skeptical of our own beliefs? Whether I’m the clinician or the diagnosed, knowing that there are people who see the world very very differently and can’t be convinced it actually operates in another way, the rational response seems to be doubt about how well I can know the world.

This seems a major blind spot for many of us. Even as I type this, I struggle to think of ways in which specific cognitive abnormalities I know I have could be causing me to see the world incorrectly. When you’ve only ever seen the world in one way, it’s hard to imagine what it would even mean to see it differently.

I agree, but is the person suffering from such symptoms capable of rendering such a clinical diagnosis accurately?

How does one with these symptoms apply that classification to the whole of a society? Much less of a whole species. Society nor species is an entity individually, this member has one this one has another and so forth, but the whole of the symptoms isn’t represented by all of a society or a species. That certainly would make the circumstance of the conversation convoluted.

How would someone suffering from a delusion be in a position to recognize an other’s hallucination?

It would render everyone incapable of having such a conversation. In other words if everyone exhibited the symptoms then it would not be perceived as a disorder in the first place. And no one would be diagnosed individually as a result.

It might get twisted around by the person suffering such symptoms that they are the only one symptom free and it is all of society and even all of a species that is psychotic. That would seem to be the circumstance that should be questioned first by anyone capable of asking the question. What is normal and what is not? And by what yardstick? And is that yardstick valid? A person in such a position would find any rationale to convince them self the truth of their own measurements. That is one reason why subjective experience is not proof.

If for example I were the only sane man not seeing pink elephants everywhere in an insane world that claimed pick elephants were everywhere I would have to ask if I was sane, give the awareness that insanity was the norm.

That is a priority within those admonished to hold to absolute values.
Anything else consists of fearful reticense, inviting defensive postures usually meant to reverse course into the road most traveled.
In other words, expect blindfolds to shield from the hyper-mirroring of sensation.

All that, to try a jest for it’s reversed self valuing of consented violation.

Ecmando, You’re ok in my book,
unless Descartes’ Method, be classified as well.

" What is the Cartesian method of doubt?
Descartes’ doubt is a methodological and rational doubt. That is, the Meditator is not just doubting everything at random, but is providing solid reasons for his doubt at each stage. For instance, he rejects the possibility that he might be mad, since that would undercut the rationality that motivates his doubt."

The thing is with immortality, as any vampire worth his blood lust should know, (and my idea of partially differentiated , or , cut away parts, fits in here neatly), is, that fear of an anonymous eternal continuance, bears into the question : that Hamlet’s ghost can best advise him on.

Is it worth the hunt for a new identity only to find yourself hunted , ghost hunted into such eternity?
Fixed into an immutable crystal , through which forever you are condemning to hunt for your doppelganger?
Two identical spheres one a necessary part of the other? Surely, it is the basis of.absolute identity of.precognition. Re cognition has a this as a sine con non.

Ecmandu, you’re cool, even if I don’t agree with some of your conclusions. You’ve got thought. I hope you read that some where before.

I asked if you’ve seen the movie “A Beautiful Mind”. If you haven’t I think you’d see a little of why I like your mind.

We aren’t so different. Save for a few circumstances that were out of our control.

Carleas is cool too, as is Meno_ as is Pedro as is ET. I learn from you all and my guesses have changed as result. I’ve learned from a few others too, but it wasn’t what they were trying so desperately to teach. I do admit they remain guesses. Framed in a moment in time. It would scare me completely if they ever became any more then that.

I believe the moment knowing sets in, curiosity is lost. I have a curious nature. I like being curious. I like guessing. And I appreciate the capacity to guess again. Being available to intuition and insight sort of precludes the notion of knowing what you are doing. Nothing I’ve done on this board has been a plan. I respond on the whim of a feeling, and think about it after the fact. Then guess again. Rigid thinking doesn’t stand a chance. But go with the flow and opportunity is everywhere if you are flexible as well. Adapt, evolve, develop and be free. And when the shit blows throw out as many anchors as you have in your hold, and be sure they are secured to your vessel. I’ve thrown out a few and forgot to check if the ropes were secure. That really sucks as a sailor to see the line disappear from it’s cleat.

I should send this to draft as a sandbox addition, but this time I won’t. The grass is green on this side of the fence. Just manic, …could be?

I’m just going to accept the acceptances and thank you.

I know enough about guilt in sin that I realize that we’re all totally fucked.

Now here’s the deal… hitting on women is WAY to big of a line for me to cross. BUT!!

I still listen to music (mostly made by men)

I’m scratching up the same fucking wall that the rest of you are… to enjoy sin.

I hope you folks don’t think I’m trying to paint you and I as other to many of these regards.

I work everyday on hyperdimensional mirror realities.

Currently we’re working on the sound bugs.

Hope maybe, someday you’ll change your mind about some of the species. Yourself included. 98.6% fucked.
Presumptions. For example, sin. Did you make that up? Challenge that notion. Were did it come from? Who subscribes to it and why?
Of all the shit man has claimed himself superior to other animals, the only distinction I can put my finger on is the notion of sin.

Sin is contradiction, that’s all it is and ever will be.

Putting myself in your shoes keeps me sharp. I know how to live 100% sin free. I choose little sins to give me the passion to solve the zero sum problem. If I was sin free, I’d likely become complacent. That’s not helping anyone.

I’ll explain why listening to music is a sin. In a sex dimorphic species, male ornamentation is very serious. As is approach escalation.

Men invented all the instruments and wrote most the music. Even music written by women is derivative of men.

This is like the internet thing I tried to explain earlier, men invented the Internet, so any female work on it is derivative … it ultimately means that another man set up a man with a woman. This is called “approach escalation by proxy.”

So, basically, by using music, you are sexual signaling as a man. This is approach escalation in a sex dimorphic species which puts the relationships into no means yes status.

By listening to music, I’m in REALLY deep.

I’m not going to have sex under a no means yes banner, that’s the worst. But I do actually sin quite severely because of this.

I sin to keep the fire on my ass. I want the zero sum problem solved yesterday. I do everything in my power to keep me fresh and hungry and motivated.

It going to be a lonely fight. But I’m sure you’re ok with that.
Me, I just ain’t interested in the no means yes gig, or any of that. If that’s all you have to write about. That’s cool too but to me it’s getting old.

I’ll plant a tree and hang an Ecmanu tag on it.

Non contradiction is the least lonely road that exists.

Everyone moves towards it. They have no choice in the matter.

You don’t have responsibilities yes in your mind, but you do.

Non contradiction is relentless!!!

There’s so much you don’t understand about spirit.

It’s fine, because I’m picking up the slack

That’s your choice, and you can consider it an inevitable if you wish.

As much slack as you believe required. I’ll pick up your slack on the environmental front.