
If only billionaires become president from now on, Trump has done his duty. for democracy.

I would like to see Silicon Valley jerks join the fray. Being nerds, they will naturally be more shy. But it HAS to happen. for democracy.

This should be carved into the entrance to the White house:

If you don’t understand implementation, stay the fuck out.

I’m already looking into immigration procedures for New Hampshire. Other leading candidates are Georgia and Alabama. If feasible, I would probably start North and make my way down. Tired of this 30% tax shit. And yes, if Kanye does it it would not be worth missing out on. Shiet.

Atlanta stands there as a kind of ground cable.

Fuck would that be cool.

Yeah you said that. Good point I agree.
Imagine how content-driven that could get. People with real minds cant avoid n the end to come out for some issue. Because issues are complex and a privilege to be having.

Tennessee… Kansas… Missouri…

Louisiana… Virginia!.. North Dakota… Maine…


Feasibility probably will put decades timelines rather than years. Nobody wants no Venezuelan now, we made too much of a ruckus. But issinne cards.

The drinks keep getting better. My touchdown would be in Kentucky and id see about Oklahoma and Texas.

Ok that will work.
I even liked the airport.

And since when has its been that people getting elected required no skills at that whatsoever?

I have no keen knowledge of any president between the very early ones and onward from FDR.

The Governorship should become more visual, states need to more clearly shine off their entity-ness.
Bastions of freedom, so many of them.

Even Arnold Schwarzenegger couldn’t really lift it out of its obscurity.

What is required however is a program for a future president to be involved with, a philosophy.
It cant be any other than the original American decision, but it is no longer really possible to take it for granted as it has been.
Someone needs to get active with it.

In fact, the whole bureaucracy should be magnetized to it like a compass.

Efficiency is possible. An efficient America is an undisputed ruler.

Rulership is most efficient and dignified when it is through bestowing economic and cultural privileges. Military presence with allies as protection is part of such privilege, yet it touches the realm of unpeaceful rulership, and here a philosophy is required. Military pressures are guaranteed to build up hostile military presences and it is never so easy to rule for a despot as when foreign powers are at the doors.

Key to the solution should really be the fact that there is no country with an unintelligent rulership. All rulership meets at least some threshold of intelligence and sanity. On this basis a great deal of efficiency could be built.

Elites will fight to the bitter end when challenged in their possessions. Therefore the path of the billionaire president is sane. Improvement comes only from within the class to be reformed.
Struggle within classes is preferable over struggle between classes. It reveals that there are no classes, only people - this is the key issue, why the US works so well, it has capitalized People.

With sane people, such a thing is not impossible.

One might make a parallel category, with people who are independent agents, so to the exclusion of lawyers in the philosophical width of that categorey.

This goes also for the Senate. For the Congress, it is important it remains composed of rable. But Billionaires should start aspiring to make up that body and make it visual in the way you describe.

“Struggle within classes is preferable over struggle between classes. It reveals that there are no classes, only people - this is the key issue, why the US works so well, it has capitalized People.”

But carry this to the world stage, may contradict social change, at such precipitous rate, apparently ignoring the symbolic manifestations of contents, bubbles, reifications of society.


Defensive openings are suspect, even in the face of open hostility, as inclusive in the defining momentum of madness in open hostility, as past wars seem to indicate!

I support this by the claim that because of reverse psychological and ontological warfare/pseudo reversal, that the white nationalism hoopla is merely a patent dynamic to push for it’s hidden tangency .

Sorry, double post.

Yes, in as far as we are discussing the people who make up the state upon its laws, but I seem to notice that the contents of the state machinery do not nearly as often meet the standard of sanity as the state apparatus itself does. It reifies upward. Politics, which is why tyranny is always so easy when there is no law guaranteeing the primacy of the demos. When it comes to power, people prefer to understand thing upward, to see something in the heights which justifies their instincts. America prevented this stupid instinct. Power here is not a reification of the state or of its individuals, but simply another adventure in the real world.

I dont know what I just said.

I look forward to it.

No this is impossible. Particularity of ontology is primacy in our predicament where prescriptive politics of perception precipitates perilous passages.


Its in the interest of French philosophy rather than of France. This is the basic error but it is made so well that it is actually French and not philosophy so not error after all. To err with taste is better than to be distastefully right.

Equality and liberty after all were a U.S. inception, even if the conception had far more overreaching and original economic depth , as in a universal basis.

The monarchical decapitation had no comparative equivalent, with more graceful symbolic insubstentiation elsewhere.
With the exception of Russia, which had reliance on precedent.

The humanism of the enlightenment soaked through borders, as did the blood flow of a bath-tub.

Madame Liberty was an intentional symbol, of brotherhood. Its funny, though, that the need arises here, to reattach the guillotined fragments.