Pedro's Corner

Germans prefer to be weird indoors, and alone in the forest. They are weird, therefore they must act orderly.
French have no weirdness about them whatsoever, only grace and surface and depth, the perfect Greeks. No pathways to this or that - why you, a descendant of the style of Latium, abhor Heidegger.

To be honest Im not entirely clear on the rule of runes in the German lands, it is clear that Wotan played a part but more as a wolf like rage god (e.g. "woeden is Dutch for “raging”) than as the discoverer of the runes, the shaman-lord of pirates, a contender also to the sort of glories the Christians were also after. It is therefore perhaps that in France and Britain the Aesir and Vanir seem to have expanded their previous contract to include some of the Catholic spirit that had conquered in France and in particular Genevieve, the undisputed divinity of Paris, Orleans, Reims - Vikings appreciated magic of all kinds, they weren’t fearful - or rather they were lustily fearful of everything so they never noticed any particular fear - and the French had no choice but appreciate what the Norsemen were offering them.

But whatever. Runes being what they are, they are always fresh like ice is ancient and fresh at once. So now is the times, now that Gott is dead - and yet there is another Gott, brought in anew. Gott now as an adversary - ‘an invader!’ That is not the shabbiest form, of course.


Brilliant! =D>

That aspect/side of my being concurs very much… through others’ testaments and from personal experience.

The French just are, just be… agree.

But wasn’t da Vinci arguably weird?

Is weirdness not just comfort with aloneness?

A Frenchman is perhaps not Uncomfortable with alonness, but then, a frenchman is never truly alone.

For the German recipe, a hostility to company is also required, company is willed and precicely for the discomfort. It is sought, desired. And runs to a core so deep it pervades even the lonelyness.

I disagree. A true German is bitter even by his lonesome. But not bitter about being bitter.

Of course, a debauched indulgence in comfort, in absurd sweets and doughy beer, secret depravities, are required to feed this hostility. A revenge taken on the company. Like rape. But more personal. But it is to justify the bitterness, not the other way around. To magnify it, increase it. The other is the greater.

In opposition to Heidegger stands Schopenhauer. He did not seek a fountain, he sought a scalpel. And found it.

I think Spanish fascists were different. I like Guillermo Del Toro’s portrayal. A true Spanish fascist never ate a sweet in his life. It was never revenge, it was a much more innocent Apollonianism.

Not for nothing Franco instantly did away with the Falange, the Phallanx. Faggots with fantasies. He would not have the slightest inclination to indulge pretend. Again, no revenge, no hate, he used them when it was useful. But it was just foreign to him.

The only sweets he would have ever ate would be at some stupid function, commemorating whatever but really commemorating him, no, commemorating Apollo. An extremely ceremonial bite off some stupid regional dessert. But not ceremonial as in contrived or forced. With the disdainful aloofness of putting a stamp on an official document.

A German fascist can easily be gay. Homophobia would only exist as an excuse for further revenge. The Spanish had the bonafide stuff. Spanish fascism is really homophobia with a bit of ceremony added on top, just because it would be gay not to have that ceremony.

Only in Spanish can you ask “Are you a faggot?” with absolute innocent curiosity.

As a side note, Indians saved Spanish America from that homophobia. Indians have a much more practical view on homosexuality. “Hey, if that’s the hole that’s around.”

Overheard at rehab: “Yeah, I fucked that donkey.”

I maybe shouldn’t have taken it in so dark a direction.

But I promise you, few of those present had ever laughed so hard.

People like to idealize the 60’s, the 80’s, the 90’s now, even the 50’s.

I know it sounds crazy. But I like the 70’s.


“bla bla bla,”

I know. but did you see the fat guy in the back with the open collar?

That was the 70’s. Witnessing.


Point taken

check the thing out.
The volcas got a brodda


Exactly man, thats the whole point. Well said. A frenchman is never truly alone.
No one is as naturally himself when alone as a German.
Hence, German Christmasses.
I dare your heart to listen to German radio at Christmas.

Hmmm… not too sure about that.

Lol, no I definitely disagree there.

Clearly you never had a German Christmas. Or girlfriend. Get one.

I would say the exact opposite.
Maybe one needs to have heard naked German trees clack-clacking against each other in the winter wind to read Heidegger without side-effects.

Spanish be like “you know what I won’t whip you today but lets make some weird art and drink wine from weird long stems and laugh at silly, non-Spanish people”

They put sugar in their coffee though.

Against Franco stands Picasso, at least as hard, much more powerful.

A Spanish homosexual has just completely surrendered to it, lives in catacombs which he decorates with Spanish verve, knows may other gays and basically enjoys the shit out of it, even though lamenting in self-pity about his asshole brother. A German gay person, thats harder. He is already alone. Where is he gonna dig another hole?


Dunno, video that came up following the Korg one, kind of fun to hear what he gets out of those ancient machineries.

First electronic music soundtrack ever: