If You're Listening To Music Right Now III



I can but only imagine attending a wedding like that :laughing: the flirts going on in the background though… jokes.


Polinesia - Aloha (Wari Boom)






since mannequin01 made me go into the vault and get ‘harry as a boy’, i’ve got to listen to the whole album now. and i’m bringing ya’ll with me.


youtube.com/watch?v=XeVYjz1 … cU&index=1

just imagine how much work was put into composing an epic concept album like this. only frank could pull something like this off.

did i tell ya i hung out and smoked a joint with ike (the thing-fish) after a zappa tribute band show in asheville? of course i did. like five times.

"… mixing the shit with the mashed potatoes done smoothed it out a little… so’s it wouldn’ kill your ass, but it sure would make you ugly. and if you was already ugly, it’d make your ass mean and ugly…’

"… well, dey’s too damn excited ‘bout de sissies dey was knockin’ off, ‘n workin’ up an uncreedable variety of theoretical scenarios, to explain away how come de fagnits all be croakin’ at de same time in - NOVEMBER!

De month o’ NOVEMBUH, reekin’ of tainted CO-LOG-NUM! Dey booked in de heavy pseudo re-LIJ-mus talent to pronunciate de doc-TRINE of BIBLICAL RETRIBUTIUM!

Moving the project forward…"

i heard a cover of ‘dance on a volcano’ from the ‘trick of the tail’ album earlier this morning that fucking blew me away. but i forget the guy’s name so i can’t find it. he converged like three genesis songs together into one supersong and didn’t miss a lick a doing it.

here’s a wicked 9/8 meter for ya…


“evel knievel ain’t got nuthin on me”

it’s 8:30 at night. melania is seated alone by the fireplace in a burgundy silk robe, drinking a glass of cabernet. the rain patters lightly on the window pane as she gazes out onto the whitehouse lawn. the security lights show the perfectly manicured grass, a rich green fescue. a deep, bourgeois sigh escapes her lips and she thinks of don… of how it used to be… of how it is now…






gets really crazy, nice. Should be a metal band.

driving at night


these guys have hands down the best drummer Ive heard, not necessarily as evident in this track as elsewhere but still not too sloppy.

This is a Magsj song, impress your friends:

