
Blegh. Enough.

I’ll just say, historical dialectics is about as complex a philosophical notion as hitting a rock with a stick. “Ooooo, it’s so complex!” No it’s fucking not. The reason it’s such an effective weapon is its retarded simplicity.

“That a philosopher condescends to rule is already an aberration to me.”

Yes, this is true. But what Parodites seems not to notice is that condescending to serve, or to explain one’s self in terms of what one does FOR mankind, is equally abhorrent.

This is not an age for Philosophy. One reason Nietzsche set himself so unreachably high is to prevent philosophy, a sort of dam. Today, philosophy would be a cruelty.

this is an age for to toughen up man and make him capable of philosophy, or for man to fail. For the last man.

Today, philosophy is still only practicable as twilight. Reminiscence. Of the past and of the future. The possible future. I don’t know tech stuff.

“That philosophy died yesterday, since Hegel or Marx, Nietzsche, or Heidegger—and philosophy should still wander toward the meaning of its death—or that it has always lived knowing itself to be dying… that philosophy died one day, within history, or that it has always fed on its own agony, on the violent way it opens history by opposing itself to nonphilosophy, which is its past and its concern, its death and wellspring; that beyond the death, or dying nature, of philosophy, perhaps even because of it, thought still has a future, or even, as is said today, is still entirely to come because of what philosophy has held in store; or, more strangely still, that the future itself has a future—all these are unanswerable questions. By right of birth, and for one time at least, these are problems put to philosophy as problems philosophy cannot resolve, and therefore must rely on promethean75 to be answered.” - derrida


Is a cruelty. On the weak, the unworthy. A selecting mechanism.

Hahaha. What could possibly be tougher than philosophy?

For all his excitingness, Nietzsche is technical at heart, German. Nietzsche was my stepping stone, for lack of a better word - the only man who ever wrote anything down who offered me a challenge, a nut to crack. Value Ontology is what Nietzsche worked to enable. Indeed it had slipped my mind in all our reminiscent playfulness that your approach has long been to look away from my true work, from my power, and imagine you could “liberate” me. I went along with that because, I suppose, I could use a break. Being what I am, I never put down the hammer without taking up some other instrument. Music has always come natural to me, but it is, like everything besides philosophy, too easy.

Once, you made attempts to prove yourself as a thinking man.

Pedro Engel said,

"Blegh. Enough.

I’ll just say, historical dialectics is about as complex a philosophical notion as hitting a rock with a stick. “Ooooo, it’s so complex!” No it’s fucking not. The reason it’s such an effective weapon is its retarded simplicity."

Is it so, really?

After all , immaterial dialectics have been around quite a while and the fact that it did not go down without a whimper, is proof positive, that so much blood, sweat , and tears it took, to transvalue it into substantial material.

Does this kill political philosophy and jurisprudence?

Sure, -‘real’-, down to earth romantic revival is an abject notion, which, a rotted out phenomenology, sent a message of fait accompli, but for real,
Such appearent shift, did not reduce the eidectic along with the phenomenal apprehension.
World war two, then, from an armchair, could be represented to young history students, as merely a test of conflicting ideologies.
Zizek, has been reincarnated by Trump, and he really has not read history, to ascertain that he will not have to repeat it!
And that such be missed in the twilight years of rationality can be illustrated by the persistence of racial and other kinds of de-facto oppressor/ sion of dejure states of political affairs.

One can argue of and for change toward betterment for all, but arguments cease to be effected when social reality does not support the change.

And, vice versa.

How are you going to toughen anyone up by avoiding the toughest work before you?

VO expresses the utmost hardness of Nietzsche’s demands by actually making them demands. I don’t “inspire”, I don’t give a “dangerous phrase” which can be taken by all kind off lackadaisical poets to mean anything they like. The logic Ive hammered out of Nietzsche’s marble is inhospitable to those who insist on standing aside from themselves, like our good friend above here, for whose sake Ive transformed you into an angel simply by addressing you forcefully. How easy it is for a hard man to make angels.

But you are no angel, Pedro I. Rengel. You once had hardness in you, and I will go back to addressing you in the natural assumption that hardness endures. Im done playing games, Im done trying to seduce the weak, the pointless, the superfluous to strength. Im done trying to make marble out of pudding, Im done trying to prepare a heap of coal for what will always remain the privilege of the diamond.

I feel like I just read the transcript to a Shakespeare play.

What you need is a good job, Jake. Give you something productive to do and make you feel better about yourself. All this high-falutin philosophy talk is nauseatingly overdramatic and terribly out of character.

Shit, maybe I could get you a job with United Fruit. I got a buddy with United Fruit. Get you started. Start with strawberries, you might work your way up to these goddamn bananas!

When, boy? When…are you going to get your act together?

Well hate to be a spoiler or spec ulatus
Interruptus, but this website is supposed to be ILP {I love philosophy) and not the joys of fruit pickin’ for pete’'s sake.

But honestly, there is merit (some) in your detractions.


Pete (kropotkin) works in produce and he’s an unstoppable philosophical machine. Arentcha, Pete.

The double play can also be sliced , so it really devoid of argument

But I can understand whwre you-'re coming from.

I just felt I should say that for Pete’s sake.

Well said, I do declare.

I never felt about Nietzsche as a nut to crack. He only ever pointed out to me.

VO I did see as a nut to crack. And delicious it was. Plus it was a good way to try to reach to Capable’s philosophic toes. What a goddamn machine. If the world got wind of a single of his whispers. Yeesh. That’s ripped straight from the soil. I knew I couldn’t address him straight at where he worked, but, through you, through VO, maybe we could somewhat converse. Like a tectonic intellect sitting at a park with a child, having genuine fun. And by God it did save my life to be able to say something above BANANA!!! with another human being.

Forgive me if my reaction to you, the one who gave us a home, to me, to Capable, was to try to liberate you from things that, listen, no human sees all of what another human sees, and well there’s no shame in that. And making music is goddamn fun, and maybe you could use some notgiveafuckness. To remember. What selfishness truly means, what it’s for.

Maybe it was a lowly miser trying to teach a Great Man something, I don’t discount it. But hey, I gotta go with what my heart tells me. It’s an offering, a gift, if you want it cool, if not then there is no contract broken.


Reverence, evil good brother. For philosophy above politics, for the good place that Capable and I built… Reverence for your own. That’s all this was about. Without it, the world is bleak, empty, run by maggots and marxists.

All that is not an expanative demonstration of “world” as unfolding the inner sensitivities of perspectival agon, which are comprehended to us not in speculation or thought, but as being, namely, as wanting and desiring and aiming and anticipating, and all these apprehensive elemental experiences, which we call valuing when we are deliberately neutralizing our own valuing of that valuing when we are being ‘objective’ which simply means dispassionate and our for reliable results, when we set some rigorous standards for ourselves (it is still subjective but takes itself seriously as the error that must be understood as itself a being, for it to relate to being, let alone correct itself by it to its qualities and measure) – all that is weakness.


Advice for all politicians - don’t show - tell. Tell how, tell why, but never when. When is not in your hands, why entirely is and how to an extent, and the very fact of opposition offers the chance of gaining honour, which is what remains in mens minds and hearts effortlessly, is what showcases ‘integrity’ from the skies into the cave and makes it known to the … them, they, it, “us” - the lesser. All who lack integrity.

God is a concept, but it was always considered abstract. Non-empirical. But how in the hell could god be anything other than the most empirical facts of life?
How in Hell indeed.

Christ is the transfiguration of the spirit and in as far as he went we are in his debt. But what remains is the descent of man into matter voluntarily. Nietzsche announced it, going down and will to power - but now, we are in the valley, where Nietzsche is true but no instrument - and we must go up. Ascend, not look down on man and laugh, and congregate with truth on mountaintops and distant shores, but ascend as truth.

These “we” are far and few, willing and aware, or maybe we are many! Who knows? Only on the rise does the rising-lording which is becoming know itself and thereby births itself as a being. Knowledge is power because knowledge is being - that which is not primarily discernible as flux. Illusion or Maya? No, the machinery of the universe. So in this machinery rises the figurehead, the mediator between power-as-such and want of power - this mediator is the will to power. The image, on account of which being comes out of its its hiding.