Did god really condemn mankind? Is god a just god?

Now that may be the problem right there.
One reads black and the other reads white.

Obviously, between those two there are many gray areas.
Perhaps one ought to read the bible as one reads a beautiful sunrise or sunset of many different colors.

Yes, by Christians trying to use Jesus as our scapegoat. That is immoral but they do not care.


You did not answer the moral question I put that shows our superior moral thinking.

Why not?


Greatest I Am,

Kindly put it to me here again.

Page 2 second post above.

The one you quoted I think.


“The fox condemns the trap, not himself.”–Blake.

Greatest I Am,

I am not seeing what you are referring to below.

Just ask the question again please.

Try this and see which ideology is better.

I keep a bible in the house even though I think this quote quite correct.

“The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.”
― Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion

Then again, I am a Gnostic Christian and know how to read the filth in it.

Said of Gnostic Christian versus Christian bible reading practices.

“Both read the Bible day and night; but you read black where I read white.”
William Blake.

I would take this further and advise you to read any scriptures from as many POV as is within you. Question everything including yourself.

The bible, if read as a book of wisdom, does have much wisdom though.

You just have to read it the way Gnostics do and reverse a lot of the Christian morals.

Christians call evil good while Gnostic Christians call evil, evil.

I E. Gnostic Christians think that bible God, the demiurge to us, is quite immoral for thinking that torturing King David’s baby for 6 days before finally killing it is good justice. Gnostic Christians think that evil while Christians think that a good form of justice.

Which group do you think is right?


If you surveyed Christians, I think that you would find that most do not consider it to be “a good form of justice”.

Most probably don’t spend much time on that bible passage. If they do, they see it as contradicted other passages or that God’s reasoning is unclear to them, or it’s a case of “actions can have unpleasant consequences”.


What actions did the baby do to gain the unpleasant consequences of torture and murder at god’s hands?


I am with the fox. If Blake believed that the fox ought to have seen it coming, then Blake is an idiot.
Perhaps he was a hunter who set that trap. lol
But I know what you are talking about here, I think.

The baby didn’t do anything.

Some Christians will see its death as a consequence of David’s actions.

He was saying that the fox doesn’t get into self-hatred and Blake was saying this was good. And I agree. Of course one may also learn from the experience and try to prevent it happening again, but aggressive energy should be aimed at the trap not the self.

That is how it is portrayed, yet Christians praise that injustice thus showing how their religious beliefs have corrupted their morals.

You do think it was unjust, I hope.


Karpel Tunnel,

He was saying that the fox doesn’t get into self-hatred and Blake was saying this was good. And I agree. Of course one may also learn from the experience and try to prevent it happening again, but aggressive energy should be aimed at the trap not the self.
Ah, thank you for that. I totally mis-read it. Your interpretation seems right on the mark. It seems like it would be a good mantra too.
This is what happens when we think too quickly instead of slowly. :blush:
I was just thinking of the poor fox in the trap.

Not all Christians “praise that injustice”. Maybe some do, but probably not many.

It has nothing to do with me.

The point is that you are making broad statements about what all Christians do and think. And those statements seem to be false.

Greatest I Am,

For instance, give me an example of this.

For instance? An example please.

Original sin is the trap. You are the fox.

I found the below quote to be kind of koan-like for the above quote. It is cool.

You drown not by falling in a river but by staying submerged in it.
Paul Cohello

