On Moderation

I think generally deers don’t stand much chance of ending up in a better place than before they got caught in someone’s headlights. That’s not why I’m driving, and I’m hoping anyone I approach has more capacity for honest self-reflection and for demonstrated consideration than a deer. I’m just driving where I think it could be fairer to go, fair or not in my means, fairness is the intended end. If fate hasn’t been fair enough to do it herself, I think it’s fair to take the wheel for her. I think the logic and evidence I’m providing is fair enough, and I think if you disagreed you’d be doing so out of pathos rather than logos - and which is more appropriate for a philosophy forum would you say?

Ahhh… I’ve revisited Buddhism in recent months, so look forward to reading this later… thanks for sharing.

Judging/Perceiving, in the personality Archetypes… I’d say, that judging without insight (perception), is simply an opinion.

I shall frolic… like a newborn lamb amongst Spring grass. :slight_smile: lol


I am not avoiding your analysis, I am disagreeing with it… it is simply not applicable to me.

…actually, I jumped in then because the discussion had gotten interesting (heatened up)… it became entertaining… what more can I say. :smiley:

I said how I felt it went, not how you think it went… different.

So… if I was enjoying the latter aforementioned thread… perhaps I was not enjoying the former? for a reason that should be evident, and of which I won’t be discussing.

Wise for who? I did not want to do what you are suggesting I should have done, in that thread.

Immediate humility? What! :laughing: I weren’t brought up or educated to be, but you can exercise it all you want… all day long.

Entertain criticism? I prefer to be selective in that matter, but again, feel free to entertain every single criticism that comes your way. The education system I was in was one big critique-fest… I’ve been critiqued the hell out of for decades… it was a blast. :stuck_out_tongue:

This is of my concern alone… I don’t want to share my personal concerns and decision-making, and your want to prove a point is not of my concern.

Huh. Interesting.

What value, if any, do you think humility might have?

Given your education or perhaps thinking past it, what is your evaluation of the “quality” of humility: in what circumstances, to whom, when and why?

How about in a moderator?

Then get on with it already. None of us are fairly polished stones. Know thyself, without all the distortions. If you think you do, then you are still facing at least one grand distortion. It is after all an impossible task, always changing, ever the new part to get in touch with. Ever the new entanglement to distraction.

“I don’t know myself well enough”. Can any one repeat those words with me? Can we utter them with the most sincere conviction, such that we actually do something about it? My shit stinks so bad, I can hardly smell anything coming from anywhere else. Amen.

Thank you all for your distorted advice. We ain’t going to see anyone else clearly until we polish our own lens and see ourselves more clearly.

I got go take a shower, who knows how long it will take to wash all my shit off my own face. And My house, it’s a mess. And here I thought running the vacuum, and damp mopping once a day was enough.

I exercise patience a lot… unlike some here, it seems.

A good question is, is some behaviour really necessary? now that’s a good one to ask. Agitation being a natural default setting for one or two, simply because they don’t like what they read.

Of course a lot here don’t exercise patience.

No a lot of behaviours are not really “necessary”.

Yes a lot of people get agitated because they don’t like what they read.

Is this a new realisation for you or are you just making excuses?

So back to humility. You say you weren’t educated to be humble. What is your evaluation of humility - in what circumstances, to whom, when and why?

or don’t. :shrug:

Can we get moderator to move this nonsense into Rant?


Are you not gaining value, or seeing any potential for value to be gained from this debate on moderation?

What does humility mean to you, phyllo?

Making excuses for…?

Educated and raised, not just educated… but we were part of a polite and well-mannered Community.

For me, there are more helpful traits to foster than humility… I’d rather go out there and do good or be proactively helpful, so fostering a balanced character is more essential to my self than any one specific trait… I cannot answer for others as to what is essential for them.

I appreciate others’ efforts and good gestures and express that, but is that humility or a combination of traits in play in expressing appreciation to others?

Humility is something that I don’t have to rely on or use… there are other aspects that I do.

Did I miss something? in Mowk’s edit…

Perhaps it’s best I don’t know what was previously said. :neutral_face:

It’s a nasty attack. Nothing really about moderation.

You’re right mags there was more.

Oh, you say I missed a spot. Gee you’re right, thanks.

Gets the bucket and scrub brush out again. Over here somewhere you say. I should clean the whole floor again just to be sure. Thanks.

Like picking weeds in my garden. Gives me some time to think. Man oh man they were thick this year.

And on another note, the wife (for my benefit, not yours) just got home from a business trip and I gave her the biggest hug, and whispered in her ear. I am sorry. She hugged me and whispered back, what’s that for?

I didn’t answer and hugged her again, but what crossed this mind, was some one who’s respect for, I thought I had lost, suggested it in a rather unusual way.

It’s odd what you can see in a mirror when you aren’t confronting it square on.

You’re going to have to squeeze me a lot harder then that, after the last time. Hugs are better.

This time I would hope to think I’m just feeding the fish, I’ve set the pole aside. Worms for all, no hooks attached.

That is… if you can dig the metaphors.

Silhouette said: Like I said, I’ll let your actions prove my point if your words cannot.

The only one’s actions and words proving their point, is his.

As far as the bolded portion. The moderation seems pretty good. I don’t see much and there don’t seem to be too many problems. Laissez-faire, it seems, as a base, which, if it works, is a good base. It seems like there are even areas with no moderation, but maybe that’s not true. I got a message once from a moderator, more or less, suggesting I tone down, seeing how I was doing. That seemed like a lovely approach. Not saying approaches have to be lovely, but it was, and I’d gotten out of hand.

That is not the case with everyone, KT… it would be ideal if it was though.

Not everyone reacts favourably to even the most pleasant of DM requests to tone things down… some replies can be so overly-aggressive and even abusive, as to make one think… wtf, why? :confusion-shrug: I can assure you that how you react to something politely requested, is not how all act to something politely requested… why ever would you assume they do?

On that note, I depart this thread… never to return.

Um, I don’t assume that. In fact I assume that moderators deal with abuse and rage.

So you see humility as separate to doing good or being proactively helpful.
As a less helpful trait, you don’t use it or rely on it and it takes a back seat to the larger goal of fostering a balanced character - suggesting humility is not really necessary to being balanced.

Basically you don’t really bother with humility because you don’t see the point, yes?

Well… that says a lot.

Of course gratitude and appreciation are valuable - without them, one makes it very hard for others to want to cooperate and enjoy the fruits of doing so. Moreso the more reason others have to appreciate you - and the same goes for humility, though they are not the same thing.
Chiefly, showing gratitude and appreciation encourages reciprocation such that you receive gratitude and appreciation in return. Showing humility may equally inspire humility in others but it gets you nothing in return.

The strong in character do not need anything in return, in fact it is uncomfortable to receive anything in return when you already have so much. Humility is a necessity for such people. As with gratitude and appreciation, they show humility to unload a surplus.
The weak can mimic the former but not the latter, because - as I explained they get the gratitude and appreciation that they lack in return for showing it, and humility gains them nothing and loses them too much.

So appreciation and gratitude, whilst valuable, are therefore expected either way - but humility is a dead giveaway. It is the opposite of an irrelevant trait that you can simply “not use”.
Be as well mannered and polite as you like, your education and way you were raised have done you a great disservice even if you weren’t actually weak - weakness is what you have learned to project.

This will be why you clung onto redundant moderator status, it’s why you were unsuited to it and it’s why it was taken away from you.
It will also be why you won’t be able to bear to admit this, it’s why you’ll never unlearn your weakness and it’s why you will continue to come up with the same barriers over and over.
And you’ve declared your departure from a challenging opportunity to grow so the lesson will unsurprisingly fall on deaf ears.

Anyone can dismiss this as an attack, but the only way to overcome weakness is to have it shown undeniably that you have it - so you’re forced to confront even the unpleasant of truths, leaving you no choice but to take responsibility. Well, either that or run away/shift focus and suffer for it for however long you can stand to avoid it.

I’m just annoyed that I keep having to put up with these character flaws in others everywhere I go, and nobody does anything about it. It’s only made harder when these people are accidentally given the positions of power they seek to shield them from hard realities - I’m sure we have all experienced good managers who inspire, for example, and by contrast those who only end up inflicting their flaws on others and making everything worse for everyone. It’s nice to see the latter undone on the rare occasion that it is.
Since you have withdrawn from the discussion, suffice to say that I congratulate the decision making here, and my point stands that humility is necessary for moderation and every position of authority.


Now that was poignant and profound to me ~ beautiful. It moved me. I had wondered if you had a lump in your throat and that is why you didn’t answer.
It was also an aspect of what, to me, real humility is ~ self awareness, appreciation and gratitude.

Without the capacity to be humble, we cannot feel remorse, truly “see” the beauty of this world, experience those “aha moments” and Know our place in this Universe.