Pedro's Corner

“… in exchange for a straw mattress in a barn and cabbage soup three times a day.”

donald j trump

Sorry dog. You lost my respect when you told that story about going down to Guatemala someplace to build huts.

I was like “man.” “He’s just another gringo.”

But I love building huts, man. I can’t help it.

See cause you’se a fascist. Fascism is soft. At the center. That’s why they bunch up and build war machines and death camps.

How could a privileged snot face like you understand? What it means to have built America?

Go to Germany and suck a dick. They’ll like it.

I built my first hut in wilderness camp when I was sixteen, ya know. No power tools, bro. Straight elbow grease. We cut the trees down, barked em, dovetail notched em, and fastened the whole fuckin frame together with dowel rods. Rafters too. Softwood pines we’re ideal; easy to cut and drill through. Then we’d throw a leather tarp over the rafters for the roof. Good times, man. Did I tell you about the time we dug and built our own privy? I wasn’t too privy to it, but it had to be done. Built the shit box over it and everything.

“How could a privileged snot face like you understand?”

That’s the thing though. I’ll never understand. I’ve had everything handed to me on a gold platter.

“The rapacious property-owning American bourgeoisie admits no limits, possesses no scruples and does not share the fears and the cowardice of our bourgeoisie. [They are] violent, absolute criminal. When they feel the need, they simply stain their hands with proletarian blood. They lack any human sense. They are only interested in exploitation.” - Mussolini (il duce)

I lost my cool there for a second. I’m alright now.

The pez never loses his cool. He just keeps getting cooler. If cool was chocolate ice cream, the pez would be Baskin Robbins.

Hahaha, that’s a beautiful quote. I will be using it.

This is my go-to fascist movie.

My family used to get together at grandma’s house every Sunday and watch that movie after dinner.

(I meant about fascists, not for fascists. Fascists have no taste in movies anyway.)

“The rapacious property-owning American bourgeoisie admits no limits, possesses no scruples and does not share the fears and the cowardice of our bourgeoisie. [They are] violent, absolute criminal. When they feel the need, they simply stain their hands with proletarian blood. They lack any human sense. They are only interested in exploitation.” - Mussolini (il duce)

Reposting it, in case you get any ideas.

What people don’t understand is, I love my enemies. I love hating my enemies. I even have respect for Bin Laden and them, and have deeply liked, on a personal level, every fanatic Arab I have ever met. I don’t respect fascists or nazis, sad to say, because they achieved the dream that all my enemies have in common: to shed individual responsibility and even existence absolutely.

What I don’t like is my own people’s cowardice and pusilanimity. Make the other poor dumb bastard die for his! But no. Instead of treating our enemies with respect and hunting them down with extreme prejudice and unrestricted violence, we give them visas and incorporate their ideas into law.

I noticed, in my less possession-blessed days, an old drunkard lying in the middle of a plaza at night. The usual rag tag group of street rats and dealers seemed unusually ecstatic, like the feeling in the air before some late night ancient festival celebrated anew. In the middle of the plaza, amidst jubilant skateboarders zipping to and fro, lay a drunkard. He lay pathetically, with his head awkwardly raised from a sideways position and a bottle of fire water haphazardly swaying over it.

He cried out, in spiteful sadness, like a child from behind bars. I went up to him, thinking he might need a hand to get up, or perhaps an extra bolivar for more fire water, or perhaps just someone to realize he exists for a second. “What do you want, old man?”

He said this to me: “what kills me, what really kills me, is you wanting to help me.”

If my enemies could say something as our forces advanced on them, only to offer a pathetic refugee existence where they are pandered to like retards, they would say that.

If promethean75 could say something, he would say that.

If it were up to me, now, with the benefit of some experience, I would give him unrestricted battle.

Alas, I am sorrounded by cowards.

In a creepy way, it is fascism which will be victorious. As this softness, this absolute alienness towards honor and dignity, is its breeding ground.

It will take a while, though. And in the meantime, anything can happen.

Well, I believe I have allowed enough intermission time. On to Part II of



This is the first ex-Marxist conservative that seems to have had the same journey as me. Incredible. His story about the minimum wage perfectly describes the simultaneous cold water and warm relief feeling of realizing the con. The warm relief is eventually replaced by the even colder water of the reason MOST people fall for the con, and the ensuing realization that the enemy, truly, is among us.

MAGA 2020

“They cannot proceed as so many do… that good things happen automatically, and bad things are somebody’s fault.”

One disagreement I have with Sowell, and I discovered this in my fifth year of high school (I went to a really good high school): socialism is only a really good idea in the minds of free thinkers who are looking for an excuse and a name to fight for free thinking. That socialism is a phantasm, never really existed. Marx was just clever enough to imply it. But, as Sowell rightly and soberly points out, that is a mistake that can only be made without the most rudimentary of evidence and life experiences.

So far Sowell has not made this point, but it is in any case implicit in the case he makes.

Not only does welfare induce people not to work. The financial burden placed on the markets in order for the government to produce that welfare makes it substancially more difficult for those people to find work.

Also, let us make no bones. Welfare is socialism light. It is socialists seeing how much they can get away with, or consevatives trying to appease them and stave off hardcore socialism. There is literally absolutely no good reason for it.

Bleeding hearts make literall bleeding hearts.

“Your alma mater, Harvard,”

“I’ll never live it down.”

“Once you create a constituency, you can’t say no to them.”

He made a point I was going to make, but decided against because of the weird intringuli. But he was unafraid. Which is that most people are most likely descended from slaves. News flash: most people in human history were slaves.

It was, as he said, a curse on the human race that was not confined to one set of distinguishable peoples. Probably most French, for instance, are descendants of slaves.

A curse, incidentally, that was unilaterally and unambiguously ended by the West, by Europe and her daughters. If there is no slavery now in Asia (North Korea excluded), or well, much less overt slavery, it is because we forced them, somehow or another, to stop it.

“He (President Donald J Trump) has not produced the right rhetoric,” well, he IS a university professor. We can forgive him that, you cannot work in universities without some degree of stuffyness. In any case, he seems to mostly want to brush this point aside to get to the meat: (paraphrasing): “he is still basically the best president ever.”

My father used to make the same point about Trump. He’s so crass!

Goddamn hero is what he is.

But check it, cause this point is the weirdest of all and where most intellectuals of all stripes crash against the rocks. The proletariat, the disenfranchised, the poor, the lower classes, the marginalized. This group is real. And it is for THEM that Trump is fighting.

This, I know, does not compute. I think the basic reason I seduced my fascist ex-girlfriend was the sheer weirdness of that does not compute. Women like that brain melt. The sheerness of the contradiction made her wet. The poor voted for Trump, baby. Why is that? Who is really on the side of the proledisenlowerpoorginaized? More importantly, who exactly is it that is AGAISNT them?

Deep questions, the answers to which you will not find in universities or guitar playing hippies. Orwell was just brave enough to scratch it, but just socialist enough not to grasp it.
