The Psychology of the Other..

Absolutely… and as we mature, we become adept and capable of knowing the psychology of the other.

…but I think the Other has to be open enough, to enough of an extent that allows for the process to occur, to let the Other in and be privy to their They. :slight_smile:

True! However there are certain blockages that can’t possibly be traversed.

Such are , and I am confessing to the hilt, of presumptions, whereby others affiliate with. Its like a chain, a chain which can not be broken. Chains which have become this side of a nihilistic ravine. But as of late, letting go, doing the unprecedented, hitting borders back and forth.

Like a perpetual motion machine, a globe swinging back and forth between two sting magnetic fields, it will eventually run down. But the field is so strong in comparison to the volume of the globe, that the length if the indescribable curvature the arc is, for all practical purposes is straight.

But it runs down hyperbolically with the passage of time.

It can go through the straight and the narrow apparently forever.

Taking an existential jumps from the compelled nihilism, that appears so, is the most weary phenomenon.

There was the case of BF Skinner who dared only minutely change hair color from grey to degrees of, unnoticeable, for that how it was for him.

For someone unknown, it may be extraordinarily more of a problem, for esoteric reasons.
That is why I agree on this with Mowk, but with him it is, more I feel is merely a slight inconvenience. Whereas, for some, me, such a jump could be a fatal mistake.

Do not try to wrap Your mind around that, it entails well concocted measures of intoxication, to even try acknowledging this.

As a lot of time was spent taking about determination as against autonomy and freedom, affordability is one factor that was not well analyzed.

In particular , freedom against responsibility. Where the latter plays a secretly bound grey area that plays a key role in the transaction between the self and other minds, the jump can never ever be black and white or red and blue with white in-between.

It is an equation so remotely direct, that it is almost consistent with a super natural journey. On top of that, security and discretion … are of the utmost importance.

So jumping becomes a gradual unfolding into the superreal world that is generated between the real and the simulated.

That jumps from presumptions are relatively difficult for those avoiding them, for set games, that need to deal with the other can become excruciating, but absolutely necessary.

That is why the cut up world of the superlative and the ultra modern, have worked as trial-simulated jumps. But as time wears out simulation , the real become a exposed to reckon with.

But for a few, this patchwork of reassembly, is the most that can be achieved.

That is why I can’t simply go along with the expiration of nihilism, for cutting the 'something from the nothing’s would be too drastic.

The magic, if that is behind it , would leave a world totally cut from any sense of imagination.

Especially when the experience of politics begins to verge with the politics of experience!
Then watch out! All bets are off!

I’d like to cut MagsJ some slack.

She didn’t even present her hypothesis and people are all jumping in with their thoughts. Seems to totally drown out MagsJ’s original thoughts. So MangsJ, what do you have to say regarding the psychology of the other? Imagine the slate is still clean and you have been granted a respite to gather your thoughts regardless of the distractions.

I am curious of the hypothesis.

I remain curious of the hypothesis. But, my, you are busy, I’ll wait.

The moment has passed… I’ll have to think on that one… :-k

Kind of you to have noticed… my hands are now untied, and I will get back, v soon. The essence of the op was along the lines of… knowing others insightfully, so as to know them as you know yourself… others (my eldest sister especially) do not like this, and so react very angrily instead of being cool about it… don’t you dare analyse me! she shouted, but I can’t help myself and just turn it off. :neutral_face:

Funny how those with a high sense of aesthetic are all on the same psychological page, in regard to their physical state of being i.e. come Winter… it’s not about fattening up, but about relying on the healthy stores that we built up over the abundance of Summer, to get us through those cold unabundant months of scarcity, and fat accumulation is then kept to a minimum… so entering into Spring lean as opposed to fattened-calf.

Take all the time required or don’t get to it at all. If the moment was lost in time well then. Press out wrinkles when the iron is hot, when it’s cool, fold laundry or a zillion other projects. A hot iron has it’s purpose.

Well Mowk, I think you have enough material here to work with… a progressional piece, just like minds (and hearts) do, so progressing it organically is the way to go.

How does that relate to dasein though? :slight_smile:

Maybe Iambiguous will tell us here.

The terms You/Others think in, are not the terms we All think in… so not speaking in segregative/stereotyped/disillusioned etc. terms, but in terms arrived at from within… such analyses deemed narcissistic/arrogant/egotistical, because they do not serve You/Others well.

Self = continuum of interactions held together by memory - first hand (experiential, Memes) + second hand (DNA, Genes). Negation of otherness.
Ego = lucid part of self, or the self which is gradually becoming self-aware.
Body = past made present and interpreted as appearance; sum of all past nurturing - the presence of what has been determined by the organism’s interaction with world.
Mind = dynamic self interacting in the present; that which is determining the future.
Body + Mind = synthesis of automated reactivity and real time choice selection that often contradicts the previous - usurps automatism.

Without this negation there is no life and there is no awareness.
Nihilism takes this to an extreme negation of reality - arbitrary and selective, or total. The degree determines the level nihilism has been applied to cope with an indifferent threatening world.

Other = that which is not I. That which is outside the self’s willful control, requiring physical, or the body’s intermediacy.
The body’s activities - conscious or not - are expressions of the organism’s will, i.e., focus of its aggregate energies upon an object/objective.

Most all pyschology can be tied to our animal instincts. Some twisted due to sentience. Our pack/herd instinct/s are a core of this.

Now advance from that logical starting point and see how genetic dispositions - evolved over time because of their success - can become memetically transformed - even inverted to contradict their origins and primal utilities.

Take a look at this
I found that most interesting of your reply. Very true and very applicable to many if not most species of animals. Memes are not just used by humans. Will reply more tomorrow. I have to be awake at 3am

Yes…memes as extensions of genes.
Genes use DNA, memes use language, semiotics.
As there is a selfish gene, there is a selfish meme.
As there are organisms, there are superorganisms.
Just as genes synthesize and reproduce, so too memes synthesize and reproduce.
Just as there are compatible and incompatible genes; there are compatible and incompatible memes.

I’m not too familiar with memes but memes are a new buzzword. Is a meme as effective or as meme-like when it is accompanied by other images, pictures? All the memes I’ve seen as of late have been a combo of words and images. And are images actual language?

Yes, symbols and language, which are symbols, are all part of semiotics.
Semiotics are representations of abstractions. They are art, or a form of technology.
An externalization of the esoteric, via a medium.
Vocalizations using patterned sequences uses the medium of atmosphere. A rudimentary form of semiotics many species possess.

Not I (other) should be mentioned first. That’s the game, and that is where it all takes place. You wanna argue the point. It wouldn’t exist without not I.

Self? =D>

…which is of particular relevance on a forum like this where we know “the other” primarily through words on a virtual page. Yet based on the choices and arrangements of words one reads, the mind conjures a subjectivity at once like and different from one’s own.