Calling out MagsJ

I want my thread moved to sandbox.

MagsJ issued me a board warning to never speak a certain topic again, then after great hostility, dared me to talk about it more.

That’s ban baiting.

She even stated in this thread that her warning worked and seemed quite proud that this occurred, further suggesting ban baiting.

Then I saw how she was treating Karpel, and I was like “I’m done”

Ecmandu, you need to provide a link where you’re making specific claims about things said to you in a thread. I don’t read every post, so I don’t know what posts you’re talking about, and I can’t verify the claims you make here (“she accuses”, “[she was] baiting me”, “MagsJ has said some viscous things to me”, “MagsJ accused me”, “she … dared me”). You claim there’s a “pattern of behavior”; show me some of the posts that suggest the pattern.

I can see that you have one warning from Mags dated 9/11/2019. That warning was for starting a new thread on the same topic as another active thread (though the warning also does not link to the threads in question).

The two threads that I want moved to sandbox are these:



MagsJ amongst other slurs, stated that I’m definitely a pervert.

But that doesn’t bother me as much as stating that my discussions are one sided and circular (both of which is what she’s doing/projecting)

Additional data is in this thread:



Let me put you in my shoes for a moment.

I’m not allowed to reply to MagsJ without getting banned because of the board warning.

So she gets to say all the shit in the world about me with arguments that I can easily crush and destroy, but I’m not allowed to… even in the rant section …

One of my favorite songs - The Sounds of Silence.

I just recently heard this version for the first time by Disturbed. It took me a few listens before it grew on me. I love Paul Simon’s version. I think that in a way they are both equal and profound but for different reasons. Quite “disturbing” but in a way that makes much sense. Sometimes truth does need to be shouted out and screamed out to the world though some think that a whisper can be heard better.

Anyway, not to derail the thread but I thought of The Sounds of Silence here. The words have always been so poignant and “real” ~~ to me. A hundred years from now they will probably still be.
I do think that Disturbed version is awesome too, so forceful …

You will need to get yourself a strong cup of coffee first, Carleas. :mrgreen:

This is REALLY quite true. I have seen it, MagsJ. You have kept your cool with him.
Some problems have no real solutions…

Carleas, I submit this post, not as wrong doing by people on this board, but as the logical argument that I’m being trolled on.


Wait? Wtf? The hyperlink to my dimorphic argument has been altered. I’ll have to find it…

It’s the only reason I’m being trolled hard by others here… it’s “the topic of which one must not speak”

Found it carleas …

Logical, true by definition (self evident) and sound.

This is what the big fuss is about. It’s axiomatic to many of my other arguments.


Alright carleas,

She called me a pervert in this post.


Even worse, much worse, she stated without argument once, about 20 times that my argument was circular and one sided.


And look at this post, it refutes her world veiw of me as a man, so she responds right below with just an lol.

That’s trolling.

Also, notice in this exact thread that MagsJ avoided the proof of ban baiting by referring to interactions before the board warning. She ignores the substance of my posts and just makes one sided arguments without offering her own proofs, or even arguments.

That’s trolling.

We both ad hommed, but I didn’t troll.

You had been verbally warned for weeks, and issued a warning for flooding the boards with repetitive content, both in your own and others’ threads.

The warning was warranted.

I’m not doing anything iambiguous does day in and day out.

It’s the content that bothers you.

Besides, I use this idea as an axiom for other deep proofs, which is not the same thing over and over.

In that sense I am not iambiguous.

When I thouroghly destroy iambiguous in debate…

He uses a page of dancing bananas.

You simply say lol.

You and iambiguous are more alike than you care to admit.

Show me one evidence of me being a troll.

The question is… was your warning warranted or not. That is the only thing up for question… everything else is your petty human gripes that you choose to cling on to, which is of no-one else’s’ concern.

Have you submitted all your evidence? Are you done? Any further attempt for discussion will be ignored.

Ok, you can make that the question.

My question is have I been trolling, even once?

No. I’m sincere as fuck. I have actual arguments that evolve, not only as axioms, but as derivatives of those axioms. So, when i post, it is always new content. Eventually that content will die out and the threads will die and that will be it. Show me one instance where I refused to let a thread die.

Now compare me to iambiguous to that regard.

I think you are a coward for not letting threads run their course in the appropriate forums.

Let me ask this to you point blank MagsJ …

Would you formally debate me on my dimorphism proof?

No, because you know that you’d lose …

So consider that when you issue your board warning.

Iambiguous won’t debate me either, for the same reason, he knows that he’ll lose.

Yes, right here


Carleas needs as much context as possible if he’s not going to observe patterns of behavior from our last 7 threads together.

Verbally warned about the use of this / this word countless times, when any debate on the matter became an accusation towards all males and a one-sided rant on his part… a concern which was also voiced by others, but continued to be ignored by him.

This thread was moved to Rant and earned Ecmandu a warning, as it was simply flood-posting old content, when he should have carried on debate in existing threads, and not created a new thread in the guise of Religion.

Thread temporarily locked.