Morality in Abortion

But the thing is more than a brain.
You can surely kill a person painlessly but that is still murder.

Yes, Ecmandu has a point here.
They are entities like Ecmandu though, apparently. (he posted that he was unwanted pregnancy)

Actually, my point is aimed more at distinguishing between a frame of mind rooted in dasein – “I” as an existential contraption – than in any particular argument that philosophers – deontologists, utilitarians, consequentialists etc. – might propose.

But only to the extent that the arguments are aimed at exploring the moral parameters of a particular abortion in a particular context. And not on what is said to be true given the philosophical parameters of one or another theoretical contraption.

In other words, all individual philosophers have one or another existential rendition of the trajectory I note here: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=194382

So, when someone asks them for their views on the morality of abortion, to what extent do they intertwine their theoretical constructs in the experiences that they have had with regard to abortion.

That’s where I aim the discussion.

Abortions could happen in my worldview everyday across the clock if only we did this - CLONE 1000 EINSTEINS!!*

Through the power of science and human ingenuity, we can end this disruptive conflict, and bring the right kind of brain into the world, everyday.

I mean laws like murder would say that Einstein’s life is the same as Natalie Portman, but really, Einstein is of the Jews, is a chosen Prophet of God - HERE HIM!!*

I think cloning is way overrated, unless we presently may be clones.

Personally I do not think that the electric grid that supports our individual psychic energy , does have some relation to our material manifestation, but that view is modified by our current devolution toward ideal types.

That temporality is so inditerminitive as as to make human lifetime relatively a short term affair like a blink of cosmic time generating immense and colossal mixtures of personae, while indifferent to singular and social numbers indifferently, while at the same time effecting infinite individual senses, of almost unending depth.
The energy grid contains both, and what one expects of a monumental colossal channel of consciousness , does not account for less then infinite possibilities and approaching
astounding and revealing near miracles.
Appearances are almost certainly merely mere reflections and shadows of constant change.
Abortion and murder are mere transmigrations , overcoming actual coming to be and ceasing to experience.

Okay, so please provide us with your own intertwined recollection of theory and practice here. In the manner in which I provided you mine in my signature thread.

Let’s try this…

Given what you construe philosophy does, what are the limitations imposed on serious philosophers in regard to assessing and then evaluating what an individual believes about the morality of abortion; and what can be disclosed here using the tools that are available to philosophers. With religion of course it all comes down to Scripture.

We clearly have a different take on philosophy here. If philosophy, as many construe it, is the search for wisdom, what constitutes wise behavior when confronting moral conflicts? What can we know here? And how can what we think we know be expressed to others logically, rationally, objectively?

You will either take your own “technical” understanding of philosophy here there or you won’t. That’s entirely up to you. Assuming that 1] we are in possession of free will and 2] you take into account the manner in which I construe the meaning of dasein here.

You say…

“No, thats not how my world works. I see different interests, not ‘wrong’ or ‘right’”.

How then are your own perceived self-interests in regard to the morality of abortion not in turn but the embodiment of “I” as an existential contraption rooted in your own rendition of dasein derived from the life that you lived? Or is all of that existential stuff simply dismissed as beyond the reach [or concern] of the serious philosopher?

Okay, if that works for you, fine. And if this is how you insist serious philosophers should approach conflicting goods in the is/ought world, we can just agree to disagree regarding both the relevance and applicability of philosophy down in the “for all practical purposes” realm of actual human interactions.

Suppose a serious philosopher does become involved in a context in which an abortion is involved. How would he or she go about acquiring the necessary experiences to adequately judge the character of the woman choosing an abortion; and how would he or she go about assessing her short and long term interests? Or does he or she go up to the woman and say, “I’m a serious philosopher, so there’s not much I can tell you.”

That, in turn, the arguments of folks like Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Hume, Kant etc. are of limited value to her? Depending entirely on how many personal experiences they themselves had with abortion?

Before we get to God, please respond to the point I raised about moral laws being used to regulate our behaviors.

Is there an actual set of objective criteria able to establish if one speaks of God seriously? Or does that more or less come down to others speaking of Him as you do?

If God is invoked in a discussion of the morality of abortion, how does the serious philosopher go about assessing the worth of the arguments?

Let’s bring that down to a particular context.

You raised Creation here. You will either connect the dots between what you mean by it, how you construe the meaning of philosophy, and your own personal assessment of the morality of abortion or you won’t.

In other words, I would be most interested in witnessing someone making the point you do here to folks outside an abortion clinic. Explaining to those both for and against abortion the philosophical implications of “morality always being tyrannical.” Making certain they are familiar with exactly what philosophers can and cannot tell them about killing the unborn.

What does any of this have to do with what I am asking of you above? And these experiences do pertain to the manner in which you construe objective truth, right?

How would you explain value ontology to those who are in fact interested in connecting the dots between philosophy and the morality of abortion?

Let’s take this argument to a context in which those who condemn abortion are confronting those who support it. Gauge their reaction to it. :wink:

Yo, Jakob, you’re up!

Speaking for Jakob -
Beyond concern, absolutely.

We can only observe when and why abortion becomes a natural choice for women and couples. Namely, when they are degenerate, or active part at least of a degenerate culture.
Abortions occur, naturally, in environments in which childbirths aren’t considered a blessing but a curse.
This is all philosophy can observe.
It cant say whether this is wrong or right. Abortion just logically indicates biological decline, which is part of the circle of life.
Now a moralist may want to take an active stance and convince weary life to procreate anyway. But that is not philosophy. Maybe you have an example to the contrary? I don’t think Plato or Descartes ever got near this issue, and when it is a question of the golden rule, then that is just a question after the meaning and value of life, which brings us back to the question of health versus decay. A healthy culture will have very few abortions.

Oh yeah? Thats nice.
Yeah I think it would play out fairly well. Everyone would understand.

So in short, Jakobs answer is that when a woman wants an abortion, look at her world. She loathes that world and doesn’t want a perpetual investment in it. Pregnancy anchors a woman in her world.
Legalizing abortion entirely would be of little consequence in a healthy culture. In a declining one it is following Nietzsches advice about helping decaying natures on their way down, speeding up the process. And thats no doubt why marxist and Islamic fronts push for abortion in the west.

You ask, is this good or bad?
I ask, for whom?

You seem [he seems] to be suggesting that, technically, serious philosophers – as with serious scientists – don’t spend much time in the is/ought world. In other words, contemplating the existential interaction between identity, value judgments and political economy.

That the seach for philosophical wisdom here basically follows the path that Wittgenstein forged: “Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.”

And, in my own way, seeing “I” as an existential contraption shaped and molded from the cradle to the grave by contingency. chance and change, I basically agree.

But here you are coming to your own moral and political conclusions on various issues in various threads as though this is “for all practical purposes” moot.

Still, for those do choose to engage with others in social interactions, these existential leaps are perforce a necessary factor in their lives. Then [for me] it just becomes a matter of the extent to which they see their own “I” here as “fractured and fragmented” in being down in the “hole” that I am in.

The part I explore in more detail here: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=194382

The part, in my view, that you/Jakob basically shunt aside by subsuming his/your own particular understanding of “I” here [intellectually] in, among other things, VO.

Actually, I think they would conclude that Jakob and his highly technical philosophical contraptions have almost nothing at all to do with anything that actually matters to them in regard to aborting or not aborting the unborn.

And, if that is how you would like others to approach philosophy in regard to conflicting goods as the embodiment of dasein in a world where political power ultimately prevails, fine.

We can just agree that other philosophers will have different takes on it and move on.

A woman? Does he mean all women here? And that your answer here is not just an existential contraption in and of itself? That it is not just a particular political prejudice rooted in dasein, but reflects the most rational manner in which to approach particular women in particular sets of circumstances confronting – existentially – an unwanted pregnancy?

Same here? This is not just one more “general description” of abortion as a moral and political conflagration, but reflects the optimal point of view all serious philosophers must come to? Where do you/he draw the line here?

Again, in my view, if you/he were to bring this to the attention of actual flesh and blood human beings dealing with the wrenching calamities embedded in an actual unwanted pregnancy, they would look at you in a way that, in my view, speaks volumes regarding how many view philosophy in the world today.

Either it can be made relevant to the lives that we live or it remains but one or another rendition of Will Durant’s epistemological contraptions:

“In the end it is dishonesty that breeds the sterile intellectualism of contemporary speculation. A man who is not certain of his mental integrity shuns the vital problems of human existence; at any moment the great laboratory of life may explode his little lie and leave him naked and shivering in the face of truth. So he builds himself an ivory tower of esoteric tomes and professionally philosophical periodicals; he is comfortable only in their company…he wanders farther and farther away from his time and place, and from the problems that absorb his people and his century. The vast concerns that properly belong to philosophy do not concern him…He retreats into a little corner, and insulates himself from the world under layer and layer of technical terminology. He ceases to be a philosopher, and becomes an epistemologist.”

Only, alas, my own reaction to this – fractured and fragmented and down in my hole like Dostoevsky’s underground man – is, in it’s own way, just as demoralizing.

No, I ask how a particular individual living a particular life out in a particular world historically, culturally and experiential, comes to acquire [existentially] actual points of view about good and bad behaviors, given the manner in which I construe human interactions here in my signature threads.

I ask “for whom?” too. But my own understanding of how one comes to acquire a sense of identity here in regard to the morality of abortion, is only more or less in sync with yours. I too note the extent to which philosophy is of limited value in regard to value judgments. I would just never construe this as an ontological assessment.

Note to others:

Just out of curiosity…

This Fixed Cross, Jakob, barbarianhorde thing…is this anything like the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost? :wink:

Seriously though, if they are all the same person, what do you suppose the point is? Are they characters he plays here?

Me, I don’t care what one chooses to call themselves at ILP. I’m only interested in what they actually have to say about identity, value judgments, political power, determinism and the really big questions facing us all.

Yo, fixed jakob the barbarian, you’re up! :wink:

As far as I understand this approach, it seems to me to frame each view within its own unique context.

The consequence of such an approach would be that views resist comparison, to the extent that highly variable contexts, and people themselves differ.

As such, I suppose the purpose is not to universalise answers across all people, or objectivise answers independent of subjective variation, but instead to compare different causes for each outlook. This defies the political aim to universalise a single law across all people irrespective of their experiences that form their different outlooks, and seems to foster a more empathic understanding and exchanging of stories to perhaps individualise legal cases and attribute blame variably across a population dependent on the deterministic factors they’ve encountered in their life.

I think Dave Chapelle was attempting to relate his outlook universally - that appears to be the intention of comedy, at least limited to the audience a comedian attracts - rather than exclude himself as a special case that gets to choose as a consequence of his unique experience and individual authentic interaction with it.
However, I do find it an attractive notion to tailor law to individuals instead of imposing a singular rule across all of society. Bespoke law, as opposed to prêt-à-porter law sounds more comfortable :smiley:

Interestingly, this ought to be attractive to the individualist-minded of us, but I think it actually works the other way around.
Individualists, who champion Free Will and personal responsibility seem to me to prefer singular society-wide law, whereas Socialists, who champion Determinism and social responsibility seem to me to prefer to take circumstances into account when it comes to law. Abortion is a perfect example, where the deontological Conservatives favour anti-abortion for all, where consequentialist Progressives favour individual choice on the matter.

And of course they each use the opposite type of argument - Conservatives talking about the suffering all the women they know who had abortions go through after, for example. And progressives talking about rights to one’s own body. Religious conservatives, it seems to me are in a very tricky position since presumably God takes these babies to Heaven - and if he doesn’t…??? So that area much be uncomfortable.
Here’s the way one Catholic keeps it ‘up in the air’ so to speak… … o_heaven_/
But notice that this undecided format should still be very disturbing, because either babies get to Heaven and are happy forever, which is really not something to get worked up about OR God treats the innocent as poorly as abortionists do. But because it is undecided I think most Catholics probably avoid noticing that either possible conclusion is problematic.

I guess my point is that everybody is rather ad hoc. Progessives probably judge conservatives, on this issue, for their epistemology. But in the end they rely on apriori knowledge also. And conservatives tend to think progressives have no values, but they are actually remarkably similar to the Conservatives.

Unless someone is able to construct an argument aimed at including all abortions – a universal morality? – that seems reasonable to me.

Provided of course that the argument is able to be demonstrated as, for all practical purposes, applicable to all unwanted pregnancies.

The comparisons here would seem to be only more or less applicable. Obviously, in any particular historical and cultural context, there are going to be factors that overlap. But the closer you get down to the individual experience, the greater it would seem to be distinct from the experiences of others.

For all practical purposes what else is there? It’s just that for me and my ilk, we are still down in our holes. Each of our individual “selves” being fractured and fragmented beyond being able to embrace one side or the other. Instead, we can only acknowledge that given conflicting goods both sides [all sides] are able to propose reasonable arguments based on conflicting sets of assumptions regarding that which is said to constitute the “human condition”.

In fact, the focus on empathy in relationship to human morality was explored here in a Philosophy Now book review: … d_Morality

For me though, empathy, while clearly embedded in human biological imperatives, is no less rooted memetically in dasein, conflicting goods and political economy.


I already gave a proof for pro choice in this thread.

You thought that impossible. So you’re slowly being backed into a corner by me

Now it’s “what about a specific woman?”

The whole point of pro choice is that we don’t dictate those decisions with some algorithm

You’ll never find this proof by definition.

So really, to ‘make your point’ you’re debating people to the absurd.


That is an easy thing for you to say but you cannot really know that and since it cannot ever happen (at least I do not think that it could lol)…
How much of an "adult’ can you be if you would allow your mother to go back and abort you? Why would you not fight her tooth and nail?
You seem to greatly value everything in this forum, from your perspective, which you put in here as being real and truth and yet you do not value your own life in such a way?
You do realize, do you not, that if you allowed your mother to abort you the world could never, would never have known all of your so-called truths? It would be as though they had never existed at all?
Is there not a kind of selfishness involved in your just allowing her to destroy you?
Would she not in some way be violating your consent and would you not in some way be violating your own consent to exist?


Most people are innately, existentially, frustreted that they never could have been born.

These are the people that we don’t want to populate the earth.

Yes there is 5th dimensional space and time where these decisions can be made

You dont need to access another dimension of space and time if you regret ever being born
As there is suicide or death by natural causes that will take care of that particular problem
Also you could give your life purpose or meaning so that you did not regret ever being born

I’ve given it to you in proof form, but still, instead of responding to the proof itself, you keep saying this over and over again!

We don’t die dude.


Sing it with me, E: you can’t kill me