Social Libertarianism

Really many or most scientists aren’t naturalists, they’re transnaturalists, they have no respect for nature.

Nationalism to me means just putting citizens first ahead of foreigners, it doesn’t mean discriminating against minorities.
It’s not our job to fix the world’s problems, we got enough of our own.

I believe in protecting ourselves and closest allies from an overt attack, but that’s it, no pre-emptive strikes, no war on or for drugs and terror.
if some states are really, truly sponsoring terror out there, and it’s not just false intelligence, we’ll deal with it just by sanctioning and isolating them.

A lot of foreign aid is just used to manipulate the 3rd world and unnecessarily expand the size of government.
Much of our foreign aid goes to Israel, and I don’t consider it a (close) ally.
Geographically it’s far away.
Ask not what we can do for Israel, but what Israel can do for us.
Israel, and its expansionist, racist government, does nothing but encourage our countries to commit suicide and stoke tensions between us and Muslims.

I’m anti-immigration, but if people come here, they should speak our language, know and respect our customs and have something to contribute.
They should be capable of creating jobs, not just competing for them.

I’m not a vegan or vegetarian, but I’m against animal cruelty and hunting endangered species.

I’m in favor of doing more to protect oceans and national parks, but skeptical of manmade climate change or it being a problem and against austerity measures.

Communism has been defined somewhat differently by different schools of thought, which’s not to say the word is meaningless, because all these definitions have something in common, like shared ownership, but which’s is to say no single school has a monopoly on it.
We needn’t be bound by Marxist definitions.

For me, communism, like socialism and corporatism is strictly about ownership or distribution of property, not life and liberty.
Communism is about the people (they could be any people, a small tribe of dozens of animists, a large tribe of millions of atheists) sharing ownership of (virtually) all property, by contrast socialism is shared ownership of (virtually) all commerce and corporatism is say a small % of people owning (virtually) all property or commerce.
Capitalism is private property, then there’s state property.
Some anarchoindividualists promote private possession (not to be conflated with private property) and Stirnerite egoists no property (might makes right).
Theoretically you can have private or state communism, socialism and corporatism.

There are all kinds of ways of trying to achieve these economic forms, and ideas about what kind of societies they could or should accompany.
There are also gradations between them.
Communism can work well for families and small tribes, altho small tribes tend to be polygamous, infight and outfight over women rather than stuff.

Can democratic or anarcho-communism work for a big tribe like ours?
I wouldn’t bet on it.

Yup and stirner’s egoism - which was a direct response to the dominant hegelian thought at the time - was viewed as a dangerous prototype philosophy that would usher in capitalism. Marx recognized that hegel’s idealism could not contend with stirner’s scathing criticism, and it’s said somewhere (can’t remember where), that this contributed to marx’s drive to split from hegel and develop a purely materialistic philosophy. You might say that stirner got the ball rolling back then. The young hegelians came to see him as the great dragon that had to he slayed…

Austerity measures will only enhance animal cruelty in big crowded meat factories.

Very interesting!
Supremely interesting in fact.

Where can this be read?

Thats then basically the unresolved tension in our world, the West. The invisible yet explicit Ego of the Left.

So then the Ego became the Lacanian Real vis a vis the leftist economy of pleasure.

quote was taken from here: … -and-marx/

essentially marx was so moved by stirner’s devastating attack on ‘philosophy’ that he was simultaneously intrigued and terrified. so he did what any innovative thinker would do; dismantle it before it turned the whole world into a shit-storm, and then put it back together for use against the bourgeois concepts of history that rested so firmly on the philosophical nonsense that supplanted it. so stirner was good and bad; good in demolishing the philosophical idealism/rationalism that elevated the ruling classes over the productive classes, bad in doing such a fantastic job at it, that the almost impossible task of re-centering egoism in favor of history and the proletariat - rather than descending into nihilism - would require a sustained attack on philosophy through the marxist materialists. a culmination of this movement arrives in positivism, wittgenstein, and the ‘ordinary language’ philosophers.

regarding the lacan question, yeah, sorta. what we have today are not spontaneous philosophical questions that arise from nowhere in the heads of philosophers. language is literally like a logocentric superstructure that designs and contains the anatomy of all possible questions… so that today, when doing philosophy, one is absentmindedly participating in an ideology that involves all kinds of presuppositions that are taken for granted. a great example would be nationalistic philosophies that are grounded in social darwinism. this is neither a science or a philosophy, but rather a series of hackneyed attitudes held by conservatives. i think it was lacan who said ‘ideology; they don’t know it, but they are doing it.’ what this might mean here is that such pseudo-philosophy has become so entrenched in modern thinking that in order to dispel its mythology, you’d have to demolish centuries of thought.

all this only has currency in marxist terms; that the ideas of each epoche are established by the ruling classes. ergo, capitalism mobilizes a vast series of pseudo-philosophical truisms in its attempt to rationalize and defend itself. the presuppositions of philosophies upholding this ideology were both destroyed and preserved by stirner. by reducing all institutions down to ‘spooks’, he set the ego free… but in doing so he opened the door for radical, amoral individualism… precisely the kind we see at the foundation of western capitalist theory.

It’s Good that people are ruled-over though, because most people cannot Rule themselves.

Less than 1% of the human population has any potential for individuality or independence.

The rest must Serve the ruling-class.

Im afraid this is true.

I so wished it wasn’t true and spent my whole life really not accepting it because it is impossible to truly except, on the fenced in side of good and evil.

Rulership is per definition both good and evil, as being ruled always involves abnegation of the will which is the definition of evil people hear in their hearts when the term falls.
Rule is only possible because there are conflicting interests.
Rule consists of leveraging a portion of being against another to prevent the other from fulfilling its drives.
Which drives must be suppressed? All rulership is an answer to that question presupposed in its being will to power.

On a grand scale, the drive that must be suppressed is for Truth to be regarded as a democratic privilege. It is tyrannical. Truth doesn’t ask for your votes, it just gives out shares. Not to the highest bidder, but to the one who casts the right glance.
Such is life.

“Im afraid this is true.”

Nah ya not. Only someone from the working class would be ‘afraid’ this is true, while the bourgeois/petty bourgeois are delighted that it’s true. Without it being true, they’d not have their station in life. Nice try, though. I give you a six for the feigned sympathy.

No, there’s something to it.

Like Jakob, I also wanted it to be true that people could “self-rule” themselves to a significant degree and amount. But humanity simply does not work this way, nor animals in general. Mammals, as a specie, exist socially within Hierarchies. People, and mammals, naturally look out for Alpha status in the form of leadership, expertise, nobility, and obviously the most important, Authority. People readily and willingly give away their own choice in life, when asked or demanded by an Authority. I don’t mean police officers. I don’t mean scientists. I don’t even mean family. But there is a type of Authority that exists that people wait for and internally desire. You can call it Totalitarianism …Totalit-Aryianism.

It is observed most readily in Politics (election of Trump), Religion (election of Pope), History (the "Founding Fathers), and the Military (Rank and Order, Alexander, Napolean, Hitler, Etc.). When a real Authority arrives, entire countries, societies, nations, and histories are moved by Authorities. This also coincides with the “Define God” thread. This type of Authority, is Godly. It is momentous. It is forceful. It is compelling.

It’s not merely the relationship between proletariat and bourgeois, but more symbolized between Master and Slave, Superior to Inferior, Man to Woman, Parent to Child, Teacher to Student, etc. It is a form of relationship that is intimate. Like love, people are willing to fight to defend these internal-values and relationships.

People want to be Led, far more than they want to Lead. Almost nobody wants to Lead, because of the stress, anxiety, and implications involved. If you are a Leader in life, then you are rare, and you become Self-Responsible. You become an ‘Agent’, with Agency. You forfeit your victimhood and victim-status. You are no longer a child, or a boy, but forced into the position of a Man.

Only Individuals have the potential to become Leaders. But most ‘Choose’ not to (Lead). It is more comfortable, easy, and peaceful to live a life of fellowship.

But often in life, circumstances force an Individual to choose to Lead, and fight, for whatever (Just) cause they feel necessary. This is where Justice comes into the picture.

Individuals have unique relationships with Justice, representing a noble-heart. Whether they choose good or evil, as a means to obtain their goals, is of secondary importance.

The primary importance is that the rare few (individuals) have the Choice (Free-Will), while the masses, do not.

You’re making a romantic patriarchical comic book storyline out of it, though, replete with heroes and kings and champions and shit. Leadership stopped being ‘specialized’ with the dawn of the industrial age. That old aristocratic notion of the alpha male as ruler and the need of people to be sheeple under his guidance is material for sketch comedy, not serious philosophers. Not anymore, anyway. Democracy is fully capable of replacing oligarchy… and if it was, you’d not notice the difference. Technology, communication, dissemination of information… all of this makes it now possible for an efficient and effective democracy to exist on planet earf. Fuck the king. That nigga ain’t got no clothes, bruh.

It’s timeless; it never really changes.

Even in a “Democracy”, the noble-heart still beats. The mind maybe lost and confused, for a time, but that time passes, Seasons change. Just because you are an individual, Prom, doesn’t mean others are, or are willing to merely drift through life without leadership or something to fight for. That is what the masses always crave; the demand is always high for it. Everybody craves Purpose in life, a meaningful life. It is the aristocracy and noble-soul that has always provided such purpose, whether they be reasons to fight, to work, to labor or love. Without such purposes, people merely live life, floating through, meaningless, uninspired, joyless.

That was a very thoughtful post, sir. I find myself filled with the sudden urge to listen to St. Elmo’s Fire, and I want to thank you.

Rulership is inevitable.

Even alone, one is issuing commands to their own body.

The question is whether or not it is harmonious rulership - disharmony brings counteractive efforts and potentially mutiny. A group of people can function like a well-oiled machine, with all parties gaining maximum satisfaction with their role, and with no party having any reason to envy or despise any other. Envying or despising other roles is a sign of disharmony, as is any disillusion over what role is better or worse - as we see in this very thread.

The actual proportion of leaders to subordinates depends on the optimal number of subordinates per leader, and assumes a stratification that approximates to uniformality - assuming uniform competence amongst leaders relative to their required ability to fulfil their role at their particular strata of leadership.
Assuming my calculations are correct, if the minimum number of subordinates to most efficient operate under each leader is “x”, then the proportion of leaders to suborindates tends from “1/x” towards “1/x-1”, the higher the population is.

There really is no point romanticising over higher and lower strata of leadership, and over who ought to be where. The only thing that matters is if you are where you should be such that the whole unit operates with maximum effectiveness with you being maximally satisfied where you are.

Individualism is shit at this, because everyone is fighting over the top strata - even those suited to the lower strata - even moreso them, in fact.

The higher you need to climb to get the top strata, the more ferociously you fight to get there - and the most noise is made. Case in point: this forum.

Its self interest. I hate slaves. I always try to pretend they’ve got a soul (like with biguous, these are honest attempts of mine to engage him in something halfway sentient) but Im nearly always kicked in the gut for being so generous with my expectations.

Urwrong - Trump is a break with this. Few Trump voters are believers in Authority, everyone of us laughs at how quirky and human he is and how human he makes his opponents look. Whereas Obama was and is basically a God to his fans. He even had me convinced for some years at first, that he was some kind of phenomenon.

You cant be right about everything.

But could a government be formed that altered that fact?

Or is it really only about DNA, race, and gender?

What about a government so entrenched in early self-reliance education and training that being an adult meant graduating into a society of respectable self-governing people? That is what the British have attempted. I just don’t think they went about it quite properly.