Man: A Blessing

You don’t seem to have a ‘neither’ option.

I didn’t want to provide an easy way out.

i am neither, since both options were over-extravagant. a real man conceals his power and prowess, often in places we’d not think to look… but is always poised and at the ready to use it.

Oh come on, if you had to imagine yourself as one of the two types.

I dont know if it is true that a real man hides his prowess, at all.
Neither do you seem to make such great attempts at camouflage.

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By the way, the dumbest people Ive talked to are men.

I was just out there on Philosophy Now. Jesus Christ.

Don’t take the Lords name in vain milord.

It was only one supremely dumb person and one who proved, as you already knew him to be despite using pretences to expand your point, a zealot.

Impenitent is also there. And some people who respect you. Don’t judge a fish by its smell.

I’ve received many blessings in my life.

So I’ll tell you the technical definition of a blessing.

1.) all of their power is transferred to you
2.) they defend you

As we Vikings say

Where is Arcturus? There is a woman who rarely teams up with another, and if she does she is so singleminded that the alliance rarely lasts for more than a couple posts back and forth.

MagsJ also stands alone and by the way has never banned me which I like. Its one of the reasons I feel quite well here. I was allowed a bit of leeway in my dark days and even enemies have expressed mild appreciation.

See there is a community here. Several posters are quite the Internet wizards too, I mention iambiguous and Trixie, such skills must not be taken lightly! wonder which thread will break the first million. It looks like it will be the Alien among us.

Maybe he is an actual alien. For that matter maybe so is iambiguous. “Bring it to Earth”.


Technically this is the running theme of the geniuses who have prevailed on this site. There were also other geniuses of a more individualistic kind but they ended up getting banned. Here people seem to be spellbound by the idea that salvation is a real thing. Which means as I am myself aware that it has been experienced. Power has been experienced. Power is salvation.

Of course salvation is so scarce that in the road up to it the unsalvaged and unsaintly murder each others souls by and large.
But this is only natural since existence, contra non-being, simply isn’t effortless, it requires the ultimate effort, and that s what you realize, as does Trixie and people intuit it in general. Passivity isn’t popular here.

Exactly. ‘what on earth’ is not just a figure of speech for biggs. I happen to know that while he was in nam, he had a mystical experience on the beach of da nang while on rest leave. Something about a cambodian waitress who put something in his beer… and he had a vision. If you ask me he made a psychic connection with the same aliens that built those jungle temples all over south-east asia after building those landing ramps for the incas.

That makes sense. See you have to really think out of the box to get a place here let alone to understand anyone here.

"So I’ll tell you the technical definition of a blessing.

1.) all of their power is transferred to you
2.) they defend you"

And the source of that power? It is managed from fathers’ through sons by various means, none of whom is capable to set up judgement through inclusionary or exclusionary logic except.

Except that one who is poliphorm. And that is beyond at least the appearent intent of this thesis.
Thesis because it appears implicative and seminally projective, where in fact against irresistible power, the gaps dominate inferentionally, preempting any way a paradigmn set up could realize real ideas by which such judgements can be installed as trancendenrally valid .
The power transference has to be set on the actual apex of the undifferentiable tip of the ancient Egyptian pyramid.

Did something ever not happen to guys who went to nam?

Heres the creators of Apocalypse Now bantering about madness.


Well observed, and there is I would say only one such moment, because a peak is a moment. The tip of the pyramid pertains to the moment when it was erected. Same with astrology.

And something happened to those who haven’t gone , as well.
I was in Hanoi last year, and it seams as if, nothing ever happened.
Nothing ever really happens.
War is a diversion from the pathology of the boredom with peace.
Who cares about vets, especially Vietnam ones.They hang around the hospital bored to death to wait to see fix so they can get their junk.
Nuttin’ ever happens, seminally.

‘Alien vs Pre dator’

Haha, thats classic.
A very poignant memory of the morning after a cyberdelic trip is of being left with that fact, nothing ever really happens.
But I fought it.
It was so bleak.
I saw it in the engraved relief of the fry-joints logo in the plastic of my plastic fry-box.


theme music,
and picture rain, too thin to notice.

Beautifully haunting.

Here in contrast, the other breaking through, the contradictory meditative
transcending principles but morally clear:

A hallucination of essential but unwinding vision.

“Behold this goblet, and drink from it if you dare”
Such a ball of red wool dropped from a chair, and caught the eye of a kitten

How were stories built?
Man only understands proportion if he has a horizon. But who needs understanding? All one needs is an impulse. Understanding will follow at any rate, and then wishes to escape itself again in impulse. For no understanding is ever enough - or is it? - to provoke a lasting peace - or is there such understanding? Whatever the answer here applies to the question of God.

A horned shadow leans against the hearth that casts him with its glow. Lighting and drawing from a cigar, he turns to the hermit in the couch and wants to ask him a question. But what can a hermit know? Figures the shadow. He is saddened, and gives in to the light. Dissipates. Now there is only the fire and nothing stands in its way.

Is there only chaos in the end, or order?
I presuppose that in the beginning there was chaos.
I don’t know how from order, we could ever return to true chaos. Every single atom would have to be annihilated into pure energy.

Just like Geist has no translation in English that isn’t absolutely deceptive in one way or the precise other, so order can never translate into chaos.

That is the impulsive knowledge of heist, the same one at the point of erecting it, that transmitted the seminal. It sets the operation that produces an objective synthesis, from which such diffusion described erupts the mystical or quasi mystical partial awareness of self conscious intention.

The intention that is hard driven into that geist.

That produces both: an apology and affirmation.


Which more than “spirit” or “mind” could convey sets the stage for all kinds of … “lets see what we can see”;


It occurs to me that to circumscribe the meaning of the word Geist, a third translation has to be included with "mind and “spirit”; “ghost”.
Etymologically most natural, this shows more of the active presence that Geist weirdly conveys.
Weird, it is, fully. Wyrd.