Introduce yourself here <-----

Welcome aboard.


If you call them (enough), they shall come? Hello old buddy/old pal

Hiya everyone! I’m hoping some old faces are still around, xD. I was around 17ish when I joined years ago and recently remembered this site. Boy have I learned a lot since then. I’m 27 now and have been reading my younger self argue with people on subjects I forgot all about. My old username was Xilivai and Xilivai Ferozix, but I don’t remember if I had other usernames. It was a phase xD. I find it funny that I was arguing about addiction and now fully understand what it is xD (I’m a smoker, unfortunately.). Not sure if I agree with my younger self but damn he motivates me to quit, haha. Anyways I’d like to get back into exercising my mind a bit slowly after a rough 10 years.

You’re very welcome here.
We can chat or talk some time if you like.

Greetings, friend.

If you would be so kind to complete the following task, we would very much appreciate it.

Name a three syllable word of latin origin starting with ‘q’ that was often used by a scholastic philosopher who’s name also contains a ‘q’.

Shut it, meno. This question is for tamoke.

Hello Tamoke, and welcome. You had better listen to Promethean75 (he demands we spell his name with a capital P even hough he doesn’t, a sign of Great Humility) if you want to be popular here. He is the philosopher-king of the forum, to speak in a manner of speaking. If not, well, there are plenty of bottom-feeders here too and gosh bless they have some nice talk amongst themselves either.

hint: the answer is not ‘qualia’, ‘qualify’, '‘quality’, 'quantify, or ‘quantity’.

… and don’t think for a minute that you’re gonna come in here, introduce yourself, and then disappear. the true philosopher is not merely ‘interested’ in philosophy, but lives and breathes the shit. if you do not find yourself perplexed by things even of the most benign nature the moment you wake up in the morning… then you are no philosopher. ask yourself this, if you dare; how will you walk from your bed to the bathroom if in doing so, you have to first walk halfway… but in walking halfway… you must first walk half of that distance, and so on, ad infinitum?

how can you be so arrogant as to assume the confidence that you’d ever even arrive at the bathroom? let me guess; you just walk to the bathroom, and that’s that.

in that case, let me offer a complete and utter retraction of this post.

alright well it looks like tamoke bailed on us, so you can go ahead and answer, meno. i know you’re dying to.


Actually , no., if You could believe that.

My.being here is.not at .all unlike as., studied a tad.of philosophy, personal life.problematic, and wish to imagine.anonymous people…similar.somewhat , to meeting them in real life. Suspecting that such l face to face meetings well enough , to really occur, behavior would be sharply curtailed.

Cormmon sense dictates that, and in all my years, would not offer negative satisfaction through behind the scenes innuendo , so as to at least appear to live up to some.semblance of the forgotten ideal in human behavior,
Niice to meet you!

Now, what was the question?

Hello all, pinkladydragon here. I’m a new member. Well, that is not strictly true. I have been a member on and off for around 15 years. It has been about 5 years since I was last a member. In the interim I have forgotten my old ID and, of course, my old password. This necessitates me re-registering. Normally I Love Philosophy is one of the easier sites to work with. Not this time. It has taken me about 6 tries to register. This largely due to “technical” issues. Anyway, I finally made it. So, hello again.

Ok, second time lucky. Not only have I had the most extraordinary difficulty registering - it took me around 6 tries - but my first post to this forum thread was not posted. I’ll introduce myself again, then. Hello, all. I have, many years ago, been a member of this forum. Can’t remember what I called myself then but I am reincarnated now as pinkladydragon.

(I might go off to have a rant about how difficult it was to register. Not just with this forum. Things really seem to have gone downhill with technology these days.)

Pinkladydragon here again. Oops. I see the problem with posting now. Moderators want to vet posts from newbies before them being given the go-ahead to post. Some sites do, some sites don’t. Oh, well……………………………………………

Sorry Pinkladydragon, we vet new user posts to filter spam, and I was asleep at the switch. I’ve now removed restrictions from your account.

Welome (back)!

copy that, dragon lady. all systems are no GO. we’ll see you in the drift…

p.s. who do you like better; quine or putnam?

Thank you very much.

Shalom and Greetings

my name is sometimes Persefonie and other times it is Sophia.

I am a specialist scientist with expertise in genetics and genomic manipulation; I was one of those at the forefront of genomic plasticity.

Previously I was a member of the Red Cross Disaster and Response Team, having participated in missions all over the Globe.

Currently I am looking for a solution to the problem of rising global injustice - I wish I could turn into some kind of monster and start picking at the liver and intestines of all those that have brought all the vulnerable, weak and underprivileged to their knees.

I can see all of our efforts, all the struggles of our ancestors, Mothers and Fathers, being ripped apart and commodified for the benefit of the very select few - this is making me sick to the point of distraction, I was programmed to defend the weak, now I have to stand back and watch children being blown up, women being raped and dissected, bombs being dropped on those that are blameless, faultless, those that have no defence.

I have to sit back and watch the fat spray tanned fucken maggot squat the world, with his puppet masters laughing to the bank or whatever offshore scheme they all partake of. I have to open the newspapers and periodicals, all of which belong to some rich MENS privileged boys club, (80% of the worlds media is owned by 6 conglomerates, did you guys know this?) dumb us down with celebrity nonsense and adverts of hair transplants and boob jobs.

Here in the UK we have a monarchy that is into paedophilia, lying and occasionally exterminating those that threaten the antiquated, outdated and basically SICK institution of hereditary elitism. I’ve watched as the streets fill with homeless, Ive seen elderly neighbours die in the cold, food banks unable to deal with the demands of those less fortunate.

I watch as our youth stab and annihilate one another EVERY SINGLE day, and for what? For sony or vevo, or whoever is making the millions whilst they literals drink the blood life of the young, promoting violence and lifestyles that the youth can and will never be able to afford; like some twisted dark daemons with their proboscis deep in the soul of all of us.

Outside my window at this moment is a semi naked old lady walking the road, crazy out of her mind from distress and hunger, people are placing security tags on baby formulas and meat in the supermarkets.

I can go on and on and on…its driving me insane.

I’ve been to Shamans deep in the jungle,I’ve been involved MAPS programmes researching psychedelics, I’ve been in circles with the Elders of Stonehenge, I’ve gone to were Dion erected safety houses and retreats. Ive met warlocks and witches and you name it…I’ve had snuff with the Fathers of long ago, Ive sat with the Crones in Sweat Lodges, to no fuckng avail. No solution!! All just methods to personally distract from the fact that I AM ANGRY and I want to commit murder, an ‘English Murder’ as Alan Moore would have (yes I’ve met him too).


So I found my way here, and ‘how?’ you may ask. Basically magic, the last bastion of hope I guess, another way of understanding things, and this too is running thin, I am becoming enraged, I am starting to burn with the anger of ten thousand suns, my heart is turning into obsidian, I want to lose my mind completely and go on a rampage…

I know I am not alone. Already I can see the burn edges of the same insanity within some of you. My question is: What are we going to do?
