Three AM

I did also not even a few hours of sleep around 3 am here time .so I’m making up for it now, hoping can sleep tonight.

Deep State is very invested interests who run this country, but with Trump in the helm, only rumors can verify any contention.

No one knows how so much in moving constitutionality can pass by without so much as a whimper , but they must know something we don’t and my guess is it’s a critical moment not few can be allowed for they would not understand and probably most of it is secret.

A whole lot is most likely connected to NWO and AI related policies.

Conceptual understanding is deeper then either conventional wisdom or speculation, and the thing is, conspiratorial belief has always been the underbelly of common sense recently, adversely effecting people who were previously fans of Tom Paine.

The Beatles, yes, were soul searchers , and they propagated a new era with astounding and honest success, the like of which may probably never be heard again .

Today the worst of best days or the best of the worst I dunno.

I won’t press or impress or compress, few sayin’ what. How to do yoga out of images, because @ 3 am or near the totality of live grabs one.

If, whatever, thereby could be sacrificed, one second for eternity one would do it.

I choose not to.

The escape is total.

Where from never ask Where to maybe, and where at is : a flash, just like the explosiveness of orgasm.

Hold it, back, and it’s seen what it is and what it isn’t : if you reject it you’ll never know it, for what it may be.

Constant power, lest missing this chance , what do you expect near another sleepless near three, .
Can glean your English.

Today I bet all I had until next pay lost but all, and wonderously won it back exactly, not a penny more, so guess its some kind of warning.

Otherwise, hum drum, and loving them who I’m with day, thank God they’re letting me its a privilege.

Went to my car this morning to start up my car, looked at the house where the English woman lives and it is occupied by Latino people neighbor who lives next door, who kind heartedly feeds and fixes stray cats said she left, the English woman, with her dog because her husband died suddenly of heart attack.
She always wanted to speak I felt, new to neighborhood I felt premature, so regret comes last but there was a lot of fantasy about it
Now the streets feel that much poorer

Thank you, Meno, for your responses. You should retire now. Probably best to watch from a safe distance.
I hear news of some pretty heavy artillery on the way. Keep your head down. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

They’re using live ammunition.

And thank You. Safety locked. And took notice, any aim will miss me, for inordinately thick skin.

And they lived happily ever after.

Reality exposes the mundane drudgery of the day… better to be at home or in the office… not even venturing out for the obligatory lunchtime Pret sandwich or walk in the park.

Evening brings with it less people and calmer different sounds… much more soothing and preferable to day, and Halloween being the preferable religious holiday of choice. :imp:

I don’t believe in a god, but I do go to church… I go, out of respect for my mother and upbringing. Family time, followed by a family dinner and much merriment… till late. But why does the priest dowse me in so much holy water though? can he tell I stopped believing… stopped believing a long time ago.

Hunter watching fam on TV:

Hunter in distress:

Hunter getting caught getting caught short lol:

For me the question ceased to be ephemeral and noe the theological-deintologically reduced question consists of a reduction from doubt to logic certainty:

Either, ultimate knowledge tests in uncertainty, via:dispersive knowledge, or, it is a containment of totality transcending time and space. To me the latter choice is more likely.

Not for me it doesn’t… are we conversing on the same matter here?

…but it doesn’t relate to the discussion… you are racing ahead of yourself… it happens.

and it has not happened Yet, but it is likely to happen if, the guide is any sign , that the trend of progression sustains momentum.

and i do admit that this argument is set on an idea based on the inverted pyramid, whose apex has now been almost reached.

to be completely blunt, MagsJ, i am of those who truly believe that Christ will return to judge the living and the dead.

Yea… whatever happened to that guy? Where is he when you need him…?

Hey, why not… :confusion-shrug:

Don’t you just hate those judgemental types. #-o

Woke up out of a very good sleep, but don’t know why… an early breakfast, if I don’t get back to sleep anytime soon.

How are family matters and such, Meno? Hope good.

Really, MagJ, I shall not comment on that but listen to this spoken by a Babylonian baru, to a king of Babylon:

‘He that stilleth all to rest, that pacifieth all.
By whose incantations everything is at peace.’

Babylonian magic transpired into Egypt, as noted in the Talmud. Mesopotamia is the oldest viable civilization, many Egyptian instances of magic are notable, but I need not list some of them.

The point that relates to mystical revelations such as the pyramid and it’s inversion point to thousands of years of obscure but tenable beliefs. In Egypt, religion and psychic magic were not dicernly differentiated.

Layer philosophy, such as that of post Descartes searchers for certainty, have suffered an unintelligible reductive process in which the phenomenon we experience has reversed , unbound. These concepts are huge conceptual archetypes which modernity can not really eradicate, because it would consist of sacralige in what the West considers as epitomes of fallacious thought.

I literally can not try to vindicate the slicing of reality, into its early middle and modern stages, because they are cotemporanious psychic presences.

It is still early here , and I am guilty prematurely by 6 hours, but I criticise Dareley for that requirement to write, simply because the relative space time continuum does not jive with spotting the eternal presence into time zones.

There are serious reconsideration into Saint Anselm’s ontological argument. Don’t laugh.

Cartesian Consciousness
Alison Simmons
Harvard University
© 2012 Alison Simmons
Descartes revolutionized our conception of the mind by
identifying consciousness as a mark of the mental: the Carte-
sian mind is essentially (and uniquely) a thinking thing, and
Cartesian thought is by its very nature conscious.1
2 Or so the story goes.
I do not deny the revolution story, but I want to ask what it amounts
to. In particular, I want to explore here Descartes’ rather astonishing
claim that all thought is conscious: “Nor can there be any thought in us
of which, at the very moment it is in us, we are not conscious.”3

  1. See Principles I.9, AT VIII-A 7, and Second Replies, AT VII 160. In both the
    text and notes, I use “AT” to abbreviate Charles Adam and Paul Tannéry, eds.,
    Œuvres de Descartes, nouvelle édition (Paris: J. Vrin, 1996). Translations are
    my own, but they have benefited from consulting J. Cottingham, R. Stoothoff,
    D. Murdoch, and A. Kenny, trans. and eds., The Philosophical Writings of Des-
    cartes (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984–1991).
  2. To say that thought is by its very nature conscious is not to say that conscious-
    ness exhausts the nature of thought or even that it gets at the essence of
    thought. Intellection also plays an important role in Descartes’ conception
    of thought (see, e. g., Meditation 6, AT VII 78, and Principles I.48, AT VIII-A
    23). The precise nature of the relationship among consciousness, intellection,
    and thought is a controversial matter that I address below in Section I.B. At
    the moment what matters is that Descartes commits himself to the claim that
    all and only thought is conscious; hence its status as a mark, whatever else
    thought may be.
  3. Fourth Replies, AT VII 246; see also First Replies, AT VII 107, and Meditation
    3, AT VII 49. Strictly speaking, this passage says only that occurent thoughts
    are conscious. What of dispositional thoughts like standing beliefs, emotions,
    and memories? I will say more about them in what follows in Section II.A,
    but suffice it to say for now that they are not so much thoughts in the Carte-
    sian ontology as they are potential thoughts or dispositions to have thoughts.
    Thoughts proper are occurent thoughts. Why? Descartes’ substance-mode
    ontology will restrict the thoughts of a mind (as it does the shapes of a body)
    to those that are modifying it from moment to moment. Just as the fact that
    a spherical piece of clay was cubical yesterday and may be cubical again to-
    morrow doesn’t make cubicalness a property (that is, a mode) of the clay
    now, so the fact that I felt a pang of regret yesterday and may again tomorrow
    doesn’t make regret a property (that is, a mode) of my mind right now. Might
    standing emotions, beliefs and memories be mental but not thoughts? No.
    Apart from the transcendental properties that belong to all substances (e. g.,
    duration), Cartesian substances have only one principal attribute of which
    all of its properties are modes (Principles I.53, AT VIII-A 25). The substance-
    mode ontology, then, will restrict the mind to a series of occurent (conscious)
    thoughts. Thanks to an anonymous reader of the journal for pressing me to
    be clearer about this point.

And Saint Anselm:

Ill reconsidered my reply, thanks MagsJ, family hanging, but get through day to day with the love for them through the higher powers. Hope all’s well on Your end.

That’s good to hear Meno_

My middle-eldest sister is getting married… to a St Lucian man in St Lucia, no less… and she always adamantly said she never would, marry a Lucian. At least she’s keeping mother company in the process.

I am well… but not getting married lol, but it is flirting season… and has been putting a smile on my face. :slight_smile:

Why not marry a man from St. Lucia?
She must have had some adverse experiences.

Anyway, love is so fragile, and harsh at the same time, and one must calibrate the place and motive with capacity and ego at the same time . And then a certain level will develop, gauging the commitment from manageable and corrective all the way to inescapably and dreadfully compelling for a lifetim-------

—following day----------

---------------------------------------------------------------'backtracking back to future- August 14 ~ Santa Catalina . got here me a kuli, its only a few days here. and the little tyke, Ayden his mom my daughter and my other half. I tell her look it here, already, have had a bad beginning. The hills the blue azure water dampening the severity of the summer flue. Lost two hundred amid perplexing downward spitlal , she knows little and I less. We spent many great times here, when the kids were small. It was a thrill and the vibes hit with what’s like a ton of bricks
I am backtracking because it is appropriate, it is in a time past now recovered, and the minor unraveling by excessive gaming wishing upon a wish for a miracle. In addition how things seem to unravel a pecking order by preempting posts, well, that’s another thing.
The Wriggley mansion on top blazing white reflecting above, Marylin Monroe spent a year here during world war 2, Natalie Wood drained in the marina. Says to Ayden, that You Store 2 is playing in the casino, seen that he says disdainfully. That means play in with him for 3 days.

Its nearly 7 pm, a balmy late afternoon, gets dark by 8. Days getting shorter. Sitting on bench watching people in between writing this, wife says stay there room is only for 2 we are 4 somehow we must sneak in. Ok I say.

Stop torturing yourself about that 200 gambling loss, some psychologist said that it is good therapy to disengage the oppressive need for money . its chronic, and she suspiciously weighs my backpack says you must have a bottle there, if it was years ago, she would have made me open it. I knew she wouldn’t now, I have a pint in an un suspicious container, just say I have swim trunks and other stuff not how you travel everything and the kitchen sink. Blah blah blah.

Calls me says find Mex. Restaurant will treat - a marguarita, great I think, reward for waiting, found out they will enforce 2 guest rule so it means near night sneak in, but the bed problem only 1 queen means me sleeping on floor.
Lots of people . I’m settling down a bit, googling Mex restaurant, everything clumped into a few beachfront tourist trap. Thinking about You MagsJ, and others , here, one day I will get a real computer and post my ugly mug, but who knows I will ever get to that. The way I’m wasting the little I have, I never have enough, and now with this downturn meltdown, feeling on a precipice, downwardly mobile, making me raise it after every loss I dunno. But it’s all good, life breathes through it’s variable scents as the day’s breezes shift.
A museum:seen it before, Laurel and Hardy played gulf here with Wrigley, who had more able guests like Ronald Reagan. It really breezes as a paradoxical fantasy, of which I have had more than a small share.

—night before----------


Oh a passing thought about what potentate may mean, course my rambling at such a wayward hour may make little sense, potent means strong, potential has the same root, …

I do and must admit, that philosophy will always remain a search at the lowest ephiphenominal level, so, I can not say anything with certainty. But things are rarely as they meet the eye.

Good night, MagsJ.

Yeah… family :laughing:

She couldn’t stand St Lucian men, growing up, but we joked that she’d end up with one, and it looks like… she will be.

“inescapably and dreadfully compelling”
That’s very Scorpio-esque… are you one, Meno_? I can’t remember if you are. I was being compelled the other day… I might go back, for more. :romance-inlove:

Yes… it was my bad, but met with an unnecessary response imo. Can’t stand such types… the rash and vulgar, but whom talk about Value and Nobility. Ha!

Replying out of emotion does not a good Philosopher make, but even if we initially do, it should progress into a place of reason, not remain in a state of emotion.

Good night to you, dear Meno_, as it is morning here… albeit a very ceaseless rainy one.


…things on my mind keeping me awake.

You’ll forget them soon enough! :slight_smile:

Showing my grandson around the office. He is unable to sleep.
Makes you wonder how anyone can sleep with all that’s happened.
He has an inquisitive nature.
He was slightly perturbed by the cats and the crows in the reception area.
I explained, as best as I could!
He seemed to accept it.

My grandson is not accepting it, tried to explain to him that there is little difference between accepting or rejecting it. because it is what it is, human nature being incorrigible , but he is not buying it.

An early breakfast coming on… or will sleep find me again, before dawn. It did… 3 hours ago, and now a job application is on my mind… which I want to send off for today.

Nihilism is dead - we have killed it. :slight_smile: