My grounding / centering post - magnum opus

One must remember that Ecmandu is only really having a conversation with himself in threads like this
I have no idea how seriously he actually takes what he says here but if he does then he is the only one

One must remember that surreptitious and promethean have done nothing but troll a non troll thread as hard as they could, in a manner of 100% projection.

Trolling is both bad etiquette and a waste of energy and which is why I never indulge in it not even with someone like you man
You dont get trolled anyway but instead are called out on your nonsense which is simply the same stuff repeated ad infinitum

That’s interesting, because, I’m the only one who’s correct on these boards:

Nobody wants their consent violated.

This is so radical that you can’t absorb it, and just bury your head in the sand.

The reason you can’t handle it is because of its implications: everyone on earth is having their consent violated: which is a disproof of a good god, actually a disproof of a good teacher before me.

Instead of just being a man about it and working solution mode, you just scoff in fear.

I actually think this statement of yours is true - with the single obvious exception of masochists who would most definitely want their consent violated
But it is when you use it as a reason not to have sex with a woman that it makes zero sense and I am very sceptical of your claim to be a hyper empath
Especially when said woman wants you to have sex with her so your refusal is a violation or negation of her consent which contradicts your original aim
But zero point going down the rabbit hole with you as you will only be repeating yourself as usual and the conversation will be going absolutely nowhere

Not even a masochist wants their consent violated …

You don’t care about no means yes relationships …

Again, burying your head, you refuse to put your subconscious mind into your conscious mind


True. A masochist may not want his or her consent violated but his or her low self-esteem would most probably do nothing to stop that from happening. They enjoy the hurt and displeasure that comes of it (after all, it is all they deserve) because they do not realize/see that they can have it differently. They have to do an entire “about face” to change their way of thinking about their selves.

So how do hyper empaths respond to these feelings of others ~~ with love, understanding and compassion or do they strike out against them exchanging insult and injury to insult and injury?

Is there a middle pathway?

Being a hyper empath, like anything, is a learning process.

You take on the emotions of others without realizing those emotions are not yours.

You eventually learn to distinguish

Hyper empath my ass man this guy is a proven sadistic rape advocate and if he wasn’t so ignorant of his own sadism Id think hes working for the CIA. He might still be, of course, as many workers for CIA are doing so in hypnosis. Its definitely clear that Ecmandu is under permanent hypnosis.

This OP is the very weakest thing hat has ever been presented as a “magnum opus”. But we can be thankful that it is weak otherwise people would be getting raped on account of it. A sick man. (whom Ive proven to be a pathological liar in the incel thread)

Jesus dude shut up! Are you trying to blow the only chance we might ever have for helping this man? You’re doing this all wrong. If you condemn his behavior, he’ll go on the defensive and become impervious to treatment. To help this man the psychologist needs to journey into the depths of the delusion, into the psychosis, with him, where they will navigate its dark pathways together.

The last thing this man needs is to be scorned and rejected. And you just rejected the crap out of him. Way to go, Einstein.

You two are kinda funny.

You’re both practicing more counter intelligence than I ever have.

I’m the only anti rape person on earth…,

If anyone else is, they are my students.

A no means yes relationship that involves sex, is interpreted by the subconscious a rape.

I teach people how to have yes means yes relationships. Most of them freak out, like you two …

The CIA employs over 800,000 people worldwide - an estimated 500,000 work in the US…

I’m not a CIA agent, or CIA drone

I’ll tell you something about the CIA that I happen to know. Agents get a nameless star on the wall. But there’s a code, “you sacrificed your life, and the benefit is that we’ll protect and favor you’re progeny and offspring, your family”

And that’s exactly what happens.

That’s why you see the children of agents as celebrities and whatnot.

They take care of their own down through the generations, and take this very seriously

Talking about violating consent violates my consent.

That’s not as clever as you think it is.

Phyllo is trying to use the same ‘trick’ in what he considers a serious way. He’s losing badly.

My reply to him was, “is that what you want someone to say to you when they smash your foot with a hammer?”


Trying to deprive yourself of something (harmless) which will give you enjoyment is not really caring about yourself and your own needs, the latter of which is NOT being selfish.
Human beings have a right to be happy and to feel fulfilled.

If you cannot care about yourself in a good way you cannot actually care about others in a good way. This is not being kind or altruistic or empathic towards others. It is more of a scrupulous way of feeling and thinking. That is why I asked you if you were a religious person. It does not have to have anything at all to do with being an atheist.

Do you also feel that others ought not to enjoy things unless you yourself can?
If no one allowed their selves to be happy because they saw no one else as being happy, who in this world would ever be happy.

I’m not going to insult the suffering by refusing to live my life because of them – however!! I am always in solution mode — I won’t forget them either.

Perhaps I misinterpreted your words then. I thought that in your address to KT you were referring to yourself.

I think you can say that there are good intentions in that as long as one does not lean too much in the other direction and become blatantly obvious and smug about it.

You not living your life as you wanted would not be insulting to them as all they want is for their suffering to end
But by you actually placing greater value over your life than their suffering you are engaging in consent violation

And because you have now broken your own moral code you can now go and have sex with all of those beautiful women you claim to know

Not forgetting them is not what actually matters but ending their suffering once and for all
Once you have done that you can forget them for ever if you really want to but not before

Surreptitious, sometimes you’re just a moron.

How the fuck am I supposed to stop a child from starving in Bangladesh?!?!

Should I just shoot myself in the head because I feel so bad about this child?!?!

No! That child would say to me, “fuck you for ruining your whole life because of me! You made a mockery of my suffering!”