Does everyone agree that Trump is nuts?


That’s true, and we should.

I don’t like Reagan, Bush and Clinton.
It was both, politicians and illegals.
There is a place for social services.

Not well enough.
Catch and release needs to be replaced with detain and deport.
They can apply for asylum on the other side of the wall.

Good points, but we still need strong, secure borders and to detain and deport, for some illegals are here to commit other crimes, and we just don’t want a bunch of undocumented aliens running around, even if there’s fewer of them for we’re cracking down on the corps that hire them, and while going after the corps that hire them will help, there’s always going to be some that slip through the cracks.

I agree that corporations, their owners and managers are far more morally culpable than illegals, the latter are socioeconomically vulnerable, the former couldn’t be further from.
So long as they haven’t committed any crimes, illegals should be well fed and taken care of, on their journey back to Mexico or wherever they came from, while those who hire them need to sit in a jailcell and eat TVP for a long, long time.
The more money they have, the longer.

I am concerned police are being militarized in the process, that this could be turned around on citizens (in)advertently, so we do have to be careful how we go about it.

Better a patriotic fool to lead a country then an unpatriotic genius.

K: I say unto you, the reason America is in decline is people like you, people
who blame the jews, and blame the liberals and blame the immigrants
and blame and blame and blame… look in the mirror…

J’accuse: the reason American is in decline is because of
those like Wendy who refuse to look in the mirror and
ask themselves, what have I done to make it better?

Wendy might ask herself:

“I have blamed, oh how I have blamed… I have blamed
but have I taken responsibility? have I taken the guilt of
this so called “American failure”? Have I attempted to
improve our lives, or have I simply blamed?”

it is easy to blame… I did it as a kid… in a large family,
a vase got broken and the blame game began… and the last
word might even get away with breaking the vase…

if you want to play the blame game, let us take the blame right
to where it belongs, GOD… oh, god, are thou vengeful for letting
millions suffer in poverty, thou are vengeful for letting millions
be born into shitholes, thou are vengeful for allowing
children, mere children to suffer in concentration camps built
by men you admired and voted for…

what have you done? what have you done to mitigate
those who have suffer?

J’accuse: I accuse you of being a bad Christian and a worse human being…

have you no sympathy for the children who suffer in concentration camps?

have you no sympathy for those who suffer in third world “shitholes”?

but of course not, you must blame… it is their fault for living in a shithole,
why don’t they do something about it? and they did… they tried to enter
this country and the children, the children are in concentration camps…
do you feel like justice is being served? how very Christian of you…

for if someone suffers, it must be because of their own actions…

and yet, god punishes children, makes them suffer with cancer
and tumors… what were their actions that caused them to suffer?

and a Christian is reduced to announcing, “gods ways are inscrutable”
and we can’t possibly know them……


if we are a Christian nation as if often proclaimed, then
we must, must adhere to the notion, the notion best proclaimed
in the declaration of independence…

“That all men are created equal” and that equality means we must
treat all men with dignity and honor and love and with justice…

so, how does putting children in concentration camps
tell us how “all men are created equal”?

J’accuse: you are a bad human being for your indifference to
the suffering of our fellow human beings…

and if I “hurt” your feelings, good… maybe that will wake you up
to the indifferent life you are leading…and maybe, just maybe,
you can end the blame game and take responsibility for actions
taken in your name that put children in concentration camps…


Lol, that’s not my principle, mine is white working men and women first, or at least citizens in general first.

No evidence then to prove your earlier post? Just accusations about accusations. Trump is gonna win in 2020. Thank you for helping my cause Peter.

I’d say that depends on things like how interventionist the fool is, for example.

OK, I thought you meant crimes other than being here illegally. Like robbery say or murder.

everyone plays the blame game.
Half of the population blames the other half for their problems.
The left blame the rich, whites, Christians, men and markets, the right blame the poor and government.

Whites, Christians and men are sick and tired of being blamed for everyone else’s problems, we want our government to put us first, or at least not scapegoat us.
We don’t owe the world anything.

You mean the same kind of physical boundaries we have within countries, right?

And we’re not talking insurmountable obstacles here are we.

Idealism is needed to believe borders exist - physically it’s neither here nor there, like taking a step down the street. Artificially obstructing the way to pretend there’s a difference between here or there is just as meaningful as doing it within countries - as is done all the time.

That’s the right wing Populism narrative, sure. Is it true? Well just dismiss statistics to the contrary as lies, and problem solved.

I love the terminology too: alien. Literally deriving from the Latin “alius” meaning “other” - just more “us versus them” Tribalism. There goes that right wing amygdala flight/fight fear response, in the absence of any anterior cingulate impulse control that you see advanced in left wing brains.

It seems pointless to have these discussions when physiology has already dictated the outcome.

Why do globalists, selectively apply their metaphysics?
There’s some overlap between who and what lives inside and outside my house, therefore I let hobos and racoons sleep in my, err our house and play with our children.
There’s some overlap between what’s inside and outside my skin, therefore I don’t clean, clothe or feed myself.
There’s some overlap between yin and yang, therefore everything is a psychosocial construct, nothing exists and we’re all one.

There’s overlap between sane/insane and lawful/unlawful, so we should release lunatics/prisoners from the asylum/prison.
There’s overlap between pros/joes, so we should let joes be pros.
There’s overlap between adults/children, so we should let children be adults.

There’s overlap between the races, so race doesn’t exist.
But I know for a fact I’m black (minority/victim) and you’re white (majority/oppressor) just by glancing at you, and what’s more, I know for a fact everyone perceives me as black and you white because I’m psychic, so you owe me reparations.
Wait a minute, a moment ago you just finished saying there’s no demarcation between the races, that it’s a perfectly smooth, uninterrupted spectrum, so how can you identify who’s who?
Maybe some whites, whatever that is, are dark enough to be perceived as non-white, maybe some non-whites are light enough to be perceived as white, and what is white anyway?

Are Jews and Gypsies white?
Are Armenians and Georgians?
What is Armenia and Georgia?
Geopolitical and psychosocial borders are loose, Armenia and Georgia have been continuously exchanging genes and memes with Russia and west Asia for eons.

So why’re liberals so sure they can identify who’s who whenever it’s time to extract reparations, then immediately after go back to throwing their hands up in the air, shrugging and proclaiming: 'nah man, we’re all the same, basically…mostly…quite a bit.
It’s self-serving tripe, is what it is, cognitive dissonance.
It’s okay for us to be racist, even while we’re supposedly building this global, all-inclusive civilization, but not you, whitey.

Well I’m not buying it.
Make up your mind, either race doesn’t exist, or it exists and you think my race is uniquely fortunate and/or malevolent, based on your interpretation of our history, and this is a shakedown.

Well wait a minute, my history?
What about, your history?
What does your history say about you?
Well the bad parts of our history say nothing about us and everything about you, but the good parts say everything about us and nothing about you.
Oh, how convenient.

The truth about this metaphysical conundrum, is while lots of things, perhaps everything is continuous in many, or all respects, they’re not perfectly continuous.
Some transitions are smoother than others.
Some distinctions are more stark, like a basket of apples.
Some distinctions are more blurry, like a bowl of soup or ham and cheese sandwich.
Some are even blurrier, like a strawberry-banana smoothie.
And some are debatable, discussable, imperceptible and yes exaggerated or nonexistent.

Just because there’s some overlap between and within cultures, languages, nations and so on, doesn’t mean there aren’t any cultures and so forth.
Where we draw the line is usually some combination of our individual and collective cognition and culture, and, the reality our cognition and culture are coming into contact with, as well as our experiences, instincts and intuitions.

even apples in a basket are continuously exchanging materials and energies with one another.
The butterfly effect, what happens in one part of the universe, echoes across and affects the whole universe (in)directly.
For a God, the whole cosmos may be inferable from what a single atom is doing.

Nation is a social construct, eh?
How bout, humanity is a social construct, how bout, society is a social construct, and all that exists are individuals and little groups briefly using, misusing and abusing each other before dispersing again?
everything has parts, and is part of a whole.
All these levels of existence, individual, family, community, nation and globe have realities and unrealities to them, it’s not as simple as affirming or denying them all, or wholly affirming some and denying others.
For the globalist, the globe is the ultimate reality, the others illusory, by-products or stepping stones on our way to its realization, for the individualist, the individual, and of course for the nationalist, the nation.

Are you a white nationalist?

Who are your heroes? William L. Pierce, David Duke, Adolf Hitler?

Just curious.

Have you heard of the absurdity of extremes? They aren’t well known for being outstanding examples of argumentation.

Being “fed up to here” can take you there. Take a breath.

I don’t think anyone intended for you to take their comments to that extreme.

Aren’t you sort of taking an argument against a generalization to a generalized extreme?

I mean just because your life is dependent on a million other organisms for your immune system to operate properly doesn’t imply it’s going to feed you too.
The argument was you aren’t individually responsible to an exclusion of any other aid. There is symbiosis at play. (The "other"s benefit as we do for the relationship) It isn’t like we are doing it “alone” and they aren’t either. To think of it as individually responsible is a myth.

Eat something… yet I don’t really think it affected your appetite at all. Hmmm.

I want to maintain our white majority in white countries by eliminating immigration, both illegal and legal.
But I don’t take issue with non-whites who already came here legally, just illegals.

I respect David Duke, Adolf Hitler I’m not sure, I haven’t done enough independent research.
From what I’ve heard, he was much more tolerant than the MSM makes him out to be.

Most Western countries have negative birthrates. Who will replace the workers?

Do you post on Stormfront?

Japan and South Korea seem to be managing.


I am not an American and believe I can offer a more objective view on Trump and his psychology.

The first thing is when we discuss psychological manifestations we need to understand they come in degrees from 1/100 [low] to 50 Medium and >80 high [clinical].

Based on what I have seen, read and listened, my ratings of Trump’s psychological status are as follow;

  1. Narciscism - Medium to high
  2. Egomania - Medium to high
  3. Psychopathy and sociopathy - low to Medium
  4. Driven for success - 90/100
  5. Goal driven 90/100

To be successful in a large corporation and a nation of many people [given the current circumstances in general], the leader has to have some degree of psychopathy, i.e. from low 20 to medium 50/100. Of course other critical qualities for the job must be present.

To assess a person, one has to list all the pros and cons, then look at the netted results relative to the objectives defined and circumstances in a report card basis with all the relevant criteria.
My assessments is the pros from Trump outweigh the cons relative to the present circumstances.

Given the present circumstances, I believe Trump is the best man for the President job and this is proven with results.
Note Maslow’s hierarchy where the basic needs are hunger [economics] and security [defense] which Trump has performed very well.

All the negative reports on Trump are purely ideological.
Most reports of Trump I have read of Trump are not balanced at all but 99% negatives and outright bias.
I understand most of the media and News are monopolized by the Left who are very bias in their reporting to the extent of lying blatantly.
As an outsider I don’t see Trump as racist but the media and Democrats kept accusing him as a racist based on rhetoric. Fortunately with Philosophy as my forte, I could see through the bullsh:t easily.
One classic example is the Elijah Cummings’ case, where Trump condemnation of Baltimore is deemed racist but not when Bernie, the ex. Mayor and Cummings himself condemned Baltimore negatively.

Most of my friends and relatives have a VERY bad impression of Trump and I believe they have been brainwashed and bewitched by the ideological war of the media and the Democrats.

I believed most Americans who are unable to give a balanced opinion on this matter are also brainwashed by the ideology battles rather than rationally weighing the truth of the matter.

Trump is not nuts, but you would be a nuts [philosophically and intellectually] if you don’t approach your assessment in a balanced manner epistemologically, rationally and with wisdom.

  1. Narciscism - Medium to high
  2. Egomania - Medium to high
  3. Psychopathy and sociopathy - low to Medium
  4. Driven for success - 90/100
  5. Goal driven 90/100

How do you rate him regarding truth, integrity and character?

It’s very dangerous internationally to call people terrorists. Enemy combatants, maybe.

Enemy of what? Giving tax cuts and loopholes to the ultra rich?

Trump has never been nor will ever be my president.

Republics are evil, but with trump, we don’t even have a republic.

Direct democracy folks.

If you vote me for president, I’ll be the last president.

Donald trump is a piece of shit on a stick.

The Don is a truly Marmite figure in the United States and everywhere else too
But his supporters are very loyal indeed and that simple fact cannot be denied

They are ordinary Americans who both individually and collectively love God and their country and everything that it represents to them
They believe in the American Dream and in traditional conservative values and absolutely hate anyone and anything that disrespects this
I saw some of his followers on twitter and they were doubly proud - proud that he is their President and proud too that they are American