If You're Listening To Music Right Now III


European culture is a hell of a lot more than academia and the bourgeoise, it’s the culture of the rural and working classes, and the interaction between them.
Without them, academia and the bourgeoise would’ve had nothing to stand on, and ceased to be.

For me, ethnocentricity has intrinsic value.
I like my people and my culture, I don’t like other people as much, I don’t want to be surrounded by them.

Fundamentally our culture isn’t outmoded.
It needs to be integrated with modernity, not denied, dismissed or discarded, or rather modernity needs to be integrated with it.

What’s infinitely more imaginary is 8 billion people from divergent and in some cases, incommensurable, incompatible backgrounds coming together, joining hands and singing kumbaya.
The Arab laying with the Jew.
The Mexican, Muslim, illegal and refugee maintaining our civilization in our relative absence.
We’ve been here before.
Macedonia and Rome were the precursors of modernity, and the European dark ages that followed is the precursor of the global dark ages to come.

The only thing inevitable about it is its collapse.
Ecologically, socioeconomically, even in terms of our physical and mental health and wellbeing, this growth is unsustainable, and aside from perhaps the overclass, hasn’t done anybody much good, particularly lately in the last several decades.
But that’s what civilizations tend to do, overextend themselves, decay and collapse, it’s just ours will be on a grander scale, and since in all likelihood end in nuclear war, we may never recover from it.
What’s referred to as liberalism (I’d rather call it something else, like techno-feudalism) is actually a civilization on its deathbed.
A civilization that’s been gutted both by the international elite, and uneconomic migrant.
A civilization that’s forgotten its backbone: its citizens, the productive working and middle classes.
A civilization that’s totally uprooted itself from anything natural, healthy and holistic, more fit for machines than men.
What follows now is disease, infertility, a reduction in life expectancy, and death.
The antidote then would be populism, and sustainability, but not in the sense the internationalists use the word, to mean austerity, mass depopulation and replacement.
It’s the monstrous internationalists that must die for the sake of restoring harmony between civilization and nature, not the people.

I haven’t watched MTV in like a decade, and I hardly listen to the radio.
The problem isn’t technical proficiency in and of itself, but the lack of connection with anything real.
There’s no passion, meaning or depth behind it, and it’s not even that intricate.
Take Dragon Force for contrast, not only are their songs infinitely catchier, but they require much more skill to play.

While I tend to prefer music with vocals, a lot of music I listen to these days is European, so I can’t make out most of it.
It’s the passion, breadth and depth of the vocalist I’m looking for and most importantly, the melody.
It has to evoke feelings, or it’s crap.

There’s no poetry here, just abstract math; clinical; sterile.

I fell asleep halfway through, it was boring.

alright man. i just checked out this ‘dragon force’ and i just can’t do it. machine gun power chords in 4/4 fired off at blistering speeds is what i wanted when i was seventeen, but i can’t tolerate it anymore. i respect the genre and the discipline it takes to master that style of music, but the content is too standard and predictable for my tastes.

i would however object to your claim that this stuff ‘requires much more skill to play’ than what animals as leaders writes. i think you are assuming that because dragon force is playing at incredible speeds, the music is therefore more difficult. tempo is much less of a difficulty than meter and time signature. it’s the latter that challenges concentration and focus more than anything else. most of these head banging metal bands would be lost in a matter of seconds if they had to play a layered polyrhythm. some of the stuff meshuggah writes, for instance, would short-circuit these guy’s brains. although meshuggah’s singer is also a growler, i’m loath to admit.

yeah i thought that went without saying, but a suggestion like that is dangerously marxist and in the wrong company here at ‘i love philostophy’.

for me, i’m less interested in what people are, and more interested in what they do, and why they do it. but this might sound alarming to anyone who still believes culture is bound by, and a product of, genetics. that theory has been thoroughly refuted, and i don’t waste my time with refuted theories.

prom wrote

They do it because of genetics which is obvious if you look at cultures made up of races that consistently thrive no matter where they are placed around the world. Don’t need no stinking theory to recognize the obvious.

Gloom wrote

I agree wholeheartedly.

You are not even human fucking beings. You are nothing but unorganized grabasstic pieces of amphibian shit. Because I am hard, you will not like me. But the more you hate me, the more you will learn. I am hard, but I am fair. There is no racial bigotry here. I do not look down on niggers, kikes, wops or greasers. Here you are all equally worthless. And my orders are to weed out all non-hackers who do not pack the gear to serve at my beloved forum! Do you maggots understand that?

i’m not sure what that means, but i gotta multiple choice question for ya. it’s very easy so you’ll do fine.

there is nothing unique in the genetic make-up of a tanisha jackson and a wang xiu ying that would exclude each from being active participants in each other’s culture because:

a) acquired traits are not transmittable self-assembly codes like inherited traits.

b) acquired traits are lost at the death of the generation that had them, while inherited traits are encoded in genes and transmitted to offspring.

c) the horizontal transmission of ideas is algorithmically dissimilar to vertical transmission (reproduction) in genetic evolution.

d) what biologists call ‘acquired change’ is ubiquitous in culture due to the reconstructive manner in which ideas are encoded and interpreted in terms of existing conceptual structure, creatively adapting their bearers to their environments prior to cultural transmission and despite their genetic make-up.

e) all of the above



Bands like Dalriada and Dragonforce may be cheesy, but at least they’re catchy and got hART, soul and testicles, whereas bands like Animals As Leaders and Meshuggah are meandering and bloodless.
I’m all for experimentation, whether it’s blending different instruments and (sub)genres together, or time signatures, etcetera, but not while forgetting everything else that makes music great in the process.
Aimlessly wandering and schizotypal Animals, droning Meshuggah and 97% of prog and especially math metal out there sound like they were produced by an artificial intelligence or soulless alien attempting to mimic and improve upon what we humans refer to as music and hopelessly failing miserably.
Too much math, not enough meaning.
They sound just like what the dehumanized, totalitarian monstrosity the NWO is trying to socially construct would sound like if it could be put to music.
Of the two tho I have to say, I like Animals better, because at least there’s lots of stuff happening, even if that stuff has ADD and note salad; not bad, but Meshuggah has got to be one of my all time least favorite metal bands; total shit; horrendously overrated.

As for musical virtuosity, from what I’ve heard and to my admittedly untrained ear, while Animals may have more variation in time signatures, etcetera, note for note Dragonforce seems to have more variation in the notes they play and the speed at which they play them.
That being said, Animals couldn’t write a catchy tune to save their lives.
I don’t think playing your instruments in unusual time signatures and so on prevents you from writing a catchy tune, it’s just they haven’t figured out how to do it.

Shouldn’t be hard, different genes produce different traits, and different traits make it easier/harder to absorb different memes.
If you have say, more naturally competitive individuals within a race for instance, it’s going to be harder for a culture that values (competitive) collaboration to socialize them into being collaborative.
And if you have more naturally competitive individuals within a race, they’re less likely to produce a culture that values collaboration, altho they may still produce one, if it’s in the interests of their survival or another one of their values to, and they have enough intellect to see that and enough freewill/willpower to overcome their biological hardwiring, but it’s going to be more of an uphill battle than it otherwise would be, if they were less naturally competitive.

Of course the races differ in how many competitive (or insert any trait here) individuals they have, the only question is by how many.
And of course competitive is relative, if a race is more competitive than another, it may be because a few individuals are a lot more comparatively competitive, or it may be because almost all individuals are a little or a lot more comparatively competitive.

Now we may find some outliers, some collaborative individuals in a competitive race, but that doesn’t mean those individuals are just like our race, because we’re dealing with thousands-millions of traits here.
While there may be a few exceptions, whites share more neuropsychological traits with each other than with other races.









… but as the immigrant european imperialist aggression wiped out the native americans and laid claim to a land these new tyrannical hypocrites would ruthlessly defend centuries later from all other immigrants (who aren’t carrying muskets and come in peace) attempting to come to uhmerica, they had their own tyrants to contend with, first…


That was 100s of years ago.

Quit living in the past, man, stay progressive.

We shouldn’t let what happened in the past limit what we can do to improve our country today.

Are you a pragmatic consequentialist or hopeless sentimentalist?

I’m nothing if not an ironist, first. There’s just too much irony in the world to not do anything with it.

Nightcore - I Want It That Way (Switching Vocals) - (Lyrics)


Cool tune…

The intro… like the track finding its beat/its self, coming to life… in musical terms.