this is like, my Home?

If it is home you seek and it is what you believe you have found. Cool.

Pass it around.

Home is where the heart should meet the mind through a door where exit and entrance do not distinguish a way out from a way in.

Impractical? Only appears that way, but it is akin to the cat in the box experiment. Is it the same door or are they different?

So. I’m in and out simultaneously.And if it’s not me, but someone else don’t be surprised. I may not be You, but part of You, even an infinitessal part of You.

The inverted pyramid. Chaos. Reassociation and expansion. The singular and the universal. Either or.

Lets start with the inverted pyramid. It is not a pyramid , but in fact once a realization is reached, it is a functional revolution of it, a solid, a cone, formed of revolving planes by which the pyramid is sliced. It becomes the enamation of the point toward higher formed spherical surfaces, where the larger appear to contain the smaller ones. But it’s an illusion.

But, the larger appearing ones are only expansions and stretched out forms of it, and the more expansive, the more it assumes more inclusion.

Therefore, the pyramid is never reversed, man thinks he invents, but in fact he does not, creation is a miniature version , containing the expansion.

Anthropomorphism is based on fear of the illusion, that the chaos within needs further enhancement, and by extension.
The ultimate ‘proof’ is the blowup, and the search for infinity outside the self.
The chaos out is simply based on suppression and projection of the patternal control of the perfect quiet within.

Like the peace in the eye of the hurricane.

The mantra inside is but a vestige of many years of tantrum turbulence manifested at the earliest years.


How does mimicking effect learning, or, how does learning effect mimicking?

Is there a feedback between earliest levels of simulation, (re:ed if he looks into meta aspects ) from A1 ; and is able to account for the seemingly and indisputively widening gap between inducing perceptive and cognizing (aff-eff)ects.

These are inversely proportional, and marginalized basically for political expediency.

Tahiti. Packing for Moorea, wanted to see Gaugin Museum but closed for reconstruction. With my wife and little grandson Aiden, of whom later.
Delegated my writing into this sub forum because I have renewed my interest into the lower realms of experience the quasi mythic underbelly of consciousness, for which he ce here for I suppose.

At any rate, early on I had a visitor from ILP, who came to see me , his name i forget, but suppose I had a not too good of a go at it, his name was Stuart, and I invited him under ground, inversely by suggesting a lookout.
If he is here he may remember.
If You are still here under a pseudonym let me know by pm.

I got very testy at some point cause my daughter gleaned us and supposedI was having an extra marital affair, which certainly You could deny.

But perhaps that too, deferred to a later time.

But we have not left yet.waiting for my son and his family to pack up.
The owner of the house , a very young Vietnamese woman who works for the French provincial government here , engaged my daughter in law in conversation. They talked loud within earshot, and after being introduced I feigned indifference.
This is how this interesting scenario, at least quizzical to this author , for such a young working woman to hold a multi valued property of some 5 to ten million euros came to such prominence.
Her forebearers probably escaped Vietnam to France, around post 1947, emigrated there and came upon fortunate times, whereas their progeny bought real or illicit capital into the islands.

This here top of the hill multilevel property , scanning the sea line. Past to coast, not being their personal venue, it is obvious that fortune had more than amply smiled on them.

Over half a million Vietnamese died , tens of.thousands of US soldiers , hundred thousand suffering psychological trauma, many French soldiers after the Japanese.abandonment of territory, all in the general framework of the Indochina role in the Communist Internationale.

That Communism’s end with a sigh, is a miracle , In It’s Self.

Last year: in Hanoi, well You’d never know. Felt commaderie with passport agent, well, the early indoctrination was mutually felt.

Note to myself and to any one glancing at these pages: this forum grabbed me as the last stand, as in an expression of the last compulsion to write…

You , my this page, will subscribe to any anonymous listener, to allay this lonesome travail, into even the objective subconscious.

With of course Barbarian, who has left me hanging.

Well, I asked Stuart in those early days. Oh yeah. Forgot it’s Sunday, July
I asked him if he would join me in this underground trip, and of course he wouldn’t , couldn’t. In fact its too much to ask.
Metaphysics defined anew from such lack of cohesion, with constant existential barriers to be jumped, is far too challenging for even a post modern mind. But he did come over. And I picked him up in the series part of town, there being the o l d. Greyhound bus, then not nearly as decrepit with the multitude of homeless which now inhabit there.

Never the less, we sped through almost unaware to more natural and e onomically feasable situations for some kind of opportunistic tete a tet

Underground insecurity in the postmodern sense, has developed hyper sense, a mirrored and fractured fseudo connection most would not like to experience existentially.
The quanta underlying leave mist in post modern stupor, so the would rather ignore it even if they have some shadow of inkling.

And this is the place where Sufism and the role of the healer begins against all odds but of that again later , time granted.


Marlon B rando bought an island around here will later edit in name of it, accessible by boat , for a trifle 250,000 Euros, developers wouldn’t touch it back them, for they said they were in the business of mega projects and not to fix plumbing; this from one of the largest contractors , friends, to the hugest megastar , a project that he thought no one would or could refuse from godfather.
Nowedays I read, one cannot inhabit a n ight in a bungalow under 5 thousand euros a night.
The only reference I add this for was the last movie my suicides son and I saw was a Brando vehicle, I shall on edit add, but the title escapes me.
The fact is, in retrospect, since he has been gone does furnish an awful ironic twist, which for the moment escapes me.

Brando did love French Polynesia because people did not, could not wear masks here, and he could be himself.

My challenge, if I decide to accept it, is to …but not now. too involved …later.

What a chequered life you lead Meno_

I do recall a Stuart some time back, at ILP… the inner-workings of the site continuing to elude me in my obliviousness.

Marlon Brando was a handsome bugger, but ended up the same way that such types all do in Hollywood… a shame.

Your son… year in year out, you think you’ll be over it one day, but that day never comes… and probably never will. Now that’s a thought that a person would never wish to entertain.

It is not that entertaining such is not meant to be so, it is a product of such cause and effect, as to make one grab any possible combination of writing for it’s own sake, a necessary occupation, where even the craft , of the witches’ tools,(consisting it’s most emphatic form ~good & bad) , making personal survival made literally quite an obvious necessity.
What that partakes is quite beyond comprehension.

So must go on and not for any effect for notice that is for certain .

Thanks MagsJ.

Another irony comes to mind via possession : Dostoevsky’s the Possessed,of which early on I wrote, starting with Letters from Underground, The Idiot, etc.

July 14, Tuesday

My home page app keeps closing with increasing frequency. Of it closes completely , I may not be able to write until get back home. To fix it.

Another thing occurred to me. If this device is unfixable, then getting another will entail difficulties, of the kind I had not anticipated. I had forgotten my password, since its on auto-inscripted node, and I may be unable to get back in. Re-registering anew is probably not a good idea either.

  • to bring back a unifying thesis, on the level of ontology, whereas, anectodes are within grey areas.

Sure ontology is a relaxant, but is logic tends to merge with all encompassing generalities, so as to pre empt the modern source of illogic. In a sense of is a viable choice, a point of view. It is out of immediate touch but then, such are mere touches of highlights, easily fading into even more abstract nuances.

Familial yet almost undetectable does the island resonate, with great peace dies it vibe , yet colonialism manufactures obvious resonatingk pockets of unreal illusion.
The island peace shines manifold colors of exquisite hues of blue and deep green, indicating discordant meetings between levels of water underneath.
The Viatnamese woman was not the the owner of the place in Tahiti,but her Chinese husband. ( as I am but a rather average and wealthless guy. In fact I owe very little, and under great anxiety, of losing even a place to stay have considered driving somewhere and living in my 2000 jeep. Its old, and weariesome to come upon the latest autopart to fix, but it may, all in all, ultimately.
turn into a domicile.) In fact Chinese own mist of the SOUTH Pacific, and it was the U S which got her there.
Contrasts, my friends are no strangers here, and it times, thinking of their determined course, ; try balance to compensate toward somewhat resonating ears, with the course , of course of receiving gross disruptive unbelief in stead.
No biggie, though, a Mr. Anderson, first name firgotten, once gracing these forums, living with his wife and kid under a bridge, is no far stretch in actuality.

Never knew him, and merely by the exchange of a few words.
And probably may not happen , but just in case .
Then, inherent in these spiritual battles with possible changes in venue, make the gauganish colors very fitting and appropriate.

Enthropic de-differentiation is nothing else then a determined functional derivitive. Math overcomes probable lapses, brought about by the increasing variable gap between functional understanding and realized knowledge.
Captital accumulation of understanding goes hand in glove with a general theory of economics, including that of the id.
The economy of ‘real’ value and that of the id, are inversely proportional.

Ethical liberalism rises with a general and permanent lowering of real economic value.

The games of ethnic political -social linguistics are familiarly progressively distant, within and without Sesdurian signs.
The weakness of positivism become more appearent as entropy de-constructs meaning through de-differentiating partially between the known and the understood.

This happens, by functionally uttilitizing differences into more and more general sets, in order to compensate for the loss of relative associative(inductive) meaning, by reductive means, and familiarity through Wittgenstein’s use of families of resemblances is compensated by referring them to more expansive families/sets.

Therefore, the NWO becomes a necessary function of social organization, irrespective of multiculturalism.

In an era of seeking balance , mainly consisting of material synthesis, political expediency usually trumps sense, whether it be common or not.
Most view this as a necessary cohesive tool, thereby sacrificing truth to idioms of popular self serving objectives.

That , this has an irrefutable binding effect, has been shown historically, where entire populations will adhere to some irresistible cause.

Resolved to find a real person in the Greek tradition where both opened and drained blood from their arteries ,
and mixed them in a chalice and drank. for eternal friendship. Am I doomed to failure and determined in my present mystic role? Because it has been that was since forever .

And then, there were some, at least one. And that is myself, in another time and place, according to Saint James. Will I ever find him?

It is appropriate that I’m in this sub-position. Why?
It has become obvious to me that apologies are not needed for self expression. But in spite of that, I have made numerous ones in talking within the hidden language if philosophy, to solve the most basic question of the very reason of using that language.

Oh no, I am the least presumptive of people, and really, the vanity I purport is more in line, or trying to be like into the modicum of Shopenhauer’s v
Vanity of Existence, the hyperbolic magnification of Man in love with his anthropomorphic creations.

The intent exemplifies a need for transcendence, at first dialectic, then doubtful, then transformatively willing, to expose the natural fallacy, yet, still insisting on it.

What this is, is the Greek ideal, and yes, Man wants to live himself, but is troubled by aspects of self love that misses the point, by engaging in structural self punishment.

Karen Hornet thought it possible, and the charge of a philosophical overbarance to solve psychological paradoxes appears so reactionary to those whose genetic misgivings rises to the level of out and out hate of a creator.

They rather think of a philosophically justified underbelly as a compensation toward the injustice inherent in the will to power over the sampled ideals of variant forms: such as women admiring more righteous, wise, and well formed, as interrelated.

Such interrelatiins of human qualities have to be fought for, through innumerable generations of romantic coupling, and these forms, through the use of the power to will are ongoing battles , through the sexes, the societal structures and biases hidden within.

Everyone alive has great struggles to do battles through, and ultimately it is the most logically pre eminent time of development that he has to overcome.

In the beginning was the word, but beneath the word is whete theights and the shadows lurk that later develop into that unanswerable questuon: why was he not consulted whether he wished to be born into a situation in which ultimately had to be the one to solve the problem of existence. Why was he born at all?

Was there a conscience packed into the send off , consisting of payback, of karmic debt that he had to assume?

Was part of that debt made into doubly jeopardy , by throwing in genetic instability? Was this an effort by higher order functions to firm higher order differentials?

And finally did not man’s self approbative conscious fragility no triplly bear him down with quantum absurdity?