Pure hatred = pure love

So it’s possible to be kind to “all of existence” but not to be unkind to “all of existence”?

What does hatred mean if not that you will be unkind to those you hate?

Maybe it’s not possible to be kind to all of existence, not possible for EC that is.

Hatred is just all talk and suppressed hostility. To really feel the real venom of actual hate, refer to Stalin’s point.
“You feel horror at the murder of one human being, but feel nothing in the slaughter of millions.”
Meaning : you can only really hate only one person at a time.

It’s also impossible to be kind of all of existence at once. You could simply be unkind to those facets of existence you come in contact with.

I don’t think one can hate everyone and thing equally. One could hate life or the universe as a whole, but not all the thing and people in it equally. We are not machines. Actually I should say this to him.

Emotions are not logical, we are not machines, no person hates everyone equally and how the hell would one even measure such a thing?

In your thoughts you may hate them all equally, and thinkhate equally, and draw conclusions about how you should feel, but your feelings are going to whip in under and around these ideal conceptions in your head. In line at the grocery store some cashiers you are going to hate more than others. Some people who stand almost beside you instead of behind, you’re going to hate them more. Or whatever criteria and triggers you as an individual have. Emotions and desires are going to create priorities and preferences.

It may be a practice in that you consciously try to do this, but your body will let you know you hate some for that others.

This sounds like confusing your thoughts and ideals with the whole of you.

I didn’t state that you’d be kind to all existence, just that you’d be one of the kindest people you’ve ever met. Pure love doesn’t mean acceptance of everything either, such as you being sent to hell forever. Everyone has a stake in that one, and nobody loves it for themselves.

Have you ever really met a misanthrope, who claims to be a misanthrope?

They’re nice people.

Now you get selective haters like hitler and they’re not so nice people.

So there’s one of two options:

The misanthrope is really not a misanthrope, or they’re confused about what a misanthrope is.

Which is what you and Wendy are arguing.

Or they truly see hypocrisy when love and hatred converge at the limit, such, that hating everyone makes selective hatred a hypocrite of them.

For example: I can kill Phil down the street.

Killing Phil down the street means that I code to hate one person more than the other 7 billion, all of whom, I equally hate, because I’m a misanthrope.

So, if I hate everyone, but am only able to take it out verbally to 10,000 people in my lifetimes, that also makes me a hypocrite. Why those 10,000 and not 7 billion.

The enormity of hating everyone is such a crushing burden, that it suplicates the misanthrope to be kind and gentle

I have to additionally add: for people genuinely confused about misanthropy as Karpel is:

The misanthrope sees with a keen eye that everyone who says they never raped anyone, is in fact a defender of rape culture. They are just as culpable.

It’s incomprehensible to non misanthropes how someone could not hate some more than others.

They are blind, and by being blind, they become selective haters, just like hitler

Here is one for comic relief:

A catholic guy goes to confession and admits to hating everyone. Then he asks for absolution.

The priest turns and says: No need for penance, , I do too.

Do you know how teenagery it makes you sound when you fail to notice and admit your own complexity so poorly?

And now you have asserted it, and it has been challenged. And I don’t think you have the courage now to see if your ideas about yourself actually match you. Not here anyway…

This is just you again thinking that your perfect thoughts are reflecting in perfectly equal emotional reactions to everyone. Confusing your thoughts with what you are. And not even all your thoughts. Your philosophical thoughts. And yes, snore, I know that your feelings with have some alignment with your ideas. But sorry, no, it is simply not possible that you hate everyone equally. There will be differences, even here in the forum, but palpably out in the world, between how you react to people. You’re not a programmaed AI or something. You’re a human.

Yes, because humans are not mathematical robots.

Ideas in you’re head are not you. They are a part. Notice how you actually feel when you come in contact with people. Some make you feel hatred more than others. You never have to admit it to me, but you will notice it. Unless you are up in a cabin in the woods, never seeing others. And heck, you better pull offline.

And, golly, I know how easy it is for you to deny this and claim your mathematically perfect hatred. You don’t need to bother. I won’t take is seriously.

Isn’t honesty the underlying issue here?

I’m a hyper empath, of course everyone feels different to me.

Even sociopaths feel.

If I feel more hatred in one person than another, of course I will feel more hatred.

Quite the opposite of being an adelescent, I can seperate my feelings of others from my own.

Also, when I know something for a fact with my mind, my emotions obey me.

When I was younger, this wasn’t true.

When you have gone through the kind of selective pressure that I’ve been through, you understand that latently, even though someone hasn’t opened up their mouths, that the hatred is there seething to be provoked, simply by stating an obvious truth.

Misanthropes exist
Misanthropes are nice people

Misanthropes are more perceptive about the latency within people, they don’t live a lie to that regard.

Everyone is an immediate threat to the highly sensitive and perceptive.

The question then becomes about how to organize those emotions in a rational (non hypocritical) way.

Sure, when people are younger, their emotions rule them more … as they age, non hypocrisy becomes a greater value to them.

I’ve met spirits of all sorts, never have I met one that didn’t think it wasn’t doing the right thing at that moment.

So then, the issue becomes one of education, do people know that they’re being hypocrites? Why should they care? Things like that.

Now, if you can call me a hypocrite based upon the content of this thread and the content in your head, then continue to do so.

Not possible because you need a reason to hate so you can only hate someone you know or infamous people from history
Also like all emotions hate is on a spectrum and so even if you could hate everyone you would not hate them all equally

No it doesnt because misanthropy is a general contempt for human beings rather than a pathological hatred of absolutely everyone
You can be a misanthrope and have some friends while still holding most humans in contempt without a need to be kind and gentle

No. I’m saying that kindness does not come from hate.

The way you stated it :

As if your alleged kindness is a logical consequence of hating everyone equally, is simply absurd.

You don’t have the time or opportunity to kill 7 billion people. You kill Phil because it is convenient for you and not because you hate him more or less than anyone else.
That’s the way terrorism works. The terrorists don’t have any more hatred for the people that they blow up or shoot than anyone else in the target group. The victims are anonymous.

Well, here I thought you were finally acknowledging it. That’s one way to feel more hatred or a stronger reaction of any kind and it was not one I was assuming. Earlier you referred to what you think of as my way as selective hatred. That key adjective selective as if it was the thinky mind actively choosing, when emotional reactions are underneath. And they are often just that: reactions. If you are totally isolated and we are all abstract, then one can have an abstract hatred of everyone. But if you are coming in contact with people, then some will elicit stronger reactions. It’s just part of being human. And if you have different histories with them, where they did certain things, or where you did, or where they did not, or you did not, and these were charged by their presence or absence, they will affect how much and what kind of emotional reaction.

And there it is, the identification with the mind. You write both my mind and my emotions, but who obeys…the emotions. They are less you in your schema.
You may have them under wonderful control, but one does not hate all things and all people equally.

I don’t think you’re being a hypocrite. I think you are confusing your ideas with yourself, confusing what would be logical to feel, with what you feel. And many people do this. And many people do this and in the name of consistency try to force their emotions to fit. Been there, know that struggle. And instead of trying to unify themselves and respect allt heir own parts they take a top down control approach and also, often, experience noticing hypocrisy ego-dystonic.

And then if they need others to think of them a certain way make proclamations of their perfect mathematical consistency.

You can have warring kids, say, and take them in a room and tell one kid YOU MUST FOLLoW THE OTHER ONE. Or you can actually go through the extremely painful, at times, process of getting those parts to fully express themselves and learn from each other.

I don’t believe you are correct about yourself, though I believe you believe it. And it would be harmful to pretend you are making sense about yourself. I believe in all sorts of quite outlandish things to the average person, I don’t react in knee jerk ‘that’s weird ways’ and I have found all sorts of horrific things inside myself - the nice young man I thought I was then I have the incredibly hypocrisy of - all the violence, hate and more in there. I am not afraid of your ideas and I do not cast them away reactively. But the signs all over the place of tremendous trauma, abuse of some kind in relationships and a confusion of thought with self. Saying you hate everyone the same is precisely as inhuman a claim as that you love everyone the same. I have men a number of the latter people, some gurus and masters, and they don’t. they either think their feelings and cant really be free and unified inside or the denials spew out like miasmic farts few can see. And God they judge and then try not to notice.

If there are pure people, of any kind, I doubt they are online bragging about it. And purity has always been a sick heuristic. Might as well call it self-hatred from the get go.


Interesting that you see teaching and bragging as the same thing.

Here’s my deal, and you know it well, in the absence of hyperdimensional mirror realities, we are in hell. I seem to be the only person who knows this, so, I have a right to hate everyone else equally.

It’s interesting to me that you’re so stubborn about feelings, and yes, I have a massive amount of them.

What I want to impart towards you is when people ask “how are you feeling today?” There is actually a factual answer that we all know to be true to this question: “there are SOME things i appreciate about the day”

If you can get someone to answer differently, you have shown your ape dominance, you’ve forced them to say 2+2=5. Also, in our species, self contradiction is used as a sign of dominance. So most people enjoy both asking and answering the question.

Do I hate everyone for this? Yes, I do.

So again, I have a claim to species hatred that others don’t. You are speaking to a person apart, not just anyone online. And you are assuming things about such person that are not in your ability to judge.

Now as you converse with me, you have a much greater capacity to judge, and, here we are

only a helpless ponce would suffer such excessive emotions as love and hate, dude. these concepts have been a joke and have had no substance for at least three centuries. things great enough to deserve the reverence of love or the contempt of hatred are entirely lacking where everything is so permeated with mediocrity it’s impossible to take anything serious enough to warrant such strength of emotion. or maybe it isn’t for you. maybe because you think that love is real, you default to hatred when you can’t possess what you think you love. i think the solution to your problem is not to learn how to ‘love’, but to abolish your illusory notions of ‘love’, with which will come the abolition of the notion of ‘hatred’. these two silly twin brothers have been responsible for making people basket cases, especially when mediocre people attempt to identify what is great, but which is not, and then believe they are even capable of feeling something as strong as love or hatred, about it. none of this charade has any substance or conviction in today’s world because the people are no longer capable of greatness, much less knowing what greatness is when they see it. what you think has depth, we think isn’t even shallow. take the concept of ‘romantic love’, which is roughly translatable as ‘erotic’… the ‘spiritualization of the sexual’, as N put it. it no longer possesses any mystique because those who fall under its spell are so ordinary and commonplace they depreciate its unique value. and in depreciating it, they equivocate its nature with being expressive of what they do when they ‘love’, which is also mediocre. we see this happen when they ‘make love’, which is a human phrase meaning ‘omg this kind of intimacy is incredibly significant because we’re such deep and profound people’. frank will help articulate what we mean here and perhaps through a little gestalt psychology, help you out of this most recent rut you’ve fallen in (stage three of incel ontology).



A feeling is not an illusion.

The reasons for those feelings are also not illusions.

Only the blind see some people as safer than others.

I have an anolgy of the person who’s proud to never have been a rapist as a supporter of rape culture.

The person who’s proud of never having murdered or tortured a supporter of murder and torture culture.

Equally culpable in my eyes.

Those who see with clarity can see the hypocrisy, and they have no illusion about all feelings being real, and that those who are not awake, are acting rationally to those feelings.

I’ve stated a few times on these boards that everyone is attacking everyone all the time, the associated feelings are not absurd to have, nor are they illusions.

What one does with these feelings is either logically consistent or irrational.

Right now, by saying strong feeling are illusions is irrational.

You don’t love or hate anything?

The concepts of love and hate have not had any substance for three centuries. People don’t hate or love anymore?

You are so much better than everyone you cannot love any of them? Do you know what love means?

No one loves anyone? You couldn’t possibly know that and you have unbelievable amounts of evidence that you are wrong. It’s basically a claim that you know the content of all hearts and know that what they feel is not love.

It’s a thread of duelling denials.