The Philosophers

There are some moments where Burger King is apt.

Today was sunset at the highway. I took the last light with a basic whopper and did the wise thing - throw away the part which doesn’t appeal as much anymore. A small last few bites, not needed as it is far from a delicacy.

This is how to eat fast food. Toss a piece of it away. Like you’re only trying it.

Thats good. Eat a burger almost to the last bite and then say “lets not eat this”. You can also say “Im not really actually as hungry as I thought.”
I bet that makes a whole lot of difference actually.

I guess thats what they do with people in the Entertainment Industry.

To Kevin Spacey a corndog.


I just realized something. :mrgreen:

Also Cassandra here wishes you all a happy summer. I don’t know why. She doesn’t know you.

Live is actually easier than sitting down behind a desk.

Where is Pedrocles.

P, if you read this PM me I need to show you some stuff.

“The truth game isn’t the same as the power game” -
Owen Benjamin


Hamburg. Does anyone know this town?

Im sitting on a red couch in a near empty penthouse, wondering if I have the will to go outside and explore.

There is a coffee machine here but it looks too complex. It is about half a cubic meter in size and has about seventy copper and silver coloured pipes and more than a dozen buttons. Im reckoning it is for coffee at least given there is a reservoir of beans visible inside of it. I guess the thing contains a grinder.

Okay Im going to give it a shot. Wish me luck!

That didn’t turn out to be very difficult at all.

I think I want to start developing a taste for the various grounds of coffee beans. Im not sure yet from which continent I prefer them. Emotionally Im drawn to say South America but Indonesian might actually be what suits me.

So the thing in Hamburg is Blunts. Cigar skins with weed in them. We don’t do that in Holland. We smoke joints with tobacco.
The weed here is… not too sure yet. It aint great. Ive grown quite a tolerance through the years.

Rammsteins “Deutschland” originally awoke the spark of the idea to go to Germany in me. I figured: well Germany is apparently not entirely dead. This led to a range of discoveries, among which this one:


Weird how smoking weed here is more accepted than it is in Amsterdam. There, it is only for tourists and other losers. Here, like in Italy also, it is for people who can “afford” - handle it. It is more of a glyph of pride than it is a stigma.

And I’m kind of self prescribed shaman by definition, where other’s ignorance is bliss unlike my own.

I actually know several people who died because of weed. Like, several. The myth is always that it didn’t kill anyone ever.
But I suspect now that what killed these people really is the stigma that they had to carry because they happened to like the effect of weed and lived in a society that is emotionally violently stunted.

I don’t know how else to put it. It gets worse as the towns get larger. People all primarily need to be “okay”. “Top”.

Hoe gaat het?
Top man, top. Met you?
Jaaaa, toppie. Topperdetop.
He, gaan we effe lekker een drankje doen?


“Im a shaman in my blood. Im wanted for the seven sins but lost em in the mud.”

Ignorance is never bliss. Learning is the actual bliss.

Did you ever have someone close to you kill him or herself?

And if so, did you ever have someone close to you kill him or herself close to you?

I said: he was too good for this world.

But the only people who are too good for this world are those that endure it and thereby improve it.