Balkanization and Civil War Loom

Trump hasn’t gotten much accomplished, has he?
He’s probably controlled opposition.
I guess at least he’s getting people talking.

I see Trump as a first, small step in the right direction for the US.
Ultimately this isn’t about Trump or any personality, it’s about restoring your national sovereignty and integrity.
Your monetary integrity needs to be restored also, but we know what happens to presidents whenever they try to do that.

If Trump fails to secure the border, I would vote for fringe candidates who promise they will, until one of them does.
Perhaps a Rand Paul would, or a Gary Johnson.

I think they may be poisoning us to reduce the population by about 90-99% within several generations, not to kill every last one of us.
A smaller population is easier to manage, and they only need so many of us to run the machines.

Joker believes that their ideal population is 500,000,000 in alignment with what exists on the Georgia Guidestones.

I’ve been familiar with the Georgia Guidestones for over a decade.
Joker’s right, I think that’s what they want.

Here’s a couple of Docs that touch on this subject:

I think they get everything right, except 1 very important thing, it’s not just about money.

Soft population control for autistics aren’t known to procreate?

Isn’t longevity declining as of late?

Right, they won’t procreate.

Not sure, I wouldn’t be surprised if longevity is shortening.

There you have it, vaccines + healthcare = population reduction = 0 emissions.

Autism, from almost unheard of in the early 20th century, to 1 out of 50 in the early 21st.
I guess by the early 22nd, everyone will be wearing diapers and helmets.

Again, for me this isn’t about left/right, it’s about bottom-up/top-down.
It’s not about socialism/capitalism, it’s about national populism/global elitism.
We need more negative, and positive rights for the working and middle class irrespective of race, religion or sex, and less negative, and positive rights for the upper 0.1%, especially or particularly for those among the 0.1% pushing these agendas i.e. corporatism, population reduction, white replacement, misandry and so on.
But the elite want to keep the lower classes, races and sexes squabbling amongst themselves over scraps, meanwhile their reign is never seriously challenged.
It’s the ole playbook divide and rule.

In the USA, the life expectancy has declined for the last two years.

Canada’s life expectancy is currently higher than the USA.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Canada’s longevity is now declining as well.
It’s partly by design, but it’s also us, our substance abuse, laziness and faith in science.
We were born in, relatively good times.
Boomers probably had it the best.
We had a little democracy, some freedom, peace and prosperity.
If we don’t turn this thing around, and ultimately we probably won’t, we’re going to continue declining, my only question is how steep the decline will be.
The west is going to look a lot like the third world, like Africa.
The elite will try to manage the fallout they’ve in part caused as best they can, and when things get really bad, they’ll hide in their underground bunkers.
A few of us see it coming, some of us will be better prepared, but many or most will perish.
I believe we’re headed for a worldwide dark, neo-feudal age.
It’s decadence, these things are cyclical, it’s mostly unavoidable.

eventually disabilities, diseases, disorders, and superbugs will proliferate faster than both allopathic, and naturopathic medicine can keep up with, and as we’ve seen, science is both unknowingly in some cases, and even knowingly in others trying to exterminate us.
Sometimes the antedote is worse than the poison…sometimes it is the poison.
Life expectancy is already beginning to decline.
It’s going to get worse and worse.
People are more autistic, cancerous, diabetic, obese, lazier and sexually depraved than they’ve ever been, not just physically lazier, but intellectually, politically, socially and spiritually.
I don’t think humanity and its economy can infinitely grow, we do live on a finite planet with finite resources, but if we were more moderate, we could at least keep ourselves from plummeting, or perhaps conservatively and sustainably grow.

A healthy immune system isn’t susceptible to disease.
it’s only because the host has neglected its physical, intellectual, political and so on health that these parasites at the top (the global elite), and the bottom (illegals, refugees, terrorists, thugs and their advocates) can feed off of us.
The western world has already reached its epoch, its zenith, it’s now being gutted by forces from without, and within.
We’re going to join the third world, enter a long, deep slumber after a storm from which we may never fully awaken.

and let’s not forget, which I am sure you haven’t, diagnosed and medicated for all sorts of mental illnesses and syndromes. This philosophically weak model for, now, dealing with nearly all human emotional pain and stress, has made us hate our own emotions even more and introduced a vast set of side effects and dependence on a group of people with one of the highest rates of suicide: psychiatrists.

Gloominary wrote


I’ve been feeling pulled towards activism lately, but I have no idea of how to make even the slightest dent in hammering out all of this craziness.

Society are accepting their ailments and diagnoses without seeking the root cause of it, and continue their existence living under the label of their diagnosed malaise and on their prescribed tablets.

Those of a certain age ( 8-[ ) know living without being under the influence, but the young do not and think this current way natural… it is not natural, it is a state of being enforced upon the consumer.

There is only one root cause of all these modern illnesses, but arrived at by many routes.

Mags wrote

And that one root cause is?

Right, it’s a medical philosophy we have (allopathy), that illness, including emotional illness (chronic anxiety, depression, mood swings, etcetera) is often the result of genetic, prenatal and/or early developmental neurological defects, instead of the result of poor or limited perspectives, values, relationships, diet, lifestyle and so forth, that it often can’t be cured, but its symptoms can be managed, treated, and that it’s best to do this with unnatural and so patentable drugs drug companies can corner, monopolize.

essentially this philosophy takes all the power away from the patient, and gives it to the doctor.
It’s a philosophy that maximizes profits for the medical industry, and minimizes the public’s responsibility.
It’s a philosophy born from the convergence of greed on the one hand, and laziness on the other.

This is not to say allopathic medicine has no value, of course it can save your life, however there’s no doubt in my mind we’re by far and away overly dependent on it.
Virtually anything taken to extremes is detrimental, we’ve gone too far in this direction, in so many directions and we’re paying the price for it.

But of course some people go loopy in the other direction, they think you can cure absolutely every disease, even attain immortality by practicing this diet, following that exercise regiment, taking this potion or elixir.
For me, I view allopathy as a last resort whereas most others these days it seems view it as their go-to.
I prefer to heal myself by cautiously experimenting with and improving my lifestyle.

Cell-disruption… one objective, many avenues in achieving it.

That’s literally deep, Mags! Covers all of our physical and physiological ground. I think you’re right.

If you want to try to simplify it, basically modern, western medicine takes a very YANG approach to health: technical, reductive, top-down, unnatural and invasive, whereas traditional medicine took a more intuitive, holistic, grassroots, natural and gentle yin, approach.
With yang, the body, disease and nature are the problem, with yin, our behavior is.

In the early 20th century, there were at least four schools of medical thought that were held in high regard by both academia and the public, but gradually it was narrowed down to just one: allopathy.
The others are still there, and probably always will be in one form or another, they have their own universities, literature, doctors and so on, but they’re considered supplementary at best and of course quackery at worst.
The state, academia and much of the public don’t consider them fully legitimate, but nonetheless there is a growing market for them and they’re making a bit of a comeback.

If you have a disease, the yang approach is to, well, attack it, supress its symptoms or force you body to do what you want it to do against its inclinations with drugs, fry it with radiation, dump toxic chemicals onto it and hope they don’t poison the rest of the body too much, surgically remove it, etcetera.
The yin approach then is to nourish and detoxify the body, to work with its natural processes.
It’s the same with the brain/mind, the yang approach is outside-in, to open up the skull and rearrange the parts of the brain as if it had parts to begin with like a machine or computer, instead of being what it is, a continuum.

Now in all fairness again the yang approach isn’t all bad, the trouble is our civilization ran away with it, we equated invasiveness with reason itself, when really it’s just a style, a way of doing things, and like any way there’s an equal and opposing, or complementary way, but really it’s 3 dimensional, we can break these overarching ways apart and recombine them to form new ways, or look for principles well outside them.

In politics we’ve at least recognized two ways of doings things, which’s of course quite limited, but still better than one, but unfortunately in the medical world allopathy has a monopoly.

I too feel that pull, perhaps one day.