Relationships between Schizophrenia and the God

What does the God want though, is it the will to power from another dimension making us flat?
I think… maybe when we walked up straight from the apes, we received the stars.
Our brain became filled with strengths our bodies didn’t have so we became naked.
We had to hide.
Make clothes, and go to the stars.


Maybe the physical presence of God is being touched by pure energy around you and in you simultaneously, as you receive audio and visual information? Feeling like a warm blanket protecting you externally and reassuring you internally as you process God’s ideas which can be curiosities and amazing. Well, that used to happen before I began taking big pharma meds regularly. I don’t take medications to stop the best of God, only the worst of my illness which befuddles life at times.

The ‘schizophrenic’s’ experience is private, unverifiable by others, not necessarily hallucinatory.
I’ve talked to many schizophrenics.
Some say their voices are God(s), some say they’re angels, demons, metaphysical beings, spirits of the dead, telepaths, extraterrestrials and/or animals.
An ex of mine believed an angel was appointed to guard, counsel and be her companion.
This angel was formerly an Englishman who died in the 16th century in North America.
She told me he always told her good, and helpful things, never bad, or harmful.
But other than occasionally hearing this angels voice, she was fairly normal, and capable of functioning in daily life without medication.
Regardless if there’s any literal truth behind such experiences, mainstream psychology and media tend to focus on the dark side of people with unusual perceptions, but some peoples voices are positive, they don’t hinder their capacity to function in daily life, for some, they may even help them.

I believe for a schizophrenic the best thing to read is Aldous Huxleys the Doors of Perception, and in particular focus on the idea that the mind is a filter for the infinite. This is if not reality then at least a grounding metaphor for the state of the schizoid. It induces a lucid calm and the ability to scope the field of experience without the absolute pain of the cognitive contradiction of the irreconcilable perspectives as being that ground, because against the backdrop of the infinite, contradiction is not absolute under any circumstance.

The schizo suffers the absolute within the finite, which is terror. Schizos often have good intellectual tastes and thus seldom fall for straightforward religions. So they seek the resolution on their own path, which rarely is without grave misfortunes, and not often resolved in the discovery of the true infinite. But this grail is real, the schizo is its knight, all is errand, thats just the way it is. Praise John the Baptist and Helen of Troy, the furor of the west can not be redeemed in anything besides the reconstruction of the myth in countless star-jinxed fuckers.


Something about this line just does not fit for me. lol
Would it not be more awesome to fly free and naked among the stars?
Would the stars require that we dress for such an awesome gala?

God does not require that we wear clothes - absolutely not. After all, we are made of star stuff so how could we not blend in.
So let us fly free and naked among them.

But let us dress down below here on Earth in particular moments. Just in case…

Recent medicines often do away with perceptional anomalies. Can medicine silence God?

And some medicines turn the perceptional anomalies ‘on like voltron’, bruh. I seen em, dude. God, I mean. His whole entourage. Smokin’ crack in the woods at 2 o’clock in the morning while being chased by the poleese is guaranteed to remove the veil of the maya. Bro I seen all kinds of shit. I can’t even begin to tell you.

All I’m saying is that if drugs can turn these anomalies on or off wouldn’t they address what actually resides in the hinterlands of the brain/mind, not necessarily an experience of the God? We know so little about what minds are capable of realizing. We know even less of the infinity that is God.

I have been involved in paranormal activity for almost a decade. My experience is consistent so I can conclude that spiritual reality is real.

Spiritual reality is real in the sense of the human beings as a whole.

Paranormal activities or schizophrenic experiences are confined to the wholeness of an individual human being interacting with its empirical environment.
Any paranormal entities [spirits, ghosts, gods,] that cannot be proven empirically cannot be existing as real independently of the whole person.

A paranormalist or schizophrenic may claim to have ‘perceive’ or experience an altered state of consciousness of God, etc. but such perceived entities exist only within the mind of the experiencers and not as any independent entity independent of the person.

The nearest we can speak objectively about ineffable experiences is in inter-subjective communication about synonymous qualia. In short truth is consensus of agreement among those who have had the experience in question. Paranormal experiences can be the truth for some, but seldom for all. Still, one cannot falsify another’s experience without falsifying his own experience. I tend to believe the activity of God is the activity of DNA. … corr53.htm

Follow the correspondence if you feel so inclined. Spinz maintains a strong skepticism although he does not outright deny the possibility of such phenomena. It is certainly rationally feasible to allow the possibility of such things. There might be, after all, many more attributes of nature which we cannot know. The problem is, how do we talk about such things without slipping into nonsense. We must reserve a fideistic language game for this purpose.

The very fact that people experiences are coherent is a proof for existence of spiritual reality which is independent of human mind. Why our minds should cheat us to produce a fake experience?

because even early man felt the necessity of mimicking coherence as a way to gain trust of enemies. Even dogs growling once you psych them out will pretend to look away, elsewhere. to find an excuse for looking away at other potential less threatening enemies.


Looks away because it is confused between having to choose between two perceptions:

Is the object of his attention from which its gaze is diverted, friend or foe? If the former, how friendly, if the latter how menacing?

The bottom tier of the dog"s evaluation has been reached, and uncertainty in and of visual clues has left the physical depth of uncertainty principally disconnected at this level to conscious awareness.

Psychological analogy:

The quanta of uncertainty at the level of near catastrophic level of the pre conscious, has very basic features of adaptation here, where-domestication plays a large part in basic overlays if conditioning that protects the conscious animal psyche from falling headlong into the abysmal. The con fusion between elements on this level, can not open any oreceptuve modes of cognition, the doors having been shut, without a differentiated figurative/literal crack apparent.

This experience, is where consciousness of objects returns to the place of timelessness, and it is usually undifferentiated between conditional and unconditional structures of understanding.

The basic units of adaptability here are suspended into the gross uncertainty, of existence itself, its validation for Being, through It’s self_identity formation.

This suspension is manifested as a a freeze, as that border which is perceptible as a minimal wrung of pre-ception, that indicates the unfathomable abyss below.

It is a place where the beast is free to decide whether the man before him, can be trusted, not to annihilate him,
or, if, his conditioning gives rise to a managed state of parlance, a silent understanding.

Can a broken relationship between beauty and the beast, between heart and mind , between mother and child ever be united.

The positive is a perennial message which consists of the bedrock of faith:
: in order to cement it, it has to be willed, in order to will it, it has to be believed, in order to believe it, it has to be loved.

The angst experienced as a mode of modern existence must cast away the futility of doubting the different ways of partial apprehensions as merely existential, and re-acquire the reflective source of the unity within the mirrored image.

The depth need be transcended with objective transparency, not through a mirrored reflection, but primarily and anthitetically trough a glass darkly.,in contrast.

This primary contradictory object must be bridged, reconciled, within an absolute self containment , setting the various informal , partially derived states of being, into more uniformly coherent overlapping partial sequencing, without disallowing any formal unified to be excluded.

For instance , Jesus" ’ Whenever two or more assemble in my name’s I will be there, can even infer an intra-psychic allowance" rather then an inter psychic exclusive presence.

If this can be realized without gross image-distortion per depersonalusation, then the headlong fall through bordering similar false existential exits can be prevented" and mutual trust absolutely re-established between man , beast and superman.

This profundity is what us consistent with a necessary travel through the pschycic underworld, before a man can become a shaman, even minimally to himself through himself , and it’s attainment by a little miracle.

The power of prayer to a hidden God, will utilise all powers of the will.
That power must become indigenous by Itself.

Let me ask you one question: How mind can cheat itself? To say that we experience something coherent which does not exist objectively means that our minds are in charge of producing fake experiences. This means that mind has to cheat itself without being aware of it which is absurd.


Let me ask you one question: How mind can cheat itself? To say that we experience something coherent which does not exist objectively means that our minds are in charge of producing fake experiences. This means that mind has to cheat itself without being aware of it which is absurd.
Not quite!

In a partially repressed self concept, the awareness becomes temporary shut off from it, creating a partial image/content. At first the split still is pseudo conscious of the content, but repeated occurance shift the mean ing(structure). The absurd forms of theater, for instance can create a dramatic method of utilizing this partiality.

An example is-6 characters in search of an author.if not utilized , the character(s ) may stay on the level
multiplicity, nominally creating simplex solutions, or , more dynamically , multiple person utilizations.

Multiples are less indigenous because they can sustain credible interaction, even subliminally.

Perhaps this characterisation is more evident when more integrated characters can be ‘called out’.

Are you trying to say that a brain in some cases may causes two or more selves which one self cheats another self by creating illusions? There must be an extra self which is aware of what is doing if created illusions are coherent. If that is true then why does one self always cheat another self? How does one self have ability to create illusion? Do you have ability to create illusion? How does one self learn to create illusion? Why never two selves collaborate (instead one always cheat another)?

I think schizophrenia is phenomenally partially caused at a level of complete lack of integration.
Multiple personality may have a hidden link with it but merely tangentially, and not substantially. Or, the opposite, where the content itself is sacrificed.

The reduction (regression) in dissociative disorder has a limit, tangentially limited, (partially) at a level of abstraction( of the cognitive and identifiable level of the personality) This secondary presence of the process, is typified by the borderline of the personality.

Borderline can at times manifest a complete melt down, but it is reactive to outside stimuli, and not stuck in an internal fiasco.

Now to Your question:

“Are you trying to say that a brain in some cases may causes two or more selves which one self cheats another self by creating illusions? There must be an extra self which is aware of what is doing if created illusions are coherent. If that is true then why does one self always cheat another self? How does one self have ability to create illusion? Do you have ability to create illusion? How does one self learn to create illusion? Why never two selves collaborate (instead one always cheat another)?”

Coherence within and without levels of consciousness may determine the real level of objectivity between competing ‘realities’.

It is not as if an illusion is based on a different paradigm of objectivity, it is merely the level of apprehension which determines a cognative cohesion.

Both levels may be understood , or/ and perceived similarly in which case the verbal cues cause pull toward the conscious understanding ( in sight ) whereas the dramatic pre-cognative episode, prevail a more inter -porous lack of borders.

Illusion is learned as a creative tool of re-differentiating content around the tangent (for lack of a better term), by willfully repeating structural variance.

The illusions become defense apparati, where y they attach more significant autonomous pathways, such as described by Wittgenstein as ‘games’ built on resemblance rather then identity.

“How does one develop this sense instead of a collaboration?”

It depends on the will, to power such a system, that effects the power to will such. The latter was called neuroaesthenia, for the primary symptom of lack of power , or, energy.

Power is derived further on in symbolic effect to will, whereas will stays more on the level of affect.

The illusion to falsify defensively becomes more pronounced as the regression continues to repress the cognative sense of difference into less abstract ( bless his soul) , more formal and more linearly contraindicated content.

There is no real nexus between the psychological one and many (similarly, in philosophical universals , there appear no transandentally cognitive object-therefore it has to be presupposed-just like the saying goes, if god did not exist, it would have had to be invented)

“Why never two selves collaborate (instead one always cheat another)?”

This is the most difficult question, that’s why I left it to the last.

Two selves collaborate when there is an opportunity to do so. If one self is not conscious of a relationship to the other, but is aware of the other, then there is a chance of collaboration. But if one is not conscious of it, it uses other methods , such as trickery, not necessarily to invent another persona, but try to reintegrate with a partially affected semblance.

It really is quite a trick, since the deeply felt inductive lack of cohesion, needs a more general mode of objective sense of identifying motives for defensive postures.

Deep defenses are much more difficult to recover with any account of specificity, it is much more of a wild card, and as such, is more prone to suspensions of validity, as far as using presumtion.

Such presumptive tactics try to produce artificially structured rationalizations., wider in scope. This widening presents the additional problem with how consciously will ful, rather then automatic-axiomatic it is.

Philosophers at times are accused of hiding ontic psychologic specificity, as regards will for choice, by covering it with ontological platitudes.

This can be a form if dissection to the problem of power as energy to enable the formation of the will, and is interpreted as a weakness sans sufficient power for integration.

For with insight that is more peripheral then schematic, such tactics are learnable as partial integrative, and as that goes, simulation on lower level mimic becomes available as the last ditch salvigable effort to protect what little is left of the impoverished content.
Others, not so lucky, fall into total basket cases, forever untouchable and absolutely self contained.

I am talking with my other self right now. He doesn’t collaborate. These selves are different from us, us being individuals each with a body. That is true because one brain can produce only one physical state corresponding to only one self. There cannot be more than one physical state because the electromagnetic field which generates self is an self-interacting entity.

Sure the same body , but the electromagnetic brain can change into a different state of mind!
There is no argument about the difference imagined or illusioned about the brain/mind difference, it has had quite a distinctive history.