Biological Will

Life is an inherent, intrinsic resistance against Non-existence.
Thus, to live is to resist “Entropy” or the “Negative”,
Degenerative/Destructive/Decomposing forces.
To live, is to resist Death.

Simple lifeforms have a simple (Little) resistance.
Complex lifeforms have a complex (Great) resistance.

The form of this living resistance, is Biological Will, meaning Power.
Life is the Will-to-Power. The manifestation of this is the Greater Resistance.
Those who succeed, become more efficient, are identified as Fit/Beautiful/Evolved.
Those who succeed, gain more Power, and thus, gain most Freedom.

A few humans are Free and have great Choice.
The rest are Un-free/Slaves/Determinists.
Choice is a derivative of Freedom/Power.
Choice is the manifestation of Greater Adaptation to an environment.

Thus Freedom is a biological process.

The Determinists/Slavery-defenders, use a Post Hoc Fallacy as their central argument.
They claim that “it all must be caused from the start, a priori”.
Thus there is nothing the Free Man (Rare/Fit/Evolved/Noble/Excellent) can do, to prove any degree of freedom.
The Determinists/Slavery-defenders use all their rhetorical “power”, to define Freedom as impossible.

This is a lying-strategy. What Determinists/Slavers actually do, is enslave others, in the vain hope they can find satisfaction.
If I cannot become Free then nobody else can!!!” These types have no Hope, no Faith, no Positive-energy in life.
They are completely Negative entities. They are life-Drainers.

Promethean, Silhouette, peacegirl, and their posse, I count among this type.
Haters of Freedom

My Philosophy is Icarian, of Icarus, shooting high into the Heavens like a Rocket-ship,
Straight toward the Sun, or off into the depths of space.
Others want to pull Icarus down, tell him, “It’s impossible”.
But the Individual spirit of Icarus is too Great, too Noble, too Powerful.

The slave-mass envies what they will never have; they cannot understand the heroic spirit.
Faith, Hope, Resentiment, Contempt, against those (Naysayers) who say it cannot be done.
It can be done! It will be done!

All will be proven WRONG!

Hahah, you’re getting somewhere man. I like this.
Except for Abrahamism notion man because in Jews there is no afterlife. Only Christians and muslims have it. For Jews it is only about ancestry. If your mother is Jewish and descended from the old dudes and their adventures, then you’re noble, if not you’re well, lets not talk about that. But in Christianity and Islam, all that you need to do is commit your word to a name.

But yeah the main tenet of much Socialist movement was “there is no inborn nobility”. I just heard it when I figured if I could understand the Spanish thats on the tv in a Breaking Bad scene, and thats what I made out. “there is no inborn nobility”, someone kept repeating that. I think. But I remembered this was the thing it was all about. The USA is on the one hand land of the free and heritage, but this goes away if it isn’t a privilege to be born there.

The thing with he Jews is, their messiah hasn’t come. They used to figure ok we wait. But then my great great great (x10) granddad or so taught that this wasn’t necessary. To wait, it could happen now. People could start preparing now, for warrior-mode. For taking the temple back from the Assyrians or whatever the assailants were when they left. “Goy” is just a way of talking down on an Assyrian, where you know he is damned powerful but you can’t let that stop you.

So thats free will. He broke the rule. And now they have the promised land. Abraham may have been a determinist, but Rebecca was not, she conspired to take birth right from the eldest son by fooling the father. The link of Determinism was broken and the Chosen people was going to be born out of blind will.

Self-chosen. Freedom.
12 tribes, like 12 tasks and 12 months, they planned it well.

Once again, freedom is a rigorous operation.

I know not everyone thinks a Jew is the greatest example of freedom but it takes one to know one, first of all. And I would say even in Jews it appears as an exception. Freedom always has to be the exception to some rule, that is why anarchism is the final prison.

To Barbarian: Not exactly: There are enlightened people among us , who have carried the orientalism of the Hindu sense of karmic law, and to produce non vested nobility by am inherent possession of transcendental law, like Gandi.

This transcendence has been carried through by lineage, and it is self aware of it’s religious and mystical sources.

In that sense freedom has no object, relating logically to it’s objective, and the only thing it offers is a silent resistance, where silence offers it’s special sense of freedom.

That sense Inn the West has been muted, but the strain is sustained silently, in partially disparate places and people like Christ , who has in his lost years was said to travel the silk road.l, and Schopenhauer, and even Nietzsche’s Superman.

This is relevant to Baranarians next to last comment.

If you rout it through the mum as the Hebrews did, you get a matriarchal spirit. Thats tough, like Italy.

Asylum cores are broken to -
dispel the
,while, barbarian, and when the coolage dam okay.


(interpunction: poem
)r west aside.

Meno, and, Nemo
I rest my , point. Comma.

You may rest, Barbarion, but a short pause of evolution does not mean the end of it. Pre- Gnostic , non colliding-colluding processes produce asexuality as an ideal solution for mystics and monks.

I always thought the most relevant Jewish figure was Samson.

It is because it is, fuck you. All proud peoples understand this code.

Your memo is not worth the virtual paper that it’s supposed to be written on. But who cares if such trifle difference is not shared.

So long,

Learn to speak Meno.

Fuck you.

pede, you and guide should form a mutual admiration society. It may generate a few laughs.

I should have knzzown.

Never trust a “so long” from a leftist.

At least you had the decency to formulate some coherent sentences there. I do appreciate it.

So long.

My dick is like, so long.

And it shows the real nature (motive, value) of Gods forgiveness.

Damn that’s a tough break, man. The same thing happened to James Hetfield after the ‘and justice for all’ album when he cut his hair. It was pretty much over for him, then. It got so bad he even did a Bob Seger cover.

Who in the fuck is James Hatfield. Or Bob Seger for that matter.
Arcane stuff man.

No raised eyebrows either.

Oh yeah, I forgot to compliment you on the musical backing to your first vocaroo recording - …And Justice For All title track :smiley:

I wonder which came first though, James Hetfield and the others cutting their hair or the end of the original Metallica style. Heavy Music was changing in the 90s, with grunge acts and the incorporation of rap tending towards Nu Metal where long hair was no longer a thing except for Glam Metal. I wonder too how much the death of Cliff Burton and replacement with Jason Newsted influenced their change in style. For me, I actually like a choice few songs in the Black Album and even Load/Reload, but St. Anger was when I had to put my foot down, which I’ve not had cause to lift ever since - funnily enough aligning with the next change in bassist. Sorry to say though, I actually like the Bob Seger cover #-o