New Discovery

I understand. :wink:

This knowledge was acquired through astute observation (of human behavior) and epistemic reasoning. I hope you give it a chance.

So I have something for ya.

So if determinism exists without an aspect of the will to which it is free, then how can there be anything at all from cause and effect pre-life if no satisfaction is involved? If you state that it is the motivator for existence and cause and effect (determinism). There was a point in time where there was no satisfaction. Which I call it the natural selection of natural selection. So how can there be a natural selection for life of which you deem as determinism in direction of greater satisfaction solely without the natural selection existing before it that did not have any motivator of satisfaction, at all?

See how your card tower falls down yet?

If you say there was no satisfaction, then you openly admit that you have been wrong in what you have been claiming here, if you say there is greater satisfaction still even then, then you admit to there being a higher being of which this satisfaction exists for and in order for determinism to function. So which is it?

Determinism doesn’t work based off of satisfaction. It works based off of trial and error, natural selection, which believing life is about greater satisfaction and only for that with no free will over cause and effect to use it, you become the error by being trapped in comfort and weakened, no adaptation.

If you state that it is because there was no will/consciousness before life then that shows that consciousness is freedom and there is an obvious differentiation, which there is but if you say that there was still a will, then you admit defeat by the obvious proof of there being no greater satisfaction pre-life.

All matter is alive, just at different levels of consciousness.

Good discussion.

One can always learn from another even if beyond a certain point discourse can no longer advance. The absolute certainty which comes from blind faith is a very fascinating topic in and of itself and arguably presents itself above. I say arguably because it does at least contain some degree of internal consistency even if the central premise cannot be demonstrated. Not holding on too rigidly to any perspective though is more beneficial because a ] the one which is being held might be wrong and b ] it is good to expose oneself to alternative ones because that is how an open mind actually functions

I have noticed peacegirl say that she has no problem with valid criticism but she appears to instinctively reject all of it irrespective of how valid it may be
The modus operandi it seems therefore is to present the premise in absolute terms and so sell it as a moral truth rather than critically assess it in any way

It didn’t fall. :slight_smile: Forget the word satisfaction. Self-preservation is the first law of nature. Just because many of these processes don’t involve conscious thought does not mean that life does not move in a direction that sustains it. This movement therefore must, out of necessity, go in a direction that is away from anything that would be harmful to it.

The word satisfaction and dissatisfaction are words that approximate what is going on in reality. We aren’t conscious of this movement either, but it’s embedded in every meaningful choice we make. Animals don’t think consciously when they move from one spot to another, but they are also moving away from a position that is not satisfying to a position that is more satisfying.

Again, all these processes are not free in any way. Plants grow, flowers bloom, etc. all under the control of deterministic processes, and although they don’t get to choose between options and we do this choosing does not in any way change the direction we are compelled to go.

[i]Every motion, from the beating heart to the slightest reflex action,
from all inner to outer movements of the body
, indicates that life is
never satisfied or content to remain in one position for always like an
inanimate object, which position shall be termed ‘death.’ I shall now
call the present moment of time or life here for the purpose of
clarification, and the next moment coming up there.


Does that self preservation include before life? And does it include greater satisfaction? If we come from it, where there was no direction for and in greater satisfaction, then that should show you it’s not a sound argument. Creations or manifestations are similar to that of which they come from. Self preservation isn’t greater satisfaction, it’s necessity. There’s a difference, which I already have shown.
What was harmful to pre-life existence? And what direction would it go in if there was no harm or satisfaction and how? Necessity.

How did we get here from it without those two aspects of ‘pain and gain’ yet we life are supposedly the epitome of movement toward direction of greater satisfaction? When we manifest from something without it? Satisfaction is merely a byproduct of necessity, not the ultimate goal/direction of choice and will.

What if you became conscious of that supposed movement then? I don’t think that is the case all the time, especially not for humans who are steps ahead in consciousness in terms of choice and thought, especially thought, should be apparent.

You say a free will has nothing to do with choice, yet you just used your example with choice. Satisfaction comes from choice. Not choice from satisfaction.

“Animals don’t think consciously when they move from one spot to another”

Then they do not have a will of which is free. “Animals don’t think consciously”

We think consciously of such and the unconscious/subconscious can surface to the conscious mind, this is what we call, know thyself and reflection from spiritual practice.

So then we’re all just on the same level of will then, there is no higher or lower, even if I can clearly see that there is. This is what you’re saying, by stating all processes are not free in any way. We aren’t compelled to move toward satisfaction, it’s usually necessity in self preservation and the opposite can occur as well consciously, of self preservation, with which your model in place that is ‘greater satisfaction’ is self destruction, that same very first opposite… I’m free to go to the bathroom on a commode instead of outside and wiping my ass on the ground… It seems as if you call the free aspect of will, “satisfaction” it’s not really for satisfaction, its common sense and necessity. Semantics. If you state it’s in my greater satisfaction to use the commode instead of outside I just have to respond with, what kind of idiot would want to wipe their ass on the ground when we invented, from a free will mind you, the commode. It’s literal common sense and necessity. It’s the contextual freedoms that cause the will to be free in different ways in different contexts.

The choosing is the only way to move in any direction, so I’m not quite sure what you mean when you said it doesn’t have to do with the will being free. The freedom is the availability of options… Our choice of one is our own free choice out of that availability. It’s about self discovery. Free to discover self, to align.


So have you as of yet?!

What kind of a forum might be better suited for this discovery?
Well then, it is the responsibility and the obligation of the writer to spell it all out and to be exact – right?

At first I thought that perhaps you meant so much that the writer had put into it being left out but perhaps you meant what Isaac Asimov said. It does not matter, whether science or philosophy, it is about the discovery of truth and knowledge.

[b]“A number of years ago, when I was a freshly-appointed instructor, I met, for the first time, a certain eminent historian of science. At the time I could only regard him with tolerant condescension.

I was sorry of the man who, it seemed to me, was forced to hover about the edges of science. He was compelled to shiver endlessly in the outskirts, getting only feeble warmth from the distant sun of science- in-progress; while I, just beginning my research, was bathed in the heady liquid heat up at the very center of the glow.

In a lifetime of being wrong at many a point, I was never more wrong. It was I, not he, who was wandering in the periphery. It was he, not I, who lived in the blaze.

I had fallen victim to the fallacy of the ‘growing edge;’ the belief that only the very frontier of scientific advance counted; that everything that had been left behind by that advance was faded and dead.

But is that true? Because a tree in spring buds and comes greenly into leaf, are those leaves therefore the tree? If the newborn twigs and their leaves were all that existed, they would form a vague halo of green suspended in mid-air, but surely that is not the tree. The leaves, by themselves, are no more than trivial fluttering decoration. It is the trunk and limbs that give the tree its grandeur and the leaves themselves their meaning.

There is not a discovery in science, however revolutionary, however sparkling with insight, that does not arise out of what went before. ‘If I have seen further than other men,’ said Isaac Newton, 'it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants.”
― Isaac Asimov, Adding a Dimension: Seventeen Essays on the History of Science

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.”
Marcel Proust

What to you determines a thorough investigation and how will you know when the investigation is complete?

If the "thorough investigation has never happened, then why not call the discovery an hypothesis or a theory? Why take an absolutist position? What is it that Jung has stated: “Truth needs the concert of many voices.” though I am not so sure that that is true in light of much that has happened in human history due to so-called truth.

I think that under a particular set of circumstances every human being might be capable of doing harm and great harm. The thing which might stop them is the fact that they realize what they are capable of.
Know Thyself!


What changed conditions?


Back from exhaustive duties.

With help from Your kind reductive cooperation I am prepared in the most simple way of demonstrating the appearance of the submerged contraidication.
Using that word insreasnofnxontradiction because it expresses more dynamic flow.

Its like a musical piece in two keys, and here my premise is not without tangent cause calculus was discovered on a musical theme.

The tangent source is so belabored that it really WAS an act of inspiration that the derivation was noticed. Or was like discovering of a different rising from musical and mathematical plumbers. The coincidence was exquisite.

On one andntje minor premise.
Then will to make a choice, regardless of the quantifiable power to do so and the availability of it, is nwbwr apparently a matter of predicated or determined process, or partly so, because itnosnpart of it, and independent of it simultaneously.
The simultainity offers a glimpse of its collusive nature, nature was able to collude its conscious and it’s dreamlike processes , intentionally and without reason at the same time.
That flows into the major premise, and here we see the contradiction building up a bubble, of awareness into it.

The bubble does burst at times, like when a thetic reasonalisation comes to light that sometime in the near infinite future , the earth will die, and Her death will either be out the natural realm of the process of evolution, or, that otnisnwithin it, however there is an endless cycle of reaffirmation and transcendence going on, which is able to overcome even the end.

Merely the major theme in the Copernicism which put an end to the limit as a function of perception.

This is no mere subjective perception of existential angst, as interpreted as the end of things, it is a reconfirmation of eternity based on what is an under lying major objective of Natural Process.

The minor key them become a tangential by moving toward the major, and , realizing within Its Self that the freedom to will, is a necessary part that has to be re-integrated partially into human nature, for it to enable IT to evolve it’s self conscious state, and become noted and self aware .

Hence the creation of anti logic itself flows from this, and life becomes not merely a dream, but the creation of self analysis through existence , as well.
The Dasain becomes at rest at times , not because it"s exhausted ( of power),but it needs the companionship of the existential connextion the It’s self as the function through which , it can apprehend it’self.
The moment of tangential touch, through this function, it reintegrated It-self into an appearent unity
and knows that though his will was satisfactorily applied as his only best choice, the connection to the requirements of Being, becomes, became , a universally binding ideal.

Acrcturus: Apologise for posting the above and giving the impression of pre tempting, but we wrote approximately in simultainity, and I just write it down, or in would have lost it.

If I require forgiveness, please grant it, never the less.

I just have to say that’s a good quote, Arc. Thanks for posting it and good seeing you again.

One can always learn from another even if beyond a certain point discourse can no longer advance. The absolute certainty which comes from blind faith is a very fascinating topic in and of itself and arguably presents itself above. I say arguably because it does at least contain some degree of internal consistency even if the central premise cannot be demonstrated. Not holding on too rigidly to any perspective though is more beneficial because a ] the one which is being held might be wrong and b ] it is good to expose oneself to alternative ones because that is how an open mind actually functions

So what you’re saying is not only do I need to accept criticism, but I need to accept the criticism even if it is not valid. There is no MO, just a clear demonstration. The fact that will is not free is absolute. It has nothing to do with moral truth. I have critically assessed the arguments, so please don’t say I haven’t. Is there a possibility that this discovery could be right? You are assuming that this can’t be true.

Yes, the freedom is the availability of options, but that does not grant man freedom of the will, which is not the same thing. Free to discovery self is available only if someone sees that as an option and desires it. There is no conflict here.

[i]The term ‘free will’
contains an assumption or fallacy for it implies that if man is not
caused or compelled to do anything against his will, it must be
preferred of his own free will. This is one of those logical, not
mathematical conclusions. The expression, ‘I did it of my own free
will’ is perfectly correct when it is understood to mean ‘I did it because
I wanted to; nothing compelled or caused me to do it since I could
have acted otherwise had I desired.’ This expression was necessarily
misinterpreted because of the general ignorance that prevailed for
although it is correct in the sense that a person did something because
he wanted to, this in no way indicates that his will is free. In fact I
shall use the expression ‘of my own free will’ frequently myself which
only means ‘of my own desire.’ Are you beginning to see how words
have deceived everyone?

“You must be kidding? Here you are in the process of
demonstrating why the will of man is not free, and in the same breath
you tell me you’re doing this of your own free will.”

This is clarified somewhat when you understand that man is free
to choose what he prefers, what he desires, what he wants, what he
considers better for himself and his family. But the moment he
prefers or desires anything is an indication that he is compelled to this
action because of some dissatisfaction, which is the natural
compulsion of his nature.
Because of this misinterpretation of the
expression ‘man’s will is free,’ great confusion continues to exist in
any discussion surrounding this issue, for although it is true man has
to make choices he must always prefer that which he considers good
not evil for himself when the former is offered as an alternative.

The words cause and compel are the perception of an improper or
fallacious relation because in order to be developed and have meaning
it was absolutely necessary that the expression ‘free will’ be born as
their opposite, as tall gives meaning to short. But these words do not
describe reality unless interpreted properly. Nothing causes man to
build cities, develop scientific achievements, write books, compose
music, go to war, argue and fight, commit terrible crimes, pray to
God, for these things are mankind already at a particular stage of his
development, just as children were sacrificed at an earlier stage. These
activities or motions are the natural entelechy of man who is always
developing, correcting his mistakes, and moving in the direction of
greater satisfaction by better removing the dissatisfaction of the
moment, which is a normal compulsion of his nature over which he
has absolutely no control.


Someone else will have to translate for me because your writing can be understood only by those who are well versed in this philosophical language. My ignorance of your logic does not translate to ignorance of this discovery. For example, I don’t need to understand someone’s reasoning that one plus one is eleven, to know that one plus one is two. Please point out where you prove that we do not move away from dissatisfaction to greater satisfaction each and every moment of time, because that is what is at issue here.

We have the will to make a choice, and it’s not a determined process in the sense that the choice is already fated or prescribed in advance. This is the way determinism has been defined, which is lacking in accuracy.


That is why we should be focusing on the way the connections work rather then seeking new definitions of the constricts’ needing connection.
The Natural Selection’s choice in selecting underlying options is a good example of looking at it, in my opinion.
How this rebounds in terms of connective variables is not obvious , admittedly, but otherwise we get stuck in a harmonic no exit labyrinthic maze.
We will be forcefed information like rats.

Philosophical language its use is if necessity if one has to understand implications of understanding in a universal sense, of whete one is coming from : the source of it.

It is like trying to understand a woman with or without make up, not that understanding are in fact totally and arbitrarily contra indicative, albeit that actually may be the case; but that there remind a trace that most people can identify within , and retaining pretty similar evaluations.

The point is, topically, and semantical-desriptively are pretty similar, You don’t have to praise a great looking gal to high heaven in a bar ill lit , with loads of make up, and then demean her to help without it, tell, in the dawn of early light- without it.

The conjecture is there somewhere, and it has to be clarified, lest conceiving a mutually satisfactory appraisal.

Philosophical language is a must, but there are ways that a skillful rhetoritian may over come that obstacle.

An obstacle, incidentally, which can become so overwhelming that it quite interactively/sudden as to stop the flow and present an unnecessary block.

That said, I shall try to Your specific comments, which to or in my mind are of second tier necessity. Which in Your mind tells me, by some sort of functional psychic disability, to enable me to understand interfaced.

We have the will to make a choice, and it’s not a determined process in the sense that the choice is already fated or prescribed in advance. This is the way determinism has been defined, which is lacking in accuracy.

True enough. And I would never argue that peacegirl’s argument is inferior to my own. Not in the sense that I can actually demonstrate it.

My point is only to suggest that from my perspective, her perspective is rooted more in this – viewtopic.php?f=15&t=185296 – than in that which some might construe to be a more rigorous philosophical/scientific examination of the issue.

In my opinion, it is that she believes something in and of itself that allows her to anchor “I” to/in a more comforting and consoling outlook on life. Both regarding here and now and in her case the future.

But, again, I base this only on my own subjective experience with those I deem to be objectivist thinkers. I’m certainly not arguing that, based on different sets of assumptions, there are not other ways to think about it. Or other conclusions to be drawn.

I basically agree. But the complexities that revolve around individual motivation and intention here are always going to be beyond the capacity of anyone to really fathom. And thus to pin down. And about themselves as much as others.

There are just too many factors and variables in our life that predispose us to go in many different directions. Can we ever really grapple with them beyond a certain degree? For example, variables from our childhood alone that were either beyond our control or are now beyond that which we can even remember. People and experiences buried in our minds that now propel our behaviors largely subconsciously and unconsciously.

And that is assuming that “I” does in fact have some measure of autonomous control over the choices that are made. On the other hand, in a determined world [as I understand it], that would seem to reconfigure the psychological illusion of “free will” in the “choices” we make, into the imperatives of nature itself. We “choose” only that which we were never able to actually choose of our own volition.

Still, I have absolutely no capacity to demonstrate this as either one way or the other.

But: how comforting and consoling can that be, right?

That lack of accuracy determines the trace left behind, I call it a tangent, which is only quantifiable partially differentiated from the level of objectivity we intend to bound by it.
Aesthetic distance is not a far stretch, harmonically to it, in terms of comparative aesthetic distance.

I do hope this makes some sense, or at least with a partiality , that can derive some cohesion or assemblage, otherwise my optimism will fade in terms of relating to Your Author, via-a-bus Your interloping efforts.

No, I never thought that the choice is ether fated or prescribed.
I wrote that I agree with that, however once a choice has been made, it effects are felt if not understood, in future casual progressions, as well as past ones.

An incredible almost unbelievable pro position , right?

Maybe belonging more to the list of believe it or not rather then. the sensible real world in which we live. Maybe may be not.

The point is, that in a transcendental world, humans should be appreciated more akin to regressed types like ants or bugs, in stead of gods supermen and angels.

Transcendence equals suspending time, as a quantifiable index of the present moment.

Sure remembrances of things past can be evoked by a faint smell, but such effort is merely indicative of an imperfect simulation.

Wait when HG wells time machine becomes a reality and we can move back to a prior time, and evoke a conscious realization of a wrong choice, and in such back to the future, encompass a different, yet unrecognizable world from the prior one we left behind, and cannot compare it with the original, because it is a braver new world.

However from this past perfect world, there again there may be no exit, or escape from within that particularly defined world.

And usually unhappy within any and all such flow, we again as Sysiphus , try again and again, presuming falsely that by killing ourselves, we can do without a bat of the eye realize the terrible sin of shirtcutting the substantial and unrecognized meaning in God’s as some charity, of giving us up to but not inclusive chances to join him in harmony.

However the differentiation of major and minor themes are fixed as ideas as, the outmoded perceptual left over melody , that certain scenes intend to describe say in pasturals depicting a reaffirmed significance of visual clues, like Beethoven.

No wonder he grew deaf!

{(( .1( partially second that notion, and that fault not lies completely with her but her Author. ( of whom she constantly refers)2.)) }

I actually find walking my dog and watching the ducks in a pond near me, very relaxing. Smelling flowers too. :slight_smile:

Forums are not the right venue. I need to get this knowledge carefully analyzed by people in the field, especially those who lean in the direction of determinism. It’s very hard to start from scratch trying to convince people there is no free will because that’s not the discovery, and I haven’t been able to make headway.

I meant that the problem is that the way I’m going about it, in bits and pieces, is not doing the book justice. I also agree with the comment by Isaac Asimov. The attainment of truth and knowledge, regardless of the field, is what matters.

Love that, thank you!

Durant’s Story of Civilization, his Mansions of Philosophy, and
all the other books he wrote played just as important a role in this
discovery. My understanding of what it meant that man’s will is not
free was the end result of the knowledge given by everyone who ever
lived. Through the process of reading and studying I was privileged
to acquire information that led me to this answer. All knowledge is
a gigantic accumulation of what everybody does in his motion towards
greater satisfaction. Just because I happen to be at the end of the line
when everybody pushes me or sets the stage that induces me to find
answers that were never before possible does not allow me to take the
credit, nor is an individual to blame when everybody pushes him
towards murder and war. I am only obeying a law that forces me to
move in this direction because it gives me greater satisfaction. God
deserves the credit, not me. Before long tears will be flowing in
abundance, but happy tears, and the whole world will thank God for
this wonderful new world. I am just a child of God, like everyone else.
None of us are given a free choice.

That is so true. Having new eyes to see things in a different way.

That’s the problem, I don’t know where to turn. I am having a hard time reaching people who will give this discovery the attention it deserves.

Because this knowledge is not an hypothesis or a theory. I can’t dilute what is absolute just to avoid criticism. I know that one plus one is two. Have you ever heard the saying: “Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share in it.” Leo Tolstoy

This discovery will be presented in a step by step fashion that brooks
no opposition and your awareness of this matter will preclude the
possibility of someone adducing his rank, title, affiliation, or the long
tenure of an accepted belief as a standard from which he thinks he
qualifies to disagree with knowledge that contains within itself
undeniable proof of its veracity
. In other words, your background, the
color of your skin, your religion, the number of years you went to
school, how many titles you hold, your I.Q., your country, what you
do for a living, your being some kind of expert like Nageli (or
anything else you care to throw in) has no relation whatsoever to the If
you are sincerely interested in seeing this fantastic transition to a new
way of life which must come about the moment this discovery is
thoroughly understood, all I ask is that you do not judge what you are
about to read in terms of your present knowledge but do everything in
your power to understand what is written by following the
mathematical relations implicitly expressed throughout. Please
remember that any truth revealed in a mathematical manner does not
require your approval for its validity, although it does necessitate your
understanding for recognition and development. And now my friends,
if you care to come along, let us embark…the hour is getting late.
undeniable knowledge that 3 is to 6 what 4 is to 8, so please don’t
be too hasty in using what you have been taught as a standard to judge
what has not even been revealed to you yet. If you should decide to
give me the benefit of the doubt — deny it — and two other
discoveries to be revealed, if you can.

Yes, and part of knowing thyself is knowing that man’s will is not free and what this means for our benefit so that no one will desire to hurt others under changed conditions.

One of the most profound insights ever expressed by
Socrates was “Know Thyself,” but though he had a suspicion of its
significance it was only an intuitive feeling, not something he could
put his finger on. These two words have never been adequately
understood by mankind, including psychiatry and psychology, because
this observation is the key that unlocks the first door to another door
that requires its own key, and where the hiding place to this discovery
was finally uncovered. However, the problem here is so deep and so
involved that even those like your philosopher Spinoza, who
understood that man’s will is not free, didn’t even come close to the
solution, and others like your William James and John Calvin would
be willing to bet their life that will is free. Why do theologians treat
this as if it is an undeniable reality? And what made it so obvious to
Durant that man’s will is free? Durant is now deceased but over 20
years ago I phoned to tell him I had made a fantastic discovery that
was hidden behind the fallacious theory that man’s will is free. He
replied, “You must be on the wrong tack, but take what you think you
have to Johns Hopkins University for an analysis.” I not only
contacted that university but many others to no avail.

The changed conditions of the new world from a free will environment (an environment of blame and punishment) to a no free will environment (an environment devoid of blame and punishment). But remember, this doesn’t mean there will be no consequences; it’s just that the knowledge that there will be no consequences will be a worse consequence than any punishment society could offer. IOW, the knowledge that under no conditions will a person be blamed for anything that is done (under the new conditions obviously which require a transitional period; he didn’t say to suddenly stop blaming or it could make matters altogether worse) will be a much stronger deterrent not to do harm than any deterrent we now have. How this is accomplished is what this discovery is all about yet no one has even read Chapter Two, except for one person that I know of, who needs to read it again and maybe a third time. You cannot just gloss over it and expect to fully understand the magnitude of this discovery.