Pedro's Corner (Part 1)

That does me proud.

The George Baker Collective is also Dutch.


I got some opium pills from their drummer for the injuries sustained in Brazil. He lives around here.

“For my friends, everything. For my enemies, Starbucks.”

a tribute

actually its half finished at best but I don’t know if Im gonna finish it. I need to develop the Chinese line better. Im just not enjoying this tiny garagaband composer window, its microscopic even if you zoom in completely except then it also telescopic so you see only one microscopic marker. But its great.

Damn that’s good man. That flute.

I don’t know. I’d use a gun for a Grizzly. No silencer, I feel that would be disrespectful.

But for the birds, the bow and arrows just make unexpected sense.


Montrealers struggle with philosophy.


Plate. What a character.
Monrealers are quick on the uptake though, at least they dare to struggle.

Hahahahahaha yeah.

God love 'em.

Yes. Any beast that can just bite my head off, a gun would be preferable. Definitely no silencers he needs to know hes being shot at, because even with regular caliber bullets it might take a full clip to even scare him. I don’t know this from experience, but Iv heard stories.

I’m talking bout hunting a Grizzly.

If it takes more than one shot, that too is disrespectful I feel.

Sure but who is hunting who can change quickly with a grizzly. Ive heard more than once that they’re rather hard to shoot down.
It might very well take more than one shot even to kill a human. Some people, as in Fausts anecdote, take several shots to even kill an already fatally wounded deer.

much thanks.
Im feeling bad now whenever I don’t make music.

I would only hunt a Grizzly if I felt confident in my ability to take it out with one shot.

Two is forgivable.

What I’m not doing is planning for if the roles get reversed. This is between me and the Grizzly.

Weirdly I don’t think I would hunt any other bear. Like I couldn’t see myself shooting down a black bear.

Wonderful bastards.


What does bear-meat taste like anyway? Ive not heard much about that.


What would happen if you eat a bears heart

Mercury in Cancer fucking sucks.