If You're Listening To Music Right Now III

The fucking fret tapping is ridiculous.

All of this shit is extremely fucking good.

The Villa Strangeiato annoyed me deeply though. that’s Zappa isn’t it? Lol.

Greatest (at the very least most technical) death metal band of all time:


Appearently a sound engeneer from Zappa worked on this one.

Lol wut


absolutely. in every way. just when that plebian noise hip-hop is finally showing signs of dying off, you wanna infect other genres with it to try to keep it alive. just be happy those rednecks in the country music industry are starting to rap in their songs, and don’t ask for more.

look man. you’re feeling some creative impulses and you wanna put them to work… but you’re lazy. instead of messing around with beat maker software, go buy a guitar at a pawn shop. you can get a good yamaha starter for less a 100 bucks. put some light gauge strings on it so its easier to play.

you didn’t hear any crazy motifs, 9/8s or xylophones, did you? i’ll give you a hint, but i’m not in a RUSH to tell you who it is. i don’t want to RUSH any of this, and you shouldn’t want to RUSH it either.

yeah i’m thinking all the early 80s metal bands that were more standard rock came from the black sabbath and ac/dc vein, while the polyrhythmic math metal bands came out of the heavier prog rock.

hells yeah. you don’t picture saully walking home from work down the darkened streets of amsterdam while in deep contemplation over how to resolve strauss with lampert? i totally do.

I was just surprised that you made a sick beat.

Scratching. Makes sense that scratching is where the technical musician would come in.


The guitar gives me way too many options. Far too vast of a universe. I need a fuck ton of limits. Then I can allow myself to let memories of what music sounds like come in. But even that I sort of consider cheating. The grail is to build music from the ground up methinks. Ditto cinema.

But maybe some other life, one’s got priorities. And while guitar music passes the time beautifully, rap makes time.

Also, as you might have guessed, I’m far more of a Sabbath guy than a Death guy.

There is one genre where the two meet again at the source, and shed everything that is not heavy metal.

Fuck, Rush. I have to prepare myself to listen to Rush. On the face of it I cannot like it. Which I feel viscerally as a sacrilege. So I atune myself and understand the Rush.

In the Caraqueno ghetto, Sabbath is known, while Biggie and Tupac are not. Even NWA is not.


These are the people that take ambien and kill people for $10.

The thing about prog music is… They have no true respect for melody.

True musicians focus on melody. It is where the power lays, everything else is subsidiaries.


=D> lolz! and that’s the troof. when you put a rush song on, it’s like sitting down for a seminar. you can’t just jam out, you have to pay attention.

the older stuff when they first came out of canada with the long hair, is quite different from the stuff post ‘moving pictures’ stage. here’s one i know you’ll like. simpler, grungy rock without all the technical prose. the whole album is fantastic, ‘caress of steel’, but the second side (below) is a thematic piece based on the story of the hobbit, but not a story about the hobbit, if that makes sense.


It hadn’t really occured to me before, and this is a very long way from a future hit, but I think it is proof of concept of it.


That the more intricate the music, the higher end and caliber, the more beautiful the rap.

Rap likes it.

The reason this is counter-intuitive is that rap is more war chant than music. And appearently, war loves good music.

Wouldncha know?

this statement is so asinine it doesn’t warrant any comment. therefore, do not read this post.

*4:50 Aahhhhhhhhhh…

You know it to be true. It makes a virtue of no beginning and no end. Simply that it is so intricate and masterful that you can clip it at both ends and keep it coherent, give it some movements and whatnot.

But there is no… No…

Like look. This is complicated, but it doesn’t… It doesn’t stop caring. It doesn’t begin to consider itself more important than message:


If it is lost, it knows itslef lost. It doesn’t then damn direction or message. Lost is the message. Where prog rock you’re like. This is good. But what the fuck did the guy just say? I dunno…

wait i wasn’t finished. i want to inform you of a mystery that has baffled rush enthusiasts for decades… and that is the mystery of prince by-tor. in the necromancer, he appears as the champion and destroys the necromancer… and yet in this song he’s the evil villian who is bested by the snow dog.

you can’t imagine how many dude’s in flannel shirts and faded jeans who never took that final step into maturity and cut their hair, are still sitting in their mother’s basement to this day scratching their heads over this mystery.

but this one is balls to the wall too, dude. sabbath can’t jam like this. neither can zeppelin. believe that. in fact, you won’t find a better bassist/drummer duo in all of old rock that can carry each other like peart and lee can.


Goddamn. There is music and then there is John Coltrane.

But I believe you actually, so let’s take a listen.

The point about Sabbath is that they are message geniouses. That’s why their reach is far wider than Rush or even Led or anybody.

let’s do. the battle begins at 1:46, and you better get out of the way. by-tor and the snow dog are about to get it in, bro.

oh and you’ll need this.