How did Einstein arrive at E=mc^2?

Well the number works because it is a description. Nothing is determined by the number. It works because, as Nietzsche said, maths is applied logic.

Whether a photon is an electron unsquared or a ghost of the motion of the transfer of change of potentiality of electron movement, The square is required because that’s how much it takes to be enough to amount to energy divided by mass. You need all the mass, and you need it multiplied by far more than the speed of light, which would leave nothing left over, and it must be the speed of light itself because it must refer to something, it is dealing with stuffs and places so reference is needed. That is about how much, so that is exactly how much.

More poetically perhaps, it must overcocme itself to break out of itself and become energy. Along with the mass that it would transform.

Right, exactly.

It is just the same thing in different places.

Solid. So we a hierarchy:


And I think we can transpose this to any scale and order of being.

The way my uncle described it to me, the photon, it is an electron racing magnetism. IT races ahead of itself but can’t quite catch up, and the resulting thing that does occupy that space is the photon.

Whats left to conclude is that God is Style. Style is God. And aint that the truth.


Let’s attack gravity. energy, neh?

But perhaps distinct enough to be a separate order.

Hah. I am looking at my sunglasses here on my desk. And I cannot help but conclude that it is the truth.

Because there is no space, so God is style.

First thing that occurs is that levitation is a style of being.
Its just a most stylish thing to do.

Hat off to your uncle.

Style holds things together. Like the rug the room of the Dude. So what he goes looking for is nothing less than God.


It was a full metal jacket. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

One last thing.

Like entanglement, like Style, God has no speed. God is.

So God is not fast.

The fastest thing in the Universe is will to power.

It has already penetrated the black hole.

So we also get four layers of human power.

Endurance through Mass, like the Roman Empire, stands for time.
Victory through energy stands for force and concentration, like the Spartans at Thermopylae, defeating the mass of the Persian empire.
Takeover through speed, ads Rothchild took over the bourse of London, beating the flow of information across the channel.
And finally, defining what power is, through style, for which hardly any mass or great effort is required at all; a mouse, a Childe (albeit a chubby one) suffice. Basically anyone who gets away wearing sunglasses at night, like Elvis, Jesus, Napoleon, - it is hard to define style other than as the supreme of all standards.

A chameleon, languidly changing nuance right before the light arrives.
Always expect the unexpected.
At the deepest level of definition in the standard model is a colour-shift inside a quark. I don’t know how many of these shifts occur per atomic tick.


It derives phenomenon from style.

It fits: you can’t even will style. You either have it or don’t.

The will to power comes in different styles. Also that.

The question everyone asks is if there is universal style. I don’t know that there is.

Take for example the Ultimate God; there exist several of these all in different styles. And they’re all really ultimate. But that doesn’t make them special; thats not what makes them special. What makes them special is their particular style.

Say, Hebrew letters including the whole Tarot and Tree of Life, compared to the Runes. You can’t even measure their power in terms of each other. They have power because they are true styles. Power operates within them

It can surely cross over but that doesn’t change the initial stock.


Eureka though cause this explains the diversity of species. They don’t evolve primarily based on functionality, but on having attained a recognizable style.

When it changes from “what the fuck is this guy doing” to “holy fuck, look at this guy”.