How did Einstein arrive at E=mc^2?

Right, they have discovered other things that aren’t immediate and are faster than light.

It makes sense. Stuff at an even smaller scale than electrons must have different ways of transmitting. And, being smaller stuffs, could be faster ways.

There is no “speed limit” being broken. The smallness of it also determines the fact that its outward expression in energy is so minimal. At the scale of the electron, light IS the fastest it can go.

So, you know, don’t worry. Atom bombs are sound.

Archimehd, as the French would say.


I think thats the idea. Speed is stuff. The basic stuff. It is, after all, not much more than a limit to existence.
Being is motion, and c is the basic stuff, the limit.

The fasted speed is the bottom threshold.

As for the squaring of c, it is not the squaring of the speed but of the number 300.000. (km/sec) isn’t even required. Thats the weird part to me, how come this number is so accurate to the relation of e and m.

But I can grasp the relation of the squared speed to the e and m using the idea that an electron is a collapsed photon, which is described by Farsight in the early posts of this thread.

So then you get a particle of light, i.e. a particle of speed, as P says it, which is collapsed onto itself, inning it refers to itself, which is nothing else but “squared”.

So by squaring a particle of waveform (2 dimensional) speed you get a particle of orbital (3 dimensional) speed.

So, C is the basic “bottom” of physical existence.
It is what stands between “thingness” and “no-thingness” and is kind of both and neither.

m = e /csquared

So m is like the “remainder” of the relation of speed and energy.

But more prosaically it is simply a thing that happens when speed relates to itself.
This represents energy, yes, but also something weirder than that: mass.

It is clear that mass is simply a compound of speed.

Yeah and for this whole situation I only have VO to explain it;
instantaneous causation obviously disregards speed, and since mass is speed, it also disregards mass.
All we have to say about this so far is that the thing that is causated beyond c is this thing called spin, which is like an angle of the electron with respect to its own rotation - so it is the way light has collapsed into itself. Its “style”. Style doesn’t have a limited speed, it just is.

Well the number works because it is a description. Nothing is determined by the number. It works because, as Nietzsche said, maths is applied logic.

Whether a photon is an electron unsquared or a ghost of the motion of the transfer of change of potentiality of electron movement, The square is required because that’s how much it takes to be enough to amount to energy divided by mass. You need all the mass, and you need it multiplied by far more than the speed of light, which would leave nothing left over, and it must be the speed of light itself because it must refer to something, it is dealing with stuffs and places so reference is needed. That is about how much, so that is exactly how much.

More poetically perhaps, it must overcocme itself to break out of itself and become energy. Along with the mass that it would transform.

Right, exactly.

It is just the same thing in different places.

Solid. So we a hierarchy:


And I think we can transpose this to any scale and order of being.

The way my uncle described it to me, the photon, it is an electron racing magnetism. IT races ahead of itself but can’t quite catch up, and the resulting thing that does occupy that space is the photon.

Whats left to conclude is that God is Style. Style is God. And aint that the truth.


Let’s attack gravity. energy, neh?

But perhaps distinct enough to be a separate order.

Hah. I am looking at my sunglasses here on my desk. And I cannot help but conclude that it is the truth.

Because there is no space, so God is style.

First thing that occurs is that levitation is a style of being.
Its just a most stylish thing to do.

Hat off to your uncle.

Style holds things together. Like the rug the room of the Dude. So what he goes looking for is nothing less than God.


It was a full metal jacket. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

One last thing.

Like entanglement, like Style, God has no speed. God is.

So God is not fast.

The fastest thing in the Universe is will to power.

It has already penetrated the black hole.