If You're Listening To Music Right Now III


seamless change into:



To my girl, wherever you are.

Not a fan of the image, but the interpretation has no contest.

^ jesus christ dude. no wonder she’s not with you. she duddin’t want to hear that tired old crap. you need to take her…



Hey ! Why this? Dunno exactly


no fair dude. you edited your post, which was a reasonable and legitimate objection to frank’s music. i’m somewhat responsible for this because i’ve been moving too fast and not providing you with introductory material. so let’s start over… something simpler…


okay okay, i’m kidding man. chill out. for real this time. you’ll love this one…


Didn’t want to be disrespectful to the girl, is all.

No man! Frank Zappa doesn’t take himself or the objects of his musics seriously, why should I?

Look at this guy. He takes Cora, and his responsibility in singing about her, very seriously.



a great deal of his music is comedic and tongue-in-cheek to wit, but make no mistake; he was a very serious composer who was forced to adapt to popular culture and its music in order to ‘pay the bills’, as he put it. there simply wasn’t a market for strictly orchestral stuff in the 60’s and 70’s, so being that he was incidentally fond of both classical and blues, he engineered a unique genre of not-really-rock-and-not-really-classical-but-some-weird-fusion-of-them-both as a style. this characterizes his serious stuff (which there is plenty). on the other hand, the fact that he had to ‘lower’ himself to the expectations of the typically musically illiterate consumer, pissed him off… and this is the source of that signature sardonic and offensive sarcasm that is found everywhere throughout his music. seriously, what do you do when you’re in a position of not wanting to play music style x, but having to play music style x to make a living? you use it as a medium to attack the conventions you’re forced to conform to. you get dangerously close to violating the limits, for fun, but you don’t dare cross them. that’s what you do. that’s all you can do. you have to know what the secret frank zappa handshake is to understand any of this, mang.


I can’t tell you how uninteresting I find any of that.

And saying this I find Zappa a very intelligent and interesting person. I still remember the interview you posted on him talking about the hippie days. I also respect his legacy and standing in music. He’s part of what makes Vermont kinda what Vermont is, which is awesome in all ways.

There is just absolutely nothing that draws me to his music. For the reasons stated above.

Of the bands you’ve posted, the only one I could see myself getting into is Crimson King. But even then, ugh. I dunno. Too much focus on skill, not enough on depth. CK has that Dream Theater vibe of like… a sort of empty happiness… Not thrilling. But the composition is impressive enough. I just don’t know if I have it in me to do another rock immersion. Even Pink Floyd turns me off these days.

I heard a song of Pink Floyd’s from before they kicked out the real druggy guy, the first singer. Then I was like, ok, now I understand, now I see how they had the impetus to create a music empire. 'See if I can find it…

It was live and so fucking raw…

Still had that Led Zeppelin in 'em.

Proof that virtuosity and compositional genious does not require compromise:


are you kidding me?! king crimson was like the tragic twin brother of Yes back in the days of prog-rock. like they literally defined what it meant to be ‘dark’. and this was loooong before heavy metal was even conceived off, dude. shit, i could list some songs by KC that would make you huddle up in a corner and cry your heart out, bruh. what sucks is uncle bobby has an iron hand on youtube and won’t let any studio stuff get posted (copyright issues), so i can’t post the good stuff unless it’s live… but live stuff doesn’t always do the song justice. but no man, it doesn’t get any ‘deeper’ than KC, i assure you.

check this out. a band i was in covered ‘larks’ tongues in aspic part 2’, and i had to learn it. here’s the song, and me working on it. the version we played followed a live version where bruford plays a straight beat through the ending part… which is a bit different from the studio version. so that explains the the difference you’ll hear at the end. the recording is horrible quality and parts of it are missing, though.


reverbnation.com/zootallure … s-in-aspic

You’re not gonna like me saying this, but it reminds me a lot of progressive instrumental death metal. Also just straight death metal, as in the band Death, is maybe a more adventurous version of that mentality. But general prog death metal seems to be just KC a little faster and with the distortion turned way up.


In fact, I’m starting to think it was all just dudes listening to KC and wanting it to sound more deathy.


The band Death:


Weirdly, that guy ended up going insane and starting an epic metal band. Wasn’t very good.

Ok, now I’m gonna listen to your cover. I’m excited.

Goddamn son.

Is it wrong that I just want to put this all in the service of hip hop?

The fucking fret tapping is ridiculous.

All of this shit is extremely fucking good.

The Villa Strangeiato annoyed me deeply though. that’s Zappa isn’t it? Lol.