Incel Culture

In saying this, what I mean, men have completely hacked the women …

This is what happens when women (even in their freedom) choose only the small percent of assholes in the species to be glorified with their sex.

Men, because of this, have transcended the women so far above their concept of reality, that what a woman considers consent, is known by men to be rape.

I want to explain this further …

I was talking to a drop dead gorgeous woman who by female standards is very intelligent (not much by male standards) about the nature of zero sum relationships and how heartbreaking these are. She turned to me and stated that that is a very dark way to look at the world, that no matter what you do on earth, you’re breaking someone’s heart.

And I turned to her and stated that I find it very ironic that a walking, talking heartbreaker like yourself would say that I was speaking darkness by pointing this out.

Women don’t see the truth.

You have three groups of men in this world

1.) those who don’t know this stuff consciously

2.) those who know it consciously but rape (instead of empowering women)

3,) and those like me, who refuse to rape women

The third group women will never be sexually attracted to.

Group three is at war with the other two groups to try to protect offspring and the environment …

Women hate that shit to the core of their being.

So now, you have man, a real man, looking, peering into all of existence make sense of that! It’s going to, on occasion, produce genius that women cannot comprehend … which is where a guy like me steps in. I’m a convergence point product of this inanity … nothing more, nothing less. Survival, happy survival motion incarnate. I’m just a product of intense selective pressure…

Women have almost zero selective pressure for anything.

They don’t understand survival incarnate

Women have so much self esteem tied to their wisdom and womanhood.

It’s not really there.

Women have created monsters that they don’t understand, and in the flip side, they’ve created Saints like me that they don’t understand.

Women by nature, live an unexamined life.

They have no impetus to peer into the universe and declare, “what the fuck is this??”

They have no push to be good people.

This would mean that 98% of men are virgins. It would also mean that you are in the 2%, since you choose not to have sex with women since it would be rape, though they are willing. If the 2% of the men who have sex with women are the ones who do not make it rape, then you are not the only one as I think you have suggested.

I speak in shorthand without remembering the audience.

What’s meant by this is that for the 80th percentile of the male population, they are relatively sexually deprived, to the 80th percentile of the female population.

The distribution at this percentage is an average of 8 partners each for men and 15 partners each for women … there’s a very definite “we are the 99%” thing occurring on the male side relative to women.

Those are absolute statements and as such can’t be proven. It’s like saying, all trees are weeping willows; that women who are caught in a war zone don’t see the truth and cost of war; that women have no desire to know what existence is about.

As for zero-sum, that’s a given in life across the board, there are all kinds of ‘heartbreak’ experienced by both genders. An earthquake, a tornado, a tsunami, a car accident, all of those can cause heartbreak no matter which gender is affected.

The woman you spoke to said you had a dark way of looking at the world. She is perfectly entitled to that observation as much as I, as a man, would be perfectly entitled to say the same to you if I found your interpretation of zero-sum or anything else to be biased. As a result, you say to me that I don’t see the truth, I would respond by saying that your ‘truth’ is not necessarily my truth. We could go back and forth on this but the result will usually be that each has his opinion. And by the way, I would say the same to a woman if I found her opinion to be biased on zero-sum or anything else.

That men and women are different from each other? Yes, they are, but both have been on the same playing field of existence ever since their appearance in the world. If that had not been the case then you and I would not be here discussing this.

Is your mother still alive? If so, posit to her those 4 statements at the beginning of this post. What do you think her answers will be? And since she is you mother and carried you for 9 months and then attended to you in your growing up to whatever age, what do you think she will think about why you think that way?

Not all trees are weeping willows.

A couple of questions: If you met a woman who was not particularly a beauty yet she seemed healthy and of an amiable enough personality and she said she would marry you, would you marry her or would you just play along to make it seem like you would but the truth is you only want to have sex with her?

As it stands now, do you think that you will more than likely be celibate for the rest of your life?

Marriage is destroying the world.

I will never marry, it’s self contradiction.

I dedicate myself (unceremoniously) to non contradiction and non consent violation to the utmost of my capacity.

My mother agrees with me.

Zero sum is a fact here, not an opinion.

A woman who denies this is wrong/incorrect.

If marriage, apart from legal or religious definitions, is the union of two people as partners in a personal relationship and for procreation, then marriage made the world. Marriage made for the sex that made you.

As for you saying your mother agrees with you, we’ll just let that be since there’s no way of proving it.

As for the other statements, we will agree to disagree.

But again, do you think that you will more than likely be celibate for the rest of your life?

The evolutionary psychology gold is sex dimorphism, rape dimorphism,
and weapons and combat training dimorporphism all combine to give
females, relative to males, involuntary discomfort for sexual
signaling of any type, like when the eyes involuntarily blink when a
bug flies by them.

This means that the male and female subconscious interprets female
acceptance to male sexual signaling as a “no” for all first and
escalative approaches.

When a male does this, the male is sending a signal to the species, “I
don’t care about the first no”

If the female accepts him after this, she is sending the signal that
“no means yes”

This “no means yes” is interpreted a rape by the subconscious mind.
It is taken out upon each other and the environment.

What’s further understood by the subconscious mind is that had the
world been taught better about human sexuality at its inception, the
world would be a better place, and because all sexual selections would
have been different, nobody alive today would have ever been born.

Psychologically, people argue against all of this reflexively, that
100% of all human sex has been rape, that we are all rape babies
who never should have been born had the world been a better
place, to maintain their narrative of meaning and purpose.

The 5 Stages that a Sex dimorphic species must traverse to not
contradict itself.

In a sex dimorphic species, one sex is larger and more threatening
than the other gender.

If it’s not the individual, it is the whole… a 5 foot man approaching
a 7 foot women is still more threatening (his other friends), because
the sum total of men are stronger and more threatening. If for some
bizarre reason, men and women decided to go to combat against each
other, men would kill all the women, they would win that war.

Because of this phenomenon, when men approach women with the same
approach a women can use for a man, the women will show more
discomfort than the man will, from minute discomfort, to extreme
discomfort. Where a man may look in disgust and say “go away”, the
women will call the police, or get a bunch of her male friends to get
the guy off her. For the same approach women are always more
uncomfortable than a male.

What this means as a whole, is that women have a “no” for first
approaches. This may not be true of all women, this discomfort for
being approached, but, since this is so extremely rare, this forces
the man to play mind reading games about female consent, which can
lead to very dangerous situations, making him believe he is the
special exception which reads the vibe better.

So the rule, is “No” for all first approaches from a male to a female.

This rule also applies to all children, as they are dimorphic as well,
compared to adults. It’s a “no” for first approaches.

But it’s not only the first approach that matters. It is the
escalation that matters as well. If a women turns to you and smiles
and holds your hand for the first time in an intimate way. Leaning
over to kiss her, is an escalation of first approach. This is also
mind reading, “the vibe”… every stalker on earth or inappropriate
person is feeling “the vibe”. Vibe is almost universally abused, as a
mind reading game, and is not an excuse for escalation.

The problem here is that any behavior that is ornamental or escalative
from the male side, is already turning a “no” into a “I don’t care
about the no”. If an escalation is used and it turns into something
more, then the female is sending the signal to the entire species,
that “no means yes”

This is where the first stage comes in:

Everyone who has violated the 5,5,3 rule, needs to split up, or never
make sexual contact until the 5 stages of a sex dimorphic species are
cycled through. Otherwise it’s just a “no means yes” relationship.

The second stage is to create intentional communities of about 1000 to
3000 people to work on the other stages.

First approaches must be 100% from the female side. This means NO
ornate male behavior.

Sex distribution ratios need to be equalized between the sexes. The
largest aggravation on the male side is that women are only having sex
without about 2% of the male population before they settle down with
somebody. For men, it is non consensual that women even have sex with these
men, but it’s vastly more non consensual to men that only 2% of these types of
men get almost all the sexual contact with women.

The next stage is that the sexes can start to approach at a 50% to 50%
ratio, with males only using direct approaches and not ornamental
approaches. Now this entire time, females can use ornamentation and
homosexuals can as well. An example of a direct approach is saying
“would you like to go out with me on a date?” An example of an
ornamental approach is watching a sports game on television or wearing
sports memorabilia to show your dominance to a female, your

The 5th and final stage is now that the species has been made aware of
the damage of “no means yes” for all heterosexual bondings, males can
finally start to use ornamental behavior again.

The problem with the subconscious being aware that all sexual
encounters are rape “no means yes” is that men take it out on women,
society, other men and the environment at large.

If everyone is trained to use better communication for better outcomes
sexually as a global community of intentional communities, then we can
expect nothing less than better outcomes in all areas of our lives

It is important to note that the number one use of ornamental behavior
in men is that contradicting of ones self. If someone contradicts one
self through many layers of encryption, the female brain interprets as
base code “He said he doesn’t exist, but he’s still here! He must be

The 5 heartbreaks of relationship

1.) If you’ve ever been hurt by not being in a situation that someone
else is, when you get to that point and it hurts someone else,
somewhere in the back of your mind is a self hatred for doing to
others what hurt you.

2.) If someone is attracted to a person you are with, it may make you
feel superior, however, the idea that the person you are with would be
with them the way you’re with the person your with, causes fear ,
defensiveness and anger. The anger is actually at yourself. The
reason it’s at yourself is because you share the attraction to one
person in common with them, to be angry at them for being with the
person you’re with, is the same as being angry at yourself for being
with the person you’re with. This causes self hatred. This is
avoided if people follow the step of evening out the distribution
ratios between the sexes.

3.) Depending upon the person, millions if not billions of people
could be equally or more compatible in an exciting and different way
than the person you are with. One love does not outweigh millions if
not billions of heartbreaks in terms of the loss

4.) I call this is commiseration heartbreak. When we love something
or someone, we are compelled to share it without harm, so that we can
commiserate with others in a bonding way about that love.
Hoarding a relationship, doesn’t allow for this bonding to occur. And
causes the 4th heartbreak of relationship.

5.) The fifth heartbreak is that you don’t have relationship in the
way you desire.

The three objectifications:

Large Penis

The three abuses: The three abuses are used to circumvent the three
objectifications, they are MORE powerful in terms of what females
consider consent !!!

1.) proclivity to marry (slave/master/, ownership psychology,
, property memorabilia (rings, amulets etc…) /victor mentality,
antitrust contract(making
someone say what they’re going to say and to forever, instead of
simply trusting them)) and finally, celebrations of the zero sum
nature of ones reality, the antithesis to all good works in existence.
2.) sexual jealousy (if a woman has sex with another man, she will
leave you if you’re not angry at her or the man she slept with)
(conditions men to be sexually jealous)
3.) approach escalation: Women have said no to all escalations - so
any escalation that turned into relationship is a no means yes

There is one more part to explain:

If a male puts out to the universe, the cosmos, “I want a wonderful
woman”, he has approach escalated ALL females in the cosmos, which
means he’s not allowed to have sex with any of them, whether they
approach him or he approaches them. (I made this mistake 25 years ago
and have to live with it). My only options now are a female more
powerful than all males combined in existence, a planet going through
the 5 sex dimorphic stages before they meet me, or philosophic zombie
worlds, marionette worlds (using philosophic zombies), hallucinating
ones entire reality from eternal forms, or hyper dimensional mirror
realities. The only other loophole is if a woman asked the cosmos for
a wonderful man before I did. Then my asking the cosmos would be
approach reciprocation, and not escalation. I still can’t escalate
approaches in body, as that would ensure a no means yes, rape
relationship. Women can put out to the cosmos that the man they
is their wonderful man, but they cannot put out to the cosmos that
wonderful men approach them.

A man must explain all of this to a woman, and not have asked the
cosmos for her (except if she asked first), and she must comprehend
all of it, in order for their relationship to be a yes means yes

what’s interesting about the subconscious mind, and everyone on this
planet who sees men and women holding hands and laughing, knows deep
in their psyche, that the woman is laughing at her rape and with her
rapist. This causes many minds to snap. Snapping is not an option.

ok so this is Incels way off viewing women.
Is the left woman more criminal in your eyes, Ecman, than the right woman?

What women wear is just part of their flirtatious attitude, no man should consider it any type of invitation …!!! Women the world around flirt on a daily basis with billions of men that they have no intention of having sex with. This is common knowledge / self evident.

I only want yes means yes relationships with women, not no means yes relationships with women.

Your picture and corresponding post has nothing to do with me as a person.

You are not going to know if a woman is ideal relationship material straight away and neither is she
You therefore have only two choices - remain celibate forever or play it by trial and error until you find the most suitable woman you can
Even then you cannot be absolutely certain that the relationship will survive so if that is what you are after then you can only be celibate
You could of course just have no commitment sex but if you also want a relationship then that is just as unsatisfying as the celibacy option

Huh? This has zero percent to do with the topic that women only accept rape relationships, nor anything to do with the actual reason why I am incel.

Your analysis is fundamentally flawed and here is why :

You are assuming that the female subconcious mind is the same for all women - that is that all of them think exactly the same
Not only is this not true for sex but it is also equally not true for everything else women think about as they are all individuals

As this is the foundation upon which your entire argument rests it is invalid so you need to find a better one [ if you actually can ]

There is absolutely no evidence at all that the female subconscious mind always interprets male sexual signals in the negative
Sexual morality and sexual desire are on a spectrum so some women [ not all ] will want to have sex with a man straight away

Because of free will every woman is free to accept or reject the sexual advances of any man the first time she sees him
They are not bound to come to the same decision independent of each other just because they all happen to be women

This is just another pet theory of yours for which you have precisely zero evidence no matter how much you are convinced of its truth value

Women always show micro expressions of discomfort relative to men for sexual signaling … that’s their subconscious speaking.

I’m not even on the scale of autism like all these other men who plow through women’s micro expressions without noticing or giving a shit.

I’m the anti autism … I am so sensitive that I feel and see with such precision that I know the subconscious mind of men knows for a fact that women are accepting no means yes relationships …

The conscious mind lies and lies and lies…

Not a person like me, who has massive amounts of subconscious in my conscious mind.

You are trying to defend yourself from the indefensible, to protect your egoic addiction.

Women do the same thing.

It’s so hard to get anyone to admit that we are rape babies. That like every other species on earth, we are a rape species. We just do it in a more sophisticated way. It’s easy to demonstrate, but hard to get people to admit.

Being the polar opposite of an autistic, a hyper empath, I see the world through my subconscious, I am a freak of nature.

It should suprize nobody that life has created a person like me amongst the billions of humans.

There’s an ancient Native American saying: “we are nothing by living embodiments of the prayers of our anscestors”

I just happen to have a bigger role to play right now, I’m the embodiment of much bigger and more serious prayers.

I don’t believe in reincarnation, I believe in resonant frequencies, which can give you glimpses into the lives of others.

Anyways, my spirit is simple … I cannot enjoy this life unless zero sum is eliminated.

Think of married people for example: “I’m the winner because nobody else did or can do this”

It’s disgusting.

Not all women show micro expressions of discomfort relative to men in relation to sexual signals
You are generalising for an entire gender and have precisely zero evidence to support this claim

You are the most perceptive of all men because you are just so sensitive to womens subconscious sexual feelings ?
Not only can this particular claim of yours not be demonstrated but it is also incredibly narcissistic and egotistical

You are also not the only man [ or woman ] who has subconscious thoughts and you cannot demonstrate you have any more of them
Everyone with a functioning mind has subconscious thoughts though I am not sure that they exist in the conscious mind as you claim

Consenting adults who have sex are not a rape species - what a very stupid thing to claim
Because the very definition of consent automatically invalidates any notion of rape at all

You seeing the world through your subconscious is only true for you and no one else
And so therefore does not make it objectively true even if you actually think it does

You do not need any resonant frequencies to give you glimpses into the lives of others
For you can easily understand what someone is feeling just by empathising with them
You will though never enjoy your life if you are waiting for zero sum to be eliminated


Let’s put aside for the moment your, ‘me amongst the billions’, good fortune.

Look back over your statements in previous posts. Do you think that any of them could be interpreted by incels of a, shall we say, darker disposition, as tinder for the fire?

I’m not saying that such was your intention, I’m just asking if you think what you’ve said could be misinterpreted as such.

In some respects, perhaps my tone at times. Content wise, I consider acknowledging facts so that you can approach changing to avoid the harmfulness of some of those facts, the opposite of darkness, and I consider darkness to be the stubborn refusal to acknowledge basic facts, I see it flipped around.

There has not been a consensual adult relationship between any two mammals in the history of this earth, except homosexuals (kind of)

If we want to stop being a rape species, we need to first acknowledge that we are a rape species.

And he would know that we are all showing microexpressions of discomfort at each other’s posts and his posts. And there is discomfort on sellers of products who really want and often need to sell for more but can’t. And suppliers. And buyers who really want to pay less.

Every day he participates in a society where some degree of mixed feelings about every contact, every transaction, every social event, every conversation, every friendship, every loving relationship, every drive made and game played, includes some slight relucatance or fear or distrust or feelings of being used somehow or not getting as much as one wants or deserves.

To be an employee is to be ‘raped’ then. To be an employer. To be a shopper. To be a storeowner. To post here at ILP. To read posts here at ILP.

But he participates in much of this, as we all do and must unless we kill ourselves. Though even this act will be a kind of rape if anyone cares about us or for the person who finds the body. Or for someone who hears about it and finds it depressing.

So the focus is only on sex, where he can be pure. Now sex is very important, don’t get me wrong. More important energetically than most people realize. More causal.

But this holier than thou stance is founded on a life of creating microfears and aggressions in other types of contact. And there he accepts a lack of perfection.

Some monks and priests and holy men have tried to elimante all negative effects. Hiding away in silence, the proverbial cave for religious hermits. But even the act of doing this probably at the very least at first causes some mixed reactions.

I am incarnate. I cannot be perfect today, at least. I live, and it is not perfect yet.

And I don’t need some partial monk judging me a rapist.

A child’s idea of perfection that he does not live up to, as if his hurling blame at all men and women is not a consent violation. Puritanial violence.

Where is the humanity and the heartbreak and the one human to others communciation. History is littered with judgmental supposedly utterly clean souls telling us about the motes in our eyes and judging sex.

Deny all you want Karpel, all mammals are sex dimorphic species. The subconscious has no choice but to interpret the weaker sex’s discomfort and than acceptance as “no means yes”

We take it out on each other and the environment at large while sublimating it, terrified to admit it.

Monks are not free of blame, they never taught this.

A person like me teaches this, and not even I can have sex without it being rape, what does that say about you and your sex?

You’re terrified that you had to and have to be a rapist to get sex, you’re angry about it.

I was once in your shoes.

You’re fighting your subconscious, as long as you do, you will continue to act out in this way.

You use some kind of bizarre capitalistic argument amongst others… I was never terrified to spend a penny on a bazooka joe bubble gum. Nobody was.

You’re projecting what is necessarily true about sex to other aspects of life where it isn’t true.

Other consent violations in life spring forth from sexual consent violations, sexism the biggest and root problem for consent violation in general over the entire globe.