Speaking out against KKK terrorism

I wonder how she could claim to be democrat and yet support the republicans to the hilt?

As I understand the republican ideology do not have any racist elements [right or wrong?].

The Democrats were the worst racists originally but somewhere in history the Democrats decide to champion the minority and the blacks thus sidelining many of the Democrat’s racists and so they voted for the republicans. There are only two main parties, so it is either Democrat or Republican. The problem was the republicans then did not explicitly reject the racists, for political convenience in getting extra votes. But the basic republican ideology is not racist.

As with any human group, there are extremists, thus there will be a small % of white supremacists within the Republican voters but the republican ideology itself is not racist.

However the racist and evil proclivities still exist within the DNA of the Democrats. As Dinesh and Candace claimed, the Democrats are still bossing and keeping the blacks in modern “plantations” [slums and poverty] that suppressed their progress and brainwashing them as victims so inducing the black to vote for them.

In general blacks [as most ordinary humans would] who had or can progress beyond the current poverty level would likely to vote republican to avoid high taxes on their higher earnings, so they can enjoy a better lifestyle.

I could have missed it, but it seems to me she is calling out one facet of the left’s actions and attitudes, not the whole thing.

Republicans have a long history, say over the last 50 years, of supporting policies that when carried out are racist. This can be around the enforcement of drug laws where the drugs of choice of blacks get much stiffer sentences, to the way policing is carried out, to policies intended to block minorities from voting, from using codes and specific cases to pulling racist votes - Trump being no exception. It’s not a coincidence that open racists will go towards the Republican party.

You are quite correct that there are only two parties, so racists will have to vote for someone. The two party system is terrible and both parties are bought. It’s tag team wrestling on normal people.

I am sure you will find nothing written that is racist in some official republican party policy, but then neither side does this in some overarching way.

There is a surface ideology and the shadow ideology. And racists have not been dumb to vote REpublican.

Sure, Republican policies and practices have had nothing to do with slums and poverty.

Sure, if the get past the middle class and into those brackets where republican policies really create benefits.

Miss Owens used to be a Democrat, but turned Republican around a year and a half ago. She made a faux pas when she said she is a Democrat, merely a slip of the tongue.

Her will power is very attractive.

FAir enough, was just going by what she said.

Lots of folks who sympathize with the downtrodden made that shift around that time.

Maybe she is still registered as a Democrat and had not changed it officially yet.

The republicans do condemn the extremists and racists but not loud enough for fear of losing votes perhaps.

Trump has his negatives, but I don’t see him being bigoted nor a racist.

I believe Trump and the Republicans should keep repeating the slogans to condemn the white supremacists like he did with anti-semitism, so that the left and Democrats will have no basis to accuse Trump and the republicans as racists and bigots.

Ha, they’d still say Trump’s racist against blacks, muslims, and Mexicans. The left just hates Trump, in their eyes he can do no right.

Trump’s not an obnoxious dimwitted piece of useless shit who’d be nothing if he hadn’t fallen into some money, because he’s a republican. Rather he’s a republican because republicanism protects his privilege to be an obnoxious dimwitted piece of useless shit who’d be nothing if he hadn’t fallen into some money.

The above accusations from lefts are full of lies.
Because of the very severe traumatic PTSD Trump Derangement Syndrome, SOME % [large number] on the left has gone crazy and will do what it takes [lies, violence, evil, etc.] to relieve their mental pains and sufferings.

Trump is no saint and has his shares of psycho-negatives, narcisistic, ego-maniac, etc. that made the left more angrier than their other opponents.

But the fact is, it is necessary for the Republicans to have someone like Trumps [with his warts] for them to win the election and give them the opportunity to right all the rotten wrongs by the Democrats.
Most of the Republican 2016 contenders [Carson, Ted, Jeb?] then were sissies [give the other cheek, love enemies] and don’t have the zest and toughness to win over new voters. Even if they did win they would likely to be easily eaten by Putin, Kim, Ji Ping and other Muslim leaders since USA was made spineless by Obama and perceived as a weakling by the world.

Trump [with warts and all] is the right man for the right job at the right time and circumstances.
Hopefully future Republican candidates will be tough and aggressive but without Trump’s warts. Lindsey Graham, probably influenced by Trump, had been aggressive recently, but more Republicans need to be like that. Ted is trying. I don’t hear of much aggression from Marco and Carson is just too goody-two-shoes.

hahaha… go to 6:10 if you don’t want the whole 15 minutes.


^Trump Derangement Syndrome

i bet you’re the kind of chick who’d try to sue sam for harrisment.

get it? harrassment. harrisment. kay.

Harris is commenting on the obvious warts of Trump most ordinary people would do but do not have the holistic outlook to optimize within the constraints of the present circumstances.

I don’t believe any of the 2016 Republican contenders for the president could have done a better job than Trump, now given his proven result so far which I believe is still net-positive for the USA.

Socialists are rapists (rapists are always depraved, like socialists) and only socialists make these kinds of grisly insults that im seeing above.

If these people would one day come to actual life they d instantly kill themselves for what they’ve done and said.
Which is why they stay in their pathetic plant-state all their “lives”.

Yuuuck, man. Just yukketyyuk.

Wy do I even open this site. Its like sticking my head in a toilet.

Fuck you socialists for making humanity look so hopelessly depraved.

Ocunto said Isis would probably have to be accepted as the ruler of the Middle East.
That meant thousands of torture deaths a month.
In the meantime he was encircling Russia with nukes and was on the verge of having us all killed.

Trump just treated Putin like a human being and agreed with him to wipe isis from the ME, which they then did.

It takes a real maggot to dislike Trump.

hey yo sam, take care of my light work. i ain’t got time for this clown.


Ahahaha Sam Harris.

Your tastes are so peculiar.